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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上中考介词考点梳理介词是一种用来表示词语词之间、词与句之间的关系的词,在句中不能单独做句子成分。介词分为简单介词和短语介词两种。简单介词即单个介词,如in,under,on,for,after等;短语介词指多个单词构成的介词,如in front of,instead of,far from等。介词短语与短语介词不同。介词短语指由“介词名词/代词等” 构成的短语,如at school,by bus,on Sunday等,在句中可以作定语、状语、表语、宾语补足语等。有些单词,既可以作介词,也可以作连词(作连词时,其后接句子),如after,before等;而有些单词,既可以

2、作介词,也可以作副词,如above,below等。介词是中考试卷中的“常客”,从时间上看,年年都要考;从地点上看,每个地区都要考。考查介词的主要题目有:单项填空、完形填空、短文填空及句子翻译等。一、对时间介词的考查介词用 法例 句 / 常 用 短 语at 表示在某个时刻或是瞬间 用在节假日前表示“在期间” 用于某些固定搭配I usually get up at half past six.Bill got a lot of presents at Christmas.at noon; at night; at midnighton表示在具体的某一天或具体到某一天的早晨、上下午或晚上等I lik

3、e visiting friends on Sundays.The accident happened on a rainy evening.in 用于月份、季节、年、年代、世纪等 泛指一天的上午、下午、晚上“in+时间段”,表示“在之后”,常用于一般将来时态in January; in summer; in the 1990sin the morning / afternoon / eveningShe says that her mother will be back _ (两个小时后) .during在期间during the summer holidaysbefore在之前He wil

4、l be back before suppertime.after“after+具体时刻”,表示“在之后”“after+时间段”不与将来时连用。after three oclock / lunch / AugustHe will arrive _ (after / in) an hour.since后接时间点或过去时的句子,表示“自从以来”He has taught English since 2001.I havent seen him since he left last time.for后接时间段,表示“持续一段时间”He has lived here for eight years.t

5、ill / until 表示持续到某个时候 not until 意为“直到才”It may last till / until next Friday.We cant get off the bus until it stops.fromfrom to 意为“从到”We go to school from Monday to Friday.by 表示“在之前”、“不迟于” 表示“到为止”You must be here by ten oclock tomorrow.by the end of last year / next year; by now【中考例题】1. (2015连云港) I w

6、as born _ December 17. This year Ill hold a birthday party for it at home.A. onB. atC. inD. by2. (2015四川凉山) Do you know Victory Day in China?Yes, its _ September 3rd _ each year. It tells the world that Chinese people love peace and hate wars. Chinese people will never forget the history. A. in; on

7、B. on; / C. at; / D. on; in3. (2015山东临沂) For many Western people, they drink cold water even _ winter.A. on B. for C. at D. in4. (2015甘肃武威) The charity walk begins _ 9:00. Dont be late. No problem.A. at B. by C. in D. on5. (2015安徽) The Dragon Boat Festival this year will come _ four days.A. afterB.

8、forC. duringD. in6. (2015菏泽短文填空) After walking around _ some time, she came to a river.7. (2015德州首字母填空) He has been away from home s_ two days ago.8. (2015温州句子填空) The Highland Museum is opened every day _ Monday.二、对地点、方位介词的考查介 词图 示意 义例 句1in在之内The students are reading in the classroom.学生们在教室里读书。2on在上

9、面The boat is on the river.那条船在河上。3beneath在下面(紧贴着表面)The sun is now beneath the horizon.太阳此刻落到地平线下了。4over在(正)上方There are several bridges over the river.河上有好几座桥。5under在(正)下方The boat sailed under the bridge.船在桥下行驶。6above在上方The plane flew above the clouds.飞机在云上飞行。7below在下方The sun sinks below the horizon.

10、太阳沉没在地平线下。8by / beside在旁边Tom is sitting by / beside the window.汤姆坐在窗户的旁边。9near在附近I dont need a car because I live near the city centre. 我不需要汽车,因为我住在靠近市中心。介 词图 示意 义例 句10next to紧挨My best friend sits next to me in class.上课时我最好的朋友坐在我的旁边。11behind在后面Olive hid behind a tree.奥列弗藏在一棵树后面。12outside在外面He parked

11、 his car outside the theater.他把汽车停在剧场外面。13to到去We walked to the fruit shop.我们步行到水果店。14from从来We traveled to London from Edinburgh.我们从爱丁堡旅行到伦敦。15(a)round围绕We all sat around the table.我们都围绕着桌子坐。16between在之间(指二者)The letter B is between A and C.字母B在A和C之间。17among在之间(指三者或三者以上)The house stands among the tree

12、s.房子在树丛中。18across横过、越过(从表面跨过)If the road is busy, dont walk across it.如果道路拥挤,就不要横穿马路。19through穿过(从内部穿过)We drove through the tunnel.我们开车穿过了隧道。20past / by从旁边经过/ 路过I went past / by a bakery on my way home.我在回家的路上经过了一家面包店。21onto到上The men lift the baskets onto the trucks.人们把篮子运上卡车。22into到里They put the ap

13、ples into the baskets.他们把苹果放进篮子里。23out of从出来Dont look out of the window in class.上课时不要朝窗外看。24along沿着Walk along this street, then turn left, you can see the post office.沿着这条街走,然后向右拐,你就可以看到邮局。at, in, on表示地点的用法:at表地点时,指空间位置上的某一点,后面常接小地方。如:at the bus stop;in表地点时,指在某一立体空间范围内,后面接大地方。如:in shanghai;on表地点时,指

14、某物与另一物表面相接触,或与某地方接壤等。如:on the table等。in, on, to表示方位的用法:范围之内用in;相邻、接壤用on;不相邻或隔海相望用to。【中考例题】9. (2015江苏泰州) I like the weather in Kunming. Its warm all year long.Yes. And the temperature stays _ zero all the time.A. atB. belowC. aroundD. above10. (2015苏州) In cold winter, the temperature in Harbin often

15、remains _ zero all day.A. aboveB. belowC. overD. under11. (2015益阳) The bank is _ the bookstore and the post office.A. at the front ofD. amongC. betweenD. in12. (2015潍坊) You must be careful when you swim _ the lake.A. acrossB. belowC. overD. through13. (2015贵州铜仁) Excuse me, where is the bookstore?Go

16、_ the bridge. Youll see it on your left.A. on B. cross C. across D. through14. (2015黑龙江绥化) Heilongjiang Province is _ the northeast of China. A. to B. in C. onD. at15. (2014天津) Cambridge is a small city _ the east of England.A. betweenB. withC. inD. under16. (2015南宁) Jim sits behind me, so I sit _ h

17、im.A. at the top ofB. at the end ofC. in the middle ofD. in front of三、对手段、方法介词的考查介词用 法例 句 / 常 用 短 语by by+交通工具:“乘坐交通工具” by doing sth.:“通过某种方式”He goes to school by bus every day.I learn English by listening to the radio.in in+语言类名词:“用某种语言” in+工具:“用某种工具或材料”Can you say it in English?Dont write it in pen

18、cil. Write it in ink.with with+工具:“用某种工具或材料” with the help of:“在的帮助下”I often do my homework with a pen.With the help of him, I won the match.on通过某个设备He listens to music on the radio.【中考例题】17. (2015江苏镇江) Ma Yun, the Chairperson of Alibaba Group, has made much money _ the Internet.A. through B. along

19、C. across D. towards18. (2014上海) More and more people in Shanghai choose to go to work _ underground.A. in B. with C. by D. for19. (2014成都) Gina, whats this _ English?A. byB. forC. inD. with20. (2014莱芜) We can save money _ cooking our own meals instead of eating outside.A. byB. toC. forD. with四、对其他常

20、用介词的考查介词用 法例 句 / 常 用 短 语about 大约“关于”,只表示“和有关”There are about 60 pupils in my class.I want to tell you a story about animals.on“关于”,多表示内容具有专门性,是严肃的和学术性的Its a book on animals. 这是一本论及动物的书。(学术专著)like“像一样”He talked to me like his father.as“作为;以的身份”,后跟表示职业、职务的名词As a volunteer, I must try my best to help y

21、ou with your problems.except“除之外”,指从整体中除去一部分We are all here except Li Ming.(李明不在这儿)besides“除之外还有(包括在内)”We are all here besides Li Ming.(李明在这儿)with表示伴随,意为“和一起”I went to plant trees with my friends.without表示“没有”,常作状语He left without saying a word.for 表示目的,意为“为了” 表示原因、理由He came here for a cup of tea.San

22、ya is famous for “Tianya Haijiao”.towards“朝方向”A dog is running towards me.off“离开,脱离”Keep off the grass. 勿踏草地。against靠着;反对He is sleeping soundly against a tree.instead of“代替”I went swimming instead of watching TV.because of“因为”,表示原因I didnt go out because of the bad weather.【中考例题】21. (2015福州) Do you r

23、emember what she looked like when you first met her?Of course. She was tall and thin _ long hair.A. inB. withC. onD. for22. (2015龙岩) Jack had to stop working though it was _ his own wishes.A. onB. forC. againstD. by23. (2015河南) Wild animals are our friends. We shouldnt kill them _ food or clothing.A

24、. inB. withC. aboutD. for24. (2015连云港) It is great _ us to get so many favourite books on International Childrens Book Day.A. toB. withC. ofD. for25. (2015凉山完形填空) He looked at me and, _ a word, smiled.A. inB. withC. withoutD. for26. (2014四川省内江市) All of us went to the park _ Bob. He had to look after

25、 his sister.A. besidesB. withC. exceptD. besides五、对介词短语的考查搭配情况介 词固 定 搭 配与名词的搭配atat night / noon; at once; at first / last; at home / school / workafterafter school / class; after breakfast / lunch / supper; after allbyby the way; by the lake / river; by now; by chance / accidentinin class; in time;

26、in town; in the future; in fact; in a car / taxionon time; on duty; on business; on foot; on a train / ship / planeforfor example; for a while; for sure; for fun; the idea / technology fortothe answer to / the way to / the key towithhave problem / trouble / difficulty / fun with / make friends with与

27、动词的搭配aboutworry about; talk about; think about; learn / know aboutatlook at; laugh at; shout at; point at; knock at; arrive at; call at swh.forlook for; ask for; wait for; stand for; leave for; send for sb.fromhear from sb.; learn from sb.; come from; be made fromondepend on; get on; call on sb.;(pu

28、t on; try on; turn on)off get off; fall off; show off;(take off; see sb. off)tobelong to; listen to; get to; write to; help oneself to; say hello / hi towithbegin with; talk / chat with sb.; agree with sb.; get on / along with sb.与形容词的搭配aboutbe sure about; be sorry aboutatbe mad at; be good / bad at

29、; be surprised at; be talented atofbe afraid / scared of; be sure / proud / fond / jealous / full ofwithbe busy / strict / angry / popular / satisfied / covered / filled withinbe interested in; be different in size; be strict in sth.forbe famous for; be late for; be ready for; be good / bad fortobe

30、polite / rude / cruel to sb.; be good / friendly / kind / bad to sb.frombe away from; be different from; be away from【中考例题】27. (2015滨州) My mother says my friend is similar _ me, but I think she is different _ me.A. as; fromB. to; fromC. to; toD. as; to28. (2015盐城) This photo reminded the old man _ t

31、he days when he was young.A. withB. forC. byD. of29. (2015武威) They hope it can protect them _ terrible air.A. inB. fromC. forD. at30. (2015广州) When the king saw that she as playing his old harp, he was filled _ joy.A. inB. ofC. byD. with31. (2014山西) This kind of dress is _ this year, and I really wa

32、nt to get oneA. in danger B. in trouble C. in styleD. in time32. (2014四川) Mr. Yangs daughter is pretty good _ drawing pictures and won many prizes.A. with B. for C. in D. at33. (2014天津) Shen Xue and Zhao Hongbo won the gold medal for China so were proud _ them.A. inB. onC. ofD. for34. (2015广安完形填空) I

33、 learn _ my teacher and my classmates at the corner.A. toB. atC. forD. from35. (2015烟台) Compared _ some unhappy people, those who are always pleased and relaxed are less likely to suffer colds.A. atB. withC. inD. of附:介词的省略省略情况示 例表示时间的短语中介词的省略。(in) this morning / afternoon / evening; (on) the next da

34、y;(in) next week / month / year; (in) last night / week / year;(on) the day before yesterday; (in) the year before last; (on) tomorrow morning; (on) every / some / one / all day 在肯定句中表示一段时间的for常可省略。I have been waiting for you (for) a whole afternoon.He has studied English (for) five years.在“of+大小、形状

35、、年龄”等结构中,of 常省略。When I was (of) your age, I knew much less than you.The desks in our class are (of) the same colour, material, shape, height and length.在here,there,home等副词前。come (to) here; go (to) there; go (to) home某些习语中的省略。be busy (in) doing sth. 忙于做某事(in) this / that way 以这种/那种方法stop / prevent sb

36、. (from) doing sth. 阻止某人做某事spend (in) doing sth. 在做某事上花费have trouble (in) doing sth. 在做某事中遇到麻烦help sb. (to) do sth. 帮助某人做某事近年河北省中考介词真题1. (2015) This food is free. You dont have to _ it.A. look forB. pay forC. ask forD. wait for2. (2014) You see, Kevin is writing _ his left hand.A. atB. asC. forD. wi

37、th3. (2013) _ age 7, Bruce won second prize in the piano competition.A. InB. AtC. OnD. For4. (2012) We can be thankful every day, not just _ Thanksgiving Day.A. inB. onC. toD. by5. (2011) This school is different _ others. It has many out-of-class activities.A. offB. fromC. ofD. for6. (2015邯郸一模) Jes

38、sica took part in the English competition _ the morning of April tenth.A. in B. on C. to D. by7. (2015邯郸二模) Dont play computer games too much. Its bad _ your eyes.A. for B. with C. on D. at8. (2015石家庄18县联考) Sam likes skating very much. He has been skating _ four hours.A. for B. since C. with D. in9.

39、 (2015邢台一模) When is Henrys birthday party, Lynn?The 18th, _ about three oclock in the afternoon.A. in B. at C. on D. to10. (2015石家庄新华区质量检测) Remember to run _ the road quickly while it is clear.A. across B. for C. after D. of11. (2015廊坊三模) Excuse me. Where is the Hope Cinema?Go up this road to the en

40、d. Go _ the bridge and youll find it.A. cross B. crossing C. across D. down12. (2015石家庄裕华区模拟) Zhang Mei really wants to improve her English. She often practises English _ chatting with her English friend Tony.A. in B. by C. for D. with13. (2015路北一模) What are Mexicans supposed to do when they meet _

41、the first time?They are supposed to shake hands.A. for B. on C. among D. in14. (2015石家庄一模) Dont worry _ your physics. I will help you _ it.A. with; about B. about; on C. on; about D. about; with15. (2015张家口一模) They had a picnic _ the foot of the mountain last Sunday.A. for B. to C. of D. at参考答案中考介词考点梳理1-5. ABDAD6. for7. since8. except9-10. DB11-15. CACBC16-20. DACCA21-25. BCDDC26-30. CBDBD31-35. CDCDB近年河北省中考介词真题1-5. BDBBB6-10. BAABA11-15. CBADD专心-专注-专业


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