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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上 7B Unit 3 Our Animal Friends重点单词、短语Blind adj.失明的,瞎的radio n.收音机Programme n.计划,项目Helpful adj.有用的Helpless无用的Rescue v.援救Mean v. 表示的意思Allow v.允许Finally adv. 最后,终于Airport n.机场Pet n.宠物Apologize v. 道歉Lead 领导Bark 吠叫,咳嗽Wake 叫醒,唤醒Towel 手巾,毛巾Bottom 底部,末端Appear 出现Climb 攀登arrive at 到达by oneself 独自的,

2、单独的lead sb. to 带着某人到fall asleep入睡wake up醒来,唤醒get down 下来,沮丧fire engine 消防车重点句型1.I think.are very helpful animals. They help us.2.Without ., we cannot.3.We get . from.详细讲解:1.No one helped us.没有人帮我们。No one 只用于“没有人”,后面不跟“of”,作主语时,谓语动词用单数,而且只能回答“who”开头的问句。同义词:nobody。Who are you speaking to?no one.none“没

3、有什么人/东西”表示对三者或三者以上全部否定的不定代词,谓语动词单复数都可用,可以用开回答“how many”、“how much”的提问,也可以与of连用。反义词:allHow many students are there in the room?none2. It is in front of a TV.它在电视机前面。(复习)in front of指在某一范围以外的前面,反义词是behindin the front of指在某一范围内部的前面,反义短语是at the back of Tom is just sitting in the front of the car, and her

4、 friend Mary is standing in front of the car. 汤姆正坐在汽车的前座,而她的朋友玛丽站在汽车的前面。3. hear some noise。听到响声Noise n.噪音 adj.noisy 吵闹的,嘈杂的 noisily adv.吵闹地noise指令人不愉快的“噪音”Dont make so much noise。sound指能听到的任何声音(人、动物、自然界)At midnight he heard a strange sound。voice主要指人的嗓音,说话、唱歌,也可以指动物的“叫声” Liangying Zhangs voice is swe

5、et. 7B Unit 4 save the trees. 重点单词Save 节约,节省 pine n.松树 discuss v.讨论,谈论Branch n.树枝,分歧 root n.根,根源 fight v.与战斗Against 反对,违反 example 例子 harmful 有害的gas 气体,毒气 produce n.农产品 oxygen n.氧气major 主要的 convenient adj.方便的 furniture 家具imagine想象,想到 disease n.疾病 dig v.挖Hole n. 洞 carry 拿,搬运 container n.容器必背短语:take in

6、 吸收 come from来自 for example例如in fact实际上,事实上 look around四周环顾 (be) made of 由组成 millions of 数以百万的 (be) good for对有害 仔细讲解:1. If I plant this seed in the ground,will it become a pear tree,Hi?(page43) 由if 引导的条件状语从句,表示”如果”,如果主句(包括祈使句、含有情态动词can、may、must)用一般现在时,从句也要 用一般现在时;主句用过去时,从句也要用过去的某种时态,如果主句是一般将来时态,从句要用

7、 一般现 在时表示将来。2.They help fight against pollution.(page44)Fight vi. 与.斗争,常与介词against或with连用。如:They fought against the enemy fiercely扩展:fight vt.战斗,反对,可直接跟宾语。如:They fought their enemies bravely. 他们勇敢杀敌扩展:against prep. 意为“,违背,违抗;紧靠,防备”。Be against反对,be for 赞同如:We take out umbrella just against a rainy da

8、y.我们带上雨伞以防雨天。3.They take in harmful gases from the air and produce oxygen for us to breathe.(page45)harmful adj. 有害的; harm n. vt. 损害;伤害;危害; harmless adj.无害的,不致伤的. 如:Its harmful to your eyes to read in the dark. Noharmwould come tous. produce vt. 产生,生产。也可以作为不可数名词,意为:产品,农产品。produce不可数n.“农产品”或“自然产品”的总称

9、,The farmers brought their produce to town early each Saturday morning.product可数n.“产物,产品”,多指工业产品,亦可指任何体力劳动或脑力劳动所生的东西或发源于其它事物的东西Machinery, cars, ships are all industrial products.production不可数n.“生产,制造”。指生产的行为。也可指“产量”。The company is famous for the production of small cars.4.A lot of the furniture is m

10、ade of wood.(page45)Furniture 不可数名词,家具。 a set of furniture一套家具; 一件家具。成品+be made in+地点产于某地原料+be made into+成品被制成成品+be made of+ 原料(看得出,物理)由制成成品+be made by+制造者被制造成品+be made from+原料(看不出,化学)由制成My piano is made in Beijing. The birthday cake is made by my mother.The table is made of wood. Wine is made from

11、grapes.Grapes are made into wine. The bike is made in China.(记忆顺口溜:物质不变用of,物质变化是from)5.I cant imagine a world without trees.(page45)Imagine vt. 想像;猜想;臆断. 后面可跟名词,代词,动名词和从句作宾语。Imagine指设想与事实相反的东西,指错误的猜想;也可以表示猜想的东西没有确定性,只是一种印象。We can hardly imagine life without water. 我们简直不敢想象没有水的生活。guess缺乏任何一句或资料而凭主观印象

12、的猜想Open your eyes,and guess who has the pen?6.However, (page48) However 副词,表转折,意为:然而;不过。However副词位于句首、居中、句末,要用逗号与其他部分隔开。 Later, however, he changed his mind. But连词位于句首或居中。but之后一般不得使用逗号ButIdidtellyouabout theexamination!Hate 讨厌,不喜欢Hate doing sth.表示习惯性动作Hate to do sh.表示某一次具体的行为7.She can skate at a ver

13、y high speed because she practises a lot.Practise vt. 训练,练习。宾语可接名词,代词,动名词。如:Itsveryimportanttopractiselistening.练习听力是非常重要的。Practise vi. 如:Dontforgettopractiseafterclass.课后别忘了练习。practise的名词是practice不可数名词。通常指经常性或系统性的重复练习。 Practicemakesperfect.是一句谚语,意思是“熟能生巧”。8.But the speaker did not stop speaking unt

14、il twenty past twelve.(page52) Not.until 意为:直到.才.。主语的动词一般为非延续性动词,它所表示的动作 直到 until所表示的时间才发生。 如:We wont see any flowers until May.Unitil 连词,意为:直到.时。用于肯定句,主句的动词一般为延续性动词。 如:He waits the children are asleep. I shall stay here until twelve oclock.9.Another指三者或三者以上中的“另一个” I dont like this one. Please show

15、me another.otherAdj.其他的,其余的,常用复数形式 Ask some other people. the other两者中“另一个”,onethe other一个另一个 He has two daughters. One is a nurse, the other is a worker. others其他的人或物There are no others. 没有别的了。 the others其余的人或物,表示一个范围内其他全部Two boys will go to the zoo, and the others will stay at home. 10.辨析Carry, ta

16、ke,bringcarry搬,扛 不论移动的方向The mother carries her baby in her arms。bring带来,带走 以说话人为中心,把某物带到说话人身边Theyre going to bring some gifts for us on Christmas.take以说话人为中心,把某物带到远处Please take these books to the library for me.11.It covers five and a half million square kilometers of the Amazon Basin and spreads ac

17、ross nine countries.(page54)(1)Cover v. 覆盖,遮盖; covewith 用把盖上; be covered with 被.覆盖着。 如:The road is usually covered with snow in winterCover 可数名词,意为:覆盖物,盖子,封面如:The new book needs a new cover.(2) 区别:across, cross,through, overacross介词,在空间内从一端到另一端,或是十字交叉穿过 (过河,过桥,过马路)cross动词,含义同上through介词。穿过,通过。动作是立体空间

18、进行, 穿过沙漠,森林,窗户over动词,则是对于位置的高低而言,强调翻越 穿越高的障碍物, 如篱笆,栅栏,山脉12.Many living things lose their homes because of deforestation.(page54)许多生物因为森林砍伐失去家园。livingn.生物 all living things所有生物adj.活着的、有生命的,主要用于作前置定语及冠词the之后,表示一类人the living活着的人们alive活着的、有活力的The fish is still alive/living.Livelaiv“活的”“有生命的”“活生生的”,主要用来说

19、鸟或其他动物a live fish一条活鱼;a live tiger一只活老虎实况的、现场直播的a live report现场报道lively活泼的、有生气的、生动的a lively child活泼的孩子a lively discussion热烈的讨论13.As a result, the number of kinds of animals, birds, insects and trees in the world is decreasing. 结果,世界上动物、鸟类、昆虫和树的种类的数目正在减少。(page54)the number of 的数量,后接复数名词,谓语动词要用单数,The

20、number of the students in our class is 45.a number of 大量,许多=many,后接复数名词,谓语动词要用复数A number of students are playing football.14. Tea is the most popular drink in the world besides water.(page55)茶是世界上除了水之外最受欢迎的饮料。besides“除了之外”(还有)相当于“加上”; Besides his wife,his daughter also went to see him except 除了之外(没有)相当于“减去”; I go to school every day except but Sunday but介词,除了。只能和不定代词如nothing,all,anything, no one,anyone等连用。Nobody knows the truth but Tom.专心-专注-专业


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