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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上外研版九年级英语上册选词填空题专练much , arm , wait, see, when , spend, she, worry , have , growOnly Mother Love is true love. It gives everybody everything all his life. _71_you are still a baby,mother takes good care of you as much as possible. In your waking hours she always holds you in her 72.When

2、you are ill, she stops her work right now to look after you day and night and forgets about 73 .When you are 74 up day by day, she feels very happy. When you are old enough to go to school,mother still looks after you all the time. On cold winter days, she always tells you to put on 75 clothes .She

3、always stands in the wind 76 for you back from school. When you hurry to leave home forschool with little breakfast, she always feels 77 about you at home. She usually knows about yourstudy and 78 much money on your school things. When you do well at school, the brightest smile willbe 79 on her face

4、.Mother is always ready to give everything she 80 to her children, not to receive . What true lovethat is in the world! We will remember Mother Love for ever.good, what, come, dress, important, parent, hold, nothing, how, necessaryNow lots of parents will buy everything that their children want to h

5、ave. If they go on with the habit,their children won?t know the money 76 from hard work.Some parents like to 77 birthday parties for their children. If they keep on doing this, theirchildren will think it 78 for them to enjoy birthday parties every year. Year after year, maybe theywill forget their

6、79 birthdays and only remember their own. It is against traditional habits.Many parents don?t let the children do housework. They think children have only one thing to do.They should study hard and do 80 in their lessons. If parents go on doing this, the children will onlylearn to open their mouths

7、to be fed and stretch out ( 伸出) their arms to be 81 every day. When thechildren grow up, they will be able to do 82 , and they won?t even find a job. P arents should teach thechildren 83 to do housework because it can help them start good habits of working by themselves.stay, hope, rainy, change, ou

8、tside, snow, with, go, place, muchIt is well known that the English go out with an umbrella or a raincoat. Why? Because the weather inBritain often 96 quickly. It is not very usual for the same kind of weather to98 long.Spring can be 98 or windy. The weather is getting warmer and you can 99 for more

9、sunny days.In fact, there can be as 100 sunshine in spring as in summer. Summer is the time for visitorsto go to the seaside and other 101 of interest. The weather can be sunny and nice. People often102 out to have a walk or swim. During fall it is still nice to be 103 , too. Fall is a beautifulseas

10、on 104 trees in the woods and parks changing color. In winter, it gets colder. It might105 , especially on high land and in the north. There are also very high winds in this season.专心-专注-专业dirty, have, always, time, they, want, speak, lesson, first, dropAfter a quick breakfast, I went into the lectu

11、re hall in a hurry A famous teacher was 66 tothe studentsHe was holding up a $100 bill Then he said to the three hundred students,“Who would likethis $1 00 bill? ” The students put 6u7p hands at onceThen he said,“I am going to give this $100 billto one of you,but 68 ,let me do this”He made the bill

12、into a ballThen he said. “W6h9o it now? ”The hands went back into the air “Well, ” he ,sa“id whatif I do this? ” an7d0he it on the floor andstepped on itHe picked up the 7l bill and said “Who still wants it? ” Hands went back again into theair“My friends, ” h,e s“aidyou have learned a valuable有( 价值的

13、 ) 72 todayMany 73 in ourlife ,we are dropped and stepped onWe feel as if we are worth nothing But remember, no matter what74 happened to you,you will never lose your value :You are 75 valuable to those people who loveyouYour value doesn?t come from what you do or whom you know, but who you are?angr

14、y, well, song, also, relax, think, clean, when, finger, medicineI am a doctor. People often come to see me because they have colds or coughs. People 56come to see me because they are sad or nervous. Sometimes 57 helps. Sometimes talking helps.But many doctors 58 that music can help people feel bette

15、r. I asked a few of my patients( 病人)how music helps them.“Sometimes I was 59 when I was a child. My family said, ,Play your feelings on the piano!?Sometimes I play a loud 60 on the piano. Soon I feel calm( 平静的 ). I can laugh and cry throughmy 61 on the piano. It?s natural for me. It?s like breathing

16、( 呼吸). ”“Listeningto music helps me feel 62 . I like to listen to music and dance when I 63my h ouse. ”“I play the violin. I like playing at night 64 it is quiet. After playing I am tired and I amhappy. I always sleep 65 after playing my violin. ”Are you a musician? Good! Keep playing. If you are no

17、t a musician, listen to music and sing or dance.It?s good medicine.French, same, words, example, many, why, great, another, tell , muchLanguages change with time and the world. So does English. New _1_ are borrowed from otherlanguages. About nine hundred years ago there were _2_ changes in England.

18、A great _3_ words wereborrowed into English from _4_. About five hundred years ago there was _5_ change. This time itwas a change in pronunciation( 发音), but the spelling was not _6_ changed. English words are spelledquite the _7_ as they were in those days. The spelling shows how words were spoken a

19、t that time. Itdoes not _8_ us much about the pronunciation of words today. For _9_, the letters “gh”“night ” show us nothing about how it is spoken now. That?s _10_ students learning English find Englishspelling so confusing (容易弄混淆的) .选词填空专项练习题 : 根据所给词的适当形式填空,其中有两项多余。(1)like,meal,have, some,tomato,

20、after, play, always,mean,any,for,together My name is Kay. I usually have two 1_ a daybrunch and dinner.“Brunch”2_breakfast and lunch. I 3_ brunch at a restaurant. I4_ a hamburger, 5_ French fries and bananasfor it. After brunch, I 6with my friends, and we have dinner 7_. For dinner, I like eggs and

21、8_.9_ dinner, I 10_have icecream for dessert.(2)spend ,future, how ,grow, enough, metre, each, leave,problem, live,what, question It seems that the cities in the 16_ will have to change. Because the world?spopulationis 17_ , there will be more people in the cities tomorrow. It may be impossible for

22、any family to live in a house with land around it. There won?tbe 18 space for them. A way to solve this19_may be the skyscrapercity( 摩天城 ). The highes t building in the world today is in Taipei. It?s about 50920_high. The skyscraper cities in the future will be many times higher.In a skyscraper city

23、 about 250,000 people will live. Nearly a million people can 21_in four of these great buildings. Each skyscraper city will have four towns in it and 22_town will have ten villages. They will live, work and 23 their free time in them. Theywon?t need24_the city unles s they want to. They will be able

24、 to move about in thecity by transport controlled by computers. Let?s imagine25_the life will be then! (3)sister, happy, song, cake ,interest, like, all, be, have, go,brother,both Tomorrow is Saturday. It is Linda, my 1 birthday. She will 2 seven yearsold. She is very happy because she 3 to school i

25、n autumn. We are all very 4 ,too. We are going to 5 a party for her. My mother will make her a big 6 . My fatherwill buy her an 7_storybook. I will buy a CD for her because she 8_ singing.She is going to sing her favourite 9_for us. We 10_hope she can be happyforever(永远).(4)take ,happy, girl, encour

26、age, choose, good, in, look, attention, when,at,how Rose is one of the funniest 1_in her class. She 2_like a boy, and she isgood at performing. So she was 3_to play Harry Potter by her classmates lastweek. She said 4_, “I?m sure that I am able to do tjhoeb well because I have seenthe movie many time

27、s already. ”Dick, one of Rose?s5_classmates,is also an actor in the play. He likes to perform the play with Rose. He said, “Weare confident that we will do well 6_ ourschool art festival next week.” Mrs. Smith, their teacher, pays much 7_to their play. She often8_them. Yesterday afternoon 9_she was

28、watching their performance,she 10_photos of them.(5)help, like , come, delicious, clean, eat, than, How, housework, What,house,drink The Spring Festival is the ChineseNew Year?s Day It usually1_ in February.Everyone in China 2_ the Spring Festival very much. When the Spring Festivalcomes, Li Lei usu

29、ally 3_ his parents 4_their house and do some shoppingand other5_. On that day everyone in China 6_jiaozi, New Year?scakesand some other 7 _ food. Li Lei likes New Year?s cakes, but Han Meimei says jiaoziis nicer 8_New Year?s cakes. The Chinese people eat the New Year?s cakes andjiaozi in their 9_.

30、10 happy they are!(6)think, how, tell ,parent, happy, because ,for, good, winter, ask,on,well Joe wanted a computer. He asked his 1_ for the money and they said he must getit himself. But 2_could he get it ? He thought about this when he walked home. Notmany people wanted to ask children to work for

31、 them. Maybe he could take away snow for theneighbors. But it was not _3_ . He had to wait a long time for that. He couldn ?t cut grass fortheir gardens 4 _ he had no tools 工( 具) to do the work with. Then he saw one of his classmates, Dick, delivering ( 送) newspaper . “I could do that, ”he5_,“Maybe

32、I could even get the computer right away. I could pay 6_ it alittle each week.”He ran to catch up with Dick. Joe 7_him a lot of questions. Helearned that it was possible to get twenty-five dollars each week. He learned that the job tookafter three hours each night. Dick gave him the phone number of

33、the manage经r(理). Joe almost flew home. After he had 8_his mother what he thought, she smiled. “Ithink it is a 9_ idea”, she said.“Il?l call the newspaper , .”“Wait, Mum,”Joe said.“I?ll call. After that, I?m going to be a businessman now”.Joe?s mother smiled _10_ .(7)find, same, fast,in, fail, run, a

34、t ,stop, her, from, want,slow, Mr. Brown lived in a small town. One day he came back 1_a long journey. Itwas very late when he was going home. Suddenly he 2_that a man was walkingbehind him. Mr. Brown went faster, the man walked 3_, too. Then Mr. Brownwalked slowly and the man did the 4_ . Now they

35、were coming near a garden. Quickly Mr. Brown 5_ into it. He triedto get away from the man 6_ this way, but he7_. He was afraid verymuch. He rushed and the man rushed after him. Now Mr. Brown 8_. “Excuseme, ” he said,“What do you 9_ from me ?” “I?m sorry, sir,”answered the man,“you see, I have to bri

36、ng Mrs. King ?s a bag and I askedthe man at the station. He told me ,Go right after that man. He lives in the house just next to10 ._.”(8)clean, but,again, give, and ,agree, pay, look, say, nothing, shoe,refuse,Tom who was cleaning shoes in the street said to a young man passing by, “Let me 1_your s

37、hoes.”The young man 2_, “No, thank you. ”“You may pay me only a pound, sir. ”Said Tom.3_the young man refused( 拒绝)_4_.Then Tom told him that he would clean his shoes for 5_. The young man 6_to this, andsoon one of his 7_was shining brightly. The man gave the other shoe to Tom, but Tom refused toclea

38、n it unless he 8_ two pounds for his work. The young man refused to pay anything andwent away. But the dirty one 9_ so bad that he couldn ?t walk away. He had to turn back and10_the boy two pounds . In a very short time his shoes shone brightly.(9)child, leaf ,live, look, swim, walk,eat, there,love,

39、 be, have ,with Kangaroo 1_in Australia. It 2_very strong legs. It can jump high. Itis good at 3_after its baby. A mother kangaroo has a pouc育h (儿袋 )in front. Giraffe 4_ from Africa. It can run fifty kilometers an hour. It has a very long neckand long legs. It can eat 5_on a very tall tree. Penguin

40、lives on the South Pole. It is always very cold there. It is black and white. It canwalk on he ice and 6_in the sea. It?s a big bird, but it can?t fly. It7_fish. It has very short legs. It looks very lovely. 8_like it very much. Panda is very lovely. It is from China. It is white and black. It likes

41、 bamboo shoots.9_arenot many of them in China now. Everyone in the world 10_-itvery much.(10)catch ,fly,play, for,make, be, work, at, good ,lie, water,of,It?s a fine Sunday morning. There?re many peopl1e_ in the park. They are are playing.Look,Two boys are playing with yo-yos. A girl is 2_a kite. Tw

42、o Children are3_ a toy boat. There is a lake in the park. Near the lake , a young man is 4_ inthe sun. There 5 two men, and they are 6 hard near the house. A woman is 7the flowers . A girl is drawing. Look 8 the big tree. Two cats are over there. What dothey want to do? They want 9 the bird. All of

43、them are having a 10_time. (11)by, some, like, on, good, have, watch, well, sing, read, get, play Jim is a schoolboy .He?s twelve years old .He?s in Class 2, Grade 1 .He always1_ up early and he often goes to school 2_bike . He 3_English ,Chinese ,maths and some other lessons . He enjoys 4_ anddanci

44、ng .But now he 5_ an English class .Look ! Some of the students6_ books and some of the students writing the new words. They are workinghard . But tomorrow is Saturday .They won?t have 7_classes .Heand hisclassmates 8_ football tomorrow morning. They will check emails tomorrowafternoon .They 9_ TV t

45、omorrow evening .I think they?ll have a10_ time .答案(1) meals, means, have, like, some,play, together ,tomatoes,After, always(2) future, growing, enough, problem, metres, live,each, spend, to leave,how(3) sister ,bes, will go, happy, have, cake ,interesting, likes, songs, all(4) girls, looks, chosen,

46、 happily, best, in, attention, encourages, when, took(5) comes,likes,helps, clean, housework, eats, delicious, than, houses,How(6) parents, how, winter, because, thought,for, asked, told,good, happily(7) from, found, faster, same, ran,in, failed, stopped,want,hers(8) clean,said, But,again, nothing, agreed, shoes, was paid, looked, gave(9) lives , has ,looking,is, leaves, swim, eats, Children, There,loves(10) playing,


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