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2、all,ke(p)tHe has a ba(d)col(d)today.,2.爆破+摩檫音/破檫音 摩擦音:/f/,/v/,/s/,/z/,/,/,/,/,/r/,/h/破擦音:/t/,/d/,/tr/,/dr/,/ts/,/dz/前一个爆破音不完全爆破。,方法:对于前一个爆破音,做好发音姿势,刚发出时,立即过渡到第二个摩擦音或破擦音上去。如:Kee(p)silent,a goo(d)zoo,nigh(t)show,ge(t)throughHave you rea(d)the book abou(t)tha(t)child?,3.爆破音+鼻辅音或舌边音 鼻辅音:/m/,/n/舌边音:/l/当一

3、个爆破音后面紧跟着一个鼻辅音或舌边音时,前面的爆破音也产生不完全爆破现象。如:Goo(d)morning,sir.They are very frien(d)ly to us.,【模仿朗读】Withou(t)the oceans stable temperatures an(d)physical support,creatures bodies an(d)behaviors ha(d)to alter radically.They were like aliens in another world.The nu(d)-skippers is a modern-day equivalent of

4、 those early lan(d)lubbers.Its a fish out of water tha(t)solve(d)the pro(b)lem by walking on its fins and having sealed-up gill slits.Water available became the crucial key to survial.Wha(t)land animals needed was new ways to conserve it insi(d)e their bodies.,朗读技巧:重读与非重读,一般规则:实词重读,虚词不重读。(1)名词、动词、数词

5、、形容词、副词是实词,一般要重读。(2)冠词、介词、连词、助动词是虚词,一般不重读。,(3)大多数代词不重读,但指示代词和疑问代词要重读。例如:Janet has gone to school.He is a tall young man with blue eyes.Who came to see me this evening?,注意:在某些情况下,不重读的虚词也可以重读。(1)要特别强调的虚词;(2)助动词及be动词置句首、否定式以及在作简略回答时;,(3)介词(to除外)在句尾例如:Would you like a glass of beer?What is he waiting fo

6、r?Who is coming?I am.,【模仿朗读】In this day and age,facts,statistics and other numbers are used to prove EVERYTHING.Intuition,gut feelings and personal preferences are all OUT THE DOOR.Of course,there ARE some who are trying to battle this trend.Recently,Malcolm Gladwell wrote BLINK,a best-seller which

7、explores the USEFULNESS of making SPLIT-SECOND DECISIONS based on INTUITION rather than careful consideration of all the facts and figures.,In his book,Gladwell argues that INITIAL IMPRESSIONS-or GUT-FEELINGS-are quite rational.However,that this split-second thinking process moves FASTER than what w

8、e usually associate with thinking.If YOU are one of these people-and there are MANY of us-Blink provides PROOF that youre actually quite a RATIONAL HUMAN BEING.,朗读技巧:语调,基本语调:升调()降调()升降调()降升调()平调(),语调的用法:1.升调:主要用于一般疑问句,带有疑问语气;也可用于祈使句,表示委婉、客气;或用于陈述句,表示疑问,不肯定或不耐烦等。如:Can you come to us for lunch?You kno

9、w her?So long!,2.降调:只要用于陈述句、特殊疑问句、祈使句(表命令)、感叹句。如:The birds are singing in the trees.Tell me all about it.When shall I give you the book?Leave the book one the desk.What a beautiful picture!,3.前升后降调:只要用于:(1)选择疑问句。如:Which do you prefer,tea or coffee?(2)以状语或状语从句开头的句子。如:In my opinion,he is perfectly rig

10、ht.(3)计数或列举。如:One,two,three and four.I want a pen,a ruler and some paper.(以 and 相连的几个并列的词或短语,and 前面的都读升调,其后的读降调),4.前降后升:只要用于带有疑问语气的反意问句。如:You havent finished it,have you?如果反意疑问句中,疑问的成分很少,则用降降调。如:Its a nice day,isnt it?,【模仿朗读】模仿朗读下列句子,注意语调的正确把握。1)I beg your pardon.2)You speak English,dont you?3)Pleas

11、e stand in the line.4)Shes got a stomachache,a sore throat,and a temperature.,5)This is the machanical age:a stream-striven revolution.6)Do you prefer to take a walk or stay at home?7)When they were twenty three,they both got married and a year later both had sons.,朗读技巧:意群停顿,在朗读长句子的时候,要使朗读流畅、自然,常常需要

12、停顿。但停顿不是随意的,只能在意群之间进行。句子可以按照它的意思和语法结构分成小段,这样的小段就叫意群。意群可以是一个词,一个短语,也可以是并列句中的一个分句或复合句中的一个主、从句等。,如下面的句子可以这样划分意群:(1)Tonny only walks a few steps/from his office/to the place/where his wife works.(2)When I leave Beijing I will leave with very fond memories of the city and its people and with an increased

13、 knowledge of China.,【模仿朗读】模仿朗读下列短文,注意意群停顿。George is a young man.He does not have a wife,but he has a very big dogand he has a very small car too.He likes playing tennis.Last Monday he played tennis for an hour at his club,and then he ran out and jumped into a car.His dog came after him,but did not

14、jump into the same car;it jumped into the next one.,“come here,silly dog!”George shouted at it/but the dog stayed in the other car.George put his key/into the lock of the car,/but the key did not turn.Then he looked at the car again.It was not his!He was on the wrong car!And the dog/was in the right

15、 one!“Hes sitting and laughing at me!”George said angrily.But then he smiled/and got into his car/with the dog.,高度仿真练习,Part A 模仿朗读专项训练(12),专项训练题一:Part A 模仿朗读 Hong Kong,a city of seven million.And growing fast.It is bursting at the seams.By the year 2050,Hong Kongs population will almost double.Where

16、 will these people live?Other cities face the same problem.,Tokyo,Shanghai,New York.By the middle of the century,all may be unbearably crowded.If they keep growing well need 15 new cities a year,each housing 12 million people.That is 15 new Los Angeleses every year for 50 years.But theres simply no

17、room left for that kind of urban sprawl.There is only one place to go.Up,fast forward 50 years.,专项训练题二:Part A 模仿朗读 Todays tallest skyscrapers are just over 1400 feet high.Would it be impossible to build one twice as high?The largest bridges in the world today are around a mile long.Is it impossible

18、to construct one nine miles long,connecting Europe and Africa?The largest ships in the world today are super tankers and aircraft carriers.,But a ship five times their size,impossible.Or is it?In fact,all of these projects are already on the drawing boards.If built,they would be engineering achievem

19、ents of historic proportions.Could they really be built?And could they withstand the worst that nature could throw at them?Engineering the impossible.,Part A模仿朗读专项训练(34),专项训练题三:In the remote southwest corner of China,a celebration is about to take place.Dai people collect water for the most importan

20、t festival of their year.The Dai call themselves as the people of water.By bringing the river water to temple,they honor the two things holiest to them.Buddhism and their home.,The Dai give thanks for the rivers and fertile land which nurture their culture.Though to some it might seem just an excuse

21、 for the biggest water fight of all lime.Dai lives are changing as towns get bigger and modernize,but the water splashing festival is still celebrated by all.,专项训练题四:The power of the sun drives the seasons,transforming our planet.Vast movements of ocean and air currents bring dramatic change through

22、out the year.And in a few special places,these seasonal changes create some of the greatest wildlife spectacles on Earth.Here in the Arctic each summer,the sun begins to melt the winter ice.,Nearly three million square miles of ice will disappear,opening up a narrow window of opportunity for million

23、s of animals.For many,its their best chance to feed and breed.But for popar bears,its the hardest time of the year.They have to survive the greatest seasonal change on the planet.,Thank you!,第一章,模仿朗读模块语音语调知识训练,1.考试要求,广东高考英语听说考试中,Part A部分考试内容一般为一分钟左右的独白,先让学生看一段视频,之后给一分钟的准备时间,然后再听一遍录音,最后让学生朗读,进行录音。本部分

24、主要从语音、语调、语速和内容完整性四个方面来考查学生的朗读能力。广东高考英语听说考试总分为60分,本部分占20分。,2.训练指导,(1)加强朗读基本功的练习。在平时的练习中,仔细对比粤方言与英语之间的差异,纠正发音。注意发音规则,掌握基本的语音语调知识。,以下三个步骤可供大家参考:,2.训练指导,(2)听录音反复练习。磁带学习法:选择适当的录音磁带来进行朗读训练。光盘学习法:由于“英语听说”考试是借助视频来完成的,所以考生可以用与考试同样的形式来训练。影子跟读训练法:选取教材中的重点段落录音,用迟于原录音1 秒钟的速度去跟读。,2.训练指导,(3)学会比较,追求完美。在模仿朗读的过程中,要仔细



27、言的影响,在某些音素、音节和语调方面犯变音、多音或者无调等错误。为了让学生掌握正确的语音语调及各种朗读技巧,本章将在语音语调方面对学生进行系统性、对比性和针对性的讲解,以加强学生发音、连读、意群停顿、语调准确性等方面的训练,帮助学生提高模仿朗读能力。,一 易错音汇总(一),一 摩擦音误读/v/与/f/、/w/英语中/f/、/v/是一对唇齿摩擦音,粤方言中有/f/音,没有类似/v/的音,一些学生在学习时将/v/音发成/f/,或将/v/读成双唇圆浊摩擦音/w/,如“vest”读成“west”,“survive”中把/v/错发为/f/。,一 易错音汇总(一),一 易错音汇总(一),纠正方法:(1)从

28、上面的表格图示可以看出,/v/与/f/的区别在于声带是否振动。/v/是浊辅音,发音时声带要振动;/f/是清辅音,发音时声带不振动。当/v/位于词尾时,摩擦较小。/f/位于词首和词尾时摩擦较大。(2)很多学生将/v/发成/w/,主要是由于下唇没有轻触上齿,和上齿形成摩擦。发音时要特别注意这一点。,一 易错音汇总(一),/与/英语辅音音素/、/是齿间摩擦音,这两个音本身就有一定的难度,加之粤方言中又没有类似的发音,一些学生就用相对好发一点的/s/、/z/来代替,听起来就会有明显的口音。,一 易错音汇总(一),一 易错音汇总(一),纠正方法:(1)从上面的分析可以看出,/与/、/s/与/z/的区别是

29、声带是否振动。/与/s/是清辅音,发音时声带不振动。/与/z/是浊辅音,发音时声带振动。(2)由于普通话中没有与/和/相似的音,因而很多人在发音时将/s/和/、/z/和/混淆。其错误在于舌尖没有稍向前伸出,上下齿没有轻轻咬住舌尖,导致舌尖没有跟牙齿发生摩擦。,一 易错音汇总(一),(3)发/和/这两个音时,注意不要将舌端堵塞它和上齿间的缝隙,以致气流堵塞而不能发生摩擦,也不要只是将舌端轻轻接触上齿而不发生摩擦。/在词首和词末时,摩擦较大;/在词末时摩擦较小。,一 易错音汇总(一),3./与/粤方言中没有/和/这对清浊相对的辅音音素,很多同学在发这几个音时求助于母方言中相近的音,将/、/用接近于

30、汉语的“丝”、“日”来代替,或将这两个音与普通话声母中的x、r混淆。,一 易错音汇总(一),一 易错音汇总(一),纠正方法:(1)从上面的表格可以看出,/与/的区别是声带是否振动。/是清辅音,发音时声带不振动。/是浊辅音,发音时声带振动。(2)/与普通话声母中x虽然发音类似,但其发音部位和方法不同,发声母x时,双唇自然,舌尖轻触下齿,舌前部抬高,接近硬腭。而发/时,双唇向外突出,舌尖和舌身抬高至上齿龈后部。/与声母中r虽然发音类似,但发音部位和方法完全不同。发声母r时,双唇自然,舌尖卷曲。而发/时,双唇向前突出,舌尖要放平。,一 易错音汇总(一),朗读下面的句子,注意划线部分的发音。We re

31、quest the pleasure of your company at the marriage of our daughter Lisa.People who like adventure will even try to visit countries where travel is difficult and costs are high.Early in the morning three days later,we four are standing at the bus stop with bags in our hands,waiting for a bus to take

32、us to the sands.,一 易错音汇总(一),4.At some time in your life,you may have a strong desire to do something strange or terrible.However,chances are that you dont act on your desire,but let it pass instead.5.Most musicians agree that the best violins were made in Italy.They were made in Cremona,Italy,about

33、200 years ago.,一 易错音汇总(一),二 破擦音/t/和/d/误读 受到粤方言的影响,很多同学将破擦音/t/用普通话声母中的q来代替,将/d/用普通话声母中的j来代替。事实上,他们的发音有着本质的区别。,一 易错音汇总(一),一 易错音汇总(一),纠正方法:(1)/t/与/d/的区别就是声带是否振动。(2)/t/与普通话声母中q虽然发音相似,但声母q发音时,舌前部上抬,接触硬腭,舌尖轻触下齿,双唇自然,整个口腔很放松;发/t/音时,舌尖轻触上齿龈后部,后部抬高,舌身两侧轻触上齿内侧,双唇向外突出呈喇叭形,整个口腔处于较紧张状态。,一 易错音汇总(一),(3)/d/与普通话声母中j

34、的发音部位和音质完全不同。发/d/时,声带振动,发声母j时声带不振动。发/d/时,舌尖轻触上齿龈后部,双唇向外突出呈喇叭形,整个口腔较紧张;发声母j时,舌尖轻触下齿,舌前部接触硬腭,双唇自然,口腔放松。,一 易错音汇总(一),朗读下面的句子,注意划线部分的发音。People say red is an exciting and active color.They associate red with strong feelings like anger.Red is used for signs of danger,such as stop signs and fire engines.Wor

35、k in the future will be different.Dangerous and hard work will be done by robots.Because of this,many people will not have enough work to do.Nearly 75%of the earths surface is covered with water.But about 97%of this huge amount is seawater.Man can only drink and use the other 3%which is fresh water.

36、,二 易错音汇总(二),三/n/、/、/l/及/r/相互混淆1./n/和/l/混淆:粤方言中,声母n和l不分,“n”经常被懒音化而变成“”,如“你”和“李”都读“li”,这种现象造成粤方言区的英语学习者容易将/n/误读成/l/,例如将kindness读成kindless。2./n/与/不分:这种错误类似于普通话中前后鼻音分不清的问题。例如in和ing、an和ang,英语中的/n/和/与这种区别相类似,粤方言中没有这个区分,导致学生经常分不清/n/与/。,二 易错音汇总(二),3./r/误读为/l/由于粤方言中没有/r/的音素,很多学生尤其是初学者容易用相似的音代替,比如在“rose”、“sor

37、ry”等诸多单词中,学生会把/r/误读为/l/。,二 易错音汇总(二),二 易错音汇总(二),二 易错音汇总(二),纠正方法:(1)从上面的表格图示和录音可以看出,/n/与/的区别在于口腔中对气流形成阻碍的器官和部位不同。/n/对气流阻碍的位置在口腔的前方,/对气流阻碍的位置在口腔的后部。发/n/时把舌头放平,舌前端上翘,而发/时注意把嘴巴张大,舌后部上抬(如图所示)。(2)注意掌握边音和鼻音的发音方法,发/n/时,气流从鼻腔流出;发/l/时,气流从舌的两侧流出。,二 易错音汇总(二),(3)注意:/n/与元音拼读前,气流从鼻腔泄出,而发后面元音时,气流转为从口腔泄出。/l/不是鼻音,拼读前气

38、流受到舌尖的阻碍而从舌两侧泄出。/l/与元音拼读时,舌尖停止阻碍,气流冲出,形成舌尖爆破。为了避免把/n/发成/l/音,还应注意,在辅音/n/向元音过渡时舌头前部的控制。例如发/ni:/时,由鼻音/n/向/i:/切换时,舌头前部慢慢抬离上齿龈和硬腭,气流缓缓泄出,避免形成舌尖爆破而发成/li:/。(4)/r/与/l/最大的区别是:/r/是摩擦音,气流从舌尖与上齿龈后部之间的缝隙流出,/l/是舌侧音。舌侧音的气流从舌两侧流出。,二 易错音汇总(二),朗读下面的句子,注意划线部分的发音。1.No knowledge is no need to know.2.Dont be silly.I wont

39、 write it again.3.The lonely lady likes playing with little girls.4.Lets stand hand in hand and sing the song together.5.Henry is always kind enough to the strangers who ask him for help.,二 易错音汇总(二),尾音不读,形成错误吞音1.在以鼻辅音/m/、/n/和/结尾的单词中,学生受粤方言影响通常会省 略词尾。例如将name读成/ne/,moon 读成/mu:/;2.省略词尾的爆破辅音/p/、/t/、/k/,

40、如difficult读成/dIfIkl/;3.粤方言区英语学习者遇到以/m/、/n/、/后边再加上/p/、/t/、/k/结尾的词时,很容易把后边的音完全忽略,例如在读英语单词“student”、“think”时,学生经常忘记发尾音,使人有不完整的感觉。,二 易错音汇总(二),纠正方法:(1)为了纠正以/m/结尾的音节吞音错误,大家在最初练习的时候,可以有意识的紧闭双唇,故意将词末的/m/发得比较明显,把/m/发充分,来纠正“吞音”错误。(2)鼻辅音/n/、/位于词尾时,注意按照发音方法将这些音一步到位,然后稍微延长一下发音时间,反复练习,便能避免“吞音”错误。特别注意:/n/的发音部位是齿龈,

41、/的发音部位是软腭。,二 易错音汇总(二),(3)在以爆破音/p/、/t/、/k/结尾的语流中,虽然爆破很弱,但是也不应该省略。即使由于气流太弱导致爆破的发音方式丢失,发音部位也应该保留,(对于/p/,双唇自然合拢;对于/t/,舌尖抵住上齿龈;对于/k/舌后部抬高,紧贴软腭)口腔内仍有微弱的气流,这样才能避免“吞音”。,二 易错音汇总(二),朗读下面的句子,注意划线部分的发音。Neither should you cry over your mistake nor blame others for it.2.Tom thought that mom had bought him potato

42、chips yesterday afternoon.3.It is quite an emergent incident that the secretary is absent from work today.4.Mr.White had said that he would take the first flight to Guangzhou tomorrow morning.5.Seeing the shark,all of the other small fish shrink away from the coral reef right away.,二 易错音汇总(二),五 懒音现象

43、 在英语辅音连缀/kw/,/gw/的发音过程中,学生通常会受到粤方言的影响将辅音中的/w/省略,这是所谓的粤方言懒音现象运用到英语语音中的结果。比如学生将quality/kwltI/读成/kltI/、quarter/kw:t/读成/k:t/。,纠正方法:,/kw/和/gw/在发音方面体现了/k/、/g/和/w/的发音组合,发音部位应该从/k/、/g/过渡到/w/,避免发单独的/k/、/g/音。,二 易错音汇总(二),朗读下面的句子,注意划线部分的发音。Who has a quick solution for the emergency?Buses run frequently between

44、the city and the airport.We meet at a quarter past eight not a quarter to eight.Professor Li could speak five languages and has been teaching English for ten years.5.Even their mother cant distinguish between Lisa and Lucy who are her twin daughters.,二 易错音汇总(二),六 元音方面存在的问题粤方言区的学生在元音方面的错误主要表现为以下两点:长元

45、音/:/与短元音/混淆;短元音/e/与/混淆。,二 易错音汇总(二),二 易错音汇总(二),纠正方法:(1)区分/e/与/两个音,关键在于把握舌位的高低和开口度的大小。/e/的音长比/短,舌位比/稍高,嘴的开口度比/小。发/时,注意将舌位压低,尽量把嘴向两边张大,避免错发成/e/。发这两个音时,应保持嘴唇、下颌的肌肉和整个口腔处于放松状态。(2)/:/与/的发音部位和音长有着明显的区别。/:/的发音部位在舌的后部,/的发音部位在舌的中部。/:/的音长是/的两倍以上。此外,发/:/时,嘴张得很大;发/时,嘴自然微张。发/:/时,口腔放松;发/时,口腔较紧张。,二 易错音汇总(二),纠正方法:(3

46、)很多同学用汉语中的“啊”来代替/:/,其实二者是不同音质的音。/:/的发音部位靠后,口腔扩展,音质浑厚,形成共鸣,音长比“啊”长。汉字“啊”音则更清脆,更放松。发/:/音时,注意舌尖一定要离开下齿,舌的后部略微抬高,从而避免发音靠前,音调过高。,二 易错音汇总(二),朗读下面的句子,注意划线部分的发音。I had a bad cold and had to lie in bed so I asked my mother to tell the teacher that I had to be absent last Wednesday.Could you tell me when and w

47、here the best-seller jazz band is having their second concert?My best friend who lives with her granny has always dreamt of having a happy family with father and mother.Lets have a rest since weve got everything ready for collecting stamps.,二 易错音汇总(二),朗读下面的句子,注意划线部分的发音。5.In fact,the handsome black m

48、an is mad about rabbit and cabbage.6.I still couldnt believe my ears when Dad told mother and me that he had run into such big trouble that there was not enough money for me to go to university.7.My brother was such a naughty boy that he broke his leg during my birthday party last Saturday.8.After p

49、arking her favorite car in the park,Betty had a short rest and took a bath before supper was ready.,二 易错音汇总(二),七 破擦音/ts/、/dz/与汉语声母c、z混淆 英语的/ts/、/dz/是爆破音/t/,/d/和摩擦音/s/,/z/连缀而成,成阻部位在齿龈。粤方言中没有相同的音,只有c,z发音与其相似,但成阻部位不在齿龈,而在舌面与硬腭之间,许多同学把这两组音完全混在一起。,二 易错音汇总(二),二 易错音汇总(二),纠正方法:(1)/ts/与/dz/的发音方法和部位相同,区别在于声带是

50、否振动。(2)/ts/与声母中c的区别在于/ts/是由两个辅音组成的,两个音先后爆破、摩擦而发音,发音部位由/t/迅速滑向/s/。而汉语声母中c是一个上、下齿摩擦单音,发音部位单一,音质比/ts/清晰、响亮。(3)/dz/与声母中z的区别和/ts/与声母中c的区别相同。/dz/是由两个辅音组成的,两个音先后爆破、摩擦而发音,发音部位由/d/迅速滑向/z/。而汉语声母中z是一个上、下齿摩擦单音,发音部位单一,音质比/dz/清晰、响亮。,二 易错音汇总(二),朗读下面的句子,注意划线部分的发音。He finds some seeds in the sand while digging holes


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