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1、Hotel Sales Strategic Process-S&M Jasper Zhang,“人不仅是一种追求目的(purpose-seeking)的动物,而且在很大程度也是一种遵循规则(rule-following)的动物,遵循规则是我们人类的一个重要特征。”哈耶克,简介,引子 概念 客户分类 市场分类 销售的全过程实战总结,引 子,引 子 話說有二個和尚,他們分別在相鄰的二座山上的廟裡。這二座山之間有一條溪於是這二個和尚,每天都會在同一時間下山去溪邊挑水,久而久之,他們便成為好朋友了。就這樣,時間在每天挑水中,不知不覺己經過了五年。,引 子,突然有一天,左邊這座山的和尚沒有下山挑水,右邊

2、那座山的和尚心想:他大概睡過頭了。便不以為意。哪知第二天,左邊這座山的和尚,還是沒有下山挑水,第三天也一樣,過了一個星期,還是一樣直到過了一個月,右邊那座山的和尚,終於受不了了。他心想:我的朋友可能生病了,我要過去拜訪他,看看能幫上什麼忙。,引 子,於是他便爬上了左邊這座山,去探望他的老朋友等他到達左邊這座山的廟,看到他的老友之後,大吃一驚 因為他的老友,正在廟前打太極拳,一點也不像一個月沒喝水的人。他好奇地問:你巳經一個月,沒有下山挑水了,難道你可以不用喝水嗎?,引 子,左邊這座山的和尚說:來來來,我帶你去看。於是,他帶著右邊那座山的和尚走到廟的後院指著一口井說:這五年來,我每天做完功課後,

3、都會抽空挖這口井。即使有時很忙,能挖多少就算多少。如今,終於讓我挖出井水,我就不必再下山挑水,我可以有更多時間,練我喜歡的太極拳。,引 子,結 論 挖好屬於自己的井,不要害怕改變,危機就是轉機。,引 子,我們在工作領域上,即使薪水、股票拿的再多,那是挑水;不要忘記把握下班後的時間,挖一口屬於自己的井,培養自己另一方面的實力;未來當您年紀大了,體力拼不過年輕人了,您還是有水喝,而且還要喝得很悠閒喔!,思 想 革 命,你都认识它们吗?(附页)What you thought leads what you can do?If you think you can,you can!Please Say

4、the same language Why?It is necessary to use English words in the common work?How we can say professional?,概 念,市场营销和销售有何差异?*按照销售观念,公司以其现有的产品为出发点,运用销售方法和促销手段,销售一定量的产品,以获取利润。*按照市场营销观念,公司则从现有的顾客入手,发现他们的需要,顾客需要什么,就生产什么,销售什么;而同时在满足顾客需要的过程中实现本企业赚取利润的目标。,销 售 的 全 过 程,Introduction&ObjectivesMarketing the Hot

5、elThe strategic Sales ProcessThe Sales PlatformPotential AnalysisPresenting HotelsHandling ObjectionsGaining CommitmentYour Personal Plan of Action,销 售 的 全 过 程,Introduction&Objectives Aim:To improve the competitiveStrength of the individuals within hotels sales organizations.,销 售 的 全 过 程,2.Marketing

6、 the HotelDefinition:Marketing is the ability to maximize our potential revenue to the satisfaction of the clients.*The Marketing Process1.Establish client requirement.2.Create a product to meet the requirement.3.Persuading clients to satisfy requirement.4.Ensure the product is accessible,客 户 分 类,Cl

7、ient Definitions五类:1.Key Clients:A client that forms one of those 20-30%of clients that contributes 70-80%of the hotels or the Organizations business revenue.Measurable in room Nights and Room Revenue.,客 户 分 类,Client Definitions2.Niche Clients:A buying client that is neither a key client nor a key p

8、rospect for which a potential analysis has been conducted.These are the remaining 70-80%of clients who represent the other20-30%of the room nights and revenue.,客 户 分 类,Client Definitions3.Key Prospects The clients who are recognized s only giving us a small proportion of the potential business that

9、they have,whether for an individual hotel or for the whole company(I.e delivering business to your competitors)They have the potential become a key client.,客 户 分 类,Client Definitions4.Suspects:A client that we suspect has business but for which no potential analysis has been conducted yet.,客 户 分 类,C

10、lient Definitions5.Telemarketing:A client with identified potential but insufficient top warrant direct sales activity.,市 场 分 类,Market Sorts1).Business Individual2).Business Groups3).Leisure Individual4).Leisure Group,市 场 分 类,1).Business Individual 1)Regular Corporate 2)Transient Discount 3)Transien

11、t Long Term Stay 4)Corporate Preferred 5)Corporate Negotiated 6)Business Products/Promotions 7)government/Diplomatic/Military,市 场 分 类,2).Business Groups 1)Corporate Meeting 2)Incentives 3)Association Meeting 4)Trade Fair/Exhibition 5)Government/Diplomatic/Military Group 6)Airline Crew,市 场 分 类,3).Lei

12、sure Individual 1)Transient Rack 2)Leisure Packages-Weekend 3)Leisure Packages-Seasonal 4)Leisure Packages-Other 5)Wholesale,市 场 分 类,4).Leisure Group 1)Tour Series 2)Leisure Group/Sport Events 3)P&P and Airline Delay,销 售 的 全 过 程,3.The strategic Sales ProcessDefinition:It is motivating client commitm

13、ent.Specific Measurable AchievableRelevant Time,销 售 的 全 过 程,Criteria for Effective Sales Visit1.Clearly defined objective.2.Work with decision maker.3.Use question rather than statements avoid making assumptions.4.Base any presentation on the real situation as the client see it.5.Prove your product

14、or service is of benefit to eh client.(Brochure)6.Find out an objection and handle them.7.Agree on a commitment.8.Keep initiative.,销 售 的 全 过 程,4.The Sales Platform,Buying PlatformKey clientsNiche Clients.,Te l ema rke t i ng,Working PlatformKey prospects,Market PlatformSuspects,*SWOT Analysis,销 售 的

15、全 过 程,5.Potential AnalysisThe D.A.P.A FrameworkDefinition of the clients requirements for your product or service.Acceptance by the client of the requirement.Prove that your service or product can fulfill the clients requirements.Acceptance of the proof by the client.,销 售 的 全 过 程,Questioning Skills

16、Review Funnel Technique1.Motivate the client to answer questions2.Open,neutral questions to get unbiased information.3.Open,leading questions to explore more deeply.4.Closed questions to pinpoint precise requirements.5.Summary details.,销 售 的 全 过 程,6.Presenting Hotels1.State&explain the six points to

17、 consider when making presentations.2.Describe the three main elements for”Presenting with impacts”3.Preparing for presentation.1)Check the summary of requirements to confirm understanding.2)Check if the client has any new people attending the presentation.3)If you are co-presenting practice and reh

18、earse.4)think about handing questions.(Best answer),销 售 的 全 过 程,Presentation Guidelines1.Only present the solution after summarizing the clients needs and gaining acceptance of them.2.Know your hotel,package or service.3.Do not present any features without mentioning the benefits to the client and t

19、heir situation.4.Use your best possible proofs when presenting features and making benefit statements.5.Use the clients words and figures.6.Make the presentation on longer than it needs to be.7.Make confident,positive statements.8.Use the clients name,but use it sparingly.9.Check the clients underst

20、anding often.10.Keep eye contact with the client.11.Listen and watch for buying signals.,销 售 的 全 过 程,7.Handling ObjectionsWhy clients object?Do not trust product.Do not trust us.Do not want to changes.Bad Experience.Do not like personally.,销 售 的 全 过 程,*Handling the Spoken ObjectionPause“Tell me more

21、”Empty the client-Is there anything else I need to know?Lock the client-If I can overcome your concerns,Can we work together?Present the solutionCheck-Does that meet your requirements?Confirm the details.,销 售 的 全 过 程,*The Rate ObjectionSolution-Make certain we believe in your own pricing.-Price is o

22、ften the only weapon the client has.-Make the client realize that you are there to help not fight.,销 售 的 全 过 程,8.Gaining Commitment“You ask,you get.The more you ask,the more you get.If you dont ask,you dont get”-Hank TrislerBalancing Commitments.1.Dont just look for the short term,look for the long

23、term,platform thinking.2.Dont just think about your own hotel think region,think area,think global.3.Remember the aim of the sales manager strategy is to grow the business for GDH.,销 售 的 全 过 程,9.Your Personal Plan of Action Ten ideas are good,but one new idea put into practice is better still.-Heina Goldmann,实 战,How to make a appointment with your clients?How to do a sales call?How to do the sales blitz?How to qualifying individual business request/Open an Account?How to qualifying Group business request/Booking detail?Jasper Zhang,


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