王媛媛 Ezra Pound.ppt

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1、Contents,LifeHis major worksFamous worksInfluence factors on Pound and his influence on the world,The life of Poundborn in Hailey,Idaho grew up and was educated mainly in Pennsylvania.In 1901 at the age of 15,he entered the University of Pennsylvania two years later,transferred to Hamilton College,t

2、he University of Pennsylvania,Hamilton College,In 1908 he moved to Europe,living first in Venice but eventually settling in London.Pound self-published A Lume Spento灯火熄灭之时,his first published collection of short poems,while living in Venice.In the years before the World War I,Pound was largely respo

3、nsible for the appearance of Imagism(意象主义),and coined the name of the movement Vorticism(漩涡派),Ezra married the artist Dorothy Shakespear in 1914.,In 1920,he moves to Paris,then settled in Italy in 1924.During the second World War,he leaned in the direction of Mussolinis fascist totalitarianism(极权主义)

4、having made anti-American radio broadcasts,he was arrested as a traitor(叛国者)in 1945.sent to the US,where he was deemed mentally unfit to stand trial for treason.,Pound was confined for 12 years in a hospital(actually prison)for the criminally insane in Washington.During this time he translated works

5、 of ancient Greek and ancient Chinese literature.While in prison,he was awarded a prestigious poetry prize in 1949 for his last Cantos.,In 1958 he returned to Italy,where he continued to write and make translations until he died in 1972.,Imagism,The doctrine and poetic practice of a small but influe

6、ntial group of American and British poets calling themselves Imagists between 1909-1917.Led at first by Ezra Pound,then after his defection to Vorticism by Amy Lowell.,Imagism is characterized by the 3 principles:i.Direct treatment of“the thing”,whether subjective or objective ii.To use absolutely n

7、o word that does not contribute to the presentation iii.As regards rhythm,to composed in the sequence of the musical phrase,not in the sequence of a metronome,In a Station of the Metro,庞德最著名的作品,要属意象派名作在地铁站内:In a Station of the Metro The apparition of these faces in the crowd;Petals on a wet,black bo

8、ugh.这几张脸在人群中幻景般闪现;湿漉漉的黑树枝上花瓣数点。(飞白),人潮中这些面容的忽现;湿巴巴的黑树丫上的花瓣。(罗池)人群中幻影般浮现的脸 潮湿的,黑色树枝上的花瓣(钟鲲)人群中,这些面孔的鬼影;潮湿的黑树枝上的花瓣。(余光中)人群里这些脸忽然闪现;花丛在一条湿黑的树枝。(流沙河),在地铁站内仅两行、14个字,是一首单一意象诗(one-image poem)。它是庞德根据在巴黎协和广场地铁站的印象写成的。诗虽短,但诗人最后落笔定稿前经过相当一段时间的酝酿和推敲。,在地铁站庞德眼前闪过一张张美丽的脸。在归途中,这些脸在他眼前反复出现,直到最后他们逐渐变成了一片片彩色印花色底。这时他产生了

9、一个念头,要作出一幅纯粹表现色彩的斑斑点点的非写实主义的画,但他不会作画,只能以诗代之。诗的两行互相依存。apparition是幻象、幽灵,使人们联想到来来往往的乘客的一张张脸。第二行的petal花瓣则传递了美的信息。这一信息由于有深色而又带湿气的树枝的反衬而变得突出鲜明了,同时也给人以模糊重叠之感,意境也就更丰满了。,His Major Works,A lume Spento(1908)灯火熄灭之时Personea(1909)人物The Spirit of Romance(1910)精神浪漫史Cathay(1915)神州集Homage to Sextus Properties(1919)向赛

10、克斯特斯 普罗波蒂斯致敬Hugh Selwyn Mauberley(1920)休赛尔温毛伯利 Cantos(1917-1969)诗章,Cantos 诗章,a long,incomplete poem in 120 sections,each of which is a canto.Most of it was written between 1915 and 1962,although much of the early work was abandoned and the early cantos,as finally published,date from 1922 onwards.The

11、 Cantos can appear on first reading to be chaotic or structureless because it lacks plot or a definite ending.,It is a book-length work,widely considered to present formidable difficulties to the reader.Strong claims have been made for it as the most significant work of modernist poetry of the twent

12、ieth century.As in Pounds prose writing,the themes of economics,governance,and culture are integral to its content.,The Cantos has always been controversial;initially so because of the experimental nature of the writing.The controversy has intensified since 1940 when Pounds public approval for Musso

13、linis fascism became widely known.,诗章简介,庞德主要的诗作是一部长诗,以“诗章”的形式分批发表,自1917年开始,直至1959年。1969年他又发表未完成的片断。全诗共包括109首“诗章”及8首未完成的草稿。据庞德说他从1904年就开始计划写一首现代史诗,包括世界文学、艺术、建筑、神话、经济学、历史名人传等方面的内容,以反映人类的成就,并描绘一个由一些思想正确、有行动能力的人物所领导的美好的文化。这部长诗晦涩难读,而且涉及16世纪的意大利建筑、普罗旺斯的诗歌、孔子哲学、中古的经济史等。长诗第 1至7章是关于诗的构思及主题。8至11章是写一位威尼斯军人及艺术庇

14、护人西吉斯门多马拉特斯塔。12至13章是将现代的经济与孔子道德哲学所向往的社会秩序相对比。14至16章是以现代伦敦为背景,描写地狱的一条通道,它通向中古时期的威尼斯,这是诗人心目中的天堂的象征。,庞德还在长诗里写了他爱慕的几位美国总统 31至33章是关于杰弗逊,34章是关于约翰昆西亚当斯,37章写马丁范布伦,62至71章写约翰亚当斯。庞德对墨索里尼的经济政策、文化艺术政策十分欣赏,认为他是当时最好的领袖,因此他的第41章长诗专写墨索里尼。52至61章是写中国孔子的哲学、伦理及其所追求的和平、昌盛的社会秩序。庞德在长诗中还攻击了高利贷剥削,认为金融界及政府对财富、货币的错误控制是战争的根源。长诗

15、中突出的一部分是当庞德被监禁在比萨俘虏营中所写的比萨诗章。这部作品在1948年获得博林根诗奖,当时庞德还是一个战犯,在医院中等候审讯,这个决定引起很大的争论。比萨诗章描写一次穿过“灵魂的黑夜”走向爱之女神的过程。庞德的诗学对现代英美诗歌的发展具有重大的作用。20世纪初,他通过对意象派诗的支持,对传统的诗学进行了冲击。,The influences of Cantos,Despite all the controversy surrounding both poem and poet,The Cantos has been influential in the development of En

16、glish-language long poems since the appearance of the early sections during the 1920s.,Ezra Pound艾兹拉庞德 is influenced by,HomerDanteAncient china,Homer,a legendary ancient Greek epic poet,and the author of the epic poems the Iliad and the Odyssey,Pound owes heavily to Homer,His major poems often take

17、the form of voyageHis hero has always been an Odysseus figureThe narrator of Hugh Selwyn Mauberley is Odysseus-PoundThe substructure of the Cantos is Homeric,The influence of Dante,Dante,was an Italian poet of the Middle Ages.In Italy he is known as the Supreme Poet and is also called the Father of

18、the Italian language.,Pounds enthusiasm for Dante was unbounded.The influence of the Italian poet is most evident in the CantosDantes journey through the realms have parallels with Pound examination of individual experiences in the Cantos.,Ancient China,The greatest cultural influence over Pound cam

19、e perhaps from ancient China,especially Confucius.the influence of Chinese culture on Ezra Pound reflected in his poems,Cathay and The Cantos.,In 1915,Pound published Cathay,a small volume of poems that he described as“For the most part from the Chinese poet Li Po(李白)and it was considered among the

20、most beautiful of his writings.1915年庞德发表了他根据东方学者芬诺洛萨的遗稿而译成的中国古诗英译本Cathay,“The River-Merchants Wife:A Letter”(艾兹拉庞德根据李白的长干行译的英文)was published in 1915 in Ezra Pounds third collection of poetry,Cathay,The River-Merchants Wife:A Letter,While my hair was still cut straight across my forehead I played abo

21、ut the front gate,pulling flowers.You came by on bamboo stilts,playing horse,You walked about my seat,playing with blue plums.And we went on living in the village of Chokan:Two small people,without dislike or suspicion.At forteen I married My Lord you.I never laughed,being bashful.,妾发初覆额,折花门前剧。郎骑竹马来

22、 绕床弄青梅。同居长干里 两小无嫌猜。十四为君妇,羞颜未尝开。,长干行(李白),Lowering my head,I looked at the wall.Called to,a thousand times,I never looked back.At fifteen I stopped scowling,I desired my dust to be mingled with yours Forever and forever and forever.Why should I climb the look out?At sixteen you departed,You went into

23、far Ku-to-en,by the river of swirling eddies,And you have been gone five months.The monkeys make sorrowful noise overhead.,低头向暗壁,千唤不一回。十五始展眉,愿同尘与灰。常存抱柱信岂上望夫台!十六君远行瞿塘滟预堆。五月不可触猿鸣天上哀。,门前迟行迹,一一生绿苔。苔深不能扫,落叶秋风早。八月蝴蝶来,双飞西园草。感此伤妾心,坐愁红颜老。早晚下三巴,预将书报家。相迎不道远,直至长风沙。,You dragged your feet when you went out.By the

24、 gate now,the moss is grown,the different mosses,Too deep to clear them away!The leaves fall early this autumn,in wind.The paired butterflies are already yellow with August Over the grass in the West garden;They hurt me.I grow older.If you are coming down through the narrows of the river Kiang,Pleas

25、e let me know beforehand,And I will come out to meet you As far as Cho-fu-Sa.,Pounds influence,With the passage of time people seem to be forgetting his wartime misbehavior and beginning to evaluate his achievement as a poet,and have come to the realization that he has helped,through theory and prac

26、tice,to chart out the course of modern poetry.And as such as he will be remembered.,Pound is influenced by many great writers all over the world,in turn,he exert his influence on the world.Owing to these great persons,we can appreciate different culture and know the outside world better.All In all,culture knows no bounder.,Thank thou!,


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