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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上3年级上册 Unit 7A卷: 课堂点拨题 Story time1.(1)当你向老师介绍你的朋友时,你可以说: A.This is my friend. B .Look at my friend.(2)-This is my father. -_. A. Nice to meet you. B. Great. C. Thank you.2. 初次和朋友见面,打招呼时,你可以说: A. Nice to meet you. B.Hello. C.How are you?3. (1) 阿姨问你是否吃蛋糕,她应该怎么说: A. Would you like a pie? B.

2、 Would you like a cake?(2)陌生人请你吃东西时,你应该说: A. Yes, please. B. No, thank you.(3)如果你不想吃某样东西时,你可以说:A. Yes,please. B. No,thank you. (4)当你想问别人要不要吃冰激凌时,你可以说:A.What colour is the ice cream? B. Would you like an ice cream?4. (1)你妈妈问你要不要吃热狗时,她会说: A. Whats this? B. What about a hot dog?(2)你建议别人吃一个鸡蛋时,你应该说: A.

3、What about an egg? B. Its an egg.Cartoon time1. This is _ orange skirt. A. I B. an C. my2. (1)想知道远处的东西是什么,应该问:A. Whats this? B. Whats that?(2)你想知道这个东西是什么,你可以问: .Its a T-shirt. B. Whats this? C Yes, please.(3)-_ this? -Its a hot dog. A. What B.Whats C.whatsB卷: 课后巩固题 一.选择( )1.你的老师向你介绍了一名新同学,你怎么和新同学打招呼

4、: A. Thank you. B. Nice to meet you.( )2.【易错】Would you like _? No, thanks. A. ice cream B.an ice cream C. a ice cream( )3.Would you like an egg? _. A. Yes, I am B. No, Im not C. Yes, please( )4.当别人问你想要什么的时候,你可以说: A.Yes,please. B. Id like some sweets. C.Id like sweet.( )5.Would you like ice cream? A.

5、a B.an C.I( )6.-What about _? -No, thanks. A. a egg B. egg C. an egg( )7.-Whats this? -_ a hot dog. A.Is B. It C. Its( )8.你看到别人的新夹克后,可以说:A. Its nice. B. Look at my jacket.( )9.你想问对方的短裙是什么颜色时,可以说:A. What colour is my skirt? B. What colour is your skirt?( )10.问是黑色还是棕色,应该说:ABlack or brown? B. Black and

6、 brown.11.找出下列不同类的词,将其序号填入题前括号内( )(1) A. milk B. juice C. egg( )(2) A. yes B. you C. I( )(3) A. you B. I C. me( )(4) A. look B. are C. is( )(5) A. nice B. sweet C. pie二填入适当的词1.black(对应词) 2. its(完整形式) 3.whats(完全形式) 4.hi(同义词) 5.no(反义词) 6.are(单数) 7.too(同音词) 8.shes(完整形式)_9.Im(完整形式)_ 10.its(完整形式)_ 11.tha

7、t is(缩写形式)_三. 用“a”和“an”选择填空。1. ( )pie 2. ( ) orange 3. ( ) ice cream 4. ( ) hot dog 5. ( )egg 6. ( )orange jacke三翻译1.一个冰淇淋 _ 2.怎么样?_ 3. 不,谢谢你。_4.一个大鸡蛋_5.Would you like? _ 6.Yes, please._ 7.What about a cake? _8.一个鸡蛋 _ 9.一个冰淇淋_ 10. for you _ 11.what about? _12.Would you like some milk?_13.What about

8、this nice sweater?_14.它是一个橙子。 Its .15.这顶鸭舌帽是什么颜色的?黑蓝相间的。 is ? Its and .16.你想要一个热狗吗?不,谢谢。 来一个蛋糕怎么样?好的,太感谢了? _ you like a _ _? No, _ you. _ _ a cake? Yes ,_.四连词成句1.like,you,a,would,pie (?) 2.cake,what,a,about (?) 3.is,what,this (?) 4.to,nice,you,too ,meet (, .) 5.you, would, an, like, ice cream ( ? )

9、6.at,T-shirt,look,new,my(.) 五.选择合适的答案( )1. Look at my skirt. A. Its green.( )2. Would you like a pie? B. How nice!( )3. Whats this? C. No, thank you.( )4. What colour is my T- shirt. D. Thank you.( )5. Great! E. Its a hot dog.六. 将下列句子排列成正确的一段话。1.Would you like an egg? 2.What about a hot dog? 3.Whats

10、 this?4.Yes, please. 5.No, thank you. 6.Its an egg. 1.Would you like a sweet? 2. Whats this? 3.Yes, please.4.Its a sweet. 5.No, thank you. 6.What about an egg? 七.读对话,判断句子正误,正确的用T表示,错误的用F表示 M=MikeL=Liu TaoW=Waitress (女服务员)M:Would you like a hot dog?L: Yes, Please. How about you, Mike?M: Id like an eg

11、g and a pie.W: OK! Here you are.M: Wow! A red egg.L: Yes, and a green pie.W:And the hot dog is orange. Its nice.( )1. Mike would like a hot dog.( )2. Liu Tao would like a cake and an egg.( )3. The egg is red.( )4. The pie is blue.( )5. The hot dog is orange.C卷: 复习提高题 一. 选择( )1.Look at my shirt. _. A

12、. Hello! B. Its nice C. Thank you.( )2.-_ is it ? - Its red. A. What B. What colour C. Whats colour( )3.-Can I help you? -_. A. Yes, please. B.I like hamburgers. C. Id like a cake.( )4.What colour _ the T-shirts? A. am B. is C. are( )5.在小吃店,你想要三个热狗时,可以说:A.three hot dog, please. B.three hot dogs, ple

13、ase. C.Id like three, please.( )6.- An_? -No,thank you. Id like some_. A. cake , bread B.egg , breads C.ice cream , bread( )7.-Can I help you? -_. A.Yes,please. B.I like sweets. C.Id like a cake.( )8.Is it your cake? _ A. Yes, it isnt B. No, it isnt C. No, it is.( )9.This is _egg and that is _ CD. A

14、. an, a B. a, a C. an ,an( )10.What about an egg? _. A. Here you are. B. Its nice. C. Yes, please( )11.你看了对方的新帽子后,可以说:A. Its nice. B. This is my new cap. C. Thank you.( )12.你想知道自己的新短裙是什么颜色的,可以问: A. What colour is my new skirt? B. How is my new skirt? C. What colour is my new shirt?( )13.问对方想要白色的还是绿色

15、的,可以说: A. White? B. White or green? C. Its white and green.( )14.告诉对方这件夹克衫是红白相间的,可以说: A. The jacket is red and white. B. The jacket is red or white. C. Red or white?( )15.别人建议你吃一个糖果,你不想吃,你可以说:A. No, thank you. B. Yes, please.( )16.你想表达“我能看见一个鸡蛋”,可以这样说: A. I can see an egg. B. Its an egg.( )17.【易错】 !

16、 Its an egg. A.Look B. Look at C. Look for( )18.【易错】你会说字母UVW,你说:A.I can say UVW. B. I can see UVW. C.Can I say UVW?二.填入合适的词(am,is,are,she,he,my,me)1.Im Mike. This Liu Tao. is my friend.2.- you Liu Tao? -No,Im not.3.This is Nancy. my sister.4.I Yang Ling.5. This is . 三.选择下面正确的疑问词填空,把序号写在横线上A. What B.

17、 What about C. Who D. How E. What colour1. _ is the jacket? Its blue.2. _ is he? Hes my father.3. _ is this? Its a CD.4. _ a cake? No, thank you.5. _ are you? Fine, thank you.四.根据首字母提示填入所缺单词,每空一词。1. W_ you like a pie?2. T_ is my brother.3. What c_ is it? Red.4. What a_ a cake? Yes, please.五.阅读短文,根据短

18、文内容,从所给选项中选择一个最恰当的,把序号填在题前的括号内。My name is Tim. Im ten. There are(有)four people(人)in my family. They are my father, my mother, my sister and me. Mary is my sister. Shes two. I love my family. I have(有)some friends at school. They are Tom, Paul and Alice. They are ten. ( )1. _ is Tims sister. A. Tom B

19、. Alice C. Mary( )2. Tim is _. A. 8 B. 9 C. 10( )3. Paul is _. A. 8 B. 9 C. 10( )4. How many people are there in Tims family? A. 4 B. 3 C. 2( )5. 下面哪个句子是正确的? A. Mary is Tims friend. B. Paul is Tims friend. C. Alice is Tims sister.听力题一、听录音,选出你所听到的内容,将序号填在括号内 ( ) 1 A. JHR B. GHR C . RGJ( ) 2.A. green

20、B. great C. good( ) 4.A. lookB. whatC. at( ) 5.A. redB. jacketC. great( ) 6.A. skirtB. T-shirtC. cap( ) 7.A. andB. itsC. it( ) 8.A. nice B. new C. now ( ) 9. A. white B. write C. right( ) 10. A. happy B. have C. hello二、听录音,根据所听问题,选择正确的答案( )1. A. Its a CD. B. Yes, it is.( )2. A. Its nice. B. Its whit

21、e.( )3. A. Happy New Year. B.Happy birthday( )4. A. Yes, it is. B. Yes, please.( )5. A. Yes. B. Thank you.三、听录音,给下面的图片标序号,听两遍 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )NameHelenTimMikeSu Hai四.听录音,根据所听内容,选出每个人需要的食物,在对应的方格内打“”,听力答案二、听录音,根据所听问题,选择正确的答案。1. Whats this?2.What colour?3. Happy New Year. )4. Would you like a pie?5. Th

22、is is for you.三 1、Would you like a cake, Mr. Dog? 2、Im Bobby. Look at my hot dog. 3、A: Would you like a cake? B: Yes, please. 4、A: Id like an egg and a cake. B:And Id like an ice cream and a hot dog.四 Good morning boys and girls. Im Mike. This is my brother Tim. He would like a hot dog. This is my sister Helen. She would like an ice cream. And this is my friend Su Hai. She would like a cake. How about me? I would like a pie and an egg. What would you like?专心-专注-专业


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