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1、Module 8 Unit 1,How do I get to the Forbidden City?,广场 n.在.对面 prep.主席 n.纪念物;纪念碑 n.在.之间 prep.转向,转弯 v.街道拐角处;角落 n.沿着 prep.,1.Words and expressions,opposite,square,chairman,memorial,between,turn,corner,along,revision,on the left of,在.的左边在.的右边在.和.之间在.对面在.的拐角处,on the right of,betweenand,opposite,on the co

2、rner of,2.Grammar,revision,表示方位的介词或介词短语:,Lets talk about this.,The capital(首都)of China is Beijing.Well,do you know any important places in Beijing?,Talking,the Great Hall of the People,Tiananmen Square,the National Museum of China,the Forbidden City,the Chairman Mao Memorial Hall,Beihai Park,Wangfuj

3、ing Dajie,Read the places loudly and remember them.,Tiananmen Squarethe Great Hall of the Peoplethe National Museum of Chinathe Forbidden Citythe Chairman Mao Memorial HallBeihai ParkWangfujing Dajie,天安门广场人民大会堂国家博物馆故宫毛主席纪念堂北海公园王府井大街,Listen and number the places in the order you hear them.(按先后顺序标号),L

4、istening,Beihai Parkthe Forbidden CityTiananmen SquareWangfujing Dajie,4,1,2,3,Reading,Read the passage silently and find your problems.(默读课文,找出不 明白的问题。),Listen again and fill the blanks.,Listening,S:How do I _to the Forbidden City?L:Go straight ahead.Its _ Tiananmen Square.S:I see.And where is the

5、Chairman Mao Memorial Hall?L:Its here,_ the Great Hall of the People _ the Museum.S:And can you tell me the way to the park?L:Yes,Beihai Park is my favourite.Its kind of quiet.Go _ the square.Turn left into Changan Jie and turn right into Chang Jie.I think there is an entrance on the _ of Chang Jie

6、and Wenjin Jie.,get,opposite,between,and,across,corner,Try your best to find the answers to your questions with the help of your partners.(小组合作,尽量将你的问题组 内讨论解决),Discussing,Help each other and we can do better!,Reading,Read the passage loudly and find out the sentences about:(大声朗读课文,并找出 相关的句子)1.怎样问路 2

7、.怎样指路,Language points,1.Show me your map of Beijing.给我看看你的北京地图。show sb.sth.=show sth.to sb.向某人展示某物 e.g.1.能给我看看你的新书吗?Can you _?Can you _?2.Tom,请把你的家庭作业拿给我看看。Tom,please _?Tom,please _?,show me your new book,show your new book to me,show me your homework,show your homework to me,精讲点拨,2.Its kind of quie

8、t.那儿有点安静。kind of+adj.,在口语中用来表示“有点儿,有几分”e.g.1.她有点儿伤心。She was_.2.今天有点冷。Today is _.,kind of sad,kind of cold,问路的方法,Where is.?How do I get to.?Can you tell me the way to.?,怎样指路呢?,直走沿着.走穿过.向左/右拐入.在第一个十字路口朝右拐在对面,Go straight ahead.,Go along.,Go across.,Turn left/right into.Turn right/left at the first cros

9、singIts opposite.,Excuse me,.?,Everyday English,1.show me your map of Beijing让我看看你的北京地图2.Heres 这是3.over there 在那里、在那边 4.on the left/on the right 在左边 在右边5.Its kind of 有点、有几分,径直走在拐角处沿着横过、穿过向左转、向右转在和之间在你的左边在你的右边,Key points,go straight ahead,on the corner of,go along/go down,go across,turn left/turn rig

10、ht,betweenand,on your left,on your right,the Forbidden City,A:How do I_ the Forbidden City?B:Go _ ahead.Its _ Tiananmen Square.,get to,straight,opposite,Tiananmen Square,Beihai Park,Tiananmen Square,the Forbidden City,A:How do I.?B:Go.Its.A:Can you.?B:Go.Turn.Turn.Its.,A:Can you tell me _Beihai Park

11、?B:_ the square.Turn left into Changan Jie.Turn right into Chang Jie.Its _ Wenjin Jie and Chang Jie.,Beihai Park,Go across,the way to,on the corner of,Wenjing Jie,Chang Jie,Changan Jie,随堂小结,这节课,你都学到了些什么呢?,key points,问路的几种方式:Excuse me,how do/can I get to?Excuse me,where is the?Excuse me,can you tell

12、me the way to the?2.指路的一些用语:Go straight ahead./Go along.Go across,turn left/right intoIts over there.Its on the left/right.Its opposite.Its between and.Its next to.Its on the corner of.,Make a dialoge:,Harvard University,Homework:,一、复习巩固 1.复习本节课知识点,整理课堂笔记。2.完成互动Unit1.二、分层作业 1.熟读课文(必做)。2.能对课文进行简单复述(选作)。三、预习任务 1.预习Unit2相关词汇和知识点,为下一节课的学习做准备。,Thank you!,


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