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1、ITS A SOCIAL WORLD,Top 10 Need-to-Knows About Social Networking and Where Its Headed,Introduction,With the widespread adoption of the Internet around the world came the rise of social networking as a globalphenomenon.In March 2007,Social Networking as a category had a global audience of less than 50

2、0 million users,representing just 56 percent of the worlds online population.In those days,as Thomas Friedman put it,“Twitter wasa sound,the cloud was in the sky,4G was the name of a parking space.and Skype for most people was a typo.”*Email reigned supreme as the king of communication channels onli

3、ne,and the word friend was just beginning itsmetamorphosis from the rigid uni-dimensional noun it was to the ubiquitous,transformative verb it has become.Since then,the digital landscape has changed immensely.Social networks,which provide platforms for online usersto connect,share,and build relation

4、ships with others online,have forever altered the lives of individuals,communities andsocieties all over the world.The growth in popularity of social networking has also created and engendered new onlineconsumer behaviors.The goal of this report is to frame the current state of social networks throu

5、gh the lens of how usersaround the world have grown to use them over time.A primer of sorts,this report addresses questions such as:How extensive is consumer usage of social networking and how does it vary by country?What is the current rate of social networking adoption in different parts of the wo

6、rld?Which sites are driving this adoption in different markets?How are these consumer usage dynamics changing over time?Where do these trends appear to be headed in the future?,This report offers a comprehensive summary of the current state of social networking activity,as measured via passivelyobse

7、rved digital consumer behavior,providing essential background research and analysis for anyone trying to get a handleon the far-reaching topic of social networking and its implications.,*“Thomas Friedman on How America Fell Behind”.NPR.org.,Retrieved 7 December 2011.http:/www.npr.org/2011/09/06/1402

8、14150/thomas-friedman-on-how-america-fell-behind,2,10,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,Contents,A few notes about the datasources for this report:All data in this report sourced to comScore Media Metrix is based on Internet usage from home and work-based computers from comScores proprietary,opt-in research panel,c

9、onsisting of 2 Million people sourced from 171 countries.Data is individually reported for 43 of those countries.Media Metrix data excludes activity from mobile phones,tablets and other connected devices.Data from mobile devices comes from two other products in the comScore mobile solutions suite wh

10、ich are available in a subset of these markets and are sourced Score MobiLens data is sourced from an intelligent online survey of nationally representative samples of mobile subscribers age 13+in the U.S.,UK,France,Germany,Spain,Italy,Canada,and JScore GSMA Mobile Media Metrics(MMM)provides a censu

11、s-level solution for mobile media reporting in the UK,taking irreversibly anonymised mobile Internet usage data from 3 of the 4 UK mobile operators comScore Ad Metrix data sourced in this report refers to the U.S.market only.,TOP 10 NEED-TO-KNOWS ABOUT SOCIAL NETWORKING AND WHERE ITS HEADEDSocial ne

12、tworking is the most popular online activity worldwideSocial networking behavior both transcends and reflects regional differences around the worldThe importance of Facebook cannot be overstatedMicroblogging has emerged as a disruptive new force in social networkingLocal social networks are making i

13、nroads globallyIts not just young people using social networking anymore its everyoneDigital natives suggest communications are going socialSocial networking leads in online display advertising in the U.S.,but lags in share of dollarsThe next disrupters have yet to be decidedMobile devices are fueli

14、ng the social addictionMethodology&DefinitionsAbout comScoreAppendix:Country Snapshots,TOTALUNIQUEVISITORS(MM),HOURSPERMONTH(BILLIONS),#,1,1,600,Socialnetworkingis the mostpopularonlineactivityworldwide,Social networking sites now reach 82 percent of the worldsonline population,representing 1.2 bill

15、ion users around theworld.The social networking adoption trend largely mirroredthe global Internet adoption curve,and grew proportionately,showing that as people began to get connected,theyimmediately began connecting with one another.Even more telling of social networkings emergenceis the amount of

16、 time people currently engage with it.As a percentage of all the time people spend online,socialnetworking activity has more than tripled in the last fewyears.In October 2011,Social Networking ranked as themost popular content category in worldwide engagement,The Rise of the Global Social Networking

17、 AudienceSource:comScore Media Metrix,Worldwide,March 2007 October 2011,accounting for 19 percent of all time spent online.Nearly 1 in every 5 minutes spent online is now spenton social networking sites a stark contrast from whenthe category accounted for only 6 percent of time spentonline in March

18、2007.Time spent on social networking sites gained ground duringthis time by taking share predominantly from web-basedemail and instant messengers,reflecting its emergenceas another primary communication channel for users.Unmistakably,it has evolved over the years to become anintegral part of the glo

19、bal online experience,in many waysboth mirroring and augmenting the offline social experience.Time Spent Online on Key Internet CategoriesSource:comScore Media Metrix,Worldwide,March 2007 October 2011,*Time spent on Communications includes time spent on web-based Email and Instant Messengers.1,400,1

20、,2001,000800600400200,353025201510,0,2007,2008,2009,2010,2011,5,TOTAL INTERNET,0,2007,2008,2009,2010,2011,SOCIAL NETWORKING,SOCIAL NETWORKING,RETAIL,OTHER CONTENT,SEARCH/NAVIGATION,COMMUNICATION,4,#,practices around the world,social networking is growing,in every single country.*A look at individual

21、 markets shows,the penetration of social networking sites,ranging from,at least 35 percent over the past year,reflecting its growing,41 of the 43 markets individually reported by comScore,seeing a market penetration of 85 percent or more.,regions Social Networking accounted for at least,24 percent a

22、ll time spent online.,MIDDLE EAST,&AFRICA,Venezuela 96%Italy 93%New Zealand 95%,Netherlands,94%,Philippines,96%,Norway,89%,Singapore,94%,Poland,95%,South Korea,87%,Portugal,96%,Taiwan,94%,Spain 98%Vietnam 85%,Turkey,96%,United Kingdom,98%,2,Socialnetworkingbehaviorbothtranscendsand reflectsregionald

23、ifferencesaroundthe world,The growth of social networking is a global cultural engaging in online social networking,making the practicephenomenon.Despite significant differences in government,comparatively ubiquitous around the world.infrastructure,availability of Internet access and cultural53 perc

24、ent in China to 98 percent in the United States,withRegardless of how open or closed a society may be,it is safeto assume that more than half of local online populations areNORTH AMERICA LATIN AMERICA EUROPE ASIA PACIFICCanada 94%Argentina 96%Austria 86%Israel 94%Australia 96%United States 98%Brazil

25、 97%Belgium 93%South Africa 88%China 53%Chile 94%Denmark 94%Hong Kong 93%Colombia 96%Finland 91%India 95%Mexico 96%France 91%Indonesia 94%Peru 96%Germany 90%Japan 58%Puerto Rico 90%Ireland 95%Malaysia 94%Percentage of OnlinePopulation Using SocialNetworking aroundthe WorldSource:comScore Media Metri

26、x,October 2011 Russia 88%Sweden 93%*Data is based on the 43 Switzerland 90%countries on which comScore reports individually.,The high user engagement on social networks across globalregions demonstrates its universal appeal.For each region,the total time spent by users on Social Networking grew bype

27、rvasiveness across the board.In Latin America,Europe,and the Middle East-Africa three very culturally different,5,AVERAGEHOURSPERVISITOR,PHILIPPINES,VENEZUELA,ARGENTINA,COLOMBIA,CANADA,TURKEY,RUSSIA,ISRAEL,CHILE,PERU,#,contd,2Social networkingbehavior bothtranscends andreflects regionaldifferences a

28、round,Despite such widespread adoption,there are significant disparities in social networking behavior across geographic anddemographic groups.In a ranking of total time spent online,Israel emerges as the most active country,followed by Argentinaand Russia.While some of this is driven by infrastruct

29、ure(access to broadband,for example),it is also interesting to examinethese differences vis-a-vis cultural norms.For instance,time spent on the Social Networking category accounted for only11 percent of total time spent online in the Asia Pacific region compared to 28 percent in Latin America.Latin

30、Americans alsospent the most time on social networks at an average of 7.6 hours per user in October 2011.In contrast,those in the AsiaPacific region averaged slightly less than 3 hours.In our global ranking of Social Networking usage,5 of the top 10 top mostsocially-engaged markets were located in L

31、atin America,underscoring a regional predisposition for social networking.Long the heaviest users of other communication channels,such as instant messaging and chat,Latin Americans haveembraced the social web in a way that reflects an effusive social culture in the region.,the world,11.1,10.7,10.4,1

32、0.2,9.8,8.7,8.5,8.3,7.9,7.7,Top 10 Most EngagedMarkets for SocialNetworkingSource:comScore Media Metrix,October 2011,6,#,contd,3.3,2,In contrast,those in the Asia Pacific region,particularlyEast Asian countries,spend the least amount of time on,Average Hours per Visitor on SocialNetworking by Region

33、,Social networkingbehavior bothtranscends andreflects regionaldifferences aroundthe world,social networks,which could in part reflect differences incultural norms versus other parts of the world.Even withinregions,however,there are exceptions.In a ranking ofcountries based on time spent on Social Ne

34、tworking as apercentage of total time online,the Philippines emergesas the most socially active country,followed by Russiaand Argentina.In October,social networking accounted foran astounding 43 percent of total time spent onlineby Filipinos,and the typical Filipino spent a significantlyhigher than

35、average 8.7 hours on social networks duringthe month.Another interesting illustration is that consistently acrossall regions,women spend more time social networking thanmen.In North America and Europe,women spentan average of nearly two hours(30 percent)more than menon social networking sites in a m

36、onth.All these variations,Source:comScore Media Metrix,October 2011LATIN AMERICAEUROPENORTH AMERICAASIA PACIFIC2.7,,,in social behavior suggest that while social networking,is indeed a significant and growing part of the globalonline experience,there are inherent cross-cultural and

37、demographic differences that are important to understand.,WORLDWIDE,FEMALES,5.0MALES,6.5,7,TOTALUNIQUEVISITORS(MM),#,The,3importanceof Facebookcannot beoverstated,To fully comprehend the state of social networking today,one must understand how Facebook the largest playerby virtually any metric drive

38、s the behavior of the categoryas a whole.Consider that Facebook is the third largestweb property in the world,trailing only Google Sites andMicrosoft Sites.In October,Facebook reached morethan half of the worlds global audience(55 percent)andaccounted for approximately 3 in every 4 minutes spenton s

39、ocial networking sites and 1 in every 7 minutes spentonline around the world.,While Facebook is the leading social networking site in thevast majority of countries,it is not the leader everywhere yet.In the beginning of 2010,Facebook was the categoryleader in 30 of the 43 markets that comScore repor

40、tson at the individual level.Since then,it has taken the leadin 6 additional markets,spanning Asia,Latin Americaand Europe.,900800700600500400300200100,FacebookovertakesWindowsLive Profile inPortugalFacebookovertakesWindows LiveProfile in Mexico,Facebookovertakes StudiVZsites in GermanyFacebookovert

41、akes Orkutin India,Facebookovertakes Yahoo!Wretch in Taiwan,Facebookovertakes Hyvesin the Netherlands,Facebooks Ascentin Recent YearsSource:comScore Media Metrix,Worldwide,January 2010 October 2011,0,JAN-2010,APR-2010,JUL-2010,OCT-2010,JAN-2011,APR-2011,JUL-2011,OCT-2011,Today,there are only 7 marke

42、ts where Facebook does not have the largest audience in the category Brazil,China,Japan,Poland,Russia,South Korea and Vietnam.Putting China aside,which currently blocks Facebook,the trend in audiencegrowth suggests that Facebook will soon be the market leader in Brazil and potentially Poland;In Japa

43、n,it is second to Twitter,but is on the same growth trajectory.In a few of these countries,it even leads the category in engagement.In South Koreaand Poland,for example,Facebook trails regional social networks in audience size but shows highest average engagement,as measured by time spent.While Orku

44、t still leads in Brazil in terms of both audience and engagement,Facebook is quicklyclosing in according to both metrics.By and large,Facebook has proven to be a dominant global force in social networkingthat shows no immediate signs of slowing down.8,TOTALUNIQUEVISITORS(MM),TOTALUNIQUEVISITORS(MM),

45、#,contd,25,20,15,16,14,12,10,0,0,0,0,0,3,Top 2 Social Networks in Selected Markets,The importanceof Facebookcannot be overstated,Source:comScore Media Metrix,January 2010 October 201140 BRAZIL JAPAN35302520,8,POLAND,15105,105,642,JAN 2010,JAN 2011,JAN 2010,JAN 2011,AUG 2010,AUG 2011,AVERAGE MINUTESP


47、NUTESPER VISITOR5765,9,#,4,Microblogginghas emergedas a disruptivenew forcein socialnetworking,Microblogging,a style of communicating through short-formcontent,has taken hold as a wildly popular social networkingplatform in recent years,due in large part to the emergenceof Twitter which saw its audi

48、ence begin to erupt in thespring of 2009.To date,Twitter reaches 1 in 10 Internet usersworldwide to rank among the top social networks,and postedan impressive growth rate of 59 percent over the past year.Interestingly,the use of Twitter around the world has not beenlimited to interpersonal communica

49、tion among friends.In2011,Twitter was used as a central means of communicationduring events of worldwide and national significance,rangingfrom political uprisings in the Middle East to disasters,suchas the earthquake and tsunami in Japan.Among the mosttweeted moments in 2011 according to Twitter wer

50、e politicalevents such as the death of Osama bin Laden,celebratorymoments such as New Year,and news about Steve Jobs,resignation from Apple and consequent passing.The announcement of the singer Beyonces pregnancyat the Video Music Awards broke Twitter records as usersgenerated 8,868 tweets per secon


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