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1、8.4 污水输送管各种管材比选8.4 Comparison and Selection of Various Types of Sewage Delivery Tubing 8.4.1 排水工程管材8.4.1 Tubing for Drainage Works 目前国内用于排水管道工程的管材有许多种,特别是近几年来随着新技术和新材料的发展,又出现了许多新管材,它们各有特点,各善胜场,运用在排水行业,均有不俗的业绩。In current domestic market, various types of tubing for drainage works are available, espec

2、ially with the development of new technology and new materials in recent years, many kinds of new tubing are developed, which have different features and advantages and are applied to drainage industry with good performance. 用于排水管道工程的管材主要有:The major tubing applied to drainage pipeline engineering is

3、 as follows: 金属管材(主要指钢管、球墨铸铁管、灰口铸铁管等); Metal tubing (mainly refer to steel tubes, spheroidal graphite iron tubes, gray cast iron tubes etc.); 普通的钢筋混凝土管材(主要指一级、二级离心钢筋混凝土管); Common reinforced concrete tubing (mainly refer to Grade I and Grade II centrifugal reinforced concrete tubes); 加强的钢筋混凝土管材(主要指三级

4、离心钢筋混凝土管、预应力钢筋混凝管、预应力钢筒混凝土管(简称PCCP管); Enhanced reinforced concrete tubing (mainly refer to Grade III centrifugal concrete tubes, prestressed reinforced concrete tubes, prestressed steel cylinder concrete tubes (PCCP tubes for short); 玻璃钢夹砂管材(主要指缠绕式玻璃钢夹砂管和离心式玻璃钢夹砂管等); Glass reinforced sand inclusion

5、tubing (mainly refer to spiral wound type glass reinforced sand inclusion tubes and centrifugal glass reinforced sand inclusion tubes etc.) 合成材料管材(主要指UPVC、UPVC加强筋管、HDPE管、FRPP等)等。 Composite material tubing (mainly refer to UPVC, UPVC reinforced tubes, HDPE tubes and FRPP tubes etc.)8.4.2 各种管材的比较8.4.2

6、 Comparison of Various Tubing 1金属管材(主要指钢管、球墨铸铁管、灰口铸铁管等)1Metal Tubing (mainly refer to steel tubes, spheroidal graphite iron tubes, gray cast iron tubes etc.)(1) 钢管(1) Steel tubes 机械强度大,可承受很高的压力,管件制作、加工方便,适用于地形复杂地段或穿越障碍等情况。但突出的问题是管道的腐蚀及其防护。内外防腐的施工质量直接和管道的使用寿命有关,且钢管的综合造价较高。尽管如此,在一些特殊条件下仍是其它管材所不能替代的。St

7、eel tube has great mechanical strength and is capable of bearing high pressure, and the fabrication and processing of tubing is convenient, hence the steel tube is applicable to the area with complex landform or with obstacles. However, the outstanding issue is concerning anti-corrosion and protecti

8、on of the tubes. Construction quality of internal and external anti-corrosion is directly related to service life of the tubes, and the comprehensive cost of the steel tube is relatively high. Even so, the steel tube is not replaceable by other tubes under some special circumstances. (2) 球墨铸铁管(2) Sp

9、heroidal Graphite Iron Tubes分可延性和铸态球墨铸铁管,抗拉、抗弯强度大,延伸率大,耐压力大,耐腐蚀优于钢管,但价格偏高,且管配件有时需用钢制配件转换,因而产生防腐问题。Spheroidal graphite iron tubes are divided into ductile and as-cast spheroidal graphite iron tubes, which have great extension and flexural strength, big elongation percentage and strong pressure-resist

10、ance force. The anti-corrosion performance is better than steel pipes, but its price is higher, and sometimes its fittings have to be switched with steel fittings, which causes anti-corrosion problem. (3) 灰口铸铁管(3) Gray Cast Iron Tubes物理性质与球墨铸铁管类似,但在延伸率等较多方面均劣于球墨铸铁管,但灰口铸铁管价格适中。因制造过程中对环境的影响较大。目前已从以前的主

11、流管材变为次要管材。Its physical property is similar to that of spheroidal graphite iron tubes, but some aspects such as elongation percentage are inferior to the spheroidal graphite iron tubes. The price of gray cast iron tubes is moderate. Due to its great impact on environment during production, the gray c

12、ast iron tubes have changed from main tubing in the past time to secondary tubing. 2普通的钢筋混凝土管材(主要指一级、二级离心钢筋混凝土管)2Common Reinforced Concrete Tubing (mainly refer to Grade I and Grade II centrifugal reinforced concrete tubes)使用时间最长,适用场合最广泛,价格便宜,性能稳定,目前仍是排水行业的最主要的管材。Owing to advantages of long service

13、life, extensive application, low price, and stable performance, the common reinforced concrete tubing is still the most major tubing in the drainage industry. 3加强的钢筋混凝土管材(主要指三级离心钢筋混凝土管、预应力钢筋混凝管、预应力钢筒混凝土管(简称PCCP管)3Enhanced Reinforced Concrete Tubing (mainly refer to Grade III centrifugal concrete tub

14、es, prestressed reinforced concrete tubes, prestressed steel cylinder concrete tubes (PCCP tubes for short)(1) 预应力钢筋混凝土管(1) Prestressed reinforced concrete tubes预应力钢筋混凝土管:利用先张法、后张法对环向钢筋、纵向钢筋进行张拉,使混凝土内产生预应力,从而提高管材的承截力。具有节约钢材、抗震性好、使用寿命长等特点,据生产工艺分为一阶段管和三阶段管。多用于有压水的输送,管径范围8001400,承受内压能力为0.41.2Mpa,粗糙度系数n

15、=0.0130.014。Pre-stressed reinforced concrete tube: Pre-tensioning and post-tensioning methods are used to tension circumferential reinforcements and longitudinal reinforcements so as to generate pre-stressing force inside concrete and further improve bearing force of tubing. The pre-stressed reinfor

16、ced concrete tube is characterized in saving steel material, good earthquake resistance performance and long service life. According to manufacturing technology, the tubes are divided into phase I tube and phase III tube. They are mainly applied to delivering pressure water. Tube diameters range 800

17、1400,internal pressure bearing capacity is 0.41.2Mpa,and roughness coefficient is n=0.0130.014. 一阶段和三阶段管较耐腐蚀,价格一般,但工作压力有限,自重大,运输安装不便,管子破损率较高,管承口的不规则圆易导致接口漏水,管配件需用钢制件转换。Phase I and phase II tubes are relatively corrosion resistant, with moderate prices, but work pressure is limited, self weight is gr

18、eat, transportation and installation is inconvenient, tubes breakage percentage is relatively high, the irregular circle at the tube socket easily causes water leakage, and the tube fitting requires steel parts for adaptation. (2) 预应力钢筒混凝土管(简称PCCP管)(2) Prestressed Steel Cylinder Concrete Tubes (PCCP

19、 tubes for short)PCCP管是由两种不同材料组成的复合体,其结构形式是由薄钢板焊成的筒体外包混凝土,缠绕预应力钢丝和用砂浆作保护层。其特点是具有高抗渗性,能承受很大的内外荷载,接口密封性好。由于它本身能抵抗较大的外荷载,使其不须依赖土壤的侧向支撑,因而对回填土要求较柔性管低。主要用于有压水的输送,管径范围为12002000,承内压的能力分为9级,最大可达2.0Mpa,粗糙度系数较其它混凝土管低,n=0.0100.012,但其价格较贵。PCCP tube is a composite consisting of two different materials, the struc

20、tural form of which is that a cylinder welded with thin steel sheet is covered with concrete, and is bound with prestressing steel wires and takes mortar as protective layer. It is characterized in that it has high anti-leaking property, is capable of bearing big internal and external load, and its

21、interface is well sealed. Its capacity of resisting large external load enables it not to rely on lateral support of the soil, therefore its requirements on backfilling soil is lower than on flexible tubes. The PCCP tube is mainly applied to pressure water delivery, its tube diameter ranges 12002000

22、, capacity of bearing internal pressure is divided in 9 levels, maximum capacity may reach 2.0Mpa, roughness coefficient n=0.0100.012 is lower than other concrete tubes, but its price is relatively high. PCCP管分内衬式和嵌置式,钢环状承插口密封性强,兼有钢管和混凝土管的某些优点,但管材自重大,也需一些钢制转换件,运输、安装不便,相应增加了管材的施工制作配套费用,必要时需在保护层外涂沥青防腐

23、。这种管材对于大口径能显示其性价比方面优越性。PCCP tubes are divided into inner lining type and insertion type, and steel ring shaped faucet has good tightness. The PCCP tubes have some advantages of steel tubes as well as concrete tubes, but self weight of the tubing is great and it requires some steel parts to adapt, th

24、e transportation and installation is inconvenient which increases costs associated with construction and fabrication of the tubing. When necessary, asphalt anti-corrosion shall be applied to the outside of the protective layer. Such tubing with large diameter can show its advantages in price and per

25、formance. 4. 玻璃钢夹砂管材(主要指缠绕式玻璃钢夹砂管和离心式玻璃钢夹砂管等)4. Glass Reinforced Sand Inclusion Tubing (mainly refer to spiral wound type glass reinforced sand inclusion tubes and centrifugal glass reinforced sand inclusion tubes etc.)分离心浇铸玻璃纤维增强不饱和聚酯夹砂管和玻璃纤维缠绕增强热固性树脂夹砂复合管,具有重量轻,利于施工安装,耐腐蚀等特点,使用周期长,可达到50年以上,水力性能优,管

26、内壁粗糙度n=0.0080.010,在相同水力条件下,玻璃钢管可代替比它直径大一至二档的混凝土管和钢管、球墨铸铁管。但玻璃钢夹砂管与同管径管材相比价格偏高,且抗击集中外力和不均匀外力的能力较弱。It is divided into centrifugal cast glass reinforced undersaturated polyester sand inclusion tubes and glass fiber spiral wound reinforced thermoset sand inclusion composite tubes, which is characterized

27、 in light weight, facilitating installation construction, and resisting corrosion. The service life can reach over 50 years. Its hydraulic performance is excellent, with the inner wall roughness n=0.0080.010,under same hydraulic condition, glass reinforced steel tube may substitute concrete tubes, s

28、teel tubes and spheroidal graphite iron tubes of which the diameter is one to two gears bigger than glass steel tubes. However, compared with other tubing with equal diameter, the price of glass reinforced sand inclusion tubes is higher, and its capacity of resisting concentrated external force and

29、uneven external force is relatively weak. 5合成材料管材(主要指UPVC加强筋管、HDPE管、FRPP、塑料螺旋管等)5. Composite Material Tubing (mainly refers to UPVC reinforced tubes, HDPE tubes and FRPP tubes and plastic spiral tubes etc.)合成材料管材是近几年才兴起的新材料、新技术,它主要指UPVC加强筋管、HDPE管、FRPP管等,这些管材的制作必须符合国家和地方有关标准和规定。Composite material tub

30、ing is new developed material and technology in recent years, which mainly refers to UPVC reinforced tubes, HDPE tubes, and FRPP tubes etc. The fabrication of these tubes must meet relevant national and local standards and stipulations. 该类管材的特点主要有:Features of this type tubing include: (1)内壁光滑,水头损失小,

31、节省能耗;(1)Smooth inner wall, minor loss of water, saving energy; (2)材质轻,比重小,便于运输与施工安装;(2)Light-weight material, small specific gravity, being convenient for transportation and construction; (3)管道接口密封性好,可确保管内污水不外漏,并可顺应地基不均匀沉降,不会产生如硬性混凝土管的脱节断裂现象;(3)Good tightness of the pipeline interfaces may ensure no

32、n-leakage of the sewage in the pipe and adapt to uneven settlement of foundation, and will not result in the phenomenon of disjunction and breakage of rigid concrete tubes. (4)耐腐蚀,适用寿命长;(4)Corrosion resistance and long service life;(5)单根管道长度长;(5)Long length of single piece of pipeline; (6)价格较贵,适用于中、

33、小管径。(6)Price is relatively high, hence is applicable to tubes of medium and small diameter. 8.4.3 决定管材选用的综合影响因素8.4.3 Comprehensive Influencing Factors in Determining the Selection of Tubing 1施工方法(包括打开挖、维护开挖、顶管、沉管及非开挖等施工方法);1Construction method (including open excavation method, maintenance excavatio

34、n method, pipe jacking method, tubes sinking method and non-excavation method etc.)4管道埋深及地下水状况;4Buried depth of the tubes and groundwater condition; 5施工现场具体情况;5Specific condition of construction site;6施工周期;6Construction duration;7地质状况;7Geological condition;8回填质量;8Quality of backfilling;9管材的物理性质;9Phy

35、sical property of the tubes;10管道接口形式及止水密封性能;10Interface form and watertight sealing performance of the pipeline;11管道综合价格(包括管材、运输及施工等综合造价);11Comprehensive price of the pipeline (including tubing, transportation and construction etc. comprehensive costs); 12工程所在地的常规施工技术;12Regular construction technolo

36、gy of the project location; 13工程所在地的常规管材品种及管径系列;13Regular tubing variety and tubing diameter series in the project location; 14其它影响因素。14Other influencing factors 8.4.4 污水输送管管材选择方案比较8.4.4 Comparison of Selection Proposal for Sewage Delivering Tubing 1 方案比选1. Proposals Comparison and Selection近期建设范围的污

37、水输送管主要为系统总管和干管,管径大,主要为重力管道,输送距离长、埋深范围大、支线接入较多,因此针对重力输送管道管材,作以下4种较适用管材进行方案比选:The sewage delivering tubing of the construction range in near future is mainly system main tube and trunk tube with big diameter, which belongs to gravity pipeline, with long delivery distance, large burying depth range and

38、 multiple branch lines connection. Based on the gravity delivering pipeline tubing, the following 4 proposals are made for comparison and selection: (1)方案一:预应力钢筒混凝土管(简称PCCP管);(1)Proposal I: prestressed steel cylinder concrete tubes (PCCP tubes for short);(2)方案二:钢筋混凝土管;(2)Proposal II: reinforced conc

39、rete tubes;(3)方案三:钢管;(3)Proposal III: steel tubes;(4) 方案四:玻璃钢夹砂管。(4) Proposal IV: glass steel sand tubes. 污水输送管管材方案比较表 表8.4.4-1 Comparison of Sewage Delivering Tubing Table 8.4.4-1方案名称Name of Proposal方案一Proposal I方案二Proposal II方案三Proposal III方案四Proposal IV管材名称Name of Tubing 预应力钢筒混凝土管(PCCP管)Prestress

40、ed steel cylinder concrete tubes (PCCP tubes)钢筋混凝土管Reinforced concrete tubes钢管Steel tubes 玻璃钢夹砂管Glass steel sand tubes 管内承压Inside-tube load bearing 高、中、低压High, medium, low pressure中、低压Medium, low pressure 中、低压Medium, low pressure中、低压Medium, low pressure 管道接口Pipeline interface 双橡胶圈Double rubber washe

41、r 锲形橡胶圈Wedge-shaped rubber washer 焊接welding柔性橡胶圈Flexible rubber washer接口密封性Sealing performance of interface好Good 好Good 好Good 较好Relatively good 抗不均匀沉降能力Capacity of resisting uneven settlement 较好Relatively good 较好Relatively good好good较好Relatively good抗集中外力损伤能力Capacity of resisting damages by concentrat

42、ed external force好Good 好Good好Good 较差Relatively poor 管材防腐性Anti-corrosion property of tubing 好Good 一般Common 较差(需进行防腐处理)relatively poor (need anti-corrosive treatment)较好Relatively good 粗糙系数Roughness coefficient0.0120.0140.0120.010壁厚Wall thickness 厚Thick厚Thick 较薄Relatively thin一般Common 重量Weight 重heavy重h

43、eavy较轻Relatively light 较轻Relatively light 防渗Anti-leakage 好Good 较好Relatively good 较好Relatively good 较好Relatively good 使用寿命Service life 长Long 较长Relatively long 一般Common 较长Relatively long 基础处理Foundation treatment 一般不需特殊处理,基础可填砂Normally unnecessary to make special treatment; foundation may be filled wit

44、h sand一般需设条形混凝土基础Normally need strip concrete foundation 一般不需特殊处理,基础可填砂Normally unnecessary to make special treatment, the foundation may be filled with sand 基础必须填砂,均匀密实Foundation must be filled with sand, even and compact施工质量Construction quality 较易控制,较易保证Relatively easy to be controlledRelatively e

45、asy to be ensured 易控制,易保证Easy to be controlled; easy to be ensured 易控制,易保证Easy to be controlled; easy to be ensured一般Common 对土质适应性Adaptability to soil quality 较强Relatively strong 强Strong 强Strong 较强Relatively strong 管道敷设整体性Integrity of pipeline laying 好Good 较好Relatively good 好Good 较好Relatively good 回

46、填要求Backfilling requirement 一般Common 一般Common 一般Common 很高Very high 施工方法Construction method 较复杂Relatively complicated 简单Simple 简单Simple 一般common安全性Safety 高High 较高Relatively high 高High 一般Common 管径系列Tube diameter series 较齐全Relatively complete 齐全Complete 齐全Complete 大管径稍受限制Big diameter is limited 管道埋深Embe

47、dment depth 不受限制No restriction 不受限制No restriction不受限制No restriction受限制Restricted 施工方法Construction method 施工方法较多(开槽、顶管等)Multiple (channeling, tube jacking etc) 施工方法多样(开槽、顶管、沉管等)Multiple (channeling, tube jacking, tube sinking etc)施工方法多样(开槽、顶管、跨越、沉管等)Multiple (channeling, tube jacking, spanning, tube sinking etc)施工方法一般(开槽、沉管等)Common ( channeling, tube sinking etc) 温度应力Tempera


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