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1、2个月托福写作基础提升训练法 托福作文写不好,很多时候纯粹是因为大家的英语写作基础能力存在缺陷。下面就和大家分享2个月托福写作基础提升训练法介绍,来欣赏一下吧。2个月托福写作基础提升训练法介绍训练目标提升英语写作基础能力,从写作用词、*语法到句式掌握三个方面提升到托福水准。针对人群英语基础一般,词汇量初中到高中过渡,作文语法错误明显,语感较差的托福考生。练习手段背诵英语课文练习资料新概念3具体方法a 通读一遍,扫除单词障碍,摘抄出生词、短语、句子,搞懂课文意思;b 听一遍课文音频,注意学习自己不会读的单词;c 跟录音读一遍;d 反复读,直到可以非常熟练地、没有任何磕绊地、用很快的语速读下来;e

2、 录下自己最熟练的一遍并保存;f 坚持每天读20分钟,坚持两个月。要点提醒1. 不要在课本中做任何标记,包括单词的读音和汉语意思。这些都记在另外的笔记本上,读课文时只看纯英文文本,同时一边想自己读的这句话是什么意思。这样做可以避免只记得单词汉语意思,却容易忘记原来的英文单词,同时有助于慢慢培养用英文思考的习惯;2. 每天坚持做,每次至少20分钟。不求一次背很多内容,关键在于长期坚持。至少坚持一个月后就会见到一点成效了。此外切记不要一次花太长时间,建议20-30分钟为最佳。如果时间充裕的话可以一天多做几次30分钟的任务。有些同学习惯一下午3、4个小时的时间一直做一件事。大多数情况下,这样拖沓的学

3、习习惯不仅效率不高,极大地浪费了时间,长此以往还可能养成慢吞吞的思考习惯,对于学习和考试百害无利;3. 不仅要读要记,还要听,以及录音。有些读者可能注意到,这一个背课文的任务硬生生被加上了摘抄单词,听录音,甚至录音的任务,这又从何说起呢?英语作为一种语言,在听、说、读、写四门上,本就没有非此即彼的区别,基础打好了,“米”屯好了,有了一定的语感,四科的学习自然会相辅相成。4. 背单词是英语学习亘古不变的主题。除了词汇书外,大家每天遇到的各种英文材料都是非常好的背单词的材料。换言之,大家要学会自己积累自己的单词书,所以在记背课文的过程中一定要做笔记。托福写作模板:电力ElectricityThe

4、modern age is an age of electricity. People are so used to electric lights, radio, televisions, and telephones that it is hard to imagine what life would be like without them. When there is a power failure, people grope about in flickering candlelight, cars hesitate in the streets because there are

5、no traffic lights to guide them, and food spoils in silent refrigerators.Yet, people began to understand how electricity works only a little more than two centuries ago. Nature has apparently been experimenting in this field for million of years. Scientists are discovering more and more that the liv

6、ing world may hold many interesting secrets of electricity that could benefit humanity.All living cell send out tiny pulses of electricity. As the heart beats, it sends out pulses of record; they form an electrocardiogram, which a doctor can study to determine how well the heart is working. The brai

7、n, too, sends out brain waves of electricity, which can be recorded in an electroencephalogram. The electric currents generated by most living cells are extremely small - often so small that sensitive instruments are needed to record them. But in some animals, certain muscle cells have become so spe

8、cialized as electrical generators that they do not work as muscle cells at all. When large numbers of these cell are linked together, the effects can be astonishing.The electric eel is an amazing storage battery. It can seed a jolt of as much as eight hundred volts of electricity through the water i

9、n which it live. ( An electric house current is only one hundred twenty volts.) As many as four-fifths of all the cells in the electric eels body are specialized for generating electricity, and the strength of the shock it can deliver corresponds roughly to length of its body.托福写作语料库积累:关于教育一个国家教育如何提

10、高:课程设置要突出实用性,这样可以增加学生毕业后的就业机会。重点词汇、短语:practical,get X.X.X ready forI would say that the courses offered in universities should be more practical, specifically, they should get students ready for future jobs and increase students future job opportunities.决策者应该想办法降低高等教育的成本,现在高等教育太贵了比如生活费、书费和学费太高。重点词汇、

11、词组:make it accessible to ,cost of living, textbooks and skyrocketing tuitionsI would say the decision makers should figure out a way to reduce the cost tertiary education and make it accessible to everyone. Currently, our universities and colleges are super expensive, the cost of living, textbooks a

12、nd skyrocketing tuitions, all these combined makes it hard for lots of brilliant kids to receive higher education.让大学生更加自由的选择专业, 现在高考成绩一般的学生没有机会学习比较火的专业如经济金融,政府应该让学生更加自由的选择专业而不应该用高考分数限定学生的选择。重点词汇、词组:not be motivated to 没有动力做某事, be into 非常喜欢,be given to chance to do s/th, be based on 基于Personally, I

13、think government should make it easier for student to choose their majors. Currently, it is very hard, if not impossible for lots of average students to choose popular majors like economics, finance and accounting, cuz you have to get a really high score in college entrance exam. As known to all, on

14、e might not be motivated to do something unless he or she is really into that, students should be given to chance to choose majors they are interested in and it shouldnt be based on exam scores, thus they will better employ their creativity and imagination and be more likely to be successful in coll

15、ege.教育的功能、目标the purpose of education:传授知识、培养实用性技术impart knowledge and cultivate practical skills, provides students with the tools and skills句子:The utmost purpose of education is to impart knowledge and cultivate practical skills so that the students can be successful in their future career, like to

16、 become physicians, pilots, professors, architects, even engineers.Tertiary education(高等教育) provides students with the tools and skills that are essential for them to be successful in their future career.培养道德情操、求实精神:develop morality and values to live a good life and build up character to seek the t

17、ruth句子:大学教育的另外一个功能是培养学生的道德情操、正确的价值观、树立人格、求真等良好品质,这些品质对一个人的未来的职业是至关重要的。Another important function of university is to develop morality and cultivate values to live a decent life and help the students to build up character, and to seek the truth, and I think these qualities are very important to have

18、in order to be a mature person.帮助学生吸收知识、协助成长: the exploration of knowledge, to help students grow, to make men complete, explore our utmost ability, constant simulation, makes us understand things better句子:重点词汇、词组:noble cause光荣的使命,lead X.X.X on the path of, well-rounded全面的, constant simulation 不断的刺激

19、高等教育是个光荣使命,在知识的道路上引导学生、帮助学生成为更加健全的人。人生就是一个不断学习的过程,大学让我们追求卓越、更好的洞察世事。The noble cause of higher education is to lead students on the path of the exploration of knowledge, and help them to grow in to a more well rounded and compete person. You know, human beings need constant simulation to grow or it w

20、ill die, university helps us to explore our utmost ability and makes us understand things better.人人都应该给机会接受高等教育句子:重点词组:people from all walks of life, prestigious, be accessible/available to anyone, fairness, social status, underprivileged 弱势群体,climb up social ladder大学教育应该人人平等,孔子说有教无类;如果只有富人有接受高等教育的机

21、会,那么社会的不公平现象将会变得更加严重,弱势群体通往社会上层的通道就会被阻碍。I would say that higher education should be available to people from all walks of life, as prestigious Chinese philosopher Confucius said: education should be received by anyone no matter what their social status are. Suppose higher education is available only to the rich, then only the rich will be likely to succeed and then the underprivileged will never get a chance to climb up the social ladder, that is not fair.托福写作


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