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1、Wild China(Tasting Notes),South of the Bohai GulfPart 2,Warming Up,Do you know their names?have you ever heard them?,Background Information,Chinese mitten crab Chinese mitten crab,named for their strange hairy claws.,Background Information,Dongtan bird reserveis located at the east of Chongming isla

2、nd.,New words&Expressions,Marsh m n.沼泽;湿地Antler ntl n.鹿角,茸角;多叉鹿角Pere Davids Deer 四不像,麋鹿Stag/st/n.成年雄鹿Garland glnd n.花环 vt.戴花环Fawn fn n.幼鹿Wean winvt.使断奶;使断念;使放弃 n.(苏格兰)幼儿,Prosper prsp 繁荣,昌盛;成功;使昌盛;使繁荣Chick tk n.小鸡;小鸟;少妇Cargo kg n.货物,船货Tributary trbjt()r adj.纳贡的;附属的;辅助的Sturgeon std()n n.鲟鱼Estuary estj

3、()r n.河口;江口Beleaguer blig vt.围攻,围困;(为困难所)困扰;使烦恼:,Mudflat mdflt n.泥滩Hone hn n.磨刀石;磨炼,锤炼;使精通Decoy dik;dk n.诱饵;诱骗 vt.诱骗Consummate knsjmet;-s-adj.至上的;完美的;圆满的 vt.完成;作成;使达到极点Poacher pt n.偷猎者;侵入者;Quarry kwr n.采石场;猎物;来源 vt.挖出;努力挖掘Barge bd n.驳船;游艇 vi.蹒跚;闯入,Dock dk n.码头;船坞Concrete kkrit n.混凝土,水泥Insatiable nse

4、b()l adj.贪得无厌的;不知足的,Key Points,13.Passing the Milu Deer Reserve at Dafeng,they are approaching another salt marsh which will provide the perfect conditions for them to spend the winter.越过大丰县的麋鹿保护区逐渐接近另一处盐沼,这里将提供它们避冬的完美场所。Passing the Milu Deer Reserve at Dafeng现在分词短语作时间状语,相当于一个时间状语从句,逻辑主语为they。可理解为“w

5、hen they pass the Milu Deer Reserve at Dafeng”,Key Points,14.The hardy cranes can cope with winter temperatures which may drop below freezing.耐寒的鹤群能抵挡严寒低温,有时或许降至零度以下。cope with 近义词:manage;deal withfreezing:n.冰点 eg:Its 15 degrees below freezing.温度是零下15度。adj.冰冷的 感觉受冻的 eg:The cinema was freezing.电影院里冰冷冰

6、冷的。You must be freezing,she said.“你一定冻坏了吧,”她说。,Key Points,15.At this point,many of the migrating bird flocks are barely halfway along their southward journey.此时多数的迁徙鸟群它们的南行之旅还有大半旅程。Barely:adv.仅仅,勉强 近义词为just,only,Key Points,16.In spite of being the subject of an ambitious clean-up plan,today the rive

7、r is reckoned to be the biggest single source of pollution entering the Pacific Ocean.尽管被规划为伟大清理计划的目标,今日长江被视为太平洋最大的单一污染源头。Reckon:测算,估计;认为;计算We reckon him to be the best goalkeeper in the world.我们认为他是世界上最好的足球守门员。entering the Pacific Ocean现在分词短语作定语修饰pollution,Key Points,17.Barges loaded with building

8、materials constantly arrive in the citys docks,feeding one of the greatest construction booms in the world.平底货船载着建材来往穿梭在市区码头,迎合世界上最伟大的建筑盛况。feeding one of the greatest construction booms in the world现在分词短语做目的状语,相当于一个目的状语从句,Key Points,18.all in preparation for the biggest mass migration of people in t

9、he history of the world.这一切是为了准备迎接最庞大的人类迁徙。in preparation for:adv.为作准备,Key Points,19.In the next 25 years,well over 300 million people are predicted to move from rural China into cities like Shanghai.接下来25年有超过3亿的人口预计将从乡村移居至上海等大城市。well over(1)大大超过,(2)涌出,溢出 eg:Her heart welled over with joy 她心里充满了喜悦。,

10、Key Points,20.The migration of people from country to city is being mirrored around the world.人类从乡村迁徙至城市是世界各地共同反映的现象mirror vt.反射;反映 同义词:reflect eg:Her eyes mirrored her thought.她的眼神反映了她的思想。,Exercises,Answering the following questions according to the passage.1.What does the Milu look like?It is a cu

11、rious composite animal,with a horses head,cows feet,a tail like a donkey and backwards-facing antlers.In the West,we know it as Pere Davids Deer,after the first European to describe it.,2.How does the Milu continue to thrive when they are close to extinction?,some of the Imperial herd had been sent

12、as a gift to Europe.Those at Woburn Abbey,in England,prospered.And in the early 1980s,40 of the deer were returned to their homeland where they continue to thrive.,3.What is the migrating route of Chinese mitten crabs?,Chinese mitten crabs are named for their strange hairy claws.They may migrate as

13、much as 1,500 kilometers.From tributaries and lakes to the river mouth,where they gather to breed.,4.The numbers of Chinese mitten crabs have declined dramatically,what is the reason?,Because its migration is impeded by ever more river dams.it isnt just animals like the sturgeon that are in trouble,

14、the entire Yangtze River ecosystem is being poisoned.,5.What is the relationship of Yangtze and the migrating birds?,Chinas greatest river,the Yangtze,is a new challenge to the migrating birds.And the venue for a very different kind of migration.Each year,millions of tons of cargo travel up and down

15、 the river,making this one of the busiest waterways in the world.The entire Yangtze River ecosystem is being poisoned.,6.Can you say something about Chongming island?,Situated right at the mouth of Yangtze estuary,Chongming Island provides a vital resting and feeding spot for migrating shorebirds,an

16、d a place which offers welcome evidence of changing attitudes towards the Yangtzes beleaguered wildlife.,7.How do the people of Dongtan Bird Reserve protect the migrating birds?,The staff here at Dongtan Bird Reserve will measure,ring and weigh the trapped birds before releasing them unharmed.The in

17、formation gathered by Mr Jin and his colleagues helps to protect over 200 different species of birds which visit the island each year.,Fill in the blanks with the words and expressions you have heard from the video clip.,The cranes have so far traveled over 2,000 kilometers southwards along the coas

18、t.Passing the Milu Deer Reserve at Dafeng,they are another salt marsh which will provide the perfect conditions for them to spend the winter.This is Yancheng,the largest coastal in China,visited by an estimated three million birds each year.Crane chicks that were only born seven months ago have now

19、completed the a round trip which they will repeat every year.,migrating,approaching,wetland,first leg of,The hardy cranes can winter temperatures which may drop below However,other migrating birds like the endangered black-faced spoonbill,are less and will continue even further south warmer climes.A

20、t this point,many of the migrating bird are barely halfway along their southward journey.Ahead of them lies a new challenge,Chinas greatest river,the Yangtze,and the for a very different kind of migration.,cope with,freezing.,cold-tolerant,in search of,flocks,venue,Reading comprehension.Choose the b

21、est word or expression with its proper form from the the list given to each blank.,right at the mouth of its,Chongming Island provides a vital resting and feeding spot for migrating shorebirds,and a place which offers welcome evidence of changing attitudes towards the Yangtzes wildlife.For centuries

22、 these coastal mudflats have attracted hunters,like Mr Jin,who have their trapping skills to to put rare birds on the tables of Shanghais elite.,perfect,locate,trap,consummate,conservation,situate,harm,lure,beleaguer,pass,decoy,estuary,hone,circumvent,situated,estuary,beleaguered,honed,perfection,Fo

23、r 40 years Mr Jin has used a net,simple birds and a bamboo whistle to lure birds towards his nets.It takes both patience and skill.But all is not as it seems.Mr Jin,like many of the best,is poacher turned gamekeeper,using his hunting skills to benefit his old quarry.The staff here at Dongtan Bird Re

24、serve will measure,ring and weigh the birds before releasing them.The information gathered by Mr Jin and his colleagues helps to protect over 200 different species of birds which visit the island each year.,decoy,passing,consummate,conservationists,trapped,unharmed,Translation.Put the following pass

25、age into English.,崇明岛南部是中国最大的海岸城市上海,上海位处于鸟类与河川生物的主要迁徙路线,现在正面临更大的侵害。平底货船载着建材来往穿梭在市区码头,迎合世界上最伟大的建筑盛况。去年全世界半数的水泥运送至中国的城市,这一切是为了准备迎接最庞大的人类迁徙。世界史上前所未见,接下来25年有超过3亿的人口预计将从乡村移居至上海等大城市。人类从乡村迁徙至城市是世界各地共同反映的现象。,Just south of Chongming Island lies Chinas largest coastal city,Shanghai.Situated on a major migrati

26、on route for birds as well as river life,Shanghai is now preparing for an even bigger invasion.Barges loaded with building materials constantly arrive in the citys docks,feeding one of the greatest construction booms in the world.Last year,half the worlds concrete was poured into Chinas cities,all in preparation for the biggest mass migration of people in the history of the world.In the next 25 years,well over 300 million people are predicted to move from rural China into cities like Shanghai.The migration of people from country to city is being mirrored around the world。,The end!,


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