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1、Facilitation skills,A Skills Development Program,Definition of facilitationFacilitation is about changeApplications and benefits of facilitationCharacteristics and competencies of the facilitatorKey principles of quality facilitationBasics of understanding peopleBasics of communicationThe anatomy of

2、 the facilitation process,Program Content,Definition of facilitationFacilitation is about changeApplications and benefits of facilitationCharacteristics and competencies of the facilitatorKey principles of quality facilitationBasics of understanding peopleBasics of communicationThe anatomy of the fa

3、cilitation process,Program Content,Facilitate.to free from difficulties or obstacles;make easier,aid,assist.The role of the facilitator-to design and coordinate a process that helps a group accomplish,while optimizing group functioningThe facilitator is a neutral guide who takes an active role in gu

4、iding the process while adhering to principles of effective facilitation.,Facilitate.The role of the facilitator is to coordinate the exchange by prescribing procedural steps,initiating and guiding discussion and by adjusting procedures during a workshop to fit the personal,cultural and professional

5、 characteristics of participants,Definition of facilitationFacilitation is about changeApplications and benefits of facilitationCharacteristics and competencies of the facilitatorKey principles of quality facilitationBasics of understanding peopleBasics of communicationThe anatomy of the facilitatio

6、n process,Program Content,Facilitation is about change,Facilitation is about change,Definition of facilitationFacilitation is about changeApplications and benefits of facilitationCharacteristics and competencies of the facilitatorKey principles of quality facilitationBasics of understanding peopleBa

7、sics of communicationThe anatomy of the facilitation process,Program Content,Applications of Facilitation:Analysis and action researchStructured decision makingPlanning in all its formsProblem solvingConflict resolution,mediation,negotiationLearning(training and development)Team development,Benefits

8、 of Facilitation:Improving decision making Improving group dynamics Assisting decision makers through change process Creative problem solving Achieving common focus and priorities for groups with divergent views Challenging existing paradigmsImproved planning;Higher levels of buy in and ownership fo

9、r planning and change.,Definition of facilitationFacilitation is about changeApplications and benefits of facilitationCharacteristics and competencies of the facilitatorKey principles of quality facilitationBasics of understanding peopleBasics of communicationThe anatomy of the facilitation process,

10、Program Content,1.Enjoy working with,and helping people to feel good about themselves and achieve their desired results;2.Ability to analyze comments,understand how they relate to the topic,and develop appropriate responses;3.Communicate clearly by making specific,concise points,using appropriate le

11、vels of energy to build excitement and enthusiasm;4.Practice active listening by engaging a speaker,listening attentively,and asking probing questions;5.Convey warmth to others by using smiles,praises,and gestures in one-on-one and group interactions;6.Demonstrate self-confidence and leadership when

12、 working with others,being the person others look to for direction and counsel;7.Have a business-orientation with an interest in finding methods to improve the way things are done,looking beyond the narrow focus of a job to the greater scope of the business.,Characteristics of a good facilitator,Wor

13、kshop designCoordinate discussion to logical conclusionUse tools and techniques to create a participative environment e.g.ice breakers,games,activities using drawings,diagrams,role play,discussions in pairs,small groups etcCreating an atmosphere of trust,confidence and supportPromoting empowerment o

14、f participants,and being able to let go and trust the groupTransferring a sense of ownership and responsibility to the participantsExercise effective listeningUse micro facilitation skills to move discussion to a desired conclusion(example,paraphrasing)Use tools and techniques for analysis,problem s

15、olving,generating creative solutions,prioritizing and decision makingCommunicating verbally(including making presentations)and in writing.,Competencies of a good facilitator,Habit#1:Be Proactive.Take responsibility.Habit#2:Begin With The End In Mind.Decide first what the outcome of the workshop shou

16、ld be.Habit#3:Put First Things First.Preparation and logistics are as important as the process;Habit#4:Think Win/Win.Seek solutions so everyone wins;Habit#5:Seek First to Understand.Listen until you understand;Habit#6:Synergize.Cooperate creatively.Create a climate where people can“speak out”;Habit#

17、7 is Renewal.Facilitation is like golf you always have something to learn(stay humble).,Habits of a good facilitator,Definition of facilitationFacilitation is about changeApplications and benefits of facilitationCharacteristics and competencies of the facilitatorKey principles of quality facilitatio

18、nBasics of understanding peopleBasics of communicationThe anatomy of the facilitation process,Program Content,Trusts the process;Believing that groups can make good decisions;Ensuring participation;Be a neutral guide;Foster group work;Using effective processes;Harnessing diversity;Builds trust;Goal

19、orientated,and Learn from experience.,Key principles of quality facilitation,Definition of facilitationFacilitation is about changeApplications and benefits of facilitationCharacteristics and competencies of the facilitatorKey principles of quality facilitationBasics of understanding peopleBasics of

20、 communicationThe anatomy of the facilitation process,Program Content,Emotional Intelligence:“The capacity to handle your own emotions and your relationships with others.”,U.S.News&World Report“The Secret Skill of Leaders”1/14/2002,Emotional high jacking:Heart 10 beats per minute above resting rate-

21、can jump 30 beats per minute within single heart beat;Body pumping adrenaline and other disruptive hormones;Swamped by toxic/angry feelings;Thinking distorted,difficulty organizing thoughts and feeling overwhelmed.,Definition of facilitationFacilitation is about changeApplications and benefits of fa

22、cilitationCharacteristics and competencies of the facilitatorKey principles of quality facilitationBasics of understanding peopleBasics of communicationThe anatomy of the facilitation process,Program Content,Ninety percent of executives rate themselves as effective communicators.Only thirty percent

23、of their subordinates agree.,Facts alone seldom persuade and rarely inspire;To communicate effectively you need to have the skills of a story teller.,Let us remember those who,How big is an acre of land.,The size of a football field,Communication,“What we sell is the opportunity for a 43 year-old ac

24、countant to dress up in black leather,ride through small towns and have people be afraid of him.”,It is forbidden to steal hotel towels please.If you are not the person to do such a thing please do not read this notice Hotel in Tokyo;The manager has personally passed the water served here Hotel in A

25、capulco;You are invited to take advantage of the chambermaid Hotel in Tokyo;Drop your trousers here for best results Dry cleaner in Bangkok.,“If the cat meows,again,Ill have to put him outside.”“It was her friendly smile that made me walk up and say Hey.”“If only he had come home on time,the party w

26、ouldnt have gotten out of control.”“People have always given me more to do than I can handle.”“P.R.people are always easy-going.”“Stop watching so closely,and listen to me.”“Not only you can learn this.”“Either she goes crazy or I do.”“First the winds came then the rain.”“Opera makes me want to cry.

27、”,The language of influence-presuppositions,Mind Reading:Claiming to know the thoughts or feelings of another without specifying the process by which you came to know the info.I know that you are wondering.,The language of influence,Lost Per formative:Value judgments where the performer of the value

28、 judgment is left out.And its a good thing to wonder.,The language of influence,Complex Equivalence:Where two things are equated-as in their meanings being equivalent.That means.,The language of influence,Definition of facilitationFacilitation is about changeApplications and benefits of facilitation

29、Characteristics and competencies of the facilitatorKey principles of quality facilitationBasics of understanding peopleBasics of communicationThe anatomy of the facilitation process,Program Content,Process only(pure facilitation),Content only(presentation skills),Invitations include:Letter of invita

30、tionPurpose of workshopAgendaDate and timesVenueArrangements for sleep over,sustenance etcCoordinate and confirmVenueDates and times for tea,meals etcEquipment requiredBusiness requiredTreatment of VIPsPre workshop inspections and meetings to confirm all logistical arrangements,Registering of candid

31、ates-proper desk and administrative assistance;Personal reception-ensure that all delegates are settled;Brief delegates re:Meals.teas,times;Sleep-over arrangements if applicable.,Proper introductions;Allow for rituals without being offensive to certain sections of the group.,Introductions accomplish

32、 many things for the session participants:-they break the ice,help form relationships and trust,and provide information to help the team form and norm.For facilitators,introductions also add value by providing insight into participant personality,interest level,and biases.They encourage buy-in to th

33、e process and assist in the review of concepts and issues.Introductions are powerful tools that every facilitator should exploit.,Do an introduction at the start of each session;Pick people from various locations in the room when soliciting volunteers;dont go around the room and let the person at th

34、e very end of the line get nervous waiting for his or her turn;Make introductions fun and non-threatening;Listen to what is said,and Use the information to ensure session success.,Ask participants to state their names,area of responsibility,years with the company,expectations for the session,and a o

35、ne-word description of themselves.Write the expectations on a flip chart;keep a running total of the of years of experience.Purpose:a low risk introduction to use when the group is first getting together;provides participants with basic information;gives group a sense of the groups total experience

36、level;gives the facilitator insight into what to expect.,Welcome Mat:Create a welcome mat using a piece of flipchart paper.Tom wrote“Welcome”,“Relax”and“Have Fun”on the flipchart paper and drew a graphic of a happy person.Place it on the floor where people have to step on it.I found myself stopping

37、to read it,smiling at its silliness and then walking on into the room with a more“at ease”feeling.,Pair up the participants,preferably with people they dont know.Ask participants to interview each other on several topics:name,title,expected contribution to the session,family,home,hobbies,interests.E

38、ach interviewer introduces his partner to the group;Purpose:a fun,non-threatening way to get participants to open up more and to get to know each other on many levels,including non-work areas;especially useful if the group is going to meet over a long period of time;encourages individuals to put ski

39、n in the game during the session by focusing on what they bring to the table.,Ask participants to share an observation about a previous session-something they learned,a question,a metaphor to describe their feelings,or a symbol that describes the progress of the group;Purpose:a way to build on relat

40、ionships,provide continuity between sessions,check for understanding,demonstrate expertise,provide insight into how participants are feeling and relating to each other.,State purpose;Outline agenda;Allow adoption of the agenda.,Ensure that in any icebreaker,game,exercise you have the participants en

41、gage in has a purpose and that you emphasize that point when the exercise is complete.Most people dont feel they have time for games.,Enable the group to raise issues-in a non-judgmental fashion;At this point only allow questions for clarification;Use appropriate facilitation techniques-brainstormin

42、g;Nominal Group Technique;SWOT Analysis;Projective Techniques.,Brain storming,Nominal Group Technique,Projective techniques,Discussion and Questions,Paraphrasing Re stating to reflect meaning,and test own understanding Rephrasing Phrasing in own words to make understanding clearer for all and identi

43、fying the essence of what is being saidSummary Taking the essence at the end of a discussion and using it not only for clarification,but also to gain commitment and approval to move the discussion forward.,Agenda(50/50);Preparation:Logistics;Knowledge and understanding.“Gestalt”Silences;Nerves;Langu

44、age;Process suggestions from the group;What is the group saying to you;Self awareness;Control,time etc;Problem people;Conflict,Acknowledge:The process;The people.Allow issues to be raised;Allow discussion of issues;Allow decision making;Allow next steps;Allow closure,What knowledge do I have?What is

45、 my mindset in preparing?What reference materials are to be consulted?(Local and National)Are there previous workshop agendas/outputs or research findings?What literature/documents should I research?What videos and other resource materials etc might be consultedWhat materials are already available w

46、ithin the organization?Which local experts might be usefully consulted?.,What do the delegates/trainees know?Has a needs analysis already been done?;Can you visit some delegates/trainees in their workplace to get a better feel for their mindsets and needs?;What about their customers/clients?Is resea

47、rch required?;Is there a need to workshop and agree the agenda up front.,Willingness;Equal number of participant groupings;Ideally 15 to 20;Project sponsor;Clients and/or potential clients or suppliers;Potential customers;Known adversaries of the subject;Officials controlling service delivery and bu

48、dgets;Employees/members.,The facilitation will take place in a building.Some buildings are more appropriate than others.Here is a checklist of things to think about:Heating:does it exist and who is responsible for turning it on?Lighting:is this adequate and are there blackout facilities if you need

49、to show a film?Electricity:where are the sockets,will you need an extension cable and adapter?Furniture:are there enough chairs and tables and is it OK to shift them around?Walls:is it OK to stick things on the walls or will you have to bring flip chart stands?Equipment:what equipment is available,i

50、s it working,are there spare bulbs,TV aerial?Kitchen:can food be prepared at the venue(are there cups etc)or will they have to be brought in?Toilets:do they exist,are they clean,is there toilet paper,will they be open?Access:is it easy to find or will participants need a map?Car parking?Disabled acc


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