The Venice Carnival 狂欢节.ppt

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1、Venice Carnival,The Venice Carnival is the most internationally known festival celebrated in Venice,Italy,as well as being one of the oldest.威尼斯狂欢节是世界上最古老最著名的狂欢节之一,It began in the 15th century,but the tradition can be traced back to the beginning of the 14th Century.它开始于15世纪,但它的传统可追溯到14世纪初,The Carni

2、val starts around two weeks before Ash Wednesday and ends on Shrove Tuesday,the day before Ash Wednesday.狂欢节开始于圣辉星期三的两周前,结束于忏悔星期二,圣辉星期三的前一天,Masks have always been a central feature of the Venetian carnival.面具是威尼斯狂欢节最鲜亮的特色。,It can be made in leather or with the original glass technique.它用羽毛或者最原始的玻璃工艺

3、制成。,Bauta is the whole face,with a stubborn chin line,no mouth,and lots of gilding.包塔是一种有着坚固颏 线的整张面具,没有嘴巴,上面涂满金粉。,The streets of Venice Carnival were full of people in masks,and no differentiation could be made between nobility and the common people.节日期间,满大街都是戴面具的人,没有贵族和平民的分野,Generally,the costume w

4、orn was a cloak with a long-nosed mask.Also popular were masked couples,where a man and a woman would dress as allegorical characters.人们通常身披斗篷,戴长鼻面具。同样流行的是,夫妻同戴面具,扮作行为优雅的人。,Today,approximately 30,000 visitors come to Venice each day for Carnivals.现在,每天有近30,000游客去往威尼斯共度狂欢节,One of the most important events is the contest for the best mask,placed at the last weekend of the Carnival.最重要的项目之一,就是争夺最好的面具,在狂欢节的最后一个周末进行。,


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