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1、mineral的意思用法总结 mineral有 矿物,矿石,矿物质,汽水的意思。那你们想知道mineral的用法吗?今天给大家带来了mineral的用法 ,希望能够帮助到大家,一起来学习吧。mineral的意思n. 矿物,矿石,矿物质,汽水adj. 矿物的,似矿物的mineral用法mineral可以用作名词mineral的意思是“矿物”“矿石”“矿物质”,既可用作可数名词,也可用作不可数名词。有时在句中可用作定语修饰其他名词。mineral用作名词的用法例句Coal is a mineral.煤是一种矿物。We are digging for mineral deposits.我们正在掘地探

2、矿。This shop sells mineral water.这家商店卖矿泉水。mineral用法例句1、The mineral is weakly magnetic.这种矿物带有轻微的磁性。2、The rock is rich in mineral salts.该岩石中富含矿盐。3、The body is made of mineral-reinforced thermo-plastic.主体材料是矿物增强热塑性塑料。mineral词组 | 习惯用语mineral resources 矿藏mineral processing 选矿;矿物加工工程mineral oil 矿物油,矿油miner

3、al composition 矿物组成,矿物成分clay mineral 粘土矿物;硅酸盐mineral exploration 矿产勘探mineral deposit 地矿床mineral industry 矿产业mineral substance 矿物质mineral product 矿产mineral spring n. 矿泉mineral wool 矿物棉(等于rock wool)mineral crystal 矿物晶体,无机晶体;天然水晶mineral reserves 矿藏;矿储藏量;矿产储藏mineral prospecting 探矿;矿物勘探mineral fiber 矿物纤维

4、mineral matter 矿物质,矿质heavy mineral 重矿物mineral dressing 选矿;富集essential mineral 知矿物;主成份矿物;基本矿物mineral英语例句库1.Earthworms comminute the mineral fraction of soils.蚯蚓粉碎土壤中的无机物碎片。2.Ilvaite is a rare mineral of calcium-iron-bearing silicate.黑柱石是一种少见的含钙铁硅酸盐矿物。3.In silicate minerals and magnetites existed isom

5、orph tin.硅酸盐矿物和磁铁矿中都存在类质同象态锡。4.No potassium did we find in this mineral.在这种矿石中我们没有发现钾。5.This precious mineral is found in many provinces.许多省都有这种珍贵矿物。6.COUId you say severaI kinds of bladdery mineral water?能说出几种带汽泡的矿泉水吗?7.The prospectors have discovered such minerals as calcite,quartz and asbestos he

6、re.探矿人员在这里发现了方解石、石英、石棉等矿藏。8.Gray-blue to green, highly fibrous (asbestiform) form of the amphibole mineral riebeckite.一种灰蓝色到葱绿色的纤维状钠闪石。9.Two kinds of silver minerals, namely hessite and argentite, have been found.银矿物主要为碲银矿和辉银矿。10.Veinstone minerals include calcite, white-cloud rock, quartzite, mica

7、and ash content, etc.方解石、白云石、石英、云母、灰质等。11.High risk is rifely exists in environment,technology,safety in production mineral exploration abroad.境外矿产勘查在投资环境、技术、安全生产及其它等方面存在较高风险。12.SEM proves that the form of clay minerals is floccule and sheety.SEM结果显示东太平洋粘土矿物为絮状和片状;13.The yellow-green and semiopaque

8、jade is mainly consisted of mineral aggregate of resuvianite.其中呈黄绿色色调均匀半透明的回龙玉,主要由符山石矿物集合体组成。14.Cactus extract solution, mineral water-replenishing factor, algae essence, natural lactoprotein compound factor, etc.使用完化妆水后,取适量均匀涂抹于面部,停留10-15分钟后,清水洗净即可15.Major copper minerals are chalcocite and covelli

9、te which tightly associate with fine pyrite.由于原矿品位低,铜的回收率对该矿的开发利用意义重大。16.The exoplanets atmosphere condenses out minerals such as enstatite, corundum, spinel, and wollastonite.这颗系外行星的大气冷凝后产生矿物,如:顽火辉石、刚玉、尖晶石和硅灰石。17.III.silicate mineral contain iron, include olive stone, black column stone, common pic

10、rite etc.三、含铁硅酸盐矿物:有橄榄石、黑榴石、十字石、黑柱石、普通辉石等。18.The main gold-carrying minerals are pyrite,chalcopyrite and telluride.The best gold-carrying rock is the biotite-albit schist.主要的载金矿物有黄铜矿、黄铁矿、叶碲铋矿,含金性最好的岩石类型为只云母钠长片岩。19.Besides sapphire, zircon and almandine are produced in Minxi, Fujian, which form gem mineral association.除蓝宝石之外,该矿床还产有锆石,镁铝榴石,形成一个有一定规模的宝石矿物组合。20.The development and application of raw minerals and products of spinels are also briefly introduced.尖晶石的其它应用,如尖晶石轴承及颜料等也取得了较大的发展。英语词汇


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