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1、国外考生怎么提升托福口语水平 万事开头难,这句话同样适用于托福口语的备考。初期考生缺乏经验不知道如何准备,总是容易走很多弯路浪费不少时间。今天给大家带来了国外考生怎么提升托福口语水平,希望能够帮助到大家,一起来学习吧。国外考生怎么提升托福口语水平第一步:考生要先了解托福口语试题问的是什么One crucial point to be able to speak logically in the test is by making sure that one truly understands the question or the problem that needs to be answer

2、ed or solved. If the answer that one gives is not even related to the question, then the answer becomes totally illogical. Even if all the grammars, diction and even the choice of words are carefully said, the whole thing becomes nonsense. As they say, human beings were created with two ears, two ey

3、es and one mouth because God wants us to listen more, see and observe more and speak less. In the medical field, doctor should be able to find the sickness first before being able to prescribe the right medicine. To be able to give the best solution and answers, students must be able to know and und

4、erstand what the problem or question is.要让托福口语有逻辑很重要的一点是你要真正理解问题的含义,知道应该如何解决问题,处理问题。要是你的答案跟问题毫不相干,答案就等于完全没有逻辑性。即便语法发音措词都很好,整个答案依然毫无意义。人有两只耳朵,两只眼睛,一张嘴,所以你要多听,多看,少说。医生也要先找出病症才能对症下药。同学们一定要先理解问题是什么,然后才能给出最好的答案和解决方案。第二步:学会组织你的想法I often hear students say “oops! I put my foot into my mouth again.” Students

5、 often speak words that they would regret later on once they are able to take the time to really think of the whole thing. Students often end up making the wrong decision or saying things that they would regret later on when they allow their emotion especially if it is negative to control them. To b

6、e able to speak logically requires a lot of brain power that is why it is logic. In the book of proverbs it says “as a man thinketh, so is he.” This simply means, students are what they think. During their idle times before the test, what students can do is think of questions, scenarios and situatio

7、ns of TOEL speaking test, then also think of the most logical answer that they can give. It is during this time that students brain is functioning more and not their emotion and adrenalin. They can process and practice everything properly without pressure. When the time comes that they come face to

8、face with these questions, then they are prepared to answer confidently and logically because they were able to organize their thinking and plan ahead of time about the answer.同学们常常在事后,等到有时间重新回想的时候再后悔。尤其是在充满消极情绪的情况下,大家总是容易做出错误的判断,说出错误的话,等到平静下来以后非常后悔。想要把话说得富有逻辑性是相当费神的事。在考前的空余时间里,同学们就应该思考问题,预设托福口语考试的场

9、景,想想如何有逻辑性地回答问题。此刻,同学们的大脑胜过了情绪,更能够毫无压力地练习。由于事前已经把想法组织好,一旦面对考试问题,同学们就已经准备好富有自信和逻辑地回答问题了。第三步:演练After organizing ones thought, students should practice on how to deliver their organized thing king and ideas out loud to themselves and, if appropriate to a few others. Do it out loud because the words alw

10、ays come out right in your head, but if you have to speak them youll catch some problems before hand. Most of the time students know what they want to say but when they say it out will be quite different from what they had thought. Do it again repeatedly. Keep doing it until you are comfortable and

11、improved. Rehearsing is also a good way to build a students confidence in speaking. Practice makes perfect, it can really give student an ideal score in the exam.组织好想法以后,同学们就要演练怎样大声对自己说了。如果可以的话,也可以对其他人说。大声说出来。语言已经在脑海中形成了。不过你会发现一些问题。很多时候,同学们发现要说的跟所想的有些区别。那就一遍一遍反复说,一直说到你自己觉得舒服,有所提高为止。这对提升考生的自信有极大好处。熟能

12、生巧,这真的会给你带来高分。托福口语考试的二八法则一、发音关于发音,我们能做到一点就可以,就是不要发错了,最可怕的发音不是发音不好听而是把单词念错了。我经常会举的一个例子就是salary和celery,很多同学经常会把“工资”(salary)这个单词读成“芹菜”(celery),这样我们每个月领的就不是工资了而是芹菜。还有full和fool,很多同学也会把full这个词读成fool,这样当我们说“吃饱了”(I am full)就变成了“我是傻子”(I am fool),甚至有的同学问别人“你吃饱了吗”,读的也是长音,这样就是在问别人“你是傻子吗”(Are you fool)。而回答的同学也发错

13、了,发得也很长,回答的是“我是傻子”(I am fool)。这番对话老外听到了肯定会当场晕倒,但是这确实是我们说英语的一个问题,所以我们在说英语的时候一定不要把单词发错了。到底如何让自己的发音不出问题呢?这就需要理论结合实践,首先我们一定要知道每一个音标的发音(这个需要大家去买一本音标书学学,或者参加一个音标培训班,或者找一个老师亲自问我们发不准的音标),然后可以买一本英语九百句或者像VOA(慢速英语)这样的读物去模仿,每天用半个小时的时间做跟读练习,坚持三个月我们的发音基本就没有问题了。二、文化关于文化,文化的东西我们确实需要了解和知道,尤其在和老外交流的时候,如果不了解有可能会有很多的误会

14、,西方文化的核心是individualism(个人主义),比如他们吃饭喜欢AA制,他们不喜欢别人帮忙喜欢自己搞定,甚至他们人和人之间都会保持一定的距离等(不像我们中国人两个好朋友尤其女性喜欢手牵着手,甚至还有男性)。三、表达关于表达,就是平时一定要多说英语,多和别人交流(去英语角或者晨读或者没事自己多背诵一些东西都可以),要是能找一个老外就更好了,正所谓:The more you speak the more progress you will make.但是这个过程还有一个好的办法,可以让我们更容易去表达我们想要表达的,就是用英文字典。一定要用英英版,这样我们每学一个单词就知道如果如何用英语

15、去解释这个单词,当我们形成了这种解释的思维方式表达就更容易。具有很好的英语表达能力不一定需要我们有很多单词和很大句型,需要的是我们有一种解释的思维方式。有一个例子能很好地说明这一点,就是以前一个中国人去加拿大定居,这个人英语单词量很小,很多单词都不会说,但是他经常能很好地表达自己,有一天他去商店买发酵粉(baking powder)这个英语单词确实很难,但是他用了一些小学词汇表达了这个词的概念,说的是:I wanna buy something make steamed bread can bigger and bigger.托福口语考试冲刺备考方法在最后的冲刺阶段,口语每天仍需坚持12小时练

16、习。练习的重点可以放在如何在45秒内描述事物或对某个观点看法的能力上,因为这是唯一可以准备而且相对简单的部分。具体练习题目可参考新托福考试官方指南以及培训老师指定的题目。由于第一、二题考察的是快速反应及应答的能力,考生一定要事先准备30个左右的段子,以便在考场上举一反三,有话可说。万一考题不是准备好的内容,一看到考题,15秒内立即想出三个不同的形容词或词组,作为三层理由,然后举一两个例子稍微展开下即可,因此考生至少要准备100个常用的形容词,一些“百搭”经典的理由、例子。口语三至六题还是与听力练习相结合。从某种意义上讲,这部分的得分多少取决于考生听力功底。在听的过程中,记下一些关键词(形容词,动词,数字,例子),20-30秒内将笔记整理标号,在60秒内“读”出答案就可以了。除了背一些开头语和口语模板之外,还可以准备一些常见过渡词(the first reason is, besides, in my opinion)来显现各个要点之间的连贯性。这部分练习应在平时重点演练,在冲刺阶段再练练眼,耳,口,手并用,保持一种考试状态。托福口语


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