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1、托福写作中应该如何巧妙使用反问句 托福写作中如果能够巧妙地使用反问句,会让阅卷老师觉得眼前一亮,写作分数可能也会有不小的提升。今天给大家带来了托福写作中应该如何巧妙使用反问句,希望能够帮助到大家,一起来学习吧。托福写作中应该如何巧妙使用反问句一.通过官方评定来看写作中的反问句通过官方的评分细节,来说明态度及其反问句使用的意义。首先,我们看看官方对反问句是什么的态度。”The writers language is fluent, accurate, and varied enough to effectively support the progression and connection o

2、f ideas. There is a variety of sentence structures, including rhetorical questions.“ 显然我们可以了解到评卷人把反问句看做加分点!二.写作中反问句使用案例分析我们可以从上面官方给出来的点评得知,反问句的使用确实可以加分。因为通常考生会觉得反问句很难加入写作中,尤其是对论述形式的写作。但我们可以从上面的信息了解到至少评卷人把上述段落中的反问句视作一种“句型变化”而加以肯定和褒扬。先来看在托福Official Guide里备受评卷人赞誉的反问句的实例。在原文第四段中,为了说明honesty的重要性作者是这样写的:I

3、n any relationship of mine, I would wish that first of all, the person Im dealing with is honest.Even though s/he thinks that s/he did something wrong that I wouldnt like,s/hed better tell me the truth and not lie about it. Later on if I find out about a lie or hear the truth from someone else, that

4、d be much more unpleasant. In that case how can I ever believe or trust that person again?How can I ever believe that this person has enough confidence in me to forgive him/her and carry on with the relationship from there.上文的表态的意思可以理解为提出问题不需要回答,而这个问题只是更加强调作者的立场。因此我们可以发现考官对于反问句的使用是非常认同而且鼓励的。考生们也很担心自

5、己写的反问句是不是老外眼中的那种反问句。因此整理了一下国外关于反问句的定义,如下:A rhetorical question is a figure of speech in the form of a question that is asked to make a point rather than to elicit an answer. Though a rhetorical question does not require a direct answer, in many cases it may be intended to start a discussion or at le

6、ast draw an acknowledgement that the listener understands the intended message.通过上文对反问句的定义,我们可以很明确告诉大家,反问句就是这样写的,不要在担心。此外,也为大家分析一下反问句为什么能够收到评卷人的赞誉而得到加分?这就要从托福作文的评分标准说起了。托福Official Guide里面对于高分作文的要求(Scoring Rubic)描述如下:.ffectively addresses the topic and task.s well organized and well developed, approp

7、riate explanations, exemplifications, and / or details.isplay Unity, progression, and coherence.isplay consistent use of language,demonstrating syntactic variety, appropriate word choice, and idiomaticity我们可以从上述的高分作文要求得知,考生使用的反问句完全是符合要求的,并且能够帮助考生在句式结构上也加分不少。其实,除了体现“句型变化”,合理使用rhetorical question还能帮助我

8、们满足评分标准第一条的要求“effectively addresses the topic and task”。事实上,反问句不仅能够有效的回应主题,还能强调作者的观点从而获得读者的认同。同时我们也能知道,反问句的使用,尤其是设问的合理使用还能起到很好的衔接作用,也就是符合上述条件的第三条。三.托福写作反问句使用总结因此,总结反问句作用如下:1.Emphasize a point强调重点2.Persuade powerfully说服有利3.Influence subtly影响深远4.Provoke thinking激发思维5.Help smooth transition合理承接上下文托福考试作

9、文独立写作范文:政府提升公众医疗保健真题回顾The mostimportant thing for government to improve health care is to clean theenvironment.点睛题目大意:对政府来说,提升公众医疗保健最重要的是去清洁环境。此题目为绝对词的题目,波波建议选择不同意,采用承认合理性,反驳绝对性的结构来写作。具体来说,承认合理性,即承认清洁环境在健康保健方面的重要性;反驳绝对性,通过给出其他可以提升健康保健的方式来驳掉清理环境是最重要的方式。写作参考一:Do you agree or disagree: The most importa

10、nt thing for government to improve health care is to clean the environment.As economy advances, the consequences caused by industrial development become starker and various environmental problems cover the whole world. Then comes one of the most serious issues that peoples health is confronted with

11、huge challenges. Surely, a number of solutions have been raised and discussed and as for whether the most important thing for the government to improve health care is to clean the energy, I cast doubt on it.Undeniably, cleaning the environment is an effective way to ensure peoples health. For instan

12、ce, if the air pollution can be bridled, there will be fewer chances for citizens living in Beijing or TianJin suffering the respiratory diseases. Besides, citizens in Flint City could drink clean water if the water source was not acidified to erode the pipeline of tap water. However, the threats hu

13、man beings are faced with do not only come from the environmental problems and the government has to lay more emphasis on the other two areas.For one thing, the outbreak of viruses that could sparkle off widespread epidemics is a killer to human beings. Reflecting history can help us explore how the

14、 devastating viruses tortured human beings and the death toll was astounding. For instance, the once spread of cholera once caused the death of more than a million civilians in Russia and malaria is a kind of serious malady that could cause the death of several hundred thousand in Africa in the past

15、. The good news is those viruses were under control finally after the efforts made by numerous medical experts. However, in recent years, people are still under huge threats of many newly found viruses like Ebola, Zika that still remain highly dangerous and could trigger huge damage to peoples physi

16、cal health. Even worse, a reported man in America was found dying of Zika virus. Therefore, it is more urgent and indispensable for the government to invest to the development of medical technology.For another thing, while analyzing the influence factors leading to the sub-health of most city employ

17、ees, the deficiency in engaging sports can be found as one of the primary contributors. Therefore, there is necessity for the government to build more available sporting facilities nearby the communities for city workers who have to be fully involved in their career and cannot vacate enough time to

18、either go to Gym or farther places for exercises. Take friends around me as an example. Most of them cannot afford to spend time in playing sports, one of who called Jason working as a software engineer can only get off work till 10 oclock PM. Another friend of mine has to travel across the country

19、for business trips several times a month. The combination of long-term involvement in career and no chance to work out lead to the obesity and the declining immunity. However, if there is a public Gym constructed around my friends residency, the possibilities of doing exercises could be higher and t

20、he physical conditions could be better. Accordingly, to maintain the physical health of citizens, it is more practical for the government to invest more to the construction of sports infrastructure as far as my friends are concerned.In a word, even though cleaning environment means a lot to the citi

21、zens health care, developing medical technology and building sporting facilities can be more related to our health.写作参考二:With the gradually raised awareness of health, how to improve health care has become an issue of public concern and interest. Many scientists and environmentalists have fully real

22、ized the negative impact of environmental deterioration on the public health and propose that the most important thing for government to improve health care is to clean the environment. However, in my eyes, the above viewpoint has oversimplified the complicated situation.Indeed, a clean environment

23、plays an important role in improving health care, because various environmental pollutions have posed a threat to the public health. To illustrate, the haze occurring in large cities of China has made thousands of people fall victims to respiratory diseases. However, it is a piece of overemphasis to

24、 claim that cleaning the environment is the most important way for government to improve health care, because there are other two ways which are equally important.First of all, developing medical technology is another effective way to improve health care. Given the indisputable fact that there remai

25、n many incurable diseases such as cancer and AIDS across the globe, the appropriate technology of treatment and therapy is in great need. As a result, government is supposed to assume the responsibility of making progress in medical techniques, for the sake of curing the serious diseases and thus pr

26、olonging the life expectancy. The elemination of SARS in the year of 2003 can be a good case in point. Upon the outbreak of SARS, most cities and provinces in China are affected. Immediately, the government not only assembled a group of medical professionals and excellent experts, but also allocated

27、 massive investment in the medical research for vaccine. Unexpectedly, the emergency was perfectly addressed and the same is true of curing other diseases.Besides that, government should place emphasis on improving the sports infrastructure. As is common sense, governmental support for public sports

28、 facilities can create a place for the average people to work out regularly. Obviously, the more exercise people engage in, the stronger their immune system will become. The sound immune system can serve as a shield to resist various diseases, which finally lead to the better health of the public. T

29、ake my own experience as an example. In my community, the sports facilities contain nothing but a track in disrepair and a swing for kids. In this case, the residents have nowhere to do sports even though they may be willing to. However, if the local government could invest a sum of money to build n

30、ew playgrounds and establish Pingpang tables, I bet lots of people will become interested in exercising, thus becoming more physically healthy.Fatoring what has been discussed above in, we can draw the conclusion that it is an exaggeration to say that the most important thing for government to impro

31、ve health care is to clean the environment. I firmly recommend that government should attach equal importance to the above three measures in order to improve health care.托福考试作文独立写作范文:青少年应参加多种活动还是一种Some teenagers took part in kinds of activities, such as musical classes, sports classes and so on, but

32、 others only focus on one activity which is important to them. Which idea do you support, please provide ideas and give some examples.这道题目典型的二选一类型,选择任何一个方面都可以。可以按照两个主体段支持其中一个观点,第三段进行让步段落写作。Some believe that young people should do various activities while others believe that they should focus on one

33、activity that is important to them. Which one do you think is better and why?(A/D) Some teenagers take part in kinds of activities, such as musical classes, sports classes and so on, but others only focus on one activity which is important to them. Which idea do you support?点睛:题目大意:青少年应该参加多种活动还是集中参加

34、一种。此题也不难,思路众多,波波梳理如下,可做参考:TS: 参加一项活动的好处:1 占用时间和精力相对较少,有助于孩子放松,减少压力 有助于身心健康2 可以学习的更加专业,对未来发展有帮助TS: 参加多项活动好:1. 学到更多技能,有助于全面发展2. 培养孩子时间管理能力3. 结交更多朋友4. 帮助孩子找到自己的兴趣下列范文是按照选择多种活动写的,具体*内容如下:写作参考一:20XX年10月22日托福独立写作范文Under the current educational system, the extracurricular activities designed for students a

35、re playing an increasingly important role. Therefore, among parents and teachers, there arises a controversy pertaining whether teenage students should participate in various activities or focus on one activity. Towards such a long-running tug-of-war, I strongly recommend teenagers to engage in more

36、 kinds of activities, for the following reasons.Initially, getting involved in more activities can be conducive to the well-rounded development of students. It is self-evident that different activities can equip participants with various skills and abilities. To illustrate, students attending musica

37、l classes can learn how to appreciate the classical works of famous musicians and thus improve their aesthetic capability. Similarly, participating in team sports will help students cultivate a sense of cooperation as well as enhance their leadership. After having obtained the above skills, students

38、 definitely can develop in an all-round way, with the result of becoming more competitive than others. In contrast, specializing in only one kind of activity is a totally different picture. In other words, students just foster one particular skill, which is a potential obstacle to their future devel

39、opment. The underlying reason is that the more and more complicated modern life necessitates the acquisition of multiple skills.Furthermore, taking part in many after-class activities can do a better job in helping students find what they are interested in. Just as a saying goes, interest is the bes

40、t teacher, which clearly indicates the great role played by interest in all levels of education. The above claim is especially true of teens education, because they are in the puberty, the most rebellious period. Put it in another way, without the drive of their own interest, they are less likely to

41、 perform well in any activities required by their teachers. In this case, offering various activities to adolescents undoubtedly can more effectively stimulate their interest and passion. Once they find what they like, they will automatically put more efforts and time in it. However, requiring all t

42、eenagers to solely engage in one activities may fail to cater to the interest of the majorities of them.All in all, we can draw the conclusion that it is a wiser move for students to attend multiple activities, in order to obtain a holistic development and find what they are passionate for.写作参考二:20X

43、X年10月22日托福独立写作范文In their free time, young people (age14-18) spend time taking part in different activities such as music lessons or competitive sports. Some young people devote their time in other kinds of activities. But other young people will spend most of their time focusing on one activity that

44、 is important to them. Which approach do you think is better?The old saying “all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy” still remains relevant as it did centuries ago. The question of what kind of extra curriculum activities should kids do after school has never failed to attract spotlight. Should

45、they focus on one single activity or is it better for them to devote their time to various activities. Personally, I think it is in the kids best interest to get involved in multiple kinds of activities based on the following reasons.First off, doing various activities makes the kids bored and more

46、extra curriculum activities mean that they enjoy a better chance to try different things and find their real interest. For instance, playing sports all the time will probably drive the kids crazy since they can be very energy consuming and it might lead to injuries in their bones and joints. Ones me

47、at might be others poison, indeed nobody really knows what their preference lies in unless they are given the opportunities to do different activities. Actually switching from one activity to another gives the kids the opportunity to explore their real interest and tap their unknown potential. A kid

48、 who lacks of flexibility and coordination when doing sport might be talented in playing chess while one who cannot concentrate in the classroom might be very gifted in playing sports. Trying out different activities can help kids to find something they are really interested in and eventually they c

49、an develop and build up confidence.Additionally,students can develop lots of useful skills and release their pressure in life and study if they do different activities. For example, playing group sports can help them to get comfortable teaming up with others and develop cooperation awareness. This kind


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