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1、Hotel English,Unit Seven,Room Services,Word Reference:,客房部 housekeeping department 客房服务员 housekeeper Proportion prp()n 比例maintenance meintnns 维修万能钥匙 master keypersonal identification 表明个人身份请勿打扰 Do Not DisturbConsumption knsmpn 消费expendables ikspendbl n.消耗品hospitality,hspitlti a.热情好客,The housekeeping

2、 department must be the busiest and the most important one in a hotel.A housekeeper is not only responsible for everyday housecleaning,but also required to inform routinely the front desk and other related departments of which room is vacant,or which room needs maintenance.客房服务员不仅要为日常的清洁负责,还被要告知前台和其

3、他有关部门房间状态,是空着或需要维护。,Introduction,inform inf:m vt.通知;告诉;报告routinely ru:ti:nli adv.例行公事地;老一套地vacant veikntadj.空虚的;空的;空缺的;空闲的maintenance meintnns 维修,客房状态,1、住人房2、走人房3、空房,前一天暂时无人入住的房间4、未清扫房,表示该客房是没有经过清扫的客房5、外宿房,表示该客房已经被定下,但是住客昨夜未归的客房6、继续房,也称病房,表示该客房由于设施发生故障,暂不能出租7、已清扫房间,表示该客房已经清扫完毕,可以重新使用8、请勿打扰牌房,表示住客因睡眠

4、或者其他原因而不愿意服务人员打扰9、贵宾房,表示该房间的住客是酒店的重要客人10、常住房,表示长期有客人包租的房间11、请即打扫房,表示住客由于会客或者其他愿意需要服务员立即打扫的房间。,Room status,VC Vacant Clean 空的干净房/可卖房 VD Vacant Dirty 空的脏房 OC Occupied Clean 住客干净房 OD Occupied Dirty 住客脏房 PMU Please Make Up 即扫 DND Do Not Disturb 请勿打扰 OOS Out Of Service 维修房(小)OOO Out Of Order 维修房(大)ECO Ex

5、pectative Check Out 预退房,案例十七:能不能先帮我们打扫?,住在1208套房的张先生,是一位杭州商人。今天早上9点钟,他要在客房接待一位来自国外的朋友,谈些生意上的事情。但早晨起床后,他发现房间很脏乱,亟需整理。正想开门去叫服务员来清扫,却发现了在走廊的另一头工作的服务员,他赶紧向服务员说明了请求,但服务员听完后,面露难色的望着他,“张先生,很抱歉,我们的主管告诉过我们,清扫房间一定得按照顺序,得从1201房开始打扫,到您的08房间,我估计得10点多了。”张先生看看面露难色的服务员,“能不能变换下顺序呢?”“为保证工作的效率,给客人提供更好的质量,我们公司规定一定要按照规范


7、件事情,绝不能麻痹大间造成不好的后果,减少酒店潜在客源。,清扫顺序的确定,酒店客房的一般清扫顺序如下:1、带有“make up room”的房间或者是客人口头上提出打扫要求的房间2、总服务台或者领班指示要清理的房间3、VIP房间4、走人房5、普通入住房6、空房,A housekeeper,having a master key,can enter an occupied room only in case of emergency.客房服务员,有一个万能钥匙,只能在紧急情况下进入客人房间。Personal identification and a request for guests perm

8、ission are both needed before cleaning a room.个人身份,且客人的允许后,才可以打扫客房。Seeing the sign of“Do Not Disturb”,you should clean the room at some other time in order to ensure the convenience for the guest.看到“请勿打扰”的标示,你应该在其他时间打扫房间,以确保为客人的便利。,确定客房是或否可以清洁,首先,进房前先考虑。不要因为清洁卫生工作打扰了客人的休息和生活起居。然后,注意观察。对门把手上挂有“请勿打扰”牌

9、子或者反锁的客房,以及房门侧面的“请勿打扰”指示灯亮的,不要敲门进房;到了下午2点仍然未见客人退房的,里面又无动静的客房,可以先打电话到客房,若仍无反应,说明客人可能生病或者发生意外,服务人员需要报告主管。,如何正确敲门,(1)距离房门40cm的地方,不要靠门太近。(2)用食指或者中指轻敲门面三下(或按门铃),敲门时要有节奏,以便引起住客的注意。(3)等待客人反映,同时可以眼望窥视镜sight glass,利于客人观察。(4)如果客人没有反映,再敲门表面三下,等待客人反映。(5)如果仍然没有反映,使用钥匙打开房门,注意动作要轻。(6)开门后应清楚观察房内情况。若客人正在睡觉,应该马上离开,轻轻

10、将门关上。(7)敲门后,客人与应声,服务员需要通报自己的身份和目的,等待客人允许清扫。,Besides room cleaning,the housekeeper ought to check the consumption of the expendables in the room,such as things in the mini-bar,and make necessary supply timely.除了房间打扫,客房服务员还应该检查房间物品的消费,例如冰箱,及时补充。If there is anything wrong in the room,he should firstly

11、inform the captain,who will decide which department ought to be reported to.,The housekeeping department has the most frequent contact with the guest.Thus showing hospitalities,making guests feeling at home,has a greater importance than offering convenient facilities.客房部与客人的接触最为频繁,因此,表现出友好的态度,使客人感觉就

12、像在家里一样,比提供便捷的设施更加重要。,frequent fri:kwnt adj.频繁的;时常发生的;惯常的,Seven steps to make up the room,(1)knock at the door three times;(2)say:”Housekeeping.”(3)ask the guest whether to come into the room;(4)greet the guest;(5)clean the room;(6)express your wishes to the guest,H:Housekeeping.May I come in?G:Yes.W

13、hat is it?H:Im sorry to disturb you,sir,but Id like to clean the room.May I do it now?G:You see,Im quite busy at the moment.H:I can come back later.What time would be convenient,sir?,H=Housekeeper G=Guest,Making Up the Room,G:Er,let me see.Im going to have my lunch at 12 oclock.Can you come at that

14、time?H:Im sorry,sir.No cleaning can be done between 12:00 and 2:00 p.m.,sir.G:Oh,I see.Could you come between 4:00 p.m.and 5:00 p.m.?I think Ill be out then.H:I guess so.Sir,please put the room cleaning sign on your door knob before you leave in the afternoon.We will come and clean your room,then.,d

15、oor knob nbt n 门把手;门把捏手,G:Ok.Thank you very much.H:You are welcome.Im sorry to have disturbed you,sir.G:Thats all right.Good-bye.H:Good-bye,sir.,客房礼仪,1、如门上有“请勿打扰(DND=Do Not Disturb)”的字牌,则不应进房。2、如住客在中午或者下午,甚至黄昏仍未离房,则应向主管报告,交班前交代清楚,或采取某些措施。3、进房前一定要先按门铃,或者轻敲房门,即使是空房也应该如此,以防客房里有人。4、如果客人在房间里,应礼貌问好,询问客人是否

16、可以清理房间。(Housekeeping.May I cleaning the room now?)5、如遇到客人打电话或有访客,应征询客人意见们是否继续进行打扫。6、不要触摸客人的贵重物品,也不要随意移动客人的物品,必要时应轻拿轻放,清理完毕放回原位。,Dialogue 2,G=Guest 顾客 R=Roommaid 客房服务员R:(Knocking the door)Housekeeping.May I Come in?(敲门)我是客房服务员,我可以进来吗?G:Come in,please.请进!R:Good evening,maam.May I do your room now?晚上好,

17、女士。我现在可以清理您的客房吗?G:Sure.Could you tidy up the bathroom first?Ive just taken a bath,and its quite a mass.当然可以啊。你能不能先整理一下浴室呢?我刚刚洗浴过,里面一团糟。R:Certainly,maam.好的,女士。,Dialogue 2,(Finish cleaning the room 清理完房间)G:Is there anything else I can do for you,maam.还有什么能为你效劳的吗,女士?R:Oh,yes,where can I borrow a hair-d

18、ryer?哦,对了,我在哪里可以借到吹风机呢?G:Ill send one up right away.我这就送上一个来。R:Thank you,youve been very helpful.谢谢你,你帮助了我。R:Youve welcome.Good night,maam.Have a nice dream.不客气,晚安,女士,祝您做个好梦。,Useful sentences,进房前Roommaid(1)Turn-down service.May I come in?收拾房间了,我可以进来吗?(2)Im sorry to disturb you,but may I clean the ro

19、om now?抱歉打扰您,我现在可以清理房间吗?(3)Shall I come back,sir?先生,要我等会再来吗?(4)What time would you like me to come back?您希望我什么时候再来?,Useful sentences,(5)What time would be better for you?您什么时间合适呢?(6)What time would be convenient for you?您什么时间方便呢?(7)You can call the front desk when you want your room done.当您需要的时候,可以给

20、前台打电话。(8)May I come in and check the housekeepers work?我能进房检查一下服务员清理房间的情况吗?,G:Is this Housekeeping?H:Speaking.May I help you?G:Id like to have someone tidy up the bathroom.Weve just showered,and its quite a mess.Whats more,the children have just played on the bed,so I want to have our sheets and pil

21、low-cases changed.H:Yes,madam.May I have your room number,madam?,H=Housekeeper G=Guest,Asking for Room Service,sheets i:tsn.被单pillow pilu n.枕头pillowcase pilukeis n.枕头套,G:Ok,its 1603.By the way,I want to use my hair-dryer.H:Yes,the housekeeper will bring it to you soon,madam.G:Thank you very much.H:Y

22、oure welcome,madam.Good night.,clean the room,Open the windowDisposal the rubbishMake the bed Clean the bathroomReplenish the suppliesVacuum the floorself-check,The basic methods of cleaning the room,总体原则:从上到下、从里到外、环形清理、干湿分开、先卧室后卫生间、注意墙角;清洁用具的准备:清洁篮、洗刷用具(面盆刷、马桶刷、牙刷、百洁布、板刷)、橡胶手套、清洁剂、消毒药、抹布等;其中对于抹布(di

23、shcloth)的使用要求:红色(1dry 1wet)房间抹尘 橙黄色(1dry 1wet)卫生间浴盆 淡黄色(1dry 1wet)卫生间面盆 蓝色(1dry 1wet)马桶 绿色(1dry 1wet)卫生间地面 白色擦杯布杯具专用,客房清洁时需要注意的的问题,(1)敲门时,声音大小适中,不可过急,力度过大。(2)整理房间时,要打开房门。(3)坚持卫生工作日常化、标准化。(4)不得使用客房内的物品、设施。(5)脚垫。,住客房清洁需要注意的问题,1、房间有客人(1)应礼貌地主动问好,并询问客人是否可以打扫房间卫生(2)动作要轻,不要与客人长谈(3)若遇到有来访客人,应询问客人是否继续清洁工作(4


25、放在垃圾桶里的东西,任何物品不得擅自丢掉(3)不要触碰客人的手机、手提计算机、钱包等贵重物品,放在椅子上或者乱堆在床上的衣服需要帮助客人挂好(4)对于长住客,清扫时应注意客人物品的摆放习惯(5)查看房间是否有待洗的衣服。如果有,要仔细的查看洗衣单上填写的内容和所交付的衣服,然后讲这么义务装进洗衣袋,集中送至洗衣房。,H:Good morning.Housekeeping.What can I do for you?G:Yes,I have some clothes to wash.Can you send someone to collect them?Room 1603,Nancy Smit

26、h.H:Yes,madam.The housekeeper will come soon.(Several minutes later)H:Housekeeping.May I come in?G:Yes,Id like to have these clothes sent to the laundry,please.,H=Housekeeper G=Guest,Laundry Service,H:Certainly,madam.Have you filled out the laundry form?G:No.Where is it?H:Its in the drawer of the wr

27、iting desk.G:Oh,I see.Could you wait a few more minutes?Ill fill it out now.H:Certainly,madam.G:Done.This blouse should be washed by hand in cold water or it might shrink,and I dont think the silk dress is colorfast,so that youd better dry-clean it.,blouse blauz n.宽松的上衣;女装衬衫shrink rik vt.使缩小,使收缩colo

28、rfast klf:st adj.不褪色的,H:All right,madam.G:When can I get them back?H:Tomorrow afternoon around 4 oclock.G:Thats fine.Thank you.H:You are welcome,madam.,To be continued,(Knocking on the door)H:Housekeeping._?G:Come in.H:Good evening._?G:What do you mean by“turn down service”?H:For”turn down service”,

29、Ill switch on certain lights,draw the curtains,make up your bed,empty the waste bin G:Not now,please.We are going to have a get-together with our friends here._?H:Certainly,madam?Would you like me to put down the curtains for you?G:_.Thats much better.,Complete the dialogue,To be continued,(Knocking

30、 on the door)H:Housekeeping.May I come in?G:Come in.H:Good evening.May I do the turn down service for you now?G:What do you mean by“turn down service”?H:For“turn down service”,Ill switch on certain lights,draw the curtains,make up your bed,empty the waste bin G:Not now,please.We are going to have a

31、get-together with our friends here.Could you come later?H:Certainly,madam?Would you like me to put down the curtains for you?G:Yes,please.Thats much better.,Mini-Dialogue Check up,Translation,1)下午4:306:00无法清理房间。2)你能给我演示一下这个吹风机怎么使用吗?3)客房服务员马上给您送过去,请稍候。4)请告诉我们您要求什么时候将衣服送回?5)您衣服上的一颗钮扣掉了,洗衣房已为您缝上了一颗新的。,

32、Check up,1)No room cleaning can be done between 4:30 p.m.and 6:00 p.m.2)Can you show me how to use the hair dryer?3)Please wait a few minutes.The housekeeper will send it to you soon.4)Please tell us when you want to get the clothes back.5)A button came off your coat and the laundry has sewn on a ne

33、w one for you.,Translation Check up,come off 举行,成功;表现;脱离sew suvi.缝纫,缝,Works like a Charm A man approached a beautiful woman in a supermarket and asked her,“You know,Ive lost my wife here in the supermarket.Can you please talk to me for a few minutes?”The woman asked him,“Why?”“Oh,you know,because every time I talk to a beautiful woman,my wife will appear out of nowhere!”,Story,thats all!thank you!,


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