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1、托福口语之表达感谢的方式 在逻辑表达和托福口语的流利程度同学们都能游刃有余,然而有时会忽略比较细微的问题,*将带来托福口语之表达感谢的方式,下面就和大家分享托福口语之表达感谢的方式,希望能够帮助到大家,来欣赏一下吧。托福口语之表达感谢的方式1、Thanks. 谢谢这是一种很普通也是最常用的说法,用在informal的日常生活。跟Thankyou用法一致,但感激更随意一些。例如:-Idid your laundry.-Thanks,mom!又如:-Thanksfor taking me to New York City! It was an amazing trip!-Imglad you li

2、ke it!2、I really appreciate it. 我很感谢。这是另一个表示感谢的日常用法,你会经常在跟外国人对话的时候听到。可以跟亲朋好友说,更多的是在工作中听到。例如:-Listen,Sam, I know that you did a lot for the company and I appreciate it.But I need you leave.-You must be kidding me.3、Youre the best. 你最棒了。这是一种比较热情的说法,女性跟亲人和关系亲密的朋友常说,伴随着激动的心情;男性朋友之间很少使用,有时会跟配偶说。例如:Man:Ho

3、ney, you go and watch TV. Ill do the dishes.Woman:Really? You are the best!4、I couldnt have done it without you.若是没有你,我不可能做到。这个说法表达了manymany的感激之情。如果一个人的帮助对你的影响很大,完全可以说“没有你我一定做不到”!例如:-Congratulationson getting into such a prestigious university!-Thankyou very much, Mr. Jackson! I couldnt have done it

4、 withoutyou.5、Id like to express my gratitude.我要表达我的感激之情。这是一种比较正式的说法,通常在答谢演讲、毕业演讲等正式场合使用。例如:Atthe outset, Id like to express my deepest gratitude for yourcordial invitation and gracious hospitality.6. Thanks a bunch(谢天谢地)这是一种非正式的说法,但或许是因为有点夸张,所以常被用作讽刺用语,用来挖苦别人。例:You told Tony what I told you in conf

5、idence? Thanks a bunch!托福口语考试需多进行练习第一、对题型和解题技巧没有熟悉就匆忙上阵考托福口语,就像和敌人打仗。你不知道敌人怎么出招,你也就不知道你自己应该出什么招。这样,你打败仗就是必然的。建议:熟悉题型。第二、缺乏迅速组织好答案的能力考生在托福口语考试中,面临两点压力:1、时间紧、任务重。托福口语的答案准备时间只有15-30秒,答题只有45/60秒。如果,没有接受过正规的训练,考生在考场上必将不知所措的、语无伦次。2、要迅速呈现“完整的答案”,这也就要求考生的答案“浓缩精华”。没接受过“答案构思训练”,“浓缩精华”也是难以做到的。第三、考场上表现得不够自信和大方原


7、段子。托福口语考试抓住主旨内容例1:阅读下面的段落:Students today socialise in ways quite unlike those of their parents. One of the primary differences is the use and abuse of drugs. During the 60s and 70s, students were known to smoke the odd joint and occasionally take harder substances, whereas according to recent polls,

8、 students today are using ever larger quantities of drugs on an ever more regular basis. Whilst cannabis is still the drug of choice among young people, synthetic drugs such as ecstasy and harder drugs such as cocaine and even heroine are being taken by an increasing number of students. Drugs are mu

9、ch more readily available to students and are much cheaper than ever before.段首句为主题句:Students today socialize in ways quite unlike those of their parents.它揭示了这段的中心思想是现在的学生以一种不同于他们父母所采用的方式进行着社会活动。余下的各个句子都是以具体的事例来支持说明这一中心论点的。例2:阅读下面的段落:We surveyed local residents in three university towns throughout th

10、e state to find out their opinions on the students in those towns. We questioned over three thousand people and found that since our last survey three years ago, attitudes towards students have changed considerably. Lazy, scruffy and bad-mannered was how more than 40% of those questioned described s

11、tudents, up from 22% in the last survey. This year only 25% considered students to be polite and friendly compared with 39% three years ago. Overall, 49% considered students to be a positive part of the town compared to 58% last time.这次调查发现,与三年前的一次调查相比,人们对于学生的态度产生了相当大的变化。这是本段的主题。然后用具体的百分比数字说明这一中心观点。

12、主题句在段落中间。例3:阅读下面的段落:Now lets look at an interesting example with color. If you own a blue car, you know it is blue, even it is in bright sunlight, in darkness or under a yellow street light. Your eyes tell you that it changes color in these different situations, but your brain knows better. You have learnt that cars dont change color all time, and so your brain interprets the information your eyes give you.主题句在段尾:你的大脑在解释你的眼睛传递给它的信息。前面有关蓝色汽车的例子正是为说明这一观点服务的。主题句固然可以很好地向读者说明段落的中心思想,但阅读中我们常常会发现,有时很难在具体的位置找到一个明显的能说明主题的句子。这时就需要我们对段落的整体内容进行归纳总结,高度概括提炼出它的中心思想。英语口语


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