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1、托福口语题型最全解析 托福考试中,对托福口语有一定的了解会在托福备考中有指导性的帮助!下面就和大家分享托福口语题型最全解析,希望能够帮助到大家,来欣赏一下吧。托福口语题型最全解析托福听力Task 1在此项任务中,考生需要谈及自己所熟悉的人物、地点、物品或事件。答题时间为45秒。此题的主题是不固定的,但是考生可以依据自己的个人经历或某个熟悉的话题来回答。例如,谈谈一个喜欢去的地方、生活中一件重要的事情、对自己产生过影响的人,或者一次愉快的活动。注意:一定要对题目作出全面的回答。考生的回答中必须包含细节描述或事例,这样会使回答更具信息量,也更容易被理解。在描述的过程中,不要列举过多内容,否则会减少

2、有限的作答时间,使得之后的回答显得匆忙、草率而无法扩展。在看到题目之后,考生有15秒钟的时间准备作答。考生可以简单地写下想说的内容,但是切莫试图写出一篇完整的答案: 一方面,考试时间不允许;另一方面,评分人想考查的是考生对于这个问题能说得怎么样,而不是对于所写的东西朗读得怎么样。即便在准备过程中粗略地写下了一些提示内容,也不要在正式答题时过多地依赖它们。题目将会在电脑中由人声读出,在考生作答的过程中会一直呈现在屏幕上。托福听力Task 2在第二道独立口语任务题中,考生将会在屏幕上看到两种有可能发生的行为、情景或观点。题目要求考生谈论更喜欢哪一种行为或情景,或是认为哪种观点更合理,作出选择后详细


4、且一定要给出作出某个选择的理由。考生选择哪种行为、场景或观点都没关系,与第一题一样,回答是没有对与错之分的。考生的选择不会影响评分,而考生对所作的选择是如何给出理由和细节进行支持的才是评分人的关注点所在。托福听力Task 3第三题是口语考试四道综合任务题中的第一道。在这道题中,考生会在电脑屏幕中读到一篇与校园生活话题相关的短文。考生会听到两个人谈论该话题,并且就短文中所提到的话题表达自己的观点。接着,考生要依据所读到的和所听到的内容回答一个问题。考生有60秒的时间作口头回答。这些话题涉及的领域一般包括大学里的政策、规定或办事程序,大学的计划,校园设施,以及校园内的生活质量等。话题适合所有的应试



7、中,考生必须对以下事情加以注意:提案的描述(即提出了什么,计划了什么,或改变了什么) ,以及支持或是反对该提案的理由。这将有助于考生在听对话时理解两个说话者到底在讨论些什么。在有些情况下,说话者会反对阅读材料中的某个立场,并且提供信息对材料中支持该立场的理由进行质疑。在其他一些情况下,说话者会赞成阅读材料中的立场,并提供信息予以支持。因此,在听对话的过程中,考生必须要明确说话者对于提案的观点,并且弄清楚说话者所说的话和从阅读材料中所获取的信息之间的关系。注意:回答第三道题时,考生不但要明白题目要求做什么,也要明白题目不要求做什么。这类综合任务题并不需要考生说明自己的观点,而是要求考生陈述其中一

8、个说话者的观点,并且总结说话者持该观点的理由。考生将会有40-45秒钟的时间来阅读短文,阅读时间的长短取决于*的长短,之后会听到一段讨论。然后,考生将会有30秒的时间进行准备和60秒钟的时间作答。和其他所有题目一样,考生可以在阅读和听材料的过程中做笔记, 并且可在答题时进行参照。托福听力Task 4第四题是综合口语任务的第二道题。 在这道题中考生需要先读一篇学术类短文,然后听一个教授有关此话题的讲座的节选。之后,考生需要根据听力和阅读材料答题,答题时间是60秒。注意:本题中的话题涉及很多领域:生命科学、社会科学、自然科学和人文科学。尽管本题中的材料带有学术色彩,但是考生无须事先对材料涉及的领域

9、有任何了解。不管考生的学术背景如何,一般都能理解材料中的语言和概念。短文长度通常为75-100词。它会提供一些背景知识使考生能够理解接下来教授的讲座。短文对材料的处理一般比较笼统和抽象,而讲座通过扩展事例、举反例或运用短文中的概念,通常会更具体、更详细。回答这道题时,考生需要依据短文和讲座中的信息并且对其中的关键信息进行整合和表达。托福听力Task 5综合任务中的第五题和第六题不包含相关的阅读*。在第五题中,考生会听到一个有关校园场景的对话,然后回答一个关于这个对话的问题。对话中两人通常会讨论一个问题并提出两个解决方案。问题可能与其中一个人相关,也有可能是他们两个人共同的问题。听力材料之后,考


11、。对话结束后的问题包含以下部分:首先要求考生描述对话中所讨论的问题,然后说出自己偏向哪一个解决方案(注意:不需要两个方案都讨论),最后解释为什么偏向那个解决方案。考生解释自己偏向某个解决方案的原因时,可以引用对话中的信息,也可以加入自己的经历。例如,如果考生的亲身经历与对话中的问题类似,并能说明为什么偏好某一个解决方案,就可以用此来说明缘由。注意,正如其他需要在两者之间作出选择的口语任务一样,选择哪个方案并不重要,无所谓正确或错误。考生的得分与选择哪个解决方案无关,而是取决于考生如何描述问题及解决方案并给出作此选择的理由。托福听力Task 6综合任务的最后一题,即第六题,是学术类题目。在这个问


13、、社会或心理现象。如果讲座是关于一个程序,教授可能通过描述它的一些功能来解释这个程序。如果讲座是关于一个理论。教授可能通过描述它的运用来解释这个理论。如果该讲座是关于一个现象,可能通过解释它的原因和影响来描述这个现象。托福口语考试必背的常用句型一. 否定句型:1. There is not a moment to be lost. 分秒必争。2. There is no holding back the wheel of history. 历史车轮不可阻挡。3. Not a soul was anywhere visible. 到处见不到一个人。4. I felt sorry for not

14、coming in time. 我很抱歉没准时到。5. I dont think it is right to make such a hasty decision. 我认为如此仓促做决定是不正确的。6. Everybody, it is true, wouldnt like it. 的确并不是人人都喜欢它。7. I dont wholly agree. 我并不完全同意。8. All my plans came to nothing. 我的一切计划都没实现。9. I shall never do it, not under any circumstances. 我不会做那事的,10. Ill

15、not do such a thing, not I. 我不会干这种事的,决不会。11. I could not assent to, much less participate in such proceedings. 我对这种行为不能赞同,哪里还说得上参加。12. I did not even see him, still less shake hands with him. 我看都没看见他,哪里还可能同他握手呢?13. I never thought of it, let alone did I do it. 我想都没想到它,更谈不上去做了。14. Little remains to b

16、e said. 简直没什么可说的了。15. I have hardly ever been out of Beijing. 我几乎未曾离开过北京。16. I saw little or nothing of him after you were gone. 你走后我很少看见他,几乎可说完全没见过他。17. I could not help showing my pleasure. 我不禁喜形于色。18. I cannot but admire his courage. 我不得不赞美他的勇气。19. I never see you but I think of my brother. 我每次见到

17、你就想起我的兄弟来。(我没有一次不是见到你就想起我的兄弟来。)20. It simply will not do. 那是绝对不行的。二. 数词句型:21. It takes me three clear / cleanly days. 它花了我整整三天时间。22. There are fifty and odd (or and more) students in our class. 我们班有五十余人。23. The total expense amount to a hundred dollars. 全部费用合计100 美元。24. We were fifteen, all told. 我们

18、一共十五人。25. The delegation consisted of 15, inclusive of (including) two interpreters. 代表团共十五人,包括两名翻译在内。26. There were fifty people present, not counting (excluding) the children. 出席者达五十人, 儿童未计算在内。27. We take a rest at intervals of two hours. 我们每隔两小时休息一次。28. I ask you to teach me every other day. 我请你每

19、隔一天来教我。29. Beijing is ten times as big as my home town. 北京有我的家乡十个那么大。30. The sun is a huge blazing ball, a million times larger than the earth. 太阳是个庞大的炽燃火球,比地球大一百多万倍。31. By comparison with 1992, the foreign trade turnover of that country in 2003 increased (to) 3.5 times. 与1992年相比,这个国家2003年对外贸易总额增加了2

20、.5 倍(增加到3.5 倍)。32. That table measures three feet by three. 那张桌子三英尺长,三英尺宽。33. He valued the house for me at ?,500. 这房子他替我作价为三千五百镑。34. His coat is rated at 20 yuan. 他的大衣值价二十元。35. The job was finished at a sitting (a stretch). 这工作一下子(一口气)就做完了。三. 被动句型:36. I got plucked. 我未被录取。37. He got dismissed. 他被开除

21、了。38. You are bound to be received warmly. 你定会受到热情接待。39. I preferred to be assigned something more difficult to do. 我宁愿被分配(得到)些更困难的工作做。40. He was often spoken about. 他常被人们谈到。41. It is considered a shame to cheat in examination. 考试舞弊是可耻的。42. It was found difficult for us to understand him. 我们发现要了解他是很

22、难的。43. It was proved wrong to say things like that. 已经证明那种讲法是不对的。44. It is requested that you kindly take immediate action in the matter. 对于此事,请速做处理。45. It hasnt been made clear when the new road is open to traffic. 新路什么时候通车还没有宣布。46. Has it been decided where we are to hold the conference? 会议在那里开,决定

23、了吗?47. I was warned not to be late. 我被告之不要迟到。48. I am supposed to know something about science. 有人建议我了解一些科学方面的东西。49. The books are not allowed to be taken out of the room. 这些书不准携出室外。四.比较句型:50. She is no less diligent than her elder sister. 她和她姐姐一样用功。51. One minute too late is no more in time than ha

24、lf an hour (is). 迟到一分钟与迟到半小时同样是不准时。52. His strength is superior to mine. 他的力气比我大。53. Colored people are by no means inferior to white people. 有色人种丝毫不比白人低劣。54. My arrival in New York is posterior to that of my friend. 我比我朋友后到纽约。55. We love truth above everything else. 我们热爱真理甚与一切。56. It is worth next

25、to nothing. 那几乎一钱不值。57. How could he compare with Bill Gates? 他怎能同比尔嚫谴南啾饶兀?nbsp;58. Easier said than done. 说易做难。59. I like that best of all / least of all. 我最喜欢/不喜欢那个。60. I cant think of a better idea. 我想不出比这个更好的了。61. No other book has had a greater influence on my life. 任何其它的书对我一生的影响都没有这本书大。62. Not

26、hing is so easy as this. 没有比这更容易的事了。63. The more a men knows, the more he discovers his ignorance. 一个人懂得越多,越发现自己无知。64. So much the worse. 更加不妙。65. Better late than never. 迟做比不做好。66. Better to do well than to say well. 说得好不如做得好。67. I would sooner die than do such a thing. 我宁死不做此事。68. Wise men love tr

27、uth, whereas fools shun it. 聪明人热爱真理,而愚人逃避真理。69. I would do anything before that. 我什么都肯做,就是不愿做那件事。五.倒装句型:70. There must be something wrong. 一定有什么东西弄错了。71. Then came the hour we had been looking forward to. 我们渴望的时刻终于到了。72. Now comes your turn. 现在轮到你了。73. Not a finger did I lay on him. 我从没有指责过他。74. Nev

28、er had I had any experience like that. 我从没有经历过这样的事。75. Well do I remember the day when it happened. 我清楚地记得事情发生的那一天。76. Enclosed are some pictures Ive just taken. (随信)附上几张近照。77. Dont let go the rope. 抓牢绳子,别松手。78. I would not let drop a word. 我决不说一个字。托福独立口语题的破.解方法1、详细具体(空洞的形容词和花哨的句子结构不能得分);2、词汇量和语法现象要

29、多;3、规定时间内尽可能说快一点,多说一点,信息量大一点。我深深知道,中国学生缺乏大量的语言环境,在仅有15至30秒的准备时间内要完美地做到以上几点是基本不可能的。那么,是不是要因为一个小小的口语考试就放弃我们在加州的阳光下散步的权利呢?当然不会!既然我们不能依赖于现场发挥,那么就通过平时准备,来大大减低现场难度要求。其核心就是转化原则,在充分领会转化原则的基础上,创建自己的模板,以精练的短句,清楚的表达为主。独立口语题破.解新托福口语考试六大题型中的第一种是问你一个你所熟悉的人、地方、东西或者事件,你需要在回答中加入具体的例子和细节。例如:choose a place you like an

30、d explain why you like this place.请看看袁老师是怎么回答的:Well, the place I enjoy the most is a small town located in France. I like this small town because it has very charming ocean view. I mean the sky there is so blue and the beach is always full of sunshine. You know how romantic it can ever be, just rela

31、x yourself on the beach, when the sun is setting down, when the ocean breeze is blowing and the seabirds are singing.Of course I like this small French town also because there are many great French restaurants. They offer the best seafood in the world like lobsters and tuna fishes. The most importan

32、t, I have been benefited a lot from this trip to France because I made friends with some gorgeous French girls. One of them even gave me a little watch as a souvenir of our friendship.看出奥妙来了吗?1、这个回答里用的全部是口语化的短句子;2、按照正常的语速念完正好是45秒;3、出现了多处非常具体的细节描写(得分点)。4、有景色描写(beach)、有人物(French girls)、有事件(make friend

33、s),有具体事物(a watch)。为何如此设计,等一下就会讲到。 然后让我们换一个题目再看看,还是用这些内容怎么进行回答:题目:Choose a restaurant you like and explain why you like this restaurant参考答案:Well, the restaurant I enjoy the most is a French restaurant located on a beautiful beach. I like this small restaurant because it has very charming ocean view.

34、I mean the sky there is so blue and the beach is always full of sunshine. You know how romantic it can ever be, just relax yourself on the beach, when the sun is setting down, the ocean breeze is blowing and the seabirds are singing.Of course I like this small French restaurant also because it offer

35、s the best seafood in the world like lobsters and tuna fishes. The most important, I made friends with some gorgeous French girls in that restaurant. One of them even gave me a little watch as a souvenir of our friendship.在新托福口语考试中,本题型能够涉及到的范围包括事件、人物、具体事物和地方。现在你是不是开始有些明白为什么袁老师的口语模板要包括人、地、事、物?然后我们再来做

36、一些难度稍大的扩展训练,看看转化原则是怎么能够帮助我们以不变应万变。Choose an important event/ a favorite activity and give reasons explaining why this event is important/ why this activity is your favorite. 从抽象的事物转化成具体的景色描写Well, one very important event in my life/my favorite activity is a little trip to France. I like this trip so

37、 much because we visited a small French town. The town has very charming ocean view. I mean the sky there is so blue and the beach is always full of sunshine. You know how romantic it can ever be, just relax yourself on the beach, when the sun is setting down, when the ocean breeze is blowing and th

38、e seabirds are singing.Of course I like this little trip to France also because there are many great French restaurants. They offer the best seafood in the world like lobsters and tuna fishes. The most important, I have been benefited a lot from this trip to France because I made friends with some g

39、orgeous French girls. One of them even gave me a little watch as a souvenir of our friendship.注意一定要有两到三句转化句,也叫点题句,即在文中标注出的句子。扩展训练:1. Describe one object that is of special value to you and explain why it is of special value to you. Please include specific examples and details in your explanation.2.

40、Choose a teacher you like and explain why you like him or her. Include specific details in your statement.3. Everyone has a goal to fulfill. Whats your goal and explain why you want to fulfill this goal. Please include specific examples and details in your explanation.(在看下面的参考答案之前,请自己先用转化原则处理一下上面的题目

41、。这几个题目是袁老师精心收集的仿真题,仿真度可以达到90%以上,同学们要好好利用)参考答案:1. Well, the object of special value to me is a little watch. 点题,复述原题 the watch was designed for women and one of my French girlfriends gave it to me as a souvenir of our friendship. This little watch is of very special meaning to me because it always re

42、minds me of those days I spent in a beautiful French town located by the beach. My watch is deep blue, as blue as the charming ocean view on the beach. You know how romantic it can ever be, just relax yourself on the beach, when the sun is setting down, when the ocean breeze is blowing and the seabi

43、rds are singing.The most important, I made friends with some gorgeous French girls. One of them gave me this little watch as a gift. I cherish the watch just as much as we cherish our friendship.2.Well, the teacher I admire so much is a gorgeous French lady. She was from a beautiful French small tow

44、n located by the beach. She has very charming deep blue eyes, as blue as the ocean view on the beach. I admire her so much because she is not only a teacher to me but also a very good friend. Last summer, she invited me to travel to her hometown. You know how romantic it can ever be, just relax your

45、self on the beach, when the sun is setting down, when the ocean breeze is blowing and the seabirds are singing.Also, she brought me to some restaurants offering the best seafood such as lobsters and tuna fishes. Finally, she gave me a little watch as the souvenir of our friendship.3. Ever since I wa

46、s a kid, I had a dream to travel to France. My parents told me that there is a little French town located by the beach. It has very charming ocean view. They told me the sky there is so blue and the beach is always full of sunshine. You know how romantic it can ever be, just relax yourself on the be

47、ach, when the sun is setting down, when the ocean breeze is blowing and the seabirds are singing.Of course I want to travel to this small French town also because there are many great French restaurants. They offer the best seafood in the world like lobsters and tuna fishes. The most important, there is a good chance to make friends with some gorgeous French girls.托福口语


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