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1、托福独立写作六步法高效使用机经 托福写作备考中,很多同学都会使用写作机经,而写作机经中最为重要的独立写作机经。那么托福独立写作机经应该怎样使用呢?今天给大家带来了托福独立写作六步法高效使用机经,希望能够帮助到大家,一起来学习吧。托福独立写作六步法高效使用机经第一步,题型分类我们要对机经里面的独立写作的题目按照题型进行分类。虽然独立写作部分貌似考过特别多的题目,但是其实就其题型来说,主要可以分为三大类,绝对词类,比较类和隐藏绝对词类,那么将题目按照题型分类的好处在于,针对每一类的题目我们都可以确定一种*框架。有了这个框架,即使写作基础不是很好的学生也不至于写跑题,能保证一个基本的分数。这个框架的



4、水平比较好而且对考试也算了解的人改,帮助自己找出错误,确定哪些地方需要提高,然后,制定处改进的方案。否则,一样的错误会出现在所有练习的*当中,练习多少篇其实都没有什么实质性的提高。托福考试作文独立写作范文:老师针对青少年学生的不同教法Some believe that teachers (for students from age 14-18) should focus on lecturing and asking students to take notes during lectures. Others believe that teachers should get students

5、involved in discussion and encourage them to exchange ideas in class. Which way of teaching do you think is more effective for students learning?写作参考:Educators and researchers have never stopped the examination of the importance and relevance of collaborative and interactive learning that are encour

6、aged by middle schools. When compared with boring lecturing, I, personally, believe that it is far more beneficial to students when they share their ideas and exchange opinions with each other for the following reasons.First off, exchanging ideas with fellow classmates help students develop critical

7、 thinking, presentation skills and other kinds of soft skillsets. When discussing issues with peers, students tend to take a position on a certain issue. In this learning process, students will collect their thoughts and synthesize the concepts learned in textbook or in the lecture to support his or

8、 her points. Also, to respond to others comments, students have to reflect on the rationale of their own arguments and come up with persuasive reasoning. It is obvious that such activities helps students to learning more meaningfully and extensively. Furthermore, students unconsciously learn how to

9、express themselves affirmatively and make their points clear in front of a large audience. It takes right amount of eye contacts, body language and facial expression to convey ones idea in a convincing way and such presentation skills can be valuable asset for ones future career.Additionally, active

10、ly discussing issues with peers can help students to cope with different opinions. When discussing issues with peers, not only do student contribute to the class, but also they get a chance to be exposed to different ideas and perspectives. This is a very conducive experience since we are not living

11、 in a vacuum and learning how to appreciate, value and even embrace opinions that are unfamiliar to us can be very important. Furthermore, such experience can be useful in ones future career when one also has to confront with different business solutions provided by their coworkers. A recent study c

12、onducted by Harvard Business Review shows that the one who experienced group discussions and exchanging of views in school demonstrates a higher potential to resolve possible conflicts with future coworkers and enjoys far more promising future.In conclusion, discussion and idea exchanges should be e

13、ncouraged since such activities can help students to develop critical thinking, presentation skills and other kinds of soft skillsets, also they will get students prepared on how deal with different opinions now and in future career.托福考试作文独立写作范文:应该接受家人还是政府的帮助A/D: People can solve important problems

14、in their daily life on their own or with the help from families; The help from the government is not necessary.题目解析题目大意:人们可以自己或通过家人的帮助来解决生活中的重大问题,所以政府的帮助是没有必要的。波波建议此题目选择不同意,即认为政府的帮助还是很有必要的,思考分论点的方向使用拆分,对题目中的抽象名词 important problems 拆分具体化为环境问题和教育问题,然后分别展开。Some teachers are just lecturing(speaking) on

15、the class and students only take notes; some other teachers make their class time on discussion and projection and students sharing their ideas with their classmates. Which one do you prefer?Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People can solve important problems in daily life on t

16、heir own or with the help from families, so the help from government is not necessary.托福写作范文参考一:In a society that changes as amazingly as ours, the role played by government in our daily life has been brought under the spotlight of mass media. Consequently, the general public and sociologists are wo

17、ndering whether people can solve important problems individually or with the governmental support. Towards such a long running tug-of-war, I am inclined to claim that the help from government is necessary in the process of resolving important problems, especially in the aspects of protecting environ

18、ment and addressing the disparity of educational resources.In the first instance, consider the environmental issues. As is common sense, the deteriorating natural environment is so severe and complicated that the solution of such a problem is far beyond the reach of any individuals or families. The

19、serious air pollution in China is a good case in point. Despite the fact that people can take some actions such as wearing masks or taking the public transportation to relieve the haze occurring frequently in the major cities of China in some degree, the problem cannot be radically solved. To illust

20、rate, the major cause responsible for the smoggy weather is nothing but the emission of waste gas such as dust and smog from an appalling number of heavy-pollution factories. In this case, it is the government that can get rid of the fundamental cause by shutting down these plants and enacting laws

21、or regulations to restrict their production, which cant be achieved by any individuals.In the second instance, the same logic goes to the educational problems. As is known to all, many school-age children in rural and remote areas are not able to receive education in school due to the lack of educat

22、ional resources. According to a survey conducted by the Education Ministry in China in 20XX, approximately 3 million kids in the Southwest of China didnt have the chance to get educated on account of lacking in tables, textbooks and even spacious classrooms. When confronted with the issue mentioned

23、above, what individuals or families can do is quite limited. Undoubtedly, only the government has the adequate financial resources and power to allocate educational resources to those places. For example, the government of China builds nearly 10,000 primary schools called Hope School in the distant

24、places, which alleviates the disparity in educational resources between different regions to a large extent.Judging from what has been discussed above, we can draw the conclusion that although the ability of individual or families is becoming stronger and greater than before, the help from government is of great necessity in the course of solving significant problems, especially those in the areas of education and environment.托福


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