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1、雅思口语语法了解一下 其实很多考鸭都不重视口语中的语法问题,在雅思口语评分标准中,语法也是雅思口语考官评分参考之一哦。下面就和大家分享雅思口语语法了解一下,来欣赏一下吧。雅思口语语法了解一下雅思口语语法:主谓一致语法一致。比如:主语是单数,谓语动词就用单数;主语是复数,谓语动词就用复数。当然这只在现在时态,即一般现在时、现在完成时、现在完成进行时中体现。这个要求看起来很简单,但在实际运用中,基本上所有的同学都会被我反复地提醒使用第三人称单数。就近原则。由or;either.or;neither.nor;not onlybut also等词连接的名词或者代词作主语,谓语动词的单复数取决于与动词最

2、近的名词的单复数。Neither you nor your friend is to blame.意义一致。这个主要是涉及到集体名词,比如audience;army;family;jury;stuff;crew;couple等,如果这类词意义上指整体的概念谓语就用单数,如果意义指具体成员则谓语动词就用复数。如:The population in this area is increasing very slowly。/One third of the population in this area are workers.就远原则。由as well as;rather than; with;t

3、ogether with; in addition; combined with这几个词连接的名词或者代词作主语,谓语动词的单复数取决于这几个词前面的名词是单数还是复数。如:The teacher rather than the students opens the door./The students rather than the teacher open the door.还有需要注意的是:a series/line/group/list+of+名词复数,谓语动词用单数;分数、百分数、part/rest/half+名词作主语,谓语动词的单复数取决于名词本身的单复数。;both of+名词

4、复数,谓语用复数;each/neither/either/everything/anything作主语,谓语用单数。主谓一致是相对简单的语法,只要大家在平时的练习中多加注意,在考试中就能减少无谓的“牺牲”。雅思口语语法:使用误区1.such as与for example的混用。我们知道,在表示举例子的时候,such as与like是完全等同的,如:Wild flowers such as/like orchids and primroses are becoming rare。但是考生对于Such as、for example 的把握还是不够准确。我们都知道,后者接句子前者接词语表示举例子。于

5、是就有了下面的写法:There is a similar word in many languages, such as in French and Italian。这里的such as改为for example为好,因为“in French and Italian”其实是“there is a similar word in French and Italian”的简化,所以要用for example来引出例证。再来看几个类似的例子:It is possible to combine computer science with other subjects, for example phys

6、ics。2.assume 及claim 使用不够准确。我们知道, think,assume,claim是议论文中常用引出观点的动词。在实际作文中,同学们往往认为几个词的意思是一样的,完全可以代换,所以拿过来就用。甚至还有同学把consider也拿过来与之混用。我们首先还是从定义来看这几个词的不同:Think: to have opinion or belief about sth。翻译为“认为”,通常接宾语从句来表达比较确定的观点。Assume: to think or accept that sth is true but without having proof of it。翻译为“假设、

7、假定”,是否有事实依据是不确定的。Claim: to say sth is true although it has not been proved and other people may not believe it。翻译为“声称”,用这个词往往意味着不赞同紧跟其后的观点,所以很少用作I claim thatScientist are claiming a breakthrough in the fight against cancer, but in fact, 。所以It is claimed that通常翻译为“有报道称。”。和it is reported that 的区别在于后者翻

8、译为“据报道”,往往代表着作者赞同报告的内容,Consider: to think about sth carefully, especially in order to make a decision.翻译为“考虑”,一般不用作引出观点,看个例子:We are considering buying a new car。所以,千万不要在雅思大作文的第一段(观点表达段)就因为用词把握不准而导致对整篇*的低分印象。3.介词使用错误。1).普通介词的误用。一般表现为固定搭配错误,如常把provide sb with sth用成provide sb sth; be satisfied with用成be

9、 satisfied for等等,虽然这样的错误看似无伤大雅,但在考官眼里就是影响顺畅阅读的,当然会影响最终成绩。解决的办法简单而古老:把常见的固定搭配牢记于心,问题自然就解决了。2).“to”作为介词的误用。“to”最常见的用法是以动词不定式符号的形式出现的,所以同学们也已经习惯了“to do”的固定搭配。对于一些如walk to me, to the left等介词to表方向等常见用法一般也不会出现错误。但是对于与动词搭配的介词to就会经常犯错:More and more students have taken to depend on their parents to make deci

10、sion for them。这里的take to means to begin to do sth as a habit其中to为介词,所以后面只能接名词或相当于名词的词,如动名词。所以句中depend on 应改为“depending on”。“take to”的另一个常用用法也需要牢记:He hasnt taken to his new school. (这里take to means to start liking sb or sth)Prefer A to B中的“to”也是介词,会有prefer doing sth to doing sth/ prefer sth to sth el

11、se,另外,“prefer to do sth rather than do sth”中的“to”可是真正的不定式符号。3pare与contrast的误用。我们先从两者的定义入手来看两者的区别。 Compare的定义为:to examine people or things to see how they are similar or different. Contrast的定义为:to compare two or more things to show the difference between them。由定义不难看出前者侧重于找到两个或多个事物的异同,而后者则侧重于它们的不同。看个例

12、句:It is interesting to compare their situations to ours./It is interesting to contrast their situations to ours。前一句翻译为:对比一下我们的情况与他们的情况会很有趣。后一句的翻译为:我们的情况与他们的情况有很大的不同,这很有趣。再看一个引自OXFORD ADBANCED LEARNERS DICTIONARY的例子:There is an obvious contrast between the culture of East and West。The company lost $7

13、 million in contrast to a profit of $6.2 million a year earlier。When you look at their new system, ours seems very old-fashioned by contrast。2020年9-12月雅思口语part23答案解析:一个困难挑战Describe a difficult challenge you came across at one time in your life.You should say:what it waswhen you came across this chal

14、lengewhat you did about itand explain why you think it was a difficult challengeSomething I faced which I found very challenging actually, was a corporate finance examination I had to prepare for as part of a business course I was studying. I am not very good with numbers actually. And I dont even l

15、ike finance stuff. I had to do the exam as it was part of the course, I couldnt pass the course without doing this module, so I had no choice. Anyway, I actually asked for help and had some extra lessons with people who understood finance and that was sort of useful. Though to be honest it was reall

16、y hard to find a good teacher most people that are good at finance already have great jobs and so dont want or need to spend their free time teaching finance to people like me! I had to work out a lot of stuff by myself and it was a struggle, to be honest, a real struggle. I dont have good memories

17、of this at all. I am usually quite good at the things that I do, I mean, I learn fast and dont find it that difficult to do academic things or grasp complex ideas. But when it comes to financial stuff or anything related to maths or numbers, my mind seems to get stuck, I even start to panic a little

18、 bit, and cant really move forward. Some of this is most certainly a psychological barrier and some of it is simply a weakness in my mental abilities. I find this very frustrating and annoying, and in preparing for this finance exam, I felt it very strongly. Im so glad this is over and I dont have t

19、o do another one!Part31. Do you think parents should give their children more challenges?I think that parents here already put too much pressure on their kids to be honest. I think that children today have enough challenges already and dont need more and more imposed upon them by over-zealous parent

20、s who are highly competitive. I think that parents should be a bit more relaxed and not pressurize kids to constantly do new and challenging things.2. What challenges do you think children might have to face up to in life?Children usually have a lot of pressure in school in all sorts of academic sub

21、jects. They have to be competitive, they have to study hard, they have to learn to read and write a lot of characters. Its not easy. These are all challenges.3. What is one of the most challenging things for children?I think middle school examinations. Theyre horrible, theyre difficult, and theyre r

22、eally stressful. I think everyone agrees with this. Very challenging indeed.2020年9-12月雅思口语part23答案解析:重要的新技能Describe a new skill you learned that you think is important.You should say:What it isWhether it is difficult or notHow you learned itAnd explain why you think it is importantRecently I learned

23、 to use a mind-map software on my computer. Its a simple software that enables you to create spider-diagramsmind-maps. Basically, you put your central topic in a circle in the centre of the screen and you add notes coming from that topic. Its an excellent software for taking notes in preparation for

24、 exams you can use them for studying or for outlining all the different aspects of a project youre working on. It was fairly easy to use this software, and I learned in about half an hour, with a little help from my friend. I pretty much use it all the time these days. Its important because its more

25、 neat and tidy than making notes on paper, and you can save the documents safely and so you dont lose them as easily. Also, if you want to present your ideas for a project, or a study plan, or share your study notes with a partner, then its easy for other people to understand, too. It looks professi

26、onal, slick and modern and this is always a good thing! Also, if you want to work in a company its a really good idea to get familiar with this kind of software because nearly everything today is done on a computer, and developing basic computer software skills is very important.Part31. Do you think

27、 teamwork and communication skills are important?Absolutely, its very important that people learn to work with others in teams, and co-operate. And communication skills are a central part of this. Not only do people need to have good diplomatic skills, but they need to be able to know how to communi

28、cate their ideas in a logical and coherent way so that others can understand them clearly. This is actually a skill that we should be teaching children from an early age.2. What kinds of skills are practical for university students to learn?Well, theres a lot of skills which are useful and practical

29、 for university students. But Id say the most important skills are those of essay-writing and communication. A lot of work in university involves being able to logically organise your ideas and put them into a structure and write a very clear and insightful essay. These are things which are quite di

30、fficult to do without practice and need to be learned.3. What is the most important skill a person needs to have in life?Thats a pretty hard question to answer really, but Id say the most important skill is listening and communication. This may sound strange, but to be honest, so many people have pr

31、oblems in communicating clearly and this can cause a lot of trouble in the family as well as in the workplace. A lot of conflicts in society come from misunderstandings, and if we learn to listen and understand others, and communicate our own feelings, as well as key information and ideas, clearly a

32、nd concisely, then life is a lot easier for everyone.4. What skills are important for the success of business?In business a person should be quite fast-thinking, strong-minded and perhaps even sometimes a little firm and strict when necessary. People that succeed in business are usually quite thick-skinned and dont give in under pressure, but are also very good at judging other peoples strengths and weaknesses.雅思口语


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