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1、生活垃圾焚烧发电项目电气设备介绍Introduction of electrical equipments of MSW power plant1.1 主要电气设备 Main electrical equipments为了满足用电设备对电力的要求和保证电力系统运行的安全稳定和经济性,发电厂电气部分的主要工作是启、停机组,调整负荷,切换设备和线路,不断监视主要设备的运行,发生异常和故障时及时处理等。以上所有的工作都是靠操作主要电气设备来完成的。本厂主要电气设备如下:In order to satisfy the equipments requirement to power and the sa

2、fety and stability running of the electric energy system and the economic benefit, the priority mission of the electrical system is, start and stop the unit, adjust the load, switch between equipment and line, constant survey major equipment, quickly react to failure or unusual situation, etc. The a

3、bove missions are completed by operation of major electrical equipment. The main electrical equipment in this plant as follow:1.1.1 汽轮发电机 发电机是根据电磁感应原理而工作的一种旋转电气设备,它将机械能转变成电能。它与汽轮机直接耦合传动。发电机旋转方向从汽轮机端看为顺时针方向。Generator is one kind of rotate electrical equipment which follows the rule of electromagnetic

4、 induction, transferring mechanic energy into electric energy. t directly couples to the turbine and rotates. The direction of generator rotating is clockwise seen from the turbine end.型号power factor modelQFW-7-2 6600V额定功率rated power7000 kW功率因数power factor(COS)0.8额定定子电压rated stator voltage6600V额定定子电

5、流rated stator current765A额定转速rated rotation speed3000 r/min极数number of polar2相数number of phase3定子接法stator connection typeY1.1.2 柴油发电机 柴油发电机平时处于备用状态,当发生全厂停电事故时,自动控制系统会自动隔离厂用电母线和事故保安段母线,同时发出信号命令柴油发电机启动,柴油发电机自带控制系统,可以在10-15s内自动完成柴油启动、调速、升压、合闸一系列的过程,供电给事故保安段母线,维持基本的设备运转,保障锅炉和汽机及其他辅助设备的安全停机。It is usually

6、 in backup status. When the plant is under emergency shutdown, the auto control system will isolate the plant supply busbar and the security section, at the same time sends out signal to command the diesel generator to start, adjust speed, boost up pressure, shut valve and series of action, and supp

7、ly power to security section, keep basic equipment running in10 to15 second, guaranteeing the safety shutdown of boiler and turbine and other auxiliary equipments.1.1.3 电动机 电动机是根据电磁感应原理工作的一种旋转电气设备,它将电能转化为机械能,拖动电厂风机、泵类、压缩机等机械。根据电厂工艺的要求,其中一次风机、二次风机、引风机、给水泵和凝结水泵等设备采用变频调速控制,其拖动电机也采用相应的变频电机。Motor is a ki

8、nd of rotating electric equipment which follows the rules of electromagnetic induction. It transfers electric energy to mechanical energy, driving fans, pumps, compressors and other machines in the plant. According to the technical requirement, primary fan, secondary fan, induced draft fan, water fe

9、ed pump and condensing water pump adopt frequency control, their motors adopt converter motors in correspondence. 高压电动机 High voltage motor 低压电动机Low voltage motor1.1.4 主变压器 Main transformer变压器是一种静止电器,它利用电磁感应原理,把一种电压、电流的交流电能变成为同频率的另一种电压、电流的交流电能。Transformer is a static appliance. It follows the rules o

10、f electromagnetic induction, makes one kind of AC power into another kind with same frequency but different voltage and current.油浸式主变压器Oil-immersed main transformer1.1.5 厂用变压器 Plant transformer厂用变压器是专门给电厂自己供电用的。Transformer factory is specialized for power plant their power supply.三相环氧树脂浇注干式变压器three-

11、phase epoxy resin placing dry transformer型号ModelSCB10-2000/6.6额定容量Rated capacity2000KVA频率Frequency50Hz一次电压Primary voltage6.6KV22.5%二次电压Secondary voltage0.4KV相数Number of phase3一次电流Primary current175A二次电流Secondary curent2886.8A冷却方式 Cooling typeAF1.1.6变压器保护设备Transformer protection device变压器保护装置是集保护、监视、

12、控制、通信等多种功能于一体的电力自动化高新技术产品,是构成智能化开关柜的理想电器单元。The transformer protection device is set protection, monitoring, control, communication and other functions in the integration of electric power automation high-tech products, are the ideal intelligent switchgear electrical unit.1.1.7 33 kV高压柜 33 kV high vo

13、ltage cabinet开关柜本体The body of switch cabinet1型式Type KYN61-40.52额定电压Rated voltage333最高运行电压Maximum running voltage384额定电流Rated current6305相数Number of phases36额定频率Rated frequency50HZ7额定动稳定电流Rated motion stabilized current808热稳定电流(有效值)Hot stabilized current (virtual value)31.59热稳定电流持续时间Continuing time o

14、f hot stabilized current 4S10一分钟工频耐受电压(有效值)Voltage tolerance under 1 minute working frequency (virtual value)主绝缘对地Main insulate toward ground95断口间绝缘Insulate between cuts11011雷电冲击水平(全波、峰值)Class of thunder strike (full wave, peak)主绝缘对地Main insulate toward ground185断口间绝缘Insulate between cuts21512冷却方式Wa

15、y of cool down自冷Self cool down1.1.8 6.6 kV高压柜 6.6 kV high voltage cabinet按照本厂使用需要,6.6 kV配电系统可以装备KYN28A-12型中置移开式铠装金属封闭开关柜和XGN2-12固定式金属封闭式开关柜。According to the demand of this plant, the 6.6 kV power distribution system has KYN28A-12 type center withdrawing metal shielded closed switch cabinets and XGN2

16、-12 fixed metal shielded closed switch cabinets. KYN28A-12 XGN2-121.1.9 低压配电柜 Low voltage power distribution cabinet本厂主厂房低压配电室需配备MNS型低压抽屉式开关柜,对厂用电源、厂用备用电源、事故保安电源进行分配、切换、控制、监视和保护,是全厂厂用电配电中心。The low voltage power distribution house of the main plant building has MNS type low voltage withdrawing cabine

17、t, to distribute, switch, control, survey and protect the plant power supply, plant power backup, emergency security power. It is the power distribution center of the whole plant use.1.1.10 现场动力箱 Local power box按照本厂使用需要和功能的不同,在主厂房其他地方和其他车间分布着检修箱,现场动力箱,现场控制箱,对现场设备进行配电和控制。According to the difference o

18、f need and function, set up repair box, local power box, local control box at other places of main building and other workshops, to distribute power and control the local equipments.1.1.11 发电机保护柜 Protection box of generator发电机是电厂最重要和贵重的电气设备,发电机的安全运行直接影响电厂电气系统的安全。为了保护发电机和限制事故的扩大,根据发电机的故障和不正常工作状态,本厂配置

19、了发电机保护柜(一台发电机一台),并配备必要的保护功能。The generator is the most important and expensive electrical equipment of the power plant. The safety running of generator directly affects the electrical system of the plant. In order to protect the generator and limit the emergency outbreak, according to the failure and

20、 abnormal working status of generator, this plant has had two generator protection boxes (each generator has one), with necessary protection function.1.1.12 发电机励磁柜 励磁系统是发电机的重要组成部分。发电机励磁调节器的基本任务是:(1)维持发电机的机端电压恒定,当发电机负荷发生变化时,通过调节磁场的强弱来恒定机端电压;(2)通过合理的调差设置来保证并列运行的机组间无功功率的合理分配;(3)通过快速的励磁响应以提高电力系统的暂态稳定和静态

21、稳定。Excitation system is an important part of the generator. The basic task for generator excitation regulator is: (1) keep the generator voltage stable; (2) ensure the adequate distribution of reactive power between synchronized running units through reasonable differential control; (3) enhance the

22、temporary status stability and static status stability through quick excitation respond. 1.1.13 厂用电快速切换柜 Quick switch box for plant power supply厂用电供电的连续可靠是电厂各种用电设备安全运行的基本条件,为了保证厂用电供电的可靠性,本厂除了设置厂用电工作电源外,另设有厂用电备用电源。因此,对供电可靠性要求较高的场合多配有两路供电电源,两路电源间的成功切换是连续不间断供电的关键。Electrical equipment safe running depen

23、ds on the continuous reliable power supply. In order to guarantee reliable power supply, this plant has deployed plant backup power besides working power. Therefore, requiring higher reliability of power supply is equipped with two way more power supply, the success of the switch between two power s

24、upplies is the key to the continuous uninterrupted power supply.1.1.14 同期柜 Synchronization box同期系统的主要作用就是为了保护系统和待并机组的安全运行。 Synchronization system mainly works as protection of system and the safety running of the synchronized units.本厂采用准同期并列,准同期并列要求在并列前调节待并发电机或待并系统,使其同时满足如下三个并列条件:This plant adopts p

25、re-synchronization which requires adjusting the generator and system before synchronized, and let it fulfill the three conditions following simultaneously: 频率差不超过0.20.5;Frequency differential not more than 0.2%0.5%; 压差不超过510;Voltage differential not more than 5%10%; 初相角差不超过10。Initial phase angle dif

26、ferential not more than 10.此时并列后冲击电流小,能马上拉入同步,对系统的扰动小。The impact current is smaller at this time, which is able to recruit at once with less interference to the system.1.1.15 变频器柜 Inverter box为了提高控制精度,改善电机的启动性能,并节约能源,降低厂用电,本厂一些主要辅机设备电机等主要电机均采用变频控制。In order to improve the control accuracy, also the s

27、tart performance of motor, and saving energy and plant uses power, the main motors of T auxiliary equipment adopt frequency control. 1.1.16 软启动器Soft starter软启动器是一种集软启动、软停车、轻载节能和多功能保护于一体的电机控制装备。实现在整个启动过程中无冲击而平滑的启动电机,而且可根据电动机负载的特性来调节启动过程中的各种参数,如限流值、启动时间等。Soft starter is a collection of soft start, sof

28、t stop, light load energy saving and multi-functional protection of motor control equipment. No impact on the implementation in the entire launch process and a smooth start the motor, and can be adjusted according to the characteristics of the motor load to start the process of various parameters, s

29、uch as current limiting values, start time, etc.1.1.17断路器Circuit breaker 断路器是指能够关合、承载和开断正常回路条件下的电流并能关合、在规定的时间内承载和开断异常回路条件下的电流的开关装置。断路器按其使用范围分为高、中、低压断路器。Circuit breaker is to point to to close, loading and open circuit loop current under the condition of normal and can close, within the prescribed ti

30、me and open circuit under the condition of abnormal loop current switch devices. Circuit breaker according to its use range was divided into high, medium and low voltage circuit breaker.1.1.18 电线电缆 Wires and cables全厂电缆均采用阻燃电缆。The cables for the whole plant are flame retardant cables. 本厂电缆分为电力电缆、控制电缆

31、和计算机电缆。(1)10KV电力电缆 10KV power cable(2)1KV电力电缆 1KV power cable(3)控制电缆 control cable(4)计算机电缆 computer cable1.1.19 电缆桥架 Cable tray电缆桥架是承载导线的一个载体,使导线到达建筑物内很多位置,且不会影响建筑物美观。Cable tray is carrying a carrier of the wire, and let wire to the building a lot of position, and will not effect the beauty of the building


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