新视野大学英语读写教程(第二版)第一册Unit 2 Section ADeep Concern1.ppt

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1、Text Study,Idea Sharing,Notes to the Text,Words and Expressions,Writing,Understanding,Reproduction,Structure Analysis,I.Understanding,The text shows us the generation gap between a daughter and her parents through their daily dialogues.Please find out their different attitudes towards the same items

2、.,Text StudyUnderstanding,Sandy:“I like that music,Dad;its my favorite.Listen for a minute;Im sure youll like it.”,Parents:It was weird and horrible stuff with offensive language.,How did the parents react?,(Rock music blasted forth),Text StudyUnderstanding,Wearing her old,green T-shirt and some jea

3、ns.,Sandy:,It was disgusting.,Parents:,Text StudyUnderstanding,Having breakfast while standing by the sink.,Sandy:,It wasnt healthy to eat standing up.,Parents:,Text StudyUnderstanding,Sandy:“Ill brush my teeth when Im done.”,She should brush her teeth as soon as she got up.,Parents:,Text StudyUnder

4、standing,Sandy:Wearing her makeup(such as eyeliner).,Parents:“Too young to wear that much makeup.”,All the girls at school did so.Some have tattoos.,How about her parents ideas?,Text StudyUnderstanding,The Parents Thoughts Towards Sandy,Fathers thoughts,Mothers thoughts,_ _ _ _,_,awful,tuneless,offe

5、nsive;makes my blood boil;negative,Different music appeals to different generations;I dont think her music is so terrible.,Text StudyUnderstanding,Music:,Fathers thoughts,Mothers thoughts,_,She is changing;Who knows what will be next?,_,biggest problem,Conclusion:We need to have a talk with Sandy.,T

6、ext StudyUnderstanding,Makeup&Tattoos,Mothers Decision:,Have patience;,Keep the lines of communication with her daughter open;,Be there as an anchor;,Give her freedom to find her identity.,Text StudyUnderstanding,II.Structure Analysis,The Writing Method of the Passage:,Sequenced Orderdescribing a se

7、ries of actions according to the time when they happened.,In a passage developed in this way,readers will find time markers to connect sequenced actions.,Text StudyStructure Analysis,The radio clicked on.Rock music blasted forth.Like a shot,the music woke Sandy.She looked at the clock;it was 6:15 A.

8、M.Sandy sang along with the words as she lay listening to her favorite radio station.(Para.1),It was 6:15 A.M.,Time marker:,Text StudyStructure Analysis,More time markers in the text:,After her showerThenJust thenAfter Sandy had left for schoolSoonAs Jane Finch drove to work,Text StudyStructure Anal

9、ysis,Talk with your partner what Sandy did in the bathroom with the help of the following phrases.Remember to use the time markers!,walk into;turn on;wake up;feel great;be alone;disturb;grab;wash;dry off,Text StudyStructure Analysis,In the bathroom:,III.Reproduction,Make a dialogue with your partner

10、.Suppose one of you is the Father or Mother,the other one is the Daughter or Son.Both of you are trying to persuade the other one to accept his/her own idea toward any one of the followings:clothing,music,ways of life,etc.,A sample beginning,Text StudyReproduction,Mom/Dad:Why do your boys today like

11、 to wear long hair?Son:Mom/Dad,dont you know it is a fashion?,Text StudyReproduction,Focus Study,Active Expressions,1.Why do you have to listen to such horrible stuff?,I.Active Expressions,爱不一定要说出来。,One doesnt have to speak out loud to show his or her love.,Notes to the TextActive Expressions,2.it d

12、oes have rhythm.,Did you see his performance(表演)last night?,Yes,he _ do a good job!,Do you think she is like her father?,Yes,she _ look like her father.,did,does,Notes to the TextActive Expressions,3.I cant stand it.,看她化的妆,真受不了!,Look at her makeup!I cant stand it!,=I cant bear it.,Under what kind of

13、 situation will you use such an expression?,I cant stand/bear it!,_.,Notes to the TextActive Expressions,4.Ive got to go.=I have to go.,In informal American English,people sometimes just use“got”(in spoken English).,我想到办法啦!,Ive got an idea!/I got an idea!,Notes to the TextActive Expressions,5.You kn

14、ow,To emphasize or to draw attention;When people are not sure what they are saying or what they are going to say next;To explain more clearly.,The condition in that country is terrible,you know.,I thought Id,you know,have a chat with you.,Wear the white dress,you know,the one I like most.,Notes to t

15、he TextActive Expressions,II.Focus Study,1.young people and their parents very often seem to fail in their attempts to communicate with each other.(Preview),fail in(doing)sth.cannot do sth.,attempt(s)to do.试图,力图,Practice,Notes to the TextFocus Study,他的英语考试没有及格。他第一次尝试就击中目标。,He failed in the English t

16、est.He managed to hit the target at the first attempt.,Notes to the TextFocus Study,2.Sandy sang along with the words as she lay listening to her favorite radio station.It isnt healthy to eat standing up.,v.+v-ing 表示同时伴随发生的动作,Practice,Notes to the TextFocus Study,躺着看电视真舒服。开车打手机很危险。,It feels so comfo

17、rtable to lie watching TV.It is dangerous to drive making calls by cell phones.,Notes to the TextFocus Study,3.At first,the water felt cold.,Words with similar usage are:taste,sound,smell,look,They are the words of senses.,Practice,Notes to the TextFocus Study,这淋浴的感觉好极了!这咖啡味道好极了!他的歌曲听起来不错!那鱼发臭了!这幅画看

18、上去真漂亮!,This shower feels great!The coffee tastes nice!His song sounds good!That fish smells bad!The picture looks beautiful!,Notes to the TextFocus Study,Word Using,Phrasal Verbs,1.stuff n.thing or group of things,The shop was burgled and a lot of stuff was stolen.,那个商店被盗窃了,许多东西都不见了。,Words and Expre

19、ssionsWord Using,I.Word Using,Whats that green stuff at the bottom of the bottle?,2.as usual in the way that has often happened before,As usual,there will be a meeting on Tuesday after-noon.,像往常一样,周二下午要开会。,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,3.disgusting adj.unpleasant;completely unacceptable,It tastes

20、disgusting!尝起来真恶心!It is disgusting that we girls have to do all the heavy work!,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,4.bug v.annoy or worry sb.,It bugs him that hes not as successful as his brother.,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,What bugs you the most after you come to the university?,food;climate;stud

21、ying methods;,5.wear v.,How many things can you wear?What are they?,clothes,shoes,jewelry(necklace,etc.),glasses/contact lenses(隐形眼镜),Words and ExpressionsWord Using,hair,She wears her hair long.她留着长头发。She wears her hair in a long braid.她把头发编成辫子。,beard,He wore a full moustache.,5.wear v.,Words and E

22、xpressionsWord Using,Then how about perfume?,wear makeup,5.wear v.,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,6.offensive adj.causing offence;unpleasant,offensive,remark,冒犯性的话,manner,无礼的态度,weapons,攻击性的武器,sight,令人生厌的景色,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,7.appeal v.attract;interest make a strong request for help,su

23、pport,etc.,What appeals to you most when you chose your major?,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,The idea of living in that city doesnt appeal to me at all.Relief workers in the disaster area are appealing for more help and supplies.,8.negative adj.bad or harmful saying or meaning no,Im feeling very n

24、egative about my jobin fact Im thinking about moving.,我对我的工作感到很没劲事实上我正考虑换工作。,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,The girl gave him a negative response.,II.Phrasal Verbs,1.Complete the ripple diagram.,turn,on,off,down,up,shower,radio,volume,TV,Words and ExpressionsPhrasal Verbs,reach,burst,dry,bolt,2.Mat

25、ching Game,into,for,off,out,stretch ones hand to get sth.,start suddenly,cause to become dry,leave in a hurry,Words and ExpressionsPhrasal Verbs,1.Think before you _ the tap _.Do you really need the water?,B.turn.off,C.turn.out,Words and ExpressionsMini Test,B.burst into,2.They _ laughter at the sig

26、ht of us.,A.ran into,C.burst out,D.went into,Words and ExpressionsMini Test,3.Then Johnny reached quickly _ the other pot,vigorously boiling on the stove.,C.for,D.to,4.While _ to the movies,I happened to see a terrible accident.,C.went,D.to go,Words and ExpressionsMini Test,5.She will be angry if yo

27、u _ her while she is sleeping.,B.disturb,C.disappoint,D.dismiss,Group Work,Watch the video clips and discuss with your group members what the scenes tell you and what kind of implication you get from them.Make good use of the words and expressionsfrom the texts.,Idea Sharing,Group Work,Story of the

28、Twin Sisters of About 13 Years Old,Now in Paris.They just arrived,staying in the American Embassy in France(美国驻法国使馆)because their grandpa is the ambassador(大使).,Idea Sharing,Grandpas Complaints,What did the sisters do in their room?2.What was their grandpas reaction?,What the devil are all these noi

29、ses?(你们在搞什么鬼?);behavior(行为);unacceptable(不可接受的,不允许的);dress for the occasion(衣着得体),Idea Sharing,Idea Sharing,Music Noise,The busy grandpa asked one of his assistants to show the sisters around Paris to learn more about this city,but most time in various museums according to the fixedroutine(固定路线/安排).

30、However,the girls got their new local friends.This day.,Idea Sharing,Why did the girls run away from the man?2.How did they feel when the girls were with the pals?,Having Fun with the Pals(伙伴),Idea Sharing,Idea Sharing,Fun with Pals,The next day seemed to be a turning point.,Idea Sharing,Communicati

31、on Between Grandpa and the Twins,Well,I guess,we havent done much talk in the past,have we?Lets enjoy it and make up the lost time,what will you say?,What do you think about Grandpas attitude?,Idea Sharing,Idea Sharing,Communicating,Why not predict the end by yourselves?,Idea Sharing,How would Grand

32、pa treat the friendship between the girls and their pals?2.What would the girls do with Grandpa?,Well,that is the story.Now its your turn to say something about the story and your opinionsabout it.,Tips,Idea Sharing,Vocabulary for characteristics:lovely;independently-minded;rebellious;,2.Vocabulary

33、for relationship:get on well/bad with;not have much talk;enjoy;have fun;spend some time with;communicate,Idea Sharing,More,The twin sisters are years old.They are During their visit in Paris,they with their grandpa because he was very busy.But they with the pals in Paris.Grandpa realized he did not

34、his granddaughters.Then he tried to with the girls.Finally,they go back together happily.I think,Idea Sharing,Good communication in time can bridge the generation gap.,Structure Analysis,Sample Paragraph,Your Task,Tips for Writing,Practical Writing,I.Structure Analysis,To write a series of actions,y

35、oud better connect every step with time markers.,WritingStructure Analysis,II.Sample Paragraph,In the afternoon,I went to the city library and checked out a couple of books on business management.Then I visited my grandmother.After that,I rode on the bus with my family for a special lantern festival

36、 in the seaside park.Finally,we returned home in a taxi.,WritingSample Paragraph,III.Tips for Writing,Choose the topic that you are interested in.List the related steps of the topic.Organize all the steps using the time markers.,WritingTips for Writing,IV.Your Task,Write a paragraph with a series of

37、 actions in“time order”.Dont forget to use the time markers!,Topics:The story of how I made progress in English(Chinese/math/chemistry/)learning or in learning playing basketball(volleyball),WritingYour Task,For your reference,(For reference),After reading Slam Dunk,a cartoon story,I was eager to im

38、prove my skills in playing basketball.At the very beginning,I tried to practice with those who played much better than me.Every time after the practice,I would watch some basketball matches on the Internet so as to learn from those superstars.Then,my friends and I began to have basketball matches wi

39、th other teams.As time went by,I made great progress in playing basketball and became a member of the school team at last.,WritingYour Task,V.Practical Writing,Notes of Apology,Notes of apology should clearly:state the reason for the apology;promise to remedy(补救)the situation.,1.Tips for writing,Wri

40、tingPractical Writing,Address the recipient with a correct title like Dear Professor;Dear Mr./Mrs./Miss;and some words of respect like sincere;honestly.Conclude with a suitable closing phrase like Respectfully yours/Yours very faithfully/Truly yours,etc.,Informal version:,WritingPractical Writing,2.

41、Useful Sentences,For stating the reason:I am terribly/absolutely sorry that.I regret very much that.I hope youll accept my sincere apology.,For promising the remedy:Please let me know.Please let me know how to What can I do to make up.?Can you.?/Can you make it.?I hope thats OK.,WritingPractical Wri

42、ting,3.Samples,Monday,March 15Dear Professor Wang,I enjoy your class very much.But Im very sorry that I had to miss your class last Thursday.Unfortunately,my roommate was ill and I had to take him to the hospital.Please let me know what I can do to make up the class.I know you prefer us to let you k

43、now in advance when we are absent,but there was no time to do so.I hope youll accept my sincere apology.Your student,Lin Shantao,WritingPractical Writing,Sample 1(formal):,Prof.Wang:I had to miss your class last Thursday,March 11.My roommate was ill and I took him to the hospital.I hope thats OK.You

44、r student,Lin Shantao.,WritingPractical Writing,Sample 2(informal):,4.Your Tasks,Suppose you had to miss your English Class last week because you represented the university in a debating contest.Write to your teacher a note of apology.You may decide whether a formal or informal note is better.Suppose you had an argument with your father/mother last night and now you realize your attitude and words at that time hurt him/her.It is really hard to open your mouth to say sorry!You decide to write a note of apology to your father/mother.,WritingPractical Writing,To Section B,The End of Section A,


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