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1、Shanghai Xintiandi Urban Renovation in Shanghai,Research on Renovation in Downtown supported by Educational Fund,Shanghai XintiandiDesign/Completion 1998/2001Shanghai,China55,600 square meter(site area:30,000 square meter)Architectural Design and Research Institute of Tongji University,ShanghaiWood

2、and Zapata Inc.,BostonThe Singapore office of Nikken Sekkei International Ltd.,Singapore,城市激活点 历史文化保护 上海时尚生活,新天地的三大特点,(一)城市激活点,一、先有太平桥 后有新天地二、淮海中路东段地域经济发展与综合开发的再定位三、地区文化品位的提升,需要新天地,新天地是卢湾区城市再开发与生活形态重建的必然发展,New Model of Renovation in Shanghai,also in ChinaTop Work of the government Urban Renovation L

3、uwan A District located in the downtown area of Shanghai.An amazing scale of old Lilong houses exists there.Its gross floor area reaches up to 1,000,000 square meters,while 40%dwellers of this district live there.Nearly all of them are under the very difficult living conditions.Taipingqiao A Region

4、occupying 52 hectors located in Luwan District.It collects 1/4 Lilong houses of Luwan,while 1/5 dwellers of the whole district live there.,Present,Original,新天地是卢湾区城市再开发与生活形态重建的必然发展一、先有太平桥 后有新天地,城市激活点,卢湾区有很多保存完整的老建筑,其中包括了大量的旧式里弄住宅。区里对此曾有过一项统计,叫做“三个一百万”。即已于90年代拆除的旧房有100万平方米;现需要拆除或改造的二级以下旧式里弄有100万平方米左右

5、;还有质量较优的旧建筑约100万平方米。其中,有40%的居民居住在二级以下的旧式里弄。最集中的就是“太平桥”地区,共52公顷,集中了全区1/4的旧式里弄,居住着全区大约1/5的居民。近年来卢湾区地域经济驶入了高速发展的快车道,得到了很大的发展,使“太平桥”地区旧式里弄建筑改造成为摆在政府面前迫切的课题。里弄建筑改造得到了机遇。,区位,区位图,航空测量图,Location in Shanghai,淮海中路东段地域经济发展与综合开发的再定位,Overall planning in commerceAs an integral part of Taipingqiao Redevelopment,Ta

6、ipingqiao Redevelopment started in the early 1990s.Skidmore,Owings&Merrill International Ltd.was commissioned to conduct the master planning of this project in early 1997.Xintiandi changed to be the major project for the Financial Crisis in Asia,1997.Taipingqiao Redevelopment planned to be the assis

7、tant area of Shanghais CBD to get more chance to deal,lower cost to deal and more advanced technique to deal.Xintiandi planned to be a zone comprising special food and beverage,retail,entertainment,conference and exhibition as well as tourism facilities.,Taipingqiao Redevelopment,Xintiandi,二、淮海中路东段地


9、卢湾区第五次区长会议参考材料:淮海中路东段情况介绍,(1999年1至9月东段地方级税收2781万元,占整条淮海路商业街地方级税收的17.03%),1997年的亚洲金融危机,新天地总平面图作为“收藏一个古董”的概念,希望带动日后太平桥开发,Additional Idea in commerce to be collected as an antique,hoping to activate the Taipingqiao Redevelopment as a whole after the effect of the Financial Crisis in Asia.作为“收藏一个古董”的概念,

10、希望带动日后太平桥开发,Introduction of XintiandiXintiandi is conveniently located right in the center of urban Shanghai,occupying two blocks of land,the south and the north blocks.Adjacent to the project is the famous First Congress Hall.Several perspectives are considered in Shanghai Xintiandi:the importance

11、of preserving historical buildings,the need for urban development,as well as functional considerations of the buildings.,As a result,most of the old Lilong houses on the northern plot have been restored and complemented by some appropriate modern buildings.The old buildings were carefully preserved,

12、conserved and even recycled,brick by brick.The inner space was reconstructed in a contemporary way to suit the function of offices,residences,commercial spaces and leisure.The southern plot is mainly made up of new constructions in a contemporary style,mixed with a small number of preserved Lilong h

13、ouses.A pedestrian path links up the northern and southern plots.,The Northern Block20,555 square meters(site area:14,444 square meters),FAR.1.42The northern part of the site,features conserved Lilong houses and a central piazza,where the originally tiled brick and the special stone gate preserved c

14、arefully.,The Southern BlockSouthern part of the site consists mainly of a multi-purpose entertainment and retail complex,serviced apartments and a clubhouse,in new buildings of contemporary architecture.,The central piazza feature landscaped open areas,out-door cafes and show areas,bringing actions

15、 and vitality to the project and linking up various functional zones on the site.,A place with appeal for modern life,18,A place to awake the reminiscence for past?,Facade,section,As an Activated PointConsultationExhibitionAdvertisingMuseumBidding of ArtBookstoreOperaTourism,Not the historical or hi

16、storic Preservation needs Xintiandi.But the Urban Renovation needs Xintiandi.不是历史文化保护需要新天地,而是地区文化品位的提升,需要新天地。,4,6,49,17,三、地区文化品位的提升,需要新天地,这儿所指的品位应该是一种生活形态。我们印象中过去时代淮海路的所谓高雅,主要也是指有很强的当时最发达的都市型产业和商业特征,是一种领导时尚的商业性的生活形态。淮海路周边地区的品位所指应该是一种领导当今时尚的商业性的生活形态,这种生活形态并不指向过去,,不是历史文化保护需要新天地,而是地区文化品位的提升,需要新天地。,Outl

17、ine changed according to the texture of old Lilong houses.,New lane was created according the unusual east-faced Lilong houses no.35 and 37.,模型,7,New lane was also magnified to be a piazza.,3-1,New piazza served as a public place.,9,11,New entrance inserted between the gap originated from the old ho

18、uses.,12,View from outside between two block,立面图,Eastern facade New doors or windows created on the walls along the minor lanes to meet different new function.,doors,windows,New one,Old one,古董街概念,35,Obsolete walls with the modern component,Western facade,(二)历史文化保护开发性保护上海里弄生活形态,一、开发性保护二、历史上的开发与社区的演替三

19、、重建生活形态,Development in history历史上的开发与社区的演替,Development in historyIn the middle of the 19th century,the uprising of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom forced a large number of residents from Shanghai and its neighbouring Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces to take refuge in the citys foreign concessions.To meet

20、 the needs of the rapidly increasing population,Shikumen houses were built in the foreign concessions on an unprecedented scale,accounting for over 60 per cent of the total residential space in Shanghai at one time.A typical Shikumen house is built along narrow alleys(or long-tangs)and features a st

21、one gate framing a black wooden front door that leads into a small enclosed courtyard.This unique architectural setting provided residents with a feeling of security in a turbulent era.Evolvement of the communityDuring the 1930s,most Shanghai residents lived in Shikumen buildings,which were typical

22、houses sharing a common courtyard and alleys.Hotels,workshops,and newspaper offices were also part of the complex while knickknack sellers,cobblers,barbers,fortune tellers and other door-to-door vendors all came to earn a living here.Most of them were migrants from all over China.During the mid-20th

23、 century,because of the economy recession and the well-known political revolution,more and more dwellers cluster in the limited old Lilong houses.,一、开发性保护,因为我们需要的城市历史文化是一个氛围,城市环境的文化底蕴也不是靠保护一两个建筑就能得到,而是需要一大片,因此有必要调整我们对城市历史文化和传统建筑保护工作的理解,将单纯依靠资助的眼光转向开发的领域,获得新的观念和资金的输入。“新天地”的开发,是一个好的尝试。,开发性保护上海里弄生活形态,历

24、史上的开发与社区的演替,这儿大片的石库门里弄建筑,大概建成于二、三十年代,当时来说也是一个有规模的房地产开发项目,有些偷工减料。改造方案原先准备顶起二层以上的框架和屋面,浇筑混凝土门架墙后再落下上部结构。结果因为房屋质量太差,结构被顶起后就瘫落。说明其质量当时在上海也不算好,是当时上海大量移民迁入的证明。一大批城市中(下)层人们的侵入,使原先的高档居住区继续西移,到思南路一带。原先的社区生活形态被演替。,新天地建筑历史与人文历史调查研究1,新天地建筑历史与人文历史调查研究2,42,Concessions in early 20th century,Model of Renewal改造模式The

25、 dry wall laid by the blue brick and red brick features the Lilong built in the earky 1920s.To preserve the outside surface,and change the interior space is the typical model of renewal in Xintiandi.,Investigation of history,47,Glass with no frame on the obsolete wall,关于色彩的文脉研究,材料与施工技术的文脉关系,1-1#会所,1

26、st model renewal of the club,1-2,The reinforced concrete frame was inserted into the obsolete walls,to replace the rotten brick and woods,and also magnify the inner space.,The plan and the interior structure feature the old building no.5.,2nd model renewal of the“Shikumen”,Nearly all of Lilongs in X

27、intiandi were built by the real estate company in the 1920s.As a result,the quality of the buildings would not be good.Its very difficult for the renewal project.Structures even collapsed foe its serious damage during the construction.Roofs were hard to be lifted for its weak sysytem.The original br

28、icks and tiles have been preserved as rebuilding materials.Original black doors installed on the“Shikumen”gates were finally changed to glass doors without any frame.,2-27,New skylight installed covering the original courtyard.,2-25,Section,2-14,Enlarged interior,2-16,Traditional furniture existing,

29、3rd model new one in contrast with old one,Gap between the old Lilong houses was filled up with new part in modern style.Not imitation of the old ones,but spring from the old.,5,3-38,From demolition to renovation,3-39,Skill of preservation,To repair the moisture proof layer,a special chemical fluid

30、was injected into the holes drilled on the damaged walls away from the ground up to 50cm.,4-33,Surface reinforcement:voids hidden under the surface filled up with grout injected along the tubes fixed on the walls.,4-修2,To preserve any mark on the walls,which reflects the trace of the history.,4-36,4

31、-37,4-41,4-41a,4-41b,Activate the redevelopment of the district all around,New Landscape adjacent to east side,5-19,6-20,Walled city in city-a process in renovation,5-23,5-52a,5-22,6-21,Xintiandi in Taipingqiao District,三、重建生活形态,死了的生活形态不可能再生,新天地模式着眼重建生活形态,44,As an atmosphere,the historical culture c

32、ould not be achieved upon only one or two buildings.We need a lot.Idea of preservation in the past years of China should be questioned and adjusted.Preservation depend on the spare fund will do nothing for us.New ideas from pure preservation to mixed redevelopment will be appreciated.,45,“一种生活形态,它要是

33、活着并不就是文化,也无所谓保护,死了,只以文化的形式存在时,才需要保护,而死了的东西要保护并不容易,弄不好会有虚假的感觉,如一旦与旅游等商业关注过于结合,更受其辱。我们的一条街之类经常是弄不好,问题就在这儿。”,46,Life alive does not need protection.If dead and exists as only history and culture,it needs protection.Protection is difficult by all means.If not proper,it will give us a false sense.Moreove

34、r,if too commercial,we are sure to feel too easy,noisy and lost too much.Its the problem.,Shanghai in 1930s,戏台,Scale of space-life form.,Dead life in old Lilong,44a,事件性,2b,Life alive in Yamen,Restore the life,As dead life could not get its second birth,Xintiandi emphasize the reconstruction of a new

35、 life form.,(三)上海时尚生活,一、上海时尚生活二、社会公平与三个代表,所谓高文化高情感的面貌,所谓高雅品位,所指的应该是一种生活形态。我们印象中淮海路过去时代的所谓高雅,主要也是指有很强的当时最发达的都市型产业和商业特征,是一种领导时尚的商业性的生活形态,包括淮海路与周边的大片里弄地区在内。这种生活形态的高雅并不等同于我们现在说的“高雅淮海路”,更不等同于“严肃音乐”和“高雅艺术”,而是活生生的城市生活本身,是那种与淮海路的Art-decorate建筑式样融合在一起的Art-decorate式样的活法。是人们心中都市生活的经验。,一、上海时尚生活,58,59,60,61,54,5

36、6,57,60,Post office and mail museum,Shanghai color shop,T8餐厅,“新天地让我觉得一点不象中国。虽然有林林总总的材料与符号,但阳光下的咖啡座却绝不适宜提了鸟笼过来泡一上午的闲茶。但正是这样的环境才更有生命力。因为文化是融合的,所以才有了旗袍,有了干红加雪碧,有了宴会厅里现代布景下一色的唐装。正应句广告词:生活是国际的。在国际化的浪潮中,特色形式的保留与生活方式的变更是不相悖的。”,“新天地电影场景式的手法使人们恍然处身于一种带有怀旧色彩的“虚时空”中。虽然淘空了传统里弄建筑具体的生活方式,却更好地凸现了其中的诗意成份。暗淡、低调、精雅、随


38、开发商与建筑师成功合作的典范。现代社会文化艺术都已不能完全脱离商业化而存在,建筑作为更具实用性的技术与艺术的结合体,更是难逃经济杠杆的影响。能把建筑艺术与商业操作完美结合,建筑师才有可能实现自己的创作,才拥有更大的创作空间。”,强势群体社会活力,弱势群体社会公平,“新天地所塑造的生活形态从何而来?是瑞安集团老总们的生活形态,是代表那一批都市有钱人家的生活形态,而不是那些生于斯、长于斯的原地居民。”,EVENT-An essay in Southern WeekendWho deprive us from our houses from ancestor?Its impossible to im

39、agine that we lost our ancestral houses in the times on law.In contrast,we have even saved and kept it during the revolution and turbulent times.It was said by Heliming,the third generation of“Chujingjingshe”.,?,61,开发商代表先进的生产力政 府代表先进的文化社会精英代表大多数人民利益?,The last dinner in the last year,To cherish tomorrow,END?,Shanghai Xintiandi Urban Renovation in Shanghai,


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