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1、Scanning For Carcass Composition猪屠宰分割组成的扫描分析 Image Quality and Interpretation图片质量评估与数据获取分析,Dallas McDermott,An understanding of porcine anatomy is essential for swine ultrasound technicians猪组织解剖学的基本原理对于测定人员的定位很有帮助,Medial Toward the midline内侧Lateral Toward the outside edge外侧,The most reliable indicat

2、or of overall carcass fatness and muscularity is found at the 10th and 11th rib interface对于猪分割后膘及瘦肉计算最为准确的定位点是找到猪的第10-11肋之间。Loin muscle depth or area,backfat depth眼肌深度与眼肌面积,以及背膘厚Pigs generally have 14 ribs but may have up to 17 猪只一般来说有14对肋骨但最多可以会有17对。,Porcine Anatomy:猪解剖学Measuring Carcass Compositio

3、n计算与衡量猪的分割组成,Porcine Anatomy-猪解剖学,Last Rib最后肋Tenth Rib第10肋Fifth Rib第5肋,Anatomical Location-解剖学定位,Standoff guide is used使用Standoff指南Taken between 10th and 11th ribs取点位于10到11肋之间Need 1 acceptable image per animal每头猪至少有1张合格的图片Measure fat depth,loin depth,and loin muscle area测量出背膘厚,眼肌深度以及眼肌面积,The cross-s

4、ectional image横截面图片,Backfat deposition takes place from anterior to posterior along the loin muscle(More backfat at 5th rib than last rib)背膘厚跟随着眼肌从前到后逐渐变小(第5肋处的背膘厚超过最后肋的背膘厚)The size and shape of the loin muscle change from anterior to posterior眼肌的形状与大小从前端到后端也会逐步转变Other muscle groups are more prevale

5、nt at more anterior and posterior locations其他肌肉群在前段比在后端更加普遍。,Porcine Anatomy-猪的解剖学原理,Anterior-to-posterior changes in the loin muscle从前端到后端的横截面眼肌逐步的变化,4th,5th,6th,7th,8th,Images from University of Nebraska Lincoln via National Pork Board,9th,10th,11th,12th,Images from University of Nebraska Lincoln

6、via National Pork Board,Anterior-to-posterior changes in the loin muscle从前端到后端的横截面眼肌逐步的变化,Anatomical References-解剖图谱,5th Rib,7th Rib,Anatomical References-解剖图谱,5th Rib,7th Rib,Anatomical References-解剖图谱,9th Rib,10th Rib,Spinalis棘肌,Iliocostalis髂内肌,Anatomical References,9th Rib,10th Rib,Intercostales肋

7、切迹/边迹,It is important for technicians to understand the concepts of image interpretation even if they will not be conducting it themselves.对于测定技术人员来说理解图片分析的原理概念是非常重要的,即使有时候不需要亲自操作。In an ideal scanning environment,even the most experienced technicians will collect some unacceptable images.在非常理想的环境下,熟

8、练的操作人员也会采集到一些不太让人满意的图片Understanding image quality is important明白图片质量的重要性是很关键的。,General Comments-相关观点,Proper Location 10th/11th rib interface Shape of Longissimus Dorsi Absence of Trapezius and little to no Spinalis正确位置-10th/11th肋界面背最长肌的形状合适匀称没有斜方肌或者有少量的棘肌Presence of both layers of Intercostales musc

9、les Ensures that measurement is between ribs肋边际肌肉的边缘清晰可见确保采集或者计算的图片是在两肋之间Readily defined anatomical boundaries如何更好的界定解剖边际/边界 Due to adequate penetration:Contact and couplant更好的浸润-接触与耦合剂 Becomes more difficult with increased backfat如果背膘厚增加,困难也会加大,What defines a quality image?如何定义一张好的图片,Proper locatio

10、n合适的位置10th/11th rib interface第10/11肋之间Between the ribs肋骨之间High prediction values很容易辨认边界High repeatability可重复性,High Quality Image-高质量图片,Image is collected between ribs(Desirable):采集肋骨之间的图片(理想)Proper shape to the lateral side of the longissimus dorsi(Loin muscle)背最长肌的横向形状合适匀称(眼肌)Both intercostales mus

11、cles are discernable两个肋间肌是边迹清晰可辨Overall muscle shape is symmetrical&oval整体眼肌影像看起来椭圆匀称/对称Image is collected on top of a rib(Undesirable):采集的图片压倒肋骨之上Flat bottom right edge to loin muscle眼肌的右下角过于平直Intercostales are cut off肋间肌无法辨认/被隔断Dark area at lower center indicates that image was taken on top of a r

12、ib下方中部的黑色区域即提示可能扫描时正压肋骨Tracing becomes more difficult给标注区域范围工作带来一定难度Will likely underestimate LMA一定程度上低估了眼肌面积的实际大小,Other Image Quality Considerations其他图片注意事项,Image Quality Problems-相关图片问题,Too dark-太暗,Inadequate penetration-没有很好的穿透或者浸润,Both Images could be a result of 也可能是下列原因 Inadequate coupling age

13、nt-耦合剂不够 Incorrect gain settings-设置的问题 Dirt or coarse hair coat-体表脏或者体毛太厚,Circular shape圆形的图片Spinalis dorsi棘肌较为明显Overestimate BF背膘测量值实际值Underestimate LMA眼肌面积测量值实际值,Image Quality ProblemsAnterior from the 10th rib-如果测定位置靠前会出现的问题,Circular shape圆形的图片Trapezius斜方肌Overestimate BF背膘测量值实际值Underestimate Loin

14、 Muscle Area眼肌面积测量值实际值,Image Quality ProblemsAnterior from the 10th rib-如果测定位置靠前会出现的问题,Flat ventral shape影像形状扁平Multifidus dorsi肌肉分裂/多裂肌?Underestimate BF背膘测量值实际值,Image Quality ProblemsPosterior from the 10th rib-如果测定位置靠后所带来的问题,Backfat depth背膘深度Loin muscle depth眼肌深度Loin muscle area眼肌面积Not intramuscula

15、r fat不是肌内脂肪,Cross-Sectional Image Measurements-横截面的图片,The Illiocostalis(star)muscle is a useful reference point for the bottom right edge of the loin muscle位于眼肌右下边角的髂内肌是一个很好的指示位It is important to trace in the center of the boundary lines划定区域的边界点应取值于边界的中间Backfat is measured the distance along the lon

16、gest axis of the loin muscle and perpendicular to the skin surface背膘深度的测量值应取眼肌与膘分界线的中间点到皮肤表面的最直线距离。,Cross-Sectional Image Measurements横截面图片的取值计算,Probe is positioned parallel to and approximately 7 cm from the midline across the 10th through 13th ribs如果探头长度为7厘米左右,则水平放置的两端即位于10肋到13肋之间,Longitudinal Ima

17、ge-纵切面的图片,The 10th rib can be found directly below the tip of the trapezius muscle通过B超扫描的纵切面图则可以很容易的辨认出第10肋位于斜方肌末端的下方,Trapezius,10th Rib,11th Rib,Start medial of the halfway point从内侧的中间点开始Then angle outward by rocking the top of the transducer slightly toward the medial of the pig然后通过将传感器头部向猪内中部缓慢调整

18、角度。Why?To avoid reflections from interfaces between tissues以防止组织间交叉造成的发射影响To avoid reflections from spinal process避免棘突的影响,Transducer angle for longitudinal images获取横截面图片时的传导器角度放置问题,Backfat depth背膘深度Loin muscle depth眼肌深度“Single point measure”-单一点测量,Longitudinal Image Manual Depth Measurements纵切面的手动测量

19、深度,Region of interest(ROI)boxes are placed manually手动选取特定框区域,Longitudinal Image Intramuscular Fat Measurements纵切面-肌间脂肪的测量,BioSoft Toolbox II Software相关软件-Biosoft Toolbox II,The ability of the technician plays a major role in the outcome of a scanning session现场测定人员的能力是整个测定环节的关键Extensive training and

20、practice will eventually lead to fast collection of high quality images不断的培训与练习可逐步提高采集优秀质量图片的速度The comfort level and attitude of the technician and pig have a large impact on image quality and thus,eventual accuracy of predictions测定人员的站位以及猪只站位及舒适程度对于图片质量以及最终结果的判定具有很大影响力。,Scan Session Tips In the BARN.相关测定策略技巧,


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