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1、Page 1 of 58,Electronic Industry Code of conduct(EICC及相關知識培訓教材),Date:May,2007,Page 2 of 58,目 錄,內容 頁數EICC簡介-38A.勞工(Labor)-916B.衛生與安全-1724C.環境-2531D.管理系統-3244E.倫理-4552References-5356,Page 3 of 58,EICC overview,The Electronic Industry Code of Conduct outlines standards to ensure that working conditions

2、 in the electronics industry supply chain are safe,that workers are treated with respect and dignity,and that manufacturing processes are environmentally responsible.EICC行為準則 列出了各種標準,以確保電子業供應鏈的工作環境安全,工人受到尊重並富有尊嚴,以及生產流程對環境負責。,Page 4 of 58,EICC簡介,Considered as part of the electronics industry for purp

3、oses of this Code are Original Equipment Manufacturers(OEMs),Electronic Manufacturing Services(EMS)firms and Original Design Manufacturers(ODMs)including contracted labor that may design,market,manufacture and/or provide goods and services that are used to produce electronic goods.The Code may be vo

4、luntarily adopted by any business in the electronics sector and subsequently applied by that business to its supply chain and subcontractors.本準則所指的電子行業,包括原始設備製造廠(OEM)、電子製造服務(EMS)原始設計製造(ODM),以及為生產電子產品提供設計、銷售、製造和/或商品與服務的契約勞工。電子行業的任何一家企業都可以自願採用本準則,並應用到其供應鏈和轉包商中。,Page 5 of 58,To adopt the Code and becom

5、e a participant(“Participant”),a business shall declare its support for the Code and seek to conform to the Code and its standards in accordance with a management system as set forth in the Code.要採用本準則並成為其中的參與者(Participants),企業應當作出支持本本準則的聲明(declaration),並依據本準則提出的管理体系力求遵守本準則及其標準。,EICC簡介,Page 6 of 58,

6、Fundamental to adopting the Code is the understanding that a business,in all of its activities,must operate in full compliance with the laws,rules and regulations of the countries in which it operates.The Code encourages Participants to go beyond legal compliance,drawing upon internationally recogni

7、zed standards,in order to advance social and environmental responsibility.採用本準則的基本原則是:企業的所有活動,必須遵守其經營所在國/地區的法律法規。本準則鼓勵參與者(Participants)除了遵守法律,更積極邁向國際公認的標準,以承擔更多的社會和環境責任。,EICC簡介,Page 7 of 58,The Electronic Industry Code Participants are committed to obtaining regular input from stakeholders in the co

8、ntinued development and implementation of the Electronic Industry Code of Conduct(EICC).在電子行業行為準則的持續發展和實踐過程中,參與者(Participants)應承諾要定期地收取來自利害相關者的意見。,EICC簡介,Page 8 of 58,The Code is made up of five sections.Sections A,B,and C outline standards for Labor,Health and Safety,and the Environment,respectivel

9、y.Section D outlines the elements of an acceptable system to manage conformity to this Code.Section E adds standards relating to business ethics.本準則由五個部分組成,A,B,C部分分別概述勞工、健康與安全、以及環境的標準。第D部分概述了符合本準則的合宜管裡体系所需的要素。E部分額外提供了有關商業道德倫理的標準。,EICC簡介,Page 9 of 58,A勞工(Labor),Participants are committed to uphold th

10、e human rights of workers,and to treat them with dignity and respect as understood by the international community.參與者(Participants)應根據國際社會公認標準,承諾維護工人的人權,並尊重他們。Recognized standards such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights(Social Accountability International and the Ethical Trading Initiative

11、 were used as references in preparing the Code and may be a useful source of additional information.本準則起草時參考了世界人權宣言(UDHR),國際社會責任(SAI),和道德貿易行動(ETI)等公認標準,而這些標準同時亦是一種有用的額外信息來源。,Page 10 of 58,A勞工(Labor),The labor standards are:勞工標準是:1)Freely Chosen Employment 自由選擇職業 Forced,bonded or indentured labor or

12、involuntary prison labor is not to be used.All work will be voluntary,and workers should be free to leave upon reasonable notice.Workers shall not be required to hand over government-issued identification,passports or work permits as a condition of employment.不使用強迫、抵債或用契約束縛勞工、或者是非自願的監獄勞工。所有的工作應當是自願的

13、,並且員工在合理通知的情況下擁有自由離職的權利。不得要求員工上繳政府頒發的身分證、護照或工作許可證作為僱用條件。,Page 11 of 58,A勞工(Labor),2)Child Labor 不用童工Child labor is not to be used in any stage of manufacturing.The term“child”refers to any person employed under the age of 15(or 14 where the law of the country permits),or under the age for completing

14、 compulsory education,or under the minimum age for employment in the country,whichever is greatest.The use of legitimate workplace apprenticeship programs,which comply with all laws and regulations,is supported.Workers under the age of 18 should not perform hazardous work and may be restricted from

15、night work with consideration given to educational needs.在製造的任何階段都不得使用童工。”童工”是指未滿15歲(或在該國/地區法律准許的情況下可為14歲)、完成義務教育年齡、或該國/地區最低年齡而被僱用的人士。符合所有法律法規的合法工作場所學徒計劃則不在此列。然而,所有18歲以下的工人不能執行帶有危險性的工作,並考慮到教育訓練的需要,應限制其進行夜間工作。,Page 12 of 58,3)Working Hours 工時Studies of business practices clearly link worker strain to

16、 reduced productivity,increased turnover and increased injury and illness.Workweeks are not to exceed the maximum set by local law.Further,a workweek should not be more than 60 hours per week,including overtime,except in emergency or unusual situations.Workers should be allowed at least one day off

17、per seven-day week.有關商業實踐的研究顯示,生產率降低、離職率以及傷害和疾病的增加與工人疲勞有明顯的聯系。故此,工作週不應超過當地法律規定的最大限定。另外,除非是緊急或異常情況,一週的工作時間包括加班在內不應超過60小時。每週七天應當允許至少休息一天。,A勞工(Labor),Page 13 of 58,A勞工(Labor),5)Wages and Benefits 工資與福利Compensation paid to workers shall comply with all applicable wage laws,including those relating to mi

18、nimum wages,overtime hours and legally mandated benefits.In compliance with local laws,workers shall be compensated for overtime at pay rates greater than regular hourly rates.Deductions from wages as a disciplinary measure shall not be permitted.The basis on which workers are being paid is to be pr

19、ovided in a timely manner via pay stub or similar documentation.付給工作者的報酬應符合所有適當的工資法律,包含相關於最低工資、加班時數與法律(Legal)規定的福利。任何懲戒性的工資減低應符合當地法律(Law)要求。工作者應獲取基本工資,應使用適當的方法清楚的給付給工作者。,Page 14 of 58,A勞工(Labor),3)Discrimination 歧視(差別待遇)Participants should be committed to a workforce free of harassment and unlawful

20、discrimination.Companies shall not engage in discrimination based on race,color,age,gender,sexual orientation,ethnicity,disability,religion,political affiliation,union membership or marital status in hiring and employment practices such as promotions,rewards,and access to training.In addition,worker

21、s or potential workers should not be subjected to medical/pregnancy tests that could be used in a discriminatory way.參與者(Participants)應承諾免於侵擾與非法歧視的工作壓力。公司不應從事歧視(差別待遇),基於種族、膚色、年齡、性別、性向、倫理、無能力、宗教、政治關係、工會會員、婚姻狀況而錄用,和僱用實務諸如升遷、報酬、與參與訓練。另外,工作者或潛在工作者不應該反對體格/懷孕檢查,可使用在歧視(差別待遇)的方法。,Page 15 of 58,A勞工(Labor),4)

22、Harsh or Inhumane Treatment 苛刻或不人性的待遇There is to be no harsh and inhumane treatment,including any sexual harassment,sexual abuse,corporal punishment,mental or physical coercion or verbal abuse of workers:nor is there to be the threat of any such treatment.不應該有苛刻或不人性的待遇,包含對工作者有任何性侵擾、性別虐待、肉體處罰、心理或身體高壓

23、對待或口頭虐待;也不能有任何恐嚇威脅的待遇。,Page 16 of 58,7)Freedom of Association 結社的自由Open communication and direct engagement between workers and management are the most effective ways to resolve workplace and compensation issues.Participants are to respect the rights of workers to associate freely,join labor unions,

24、seek representation and or join workers councils in accordance with local laws.Workers shall be able to communicate openly with management regarding working conditions without fear of reprisal,intimidation or harassment.在工作者與管理者間,以公開溝通與直接保證用最有效率的方法,去解決工作場所與補償的問題。參與者(Participants)應尊重工作者的權利,在符合當地法律(La

25、w)情況下允許如結社的自由、參加勞工團體、選舉代表或參加工作者會議。工作者應能公開與管理者溝通有關於工作條件免於賠償、恐嚇與侵擾的恐懼。,A勞工(Labor),Page 17 of 58,B衛生與安全,B.HEALTH and SAFETY 衛生與安全Participants recognize that the quality of products and services,consistency of production and workers morale are enhanced by a safe and healthy work environment.參與者(Particip

26、ants)認知產品與服務的品質、生產與工作者的士氣的一致性,均藉由安全與衛生的工作環境來提升。Recognized management systems such as OHSAS 18001 and ILO Guidelines on Occupational Safety and Health were used as references in preparing the Code and may be a useful source of additional information.已被認知的管理系統,諸如OHSAS 18001與職業安全與衛生的ILO指導綱要,作為此規範準備的參考標

27、準,可能是很實用的補充的資訊。,Page 18 of 58,B衛生與安全,The health and safety standards are:衛生與安全標準是:1)Machine Safeguarding 機器安全防護 Physical guards,interlocks and barriers are to be provided and properly maintained for machinery used by workers.工作者所使用的機器設備,應提供身體的防護措施、互鎖裝置與障礙物,與適當的維護。,Page 19 of 58,B衛生與安全,2)Industrial H

28、ygiene 工業衛生Worker exposure to chemical,biological and physical agents is to be identified,evaluated,and controlled.When hazards cannot be adequately controlled by engineering and administrative means,workers are to be provided with appropriate Personal Protective Equipment.工作者直接暴露於化學、生物與物理的媒介物,應予鑑別、

29、評估與管制。當有害(Hazardous)物質不能適當的藉由工程與管理方法管制時,應提供適當的個人防護設備(PPE)給工作者使用。,Page 20 of 58,B衛生與安全,3)Safety 安全 Worker exposure to workplace safety hazards(e.g.,electrical and other energy sources,fire,vehicles,slips,trips and fall hazards)are to be controlled through proper design,engineering and administrative

30、controls,preventative maintenance and safe work procedures(including lockout/tagout).Where hazards cannot be adequately controlled by these means,workers are to be provided with appropriate Personal Protective Equipment.工作者直接暴露於工作場所安全危害(如:電企源或其他能源、火、車輛、斜坡、跌倒、跌下危害),必須透過適當的設計、工程與管制措施、預防維護與安全工作程序(含停工)等

31、加以管制。當危害藉由這些方法仍無法管制時,應提供適當的個人防護設備(PPE)給工作者使用。,Page 21 of 58,4)Emergency Preparedness and Response 緊急準備與應變 Emergency situations and events are to be identified and assessed,and their impact minimized by implementing emergency plans and response procedures,including:emergency reporting,worker notifica

32、tion and evacuation procedures,worker training and drills,appropriate fire detection and suppression equipment,adequate exit facilities and recovery plans.緊急狀況與事件應予鑑別與評估(Assess),藉由實施緊急計劃與應變程序減低他們的影響,包含:緊急應變報告、工作者通報與疏散程序、工作者訓練與演練、適當的消防演習與防治設備、適當的逃生設施與復原計劃。,B衛生與安全,Page 22 of 58,5)Occupational Injury a

33、nd Illness 職業傷害與疾病 Procedures and systems are to be in place to manage,track and report occupational injury and illness,including provisions to:a)encourage worker reporting;b)classify and record injury and illness cases;c)provide necessary medical treatment;d)investigate cases and implement correcti

34、ve actions to eliminate their causes;and e)facilitate return of workers to work.制訂書面化程序與系統,應予適當的管理、追蹤與報告職業傷害與疾病,包含提供:a)鼓勵工作者報告;b)分類與記錄傷害與疾病的案件;c)提供必要的醫學醫療;d)調查案件與實施矯正措施以消除其原因;與 e)幫助工作者重返工作崗位。,B衛生與安全,Page 23 of 58,6)Physically Demanding Work 耗體力的工作 Worker exposure to physically demanding tasks,includ

35、ing manual material handling and heavy lifting,prolonged standing and highly repetitive or forceful assembly tasks is to be identified,evaluated and controlled.工作者從事耗體力的工作,包含人力搬運原物料與抬舉重物、長期站立與高重複性或強力組裝作業等,應予以鑑別、評估與管制(Control)。,B衛生與安全,Page 24 of 58,7)Dormitory and Canteen 宿舍與福利社 Workers are to be pro

36、vided with clean toilet facilities,access to potable water and sanitary food preparation and storage facilities.Worker dormitories provided by the Participant or a labor agent are to be clean,safe,and provide emergency egress,adequate heat and ventilation and reasonable personal space.工作者應被提供乾淨的盥洗設施

37、、攜帶可以飲用的水與準備衛生食物與儲存設施。參與者(Participants)或勞工(Labor)代理商應提供工作者宿舍,應屬乾淨、安全與提供緊急逃生口、適當的溫度與通風設備與合理的個人空間。,B衛生與安全,Page 25 of 58,C環境,C.ENVIRONMENTAL 環境 Participants recognize that environmental responsibility is integral to producing world class products.In manufacturing operations,adverse effects on the envir

38、onment and natural resources are to be minimized while safeguarding the health and safety of the public.參與者(Participants)認知環境責任是從事生產世界級產品所不可或缺的。在生產製造營運中,產生對環境與自然資源的不利影響,經由公共衛生與安全的防護措施予以減低。Recognized management systems such as ISO 14001,the Eco Management and Audit System(EMAS)were used as references

39、 in preparing the Code and may be a useful source of additional information.認知管理系統,諸如 ISO 14001與 Eco Management and Audit System(EMAS),作為此規範準備的參考標準,可能是很實用的補充的資訊。,Page 26 of 58,The environmental standards are:環境標準是:Product Content Restrictions 產品成份限制條件 Participants are to adhere to all applicable law

40、s and regulations regarding prohibition or restriction of specific substances including labeling laws and regulations for recycling and disposal.Participants are also to adhere to processes to comply with each agreed-upon customer-specific restricted and hazardous materials list.參與者(Participants)應堅持

41、符合有關於禁用或限用的特殊物質的所有適當的法律(Law)與規章(Regulation),包含:為回收使用與處置的標章法律(Law)與規章(Regulation)。參與者(Participants)應堅持流程間符合每一雙方同意的客戶特殊要求限用物質與有害(Hazardous)物質清單。,C環境,Page 27 of 58,2)Chemical and Hazardous Materials 化學或有害物質 Chemical and other materials posing a hazard if released to the environment are to be identified

42、 and managed to ensure their safe handling,movement,storage,recycling or reuse and disposal.化學物質與其他物質當釋出於環境而引致有害(Hazardous)時,應予以鑑別與管理,以確保他們安全處理、搬運、儲存、回收使用或重複使用與處置。,C環境,Page 28 of 58,3)Wastewater and Solid Waste 廢水與固體廢棄物 Wastewater and solid waste generated from operations,industrial processes and sa

43、nitation facilities are to be monitored,controlled and treated as required prior to discharge or disposal.營運過程、製作流程與衛生設施所產生的廢水與固體廢棄物,在放流或處置前應依據要求事項予以監控、管制(Control)與處理。,C環境,Page 29 of 58,4)Air Emissions 空氣排放 Air emissions of volatile organic chemicals,aerosols,corrosives,particulates,ozone depleting

44、chemicals and combustion by-products generated from operations are to be characterized,monitored,controlled and treated as required prior to discharge.揮發性有機溶劑、液化氣體、腐蝕性、粉粒、化學物質分離出的臭氧、與易燃半成品等由製造過程所產生的空氣排放,在排放之前均應依據要求事項予以文字記載、監控、管制與處理。,C環境,Page 30 of 58,5)Environmental Permits and Reporting 環境許可與報告 All

45、 required environmental permits(e.g.discharge monitoring)and registrations are to be obtained,maintained and kept current and their operational and reporting requirements are to be followed.所有要求環境許可(如放流監控)與登錄,均應獲得、維持與保持現在與他們營運狀況一致,報告的要求事項也須遵守。,C環境,Page 31 of 58,6)Pollution Prevention and Resource Re

46、duction 污染預防與資源減量 Waste of all types,including water and energy,are to be reduced or eliminated at the source or by practices such as modifying production,maintenance and facility processes,materials substitution,conservation,recycling and re-using materials.所有種類的廢棄物,包含水與能源,在來源上或實務上考量能夠減少或消除,諸如:修改製造

47、、維修與設施流程、原物料替代、水利保護、回收使用與重複使用原物料。,C環境,Page 32 of 58,D管理系統,D.MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 管理系統 Participants shall adopt or establish a management system whose scope is related to the content of this Code.The management system shall be designed to ensure(a)compliance with applicable laws,regulations and customer

48、 requirements related to the participants operations and products;(b)conformance with this Code;and(c)identification and mitigation of operational risks related to this Code.It should also facilitate continual improvement.參與者(Participants)應採納或建立一套管理系統,其範圍與此規範的要求事項相關。管理系統應設計以確保:(a)適當的法律(Law)、規章(Regul

49、ation)與客戶要求事項的符合性,並與參與者(Partic1pants)的營運與產品相關;(b)與此規範相符合;(c)相關於此規範營運風險的鑑別與減緩,應具備持續改善的能力。,Page 33 of 58,The management system should contain the following elements:管理系統應含下列要素:1)Company Commitment 公司承諾 Corporate social and environmental responsibility statements affirming Participants commitment to co

50、mpliance and continual improvement.公司對社會與環境責任的書面聲明,以證明參與者(Participants)的承諾做到符合性與持續改善。,D管理系統,Page 34 of 58,2)Management Accountability and Responsibility 管理責任 Clearly identified company representatives responsible for ensuring implementation and periodic review of the status of the management systems


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