实用商务英语写作教程 Unit7 Meeting Minutes(会议记录) .ppt

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1、Unit 7 Meeting Minutes,主 编:董晓波制作人:李 丹,Unit 7:Meeting Minutes(会议记录),General Introduction,Sample reading,Useful expressions,Writing practice,2.How are meeting minutes laid out?,1.What are meeting minutes?,General Introduction,Back,会议记录(Meeting Minutes)是一种将开会时与会者的发言和会议内容记录下来的文字材料。由于一次会议的决议不一定能当场通过,所以需要

2、记录下来以备将来参考和修改。会议记录用途广泛,内容往往涉及政府、公司、学校等场合的会议。会议记录与报告的书写不同,,Back,1.What are meeting minutes,它只是如实记录会议情况,不需要像写报告书那样加入自己的分析和建议。会议记录一般采用过去式。最后往往经主持人和记录人签字后保存。会议记录一般有两种形式:摘要记录和全文记录。,Back,1.会议记录的名称;2.开会的具体日期、时间和地点;3.参加会议的人员及主持人;4.对会议流程及内容的详细描述以及最终决议的记录;5.会议结束的时间和下次会议时间的确定。,Back,会议记录大致包括以下几个方面:,2.How are me

3、eting minutes laid out,Back,会议记录的格式较为正式,通常分为会议名称(title)、开会时间(time)、地点(place)、出席人(persons present)、缺席人(persons absent)、讨论事项(items)、通过决议(resolution)和记录人等几部分。记录名称一般标于文章开头部分,可以居中,也可以按时下流行的书写格式一律居左。,Back,接下来的日期、时间和地点部分往往用一两句话表述清楚。为确保准确性以便日后引用或查找,会议记录中的时间常常准确到年、月、日甚至几时几分。如“A meeting was held on 24 Decembe

4、r 1968 at 9:00 a.m.to evaluate the education system of high schools which is to be carried out in January of next year.”,Back,会议记录中的地点如没有特殊要求可以不予交代。如有必要,也要写清楚开会地址。如“will be held in the Conference Room 108 of the Company”。,MINUTES OF MEETING ONTIME,PLACE&NATURE OF THE MEETINGPRESENT:APOLOGIES FROM:SU

5、MMARY OF THE MEETING:,Back,ANY OTHER BUSINESS 1)2)NEXT MEETING:ADJOURNMENT:SIGNATURE,Back,Back,Summary Minutes,2.Verbatim Meeting Minutes,Sample reading,Back,摘要记录(Summary Minutes)摘要记录即将发言的概要、发言人的基本观点、问题的主要事实、会议的结论等记录下来。,Sample2,Sample1,Sample1Minutes of the Marketing Meeting,Minutes of the Marketing

6、 Meeting A meeting was held on 12/06/04 to evaluate the marketing strategy for the new range of Dawoo mobile phone which the company is to launch in October of this year.Presenter:Mr.Grant,Marketing Manager;Mr.Salve,Product Manager;Ms.Green,Advertising agent;Miss Chen,Sales Secretary.,Back,The meeti

7、ng began with a discussion of the budget proposals for the product launch.Ms.Green pointed out that the proposed allocation was too low.She was of the opinion that it was necessary to spend a high percentage of anticipated sale revenue on marketing.Mr.Grant supported this view and also thought that

8、they should be prepared to consider a situation where first year sales revenue was not sufficient to cover costs.,Back,However,Mr.Salve disagreed with these arguments.Next,Mr.Grant pointed out that Dawoo needed to make a reasonable compromise between three important factors,namely:impact,frequency,a

9、nd coverage.It was obvious,Mr.Grant went on to say,that they could not achieve an ideal combination of all three.Ms.Green suggested that it was much better to restrict spending geographically,given the constrains of the budget.She,Back,explained that a full advertising campaign against half the mark

10、et would be more effective than half a job against the whole market.Both Mr.Salve and Mr.Grant agreed with this approach.Mr.Salve said he would provide facts and figures for the design of the marketing plans.Finally,various aspects of promotional policy were considered.Mr.Salve pointed out that the

11、company used to favor coupons as a,Back,means of encouraging sales,but Ms.Green was not all in favor of using this method.The latter said that she preferred a combination ofprice cuts,trade discounts,and consumer special offers.Mr.Grants feelings on the matter were that it would be better to use the

12、 available resources on package,design and display.Owing to the lack of agreement on this last subject,a decision on promotion methods would be put forward to the next meeting.,Back,Mr.Grant is to arrange a further meeting as soon as possible.Miss Chen Sales Secretary,words,Back,words,Launch:发行 budg

13、et:预算 allocation:细分 revenue:收入 compromise:折衷 coupon:优惠券,Back,Sample2Minutes of the Directors Meeting,Minutes of the Directors Meeting A Directors meeting was held on Tuesday,24th May,2002 at 9:00 a.m.at the meeting room of the company.Mr.L.T.Wong is in the chair.Present:Mr.C.K.Dong Mrs.P.R.Chen Miss

14、.H.L.Fee Mr.D.W.Xian Mr.J.M.Hung Mrs.L.M.Wong Mr.L.N.Wong,Back,The notice of convening this meeting and the managers report on the state of business of the Company were read by the secretary.The managers report having,with the content of the meeting,been regarded as read,the Chairman made a speech a

15、nd proposed that a gold metal be given,Mr.Chew Chi Zhi as a reward for his loyal and successful service in the past ten years.Mr.J.M.Hung seconded the motion,which was then put to the meeting and carried unanimously.,Back,Mrs.P.R.Chen proposed that two branches be established in Taiwan and New Zeala

16、nd.The motion was seconded by Mrs.L.M.Wong and carried unanimously.The Chairman proposed that an amount of HK$800,000 be investigated in Ho Ya Shipping Co.,Ltd.,which will make up 65%of the capital,this motion was opposed by Mr.D.W.Xian,who in turn proposed that a smaller amount of$500,000 be better

17、.The Chairman agreed to this and Mr.Xians motion,Back,was carried unanimously.Miss.H.L.Fee proposed that Mr.Y.C.Cheng be selected as the successor to Mr.Chew.The motion was seconded by Mr.D.W.Xian and carried unanimously.The Chairman made an introduction of Mr.Lee Fangs status and his relations with

18、 the Company since the foundation of the company and proposed that the guarantee be offered.The motion receives no objection and was carried unanimously.However,Mr.C.K.,Back,Dong proposed that a term of one year be fixed for the guarantee.The motion was carried unanimously.The meeting closed at 12:0

19、0 a.m.and the next meeting was scheduled for next month.,words,Back,words,convene:召集unanimously:无异议地 foundation:成立schedule:将列入计划,Back,Back,全文会议记录(Verbatim Meeting Minutes)全文记录即将与会者的发言与涉及的问题完整地记录下来。全文记录只需按照发言顺序将发言完整记录整理即可,无需添加自己的评价或观点。,Sample1,Sample2,Sample1Executive Committee Meeting Minutes,A MEET

20、ING OF THE EXCECUTIVE COMMITTEE OF THE YOUNG WRITERS ASSOCIATION WAS HELD IN THE CONFERENCE ROOM AT 56 OLIVE ROAD,ON TUESDAY,JULY 16,2001,AT 3:00 p.m.Present:Reve A.C.Huge,in the chair Miss H.L.Guo Mr.J.K.Zhang Mr.Jack Cheng Mr.Cary Guan,Back,Mr.Ivan Luke Mr.Henry Brest Mrs.B.Y.Cao,SecretaryAbsent:M

21、iss Ada Miller The contents are as follows:Huge:After the discussion,the minutes of the meeting of the Executive Committee held on Monday,January 16,2001,should be approved.The“young readers”in Para 3,Line 2 should,Back,be revised into“all the readers”;the“30,000$”in Para 5,Line 4 should be“35,000$”

22、.Miss Zou will resign soon.Will Elizabeth Chen replace her?Cao:Yes.Miss Elizabeth Chen has accepted the post of Public Relation officer and will assume her duties on August 1,2001.Huge:The Association will organize a number of social gathering in the near future,it is necessary to co-opt a Social Co

23、nvener,Back,into the Committee.Guo:We have considered the choice in detail.We agreed that Miss Janet Yang be co-opted as Social Convener.Hugh:Our Association will launch a fund-raising campaign in the form of Gala Premiere in September,with a target of 10,000$.What is your opinion?Zhang:I am afraid

24、the target is a little low.We need to spend more on marketing in order to attract more readers.I think 15,000$,Back,will be enough.Guan:I dont agree with you completely.Now,we are facing fierce market competition.We need to cut down the cost to gain benefits.Huge:I am in agreement with Mr.Guan.Mr.Iv

25、an Luke and Mr.Henry Brest,please form a Sub-committee and work out a plan for the next meeting.Miss Cao,do you have anything else to say?Cao:Yes.NEW WEEK magazine has donated,Back,200 books to our Association.Huge:Thats great.Please write a letter to thank the company on behalf of the Association.C

26、ao:O.K.Huge:I announce that the next meeting of the Committee will be held at 3:00 p.m.on Jan.16,2002,in the Conference Room.(The meeting was closed at 4:30 p.m.)Prepared by:B.Y.Cao,Secretary,Back,words,words,convener:召集人fierce:激烈的,Back,Sample2Minutes of a Discussion,Minutes for the Discussion of Cl

27、oning The meeting was held on Monday March 25,2002,at 8:00 a.m.in Conference Hall,National Health Center.Participants:Priest Donald,Chairman Pro.Robert Lanza(RL)Pro.Charles Griffin(CG)Pro.Rock Oscar(RO),Back,Eve Hogen,Assistant and Secretary Other research fellows Chairman:Even since a lamb named Do

28、lly came into the world in 1997,there have been endless arguments about whether we should clone human beings.Should cloning be banned by law or not?RL:Though many people are fascinated by the idea,I insist that the cloning of human beings should be immediately banned by law;otherwise,Back,society wi

29、ll fall into chaos.CG:The technology of human cloning is one of the most sensational scientific developments in recent years.It stirs up fierce controversy in the world,largely because it greatly changes our traditional concepts of life,which,in some peoples point of view,can only be produced throug

30、h sexual reproduction,and some even appeal to ban it.However,I firmly believe that this technology,Back,should not be banned by law,and that its legalization can by a11 means be fairly justified.RO:I agree with Pro.Lanza.There is the risk brought about by immature technology.Cloning an adult sheep w

31、as extremely difficult;over 270 attempts were needed before Dolly was born.Many fetal lambs did not survive the early stages of development.And other experiments show that cloning may result in abnormal clones.Many attempts at,Back,animal cloning produced disfigured monsters.Worse is that some abnor

32、malities may not appear till after birth.A cloned COW recently died several weeks after birth with a huge abnormality in blood cell production.These immature technologies should not be put on human beings.CG:I am afraid that I couldnt agree with you.To ban human cloning is undoubtedly to restrict th

33、e freedom of scientists.Research in the field of human cloning will help people,Back,produce discoveries that will push the study of genetics,cell development and human growth.Many scientists believe that cloning may produce a better understanding of the nature of genetic diseases and thus it is an

34、aid in the production of embryos.Cloning could provide the opportunity to some infertile couples to have children of their own.And in cases of fertile couples in which one member carries a gene for a disease,cloning using a cell from the other member could assure that,Back,the couple has a healthy c

35、hild.RL:But there are emotional risks.How would you treat your mothers clone,who might be ten years younger than you?How will a person face the fact that he or she is just a duplicate of an older individual?If the creation of a child through sexual reproduction is replaced by a non-sexual reproducti

36、on,what could the future of human beings be?They will become identical copies with no individuality at all.Even if different environmental factors,Back,create some individuality,we still cant neglect the genes they inherit-they are identical!Human cloning will distort the relationship between human

37、beings.RO:Yes.It is true that human cloning might benefit the world in some way,but its not worthwhile to sacrifice too much for the limited benefits.Suppose Hitler or Bin Ladens cells were obtained by fascists or terrorists and hundreds or thousands of copies of Hitler or Bin Laden were produced.Wh

38、at,Back,would the world be faced with?Remember the cloned baby can neither be destroyed nor be returned to the cells owner.CG:I dont exactly agree with you.people who are against human cloning say that clones would have less of a sense of individuality,since they are just copies of an adult personHo

39、wever,just like identical twins,clones made from the same cell may also have different moral values,academic achievements,occupations or even tastes in,Back,music.Because various environmental factors are more important in molding a person than inherited factors,a person might,for example,inherit ge

40、nes for large body size,but those genes will not be fully expressed unless the person receives proper nutrition.So its groundless to worry that human cloning will interfere with human distinctiveness or individuality.Chairman:But how to deal with the action of cloning terrorists or fascists?,Back,CG

41、:Human cloning might be used,we admit,by some people for questionable purposes like breeding a superior race,but this shouldnt result in the prohibition of human cloning.The technology itself is not faulty.What we should do is to work out rules and laws to regulate these peoples actions and punish t

42、hem for their deeds.After all,the technological benefits of cloning clearly outweigh the possible harmful consequences.So obviously its not wise to,Back,outlaw human cloning.Chairman:The cloning of human beings is not only a technology;it is a great step forward toward an understanding of the evolut

43、ion of human beings.We believe people should develop science and technology to make our lives better;but we also believe there must be an area in nature that human beings should always avoid disturbing.,Back,Chairman:The meeting is closed now and the next meeting for the discussion of laws to regula

44、te will be scheduled for next month.Prepared by Eve Hogen(Secretary),Back,words,words,cloning:克隆 legalization:合法性immature:不成熟的 disfigured:使变丑monsters:怪物 embryos:胚胎infertile:不育的 individuality:个性regulate:调节,Back,Back,As mentioned above,minutes writing can cover a wide range of subject of meetings,howe

45、ver,there are some structures which can always be used in composing meeting minutes.,Useful expressions,convene the meeting at,at Building for.于某时某地召开的会议 ATTENDING:(PRESENT:)出席人:ABSENT:(APOLOGIES FROM:)缺席人:,Back,began the discussion by outlining 通过概述开始讨论 preside at this study session which began at.

46、p.m.,and concluded at p.m.主持了这次工作例会,会议于开始,结束 The meeting began with a discussion of 会议开始于对的讨论,Back,The meeting was called to order at a.m.December 12,2003,by,in the conference room of./The Chair called the meeting to order at p.m./The Chair called the meeting to hold at 会议于2003年12月12日时在会议室正式开始/主席宣布会

47、议于时正式开始/主席宣布会议在召开,Back,Last months meeting minutes were amended and approved.上个月的会议记录经修正予以通过。The contents are as follows:内容如下:report on 就做了报告,Back,point out that/propose that 指出/提出 suggest that/explain that 建议/解释说 agree with/agree to 同意,Back,state that/assert that/It is agreed that 陈述/声称/同意brief/men

48、tion that/note that 简短概述/提到/提出announce that 宣布,Back,The motion is seconded by and carried unanimously./Motion carried./Motion passed.动案由附议,一致通过。/提议通过。/提议通过。give a progress report on 对做工作报告,Back,make an introduction of 介绍 ask for ideas for 征求意见be nominated and elected as 被提名并被任命为,Back,Owing to the la

49、ck of agreement on this last subject,a decision on promotion methods would be put forward to the next meeting.由于这最后一点没能通过,有关促销方式的决议于下次会议再议。,Back,Other business raised at the meeting include:会议中提出的其它商务问题有:be to arrange 将安排 conclude the meeting by announcing 宣布会议结束,Back,adjourn the meeting at a.m.于时宣布

50、会议结束 The meeting closed at a.m.and the next meeting was scheduled for next month./The meeting ended at p.m.会议于.时结束,下次会议定于下月召开。/会议于时结束。,Back,Minutes were submitted by/recorded by 会议记录由递交/由记录,Back,Back,Writing practice,1.Change the minutes into a summary.,2.Improve the minutes in your own words,3.Draf


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