Seven Deadly Sins.ppt

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1、,Seven Deadly Sins,The Seven Deadly Sins七宗罪,also known as the Capital Vices or Cardinal Sins,is a classification of objectionable vices(part of Christian ethics基督教伦理)that have been used since early Christian times to educate and instruct Christians concerning fallen humanitys tendency to sin.The cur

2、rently recognized version of the sins are usually given as wrath(暴怒),greed(贪婪),sloth(懒惰),pride(傲慢),lust(淫欲),envy(妒忌),and gluttony(饕餮).,Wrath(Latin,ira),also known as rage,may be described as inordinate and uncontrolled feelings of hatred and anger.Wrath,in its purest form,presents with self-destruct

3、iveness,violence,and hate that may provoke feuds that can go on for centuries.Wrath may persist long after the person who did another a grievous wrong is dead.Feelings of anger can manifest in different ways,including impatience,revenge,and vigilantism.Wrath is the only sin not necessarily associate

4、d with selfishness or self-interest,although one can of course be wrathful for selfish reasons,such as jealousy,(closely related to the sin of envy).Dante described vengeance as love of justice perverted to revenge and spite.In its original form,the sin of anger also encompassed anger pointed intern

5、ally rather than externally.Thus suicide was deemed as the ultimate,albeit tragic,expression of hatred directed inwardly,a final rejection of Gods gifts.citation needed,Wrath,Greed(Latin,avaritia),also known as avarice or covetousness,is,like lust and gluttony,a sin of excess.However,greed(as seen b

6、y the church)is applied to a very excessive or rapacious desire and pursuit of wealth,status,and power.St.Thomas Aquinas wrote that greed was a sin against God,just as all mortal sins,in as much as man condemns things eternal for the sake of temporal things.In Dantes Purgatory,the penitents were bou

7、nd and laid face down on the ground for having concentrated too much on earthly thoughts.Avarice is more of a blanket term that can describe many other examples of greedy behavior.These include disloyalty,deliberate betrayal,or treason,citation needed especially for personal gain,for example through

8、 bribery.Scavengingcitation needed and hoarding of materials or objects,theft and robbery,especially by means of violence,trickery,or manipulation of authority are all actions that may be inspired by greed.Such misdeeds can include simony,where one attempts to purchase or sell sacraments,including H

9、oly Orders and,therefore,positions of authority in the Church hierarchy.As defined outside of Christian writings,greed is an inordinate desire to acquire or possess more than one needs,especially with respect to material wealth.16,Greed,Over time,the acedia in Pope Gregorys order has come to be clos

10、er in meaning to sloth(Latin,Socordia).The focus came to be on the consequences of acedia rather than the cause,and so,by the 17th century,the exact deadly sin referred to was believed to be the failure to utilize ones talents and gifts.citation needed Even in Dantes time there were signs of this ch

11、ange;in his Purgatorio he had portrayed the penance for acedia as running continuously at top speed.The modern view goes further,regarding laziness and indifference as the sin at the heart of the matter.Since this contrasts with a more willful failure to,for example,love God and his works,sloth is o

12、ften seen as being considerably less serious than the other sins,more a sin of omission than of commission.,Sloth,In almost every list,pride(Latin,superbia),or hubris(Greek),is considered the original and most serious of the seven deadly sins,and the source of the others.It is identified as a desire

13、 to be more important or attractive than others,failing to acknowledge the good work of others,and excessive love of self(especially holding self out of proper position toward God).Dantes definition was love of self perverted to hatred and contempt for ones neighbour.In Jacob Bidermanns medieval mir

14、acle play,Cenodoxus,pride is the deadliest of all the sins and leads directly to the damnation of the titulary famed Parisian doctor.In perhaps the best-known example,the story of Lucifer,pride(his desire to compete with God)was what caused his fall from Heaven,and his resultant transformation into

15、Satan.In Dantes Divine Comedy,the penitents were forced to walk with stone slabs bearing down on their backs to induce feelings of humility,Pride,Lust or lechery(carnal luxuria)is usually thought of as excessive thoughts or desires of a sexual nature.In Dantes Purgatorio,the penitent walks within fl

16、ames to purge himself of lustful/sexual thoughts and feelings.In Dantes Inferno,unforgiven souls of the sin of lust are blown about in restless hurricane-like winds symbolic of their own lack of self control to their lustful passions in earthly life.,Lust,Like greed,Envy(Latin,invidia)may be charact

17、erized by an insatiable desire;they differ,however,for two main reasons:Dante defined this as a desire to deprive other men of theirs.Envy can be directly related to the Ten Commandments,specifically Neither shall you desire.anything that belongs to your neighbour.In Dantes Purgatory,the punishment

18、for the envious is to have their eyes sewn shut with wire because they have gained sinful pleasure from seeing others brought low.Aquinas described envy as sorrow for anothers good.,Envy,Derived from the Latin gluttire,meaning to gulp down or swallow,gluttony(Latin,gula)is the over-indulgence and ov

19、er-consumption of anything to the point of waste.In the Christian religions,it is considered a sin because of the excessive desire for food for its withholding from the needy.14Depending on the culture,it can be seen as either a vice or a sign of status.Where food is relatively scarce,being able to

20、eat well might be something to take pride in.But in an area where food is routinely plentiful,it may be considered a sign of self-control to resist the temptation to over-indulge.Medieval church leaders(e.g.,Thomas Aquinas)took a more expansive view of gluttony,14 arguing that it could also include

21、an obsessive anticipation of meals,and the constant eating of delicacies and excessively costly foods.15 Aquinas went so far as to prepare a list of six ways to commit gluttony,including:,Gluttony,Associations with demons,In 1589,Peter Binsfeld paired each of the deadly sins with a demon魔鬼,恶魔,who te

22、mpted people by means of the associated sin.According to Binsfelds classification of demons,the pairings are as follows Lucifer/Satan路西法:Pride(superbia)Lucifer是因傲慢,不愿向神子下跪引起耶和华不满 Mammon玛门:Greed(avaritia)财宝和贪婪的错误神 阿斯蒙蒂斯 Asmodeus:Lust(luxuria)激怒或是欲望的魔神的始祖 Leviathan利维坦:Envy(invidia)象征邪恶的一种海怪Beelzebub别西

23、卜:Gluttony(gula or gullia)苍蝇君王,圣经中以“鬼王”相称呼Samael:Wrath(ira)愤怒的化身Belphegor:贝利尔Sloth(acedia)原是亚述古国的莫布山神,This contrasts slightly with an earlier series of pairings found in the fifteenth century English Lollard tract Lanterne of Light,which differs in pairing Beelzebub with Envy,Abadon with Sloth,Belph

24、egor with Gluttony and matching Lucifer with Pride,Satan/Amon with Wrath,Asmodeus with Lust and Mammon with Avarice.,Because that,when they knew God,they glorified him not as God,neither were thankful;but became vain in their imaginations,and their foolish heart was darkened.因 为 他 们 虽 然 知 道 神,却 不 当

25、作 神 荣 耀 他,也 不 感 谢 他。他 们 的 思 念 变 为 虚 妄,无 知 的 心 就 昏 暗 了。,Seeming to be wise,they were in fact foolish,自 称 为 聪 明,反 成 了 愚 拙,And by them the glory of the eternal God was changed and made into the image of man who is not eternal,and of birds and beasts and things which go on the earth将 不 能 朽 坏 之 神 的 荣 耀 变

26、 为 偶 像,仿 佛 必 朽 坏 的 人,和 飞 禽 走 兽 昆 虫 的 样 式。,For this reason God gave them up to the evil desires of their hearts,working shame in their bodies with one another:所 以 神 任 凭 他 们,逞 着 心 里 的 情 欲 行 污 秽 的 事,以 致 彼 此 玷 辱 自 己 的 身 体。Because by them the true word of God was changed into that which is false,and they

27、 gave worship and honour to the thing which is made,and not to him who made it,to whom be blessing for ever.So be it.他 们 将 神 的 真 实 变 为 虚 谎,去 敬 拜 事 奉 受 造 之 物,不 敬 奉 那 造 物 的 主。主 乃 是 可 称 颂 的,直 到 永 远。阿 们。,For this reason God gave them up to evil passions,and their women were changing the natural use into

28、 one which is unnatural:因 此 神 任 凭 他 们 放 纵 可 羞 耻 的 情 欲。他 们 的 女 人,把 顺 性 的 用 处,变 为 逆 性 的 用 处。And in the same way the men gave up the natural use of the woman and were burning in their desire for one another,men doing shame with men,and getting in their bodies the right reward of their evil-doing男 人 也 是

29、 如 此,弃 了 女 人 顺 性 的 用 处,欲 火 攻 心,彼 此 贪 恋,男 和 男 行 可 羞 耻 的 事,就 在 自 己 身 上 受 这 妄 为 当 得 的 报 应。,。,And because they had not the mind to keep God in their knowledge,God gave them up to an evil mind,to do those things which are not right;他 们 既 然 故 意 不 认 识 神,神 就 任 凭 他 们 存 邪 僻 的 心 行 那 些 不 合 理 的 事Being full of al

30、l wrongdoing,evil,desire for the goods of others,hate,envy,putting to death,fighting,deceit,cruel ways,evil talk,and false statements about others;装 满 了 各 样 不 义,邪 恶,贪 婪,恶 毒(或 作 阴 毒)。满 心 是 嫉 妒,凶 杀,争 竞,诡 诈,毒 恨。,Hated by God,full of pride,without respect,full of loud talk,given to evil inventions,not h

31、onouring father or mother,又 是 谗 毁 的,背 后 说 人 的,怨 恨 神 的(或 作 被 神 所 憎 恶 的),侮 慢 人 的,狂 傲 的,自 夸 的,捏 造 恶 事 的,违 背 父 母 的,Without knowledge,not true to their undertakings,unkind,having no mercy:无 知 的,背 约 的,无 亲 情 的,不 怜 悯 人 的。,Who,though they have knowledge of the law of God,that the fate of those who do these t

32、hings is death,not only go on doing these things themselves,but give approval to those who do them.他 们 虽 知 道 神 判 定,行 这 样 事 的 人 是 当 死 的,然 而 他 们 不 但 自 己 去 行,还 喜 欢 别 人 去 行.-以上出自圣经 罗马书,And not joined to the Head,from whom all the body,being given strength and kept together through its joins and bands,ha

33、s its growth with the increase of God.不 持 定 元 首,全 身 既 然 靠 着 他,筋 节 得 以 相 助 联 络,就 因 神 大 得 长 进If you were made free,by your death with Christ,from the rules of the world,why do you put yourselves under the authority of orders,which say there may be no touching,tasting,or taking in your hands,你 们 若 是 与

34、基 督 同 死,脱 离 了 世 上 的 小 学,为 什 么 仍 像 在 世 俗 中 活 着,服 从 那 不 可 拿,不 可 尝,不 可 摸,等 类 的 规 条 呢?,Rules which are all to come to an end with their useafter the orders and teaching of men?这 都 是 照 人 所 吩 咐 所 教 导 的。说 到 这 一 切 正 用 的 时 候 就 都 败 坏 了 These things seem to have a sort of wisdom in self-ordered worship and mak

35、ing little of oneself,and being cruel to the body,not honouring it by giving it its natural use.这 些 规 条,使 人 徒 有 智 慧 之 名,用 私 意 崇 拜,自 表 谦 卑,苦 待 己 身,其 实 在 克 制 肉 体 的 情 欲 上,是 毫 无 功 效。-以上出自圣经歌罗西书,Catholic Seven Virtues,The Roman Catholic Church also recognizes seven virtues,which correspond inversely to each of the seven deadly sins.Lust(淫欲)-Chastity Gluttony(饕餮)-TemperanceGreed(贪婪)-Charity Sloth(懒惰)-Diligence Wrath(愤怒)-Patience Envy(妒忌)-Kindness Pride(傲慢)-Humility,


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