级英语师范2班第四组Statistics Analysis of the Common Errors in Our Composition of Campus Life.ppt

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《级英语师范2班第四组Statistics Analysis of the Common Errors in Our Composition of Campus Life.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《级英语师范2班第四组Statistics Analysis of the Common Errors in Our Composition of Campus Life.ppt(68页珍藏版)》请在三一办公上搜索。

1、Statistic Analysis of the Common Errors in Our Composition of Campus Life,The English reading and writing course,1,Presented by Group 4英语语言文化学院2012级英语2班 组长:颜弘杨组员:林蜜蜜、徐珊珊、胡莺、厉佳,2013.10.24,mistake,error,Linguistic Performance(语言应用),Linguistic Competence(语言能力),Systematic,would occur in similar context,

2、systematic or random?,The English reading and writing course,3,1.Lexical errors in writing,2.Grammatical errors in writing,3.Textual errors in writing,4.Creativity in writing,Outline,The percentage of the three types of errors in writing,Definition of Lexical Errors,Classification,Lexical errors mea

3、n that the semantic or conceptual errors in lexis.When the learners use forms in the target language,which can not express the meanings they want to convey,then lexical errors occur.Lexical errors also mean that learners use words in a mechanical way and they use articles,prepositions and marks in a

4、n improper way.This kind of errors relates to the errors in lexis.,The English reading and writing course,6,1)spelling errors2)collocation3)improper diction,Lexical errors in writing,There are 25 omission errors in the collected samples.It is found that this kind of errors is closely related to the

5、pronunciation through the analysis.In order to have a better understanding,a table about it will be given:,Omission,Misselection,This kind of errors is mainly caused by phonological(音系学的)rules and some are caused by wrong pronunciation,or the learners do not memorize the words correctly and select a

6、 wrong letter substitute the target word.,navagation navigation,equmpment equipment,speek speak,Overinclusion,This kind of error may be led by misuse of word formation rules or students pronunciation.They are closely related to the inflectional forms of words,such as the comparative forms,superlativ

7、e forms,plural forms and so on.,a honor an honor,trainning training,informations information,show my respection show my respect,Misordering,This kind of errors may be related to the students carelessness and some are affected by mispronunciation.,form from,cultrues cultures,mulitnational multination

8、al,Blending,This kind of errors is related to the poor command and false hypothesis of English.,mother language mother tongue+language,technoledge technology+knowledge,like as like+such as,The English reading and writing course,13,What are collocations?A sequence of words or terms which co-occur mor

9、e often than would be expected by chance.(Wikipedia),Categorization of Errors in CollocationNoun-noun Collocation ErrorsNoun-verb Collocation ErrorsVerb-noun Collocation Errors Adjective-noun Collocation ErrorsVerb-adverb Collocation Errors,Collocation Errors,In this thesis,we also finds that the co

10、llocation errors are the most frequent errors in studentscompositions.According to the analysis of the collected data,we totally found 167 errors of this type,in which five subtypes are included.,Erroneous Combination of Verbs and Nouns,We can learn the knowledge concerning various aspects,which pla

11、ys an important role in the development of our future life.,2.Following the brand new path blazed myself,I have more confidence to confront the challenge to come.face,acquire,Erroneous Combination of Nouns and Nouns,1.Im going to pursue a kind of healthy life habit from our childhoood.habit 2.Busy a

12、s we are,we should do some exercises to keep our body health.health,Erroneous Combination of Adjectives and Nouns,1.So I believe the campus life should form a solid base for our future life,which can never be fulfilled by eternalhomework.,2.I prefer to be friends with my professors;it s helpful to c

13、onstruct a concordant atmospherein campus.,endless,harmonious,Erroneous Combination of Nouns and Verbs,If we do not force ourselves,we would never cognize how many preciousopportunitiesonce arrivedclose to us let alone realizing how much potential remaining in our youth.came,2.After thinking about m

14、yself and future,a good idea struck me.I come up with a good idea,Erroneous Combination of Verbs and Adverbs,1.As a student,our task is to study hardly.study hard,2.In order to realize my ambition,I determine to do good in next time.do well,Improper diction,1.article(冠词),Common errors,mix up the ind

15、efinite article(a and an)mix up the definite article(定冠词)and indefinite article(不定冠词),e.g.With the fast development of the theory,now it has become a popular branch playing a(the)role of the(an)initiator in modern mathematics.,2.preposition(介词),Common errors,addition of prepositions(多用)omission of p

16、repositions(漏用)mistaken usage of prepositions(错用),addition of prepositions(多用),The only people with whom he could discuss about the plan were those who knew of it already.The only people with whom he could discuss the plan were those who knew of it already.The thieves broke into the flat above some

17、time during Sunday night and entered into the shop by cutting a hole in the ceiling.The thieves broke into the flat above some time during Sunday night and entered the shop by cutting a hole in the ceiling.,transitive verb,University campus life is regarded a most worthwhile period in a young person

18、s life.University campus life is regarded as a most worthwhile period in a young persons life.,regard.as.,intransitive verb,The teacher insisted sending a car over to fetch us.The teacher insisted on sending a car over to fetch us.,omission of prepositions(漏用),mistaken usage of prepositions(错用),The

19、sun rises from the east and sets in the west.The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.,Grammatical errors in writing,Subject-Verb AgreementVoiceSentence fragmentTenseChinglish,Subject-Verb Agreement(主谓一致)1.Use singular verbs in the following cases:When the subject is singularWhen two or more s

20、ingular subjects are joined by or,either.or,neither.norc)When nouns are plural in form,but are usually treated as singular Branches of knowledge like physics,social studies,etc.Some diseases such as measles,mumps,rickets,etc.,d)When a compound subject whose parts are joined by and is treated as one

21、unit.e.g.Timeandtidewaitsfornoman.岁月不待人。,2.Use plural verbs in the following cases:a.When the subject is pluralb.When two or more singular subjects are joined by and or bothc.When two or more plural subjects are joined by and,both,or,but,either.or,neither.nor d.When subjects are summation plurals th

22、at denote tools,instruments,and articles of dress consisting of two equal parts.tools and instruments:scissors,shears,glasses,etc.articles of dress:jeans,pants,shorts,trousers,trunks,etc.,Attention:Use a singular verb when the compound subject is modified by the word each or every.e.g.Every boy and

23、girl has to learn it.If a singular or plural subject is joined to another singular or plural subject by or or nor,the verb agrees with the subject closer to the verb.e.g.Neither the students nor the teacher understands the new schedule.Colletctive nouns are usually treated as singular,but when they

24、refer to individuals or parts of the group,they take plural verbs.e.g.My family writes to me regularly.,The subject expressing an amount or a measurement is normally singular.However,if the unit of the measurement refers to a number of individual items,then the subject is treated as a plural.e.g.Fiv

25、e pounds of meat costs me ten dollars.(A single measurement),The active voice is usually more direct and vigorous than the passive.,e.g.I shall always remember my first visit to the university.,My first visit to the university will always be remembered.,Voice,Sentence Fragment,A sentence must have a

26、 subject and a predicate,both of which may consist of words,phrases or subordinate clauses.But sometimes phrases and subordinate clauses are mistakenly used as complete sentences;in this case,what we have is not sentences but sentence fragments.,Adverbial clause fragmentModifying clause fragmentNoun

27、 clause fragment Participial phrase fragmentInfinitive fragment,Sentence fragments may appear in the following forms:,The English reading and writing course,34,1.Adverbial clause fragment:Fragment:Im determined to get up early.Because I can do many things in the morning.Correct:Im determined to get

28、up early,because I can do many things in the morning.(Because I can do many things in the morning,Im determined to get up early.),a subordinate clause,2.Modifying clause fragment,Fragment:This kind of campus life I really tend to chase.Correct:This kind of campus life I really tend to chase is wonde

29、rful.,subject,attributive clause,3.Noun clause fragment,Fragment:Also that many of them failed in the exam.Correct:I found that Many students distract themselves from study and also that many of them failed in the exam.,5.Infinitive fragment,Fragment:I have two goals in the university.To keep a heal

30、thy life style,and to make friends with different people.Correct:I have two goals in the university:to keep a healthy life style and to make friends with different people.,4.Participial phrase fragmentFragment:Recalling the swings and roundabouts.Correct:Recalling the swings and roundabouts,suddenly

31、 I realize what kind of campus life we are supposed to pursue.,The tense of an article should be consistent.As we know,when we pen our thoughts,we must make sure that the ideas and the sentences we write are connected and related to the main topic that we have in mind.This is important for both the

32、writers and readers.The sentences in each paragraph should flow continuously.Besides,paragraphs should also be linked to each other so that the reader can make sense of the text.,Attention,Given more freedom in campus,a number of students wasted(waste)their valuable time in many unnecessary events,s

33、uch as playing computer games and dating someone else,so that it stops them paying attention on study.After I have entered college for one year,I found college life is(was)widely different from high schools.,Chinglish,Chinglish refers to spoken or written English language that is influenced by the C

34、hinese language.The term“Chinglish”is commonly applied to ungrammatical or nonsensical English in Chinese contexts,and may have pejorative or deprecating connotations.Other terms used to describe the phenomenon include Chinese English,China English,and Sinicized English.,The followings are the detai

35、led introduction.The detailed introduction is as follows.详细介绍如下I believe my anger can be turned into strength.I believe I can turn grief into strength.化悲愤为力量,The English reading and writing course,41,Seven standards of textuality 七大语篇性标准,Cohesion 衔接性Coherence 连贯性Intentionality 意图性Acceptability 可接受性I

36、nformativity 信息性 situationality 情境性Intertextuality 篇际性,cohesion,reference,substitution,ellipsis,personalreferencedemonstrativereferencecomparativereference,nominal substitutionverbal substitutionclause substitution,nominal ellipsisverbal ellipsisclausal ellipsis,conjunction,additiveadversativecausal

37、temporal,lexicalcohension,reiterationcollocation,The English reading and writing course,43,Cohesion 衔接性Halliday and Hasan(1976)identified two types of cohesion:,Grammatical cohesion:including reference,substitution,ellipsis and conjunction.Lexical cohesion:including repetition and collocation.,The E

38、nglish reading and writing course,44,Grammatical cohesion(语法衔接),1.Reference 照应Reference is a kind of semantic relation based on which two items can be interpreted mutually.,Personal reference(人称照应)Demonstrative reference(指示照应)Comparative reference(比较照应),Personal reference 人称照应,e.g.Firstly,as student

39、s,we should concentrate on our study.If university students fall in love with others,we will set aside much time to keep the romantic relationship,neglecting our sutdies.Secondly,you will have to ask for more money from our parents,because you still depend on them.And it is hard for them to make mon

40、ey in society.Thirdly,we are not sure whether we could be together after gruduation.,indicate that the writer is included as a member of university students,you refer to the university students in general,which excludes the writer herself,The alternative use of we and you makes it hard to know what

41、standpoint she is taking,and you is regarded as an error.,Demonstrative reference 指示照应,Demonstrative reference is essentially a form of verbal pronouns.It includes this,these,that,those,the,here,there,now and then.e.g.Besides,when they have some difficult questions in their study,they can help each

42、other to discuss that.,some difficult questions,used to refer to a singular noun rather than a plural noun,The sentense would be better if that can be replaced by them.,Comparative reference 比较照应,e.g.When facing some difficulties in study and life,they are the most helpful group to discuss and handl

43、e those.,To express that when facing some difficulties,the two can give more help and support to each other compared with being single,The use of superlative degree might be absolute,Since the writer compares the situation of being single with that of being in a relationship,The comparative degree i

44、s more suitable.most can be replaced by more.,2.Substitution 代替 Substitution is interpreted as“the replacement of one item by another”.Its realized by replacing the linguistic element in the text substitutes.,Normal substitutionVerbal substitutionClausal substitution,substitution is a relation in th

45、e wording rather than in the meaning.,e.g.Being unstable and uncertain,campus love would not last long and both sides may be hurt and heart broken.After experiencing love,they will learn a lot from that thing and grow up more quickly.,To refer to love in the former sentense.,But love is uncountable

46、noun which cannot be substituted by countable noun thing.Here the underlined word could be replaced by it,which makes the meaning exact and concise.,3.Ellipsis 省略 Ellipsis can be considered as the omission of a word or part of a sentence.,Normal ellipsisVerbal ellipsisClausal ellipsis,The English re

47、ading and writing course,51,4.Conjunction 连接词语 Conjunction refers to the conjunctive relation between sentences;and semantic relation can be expressed clearly via conjunction words and readers can predict the semantic meaning of the following sentences through the preceding one from logic.Hu Zhuangl

48、in(胡壮麟),Additives CasualsAdversatives Temporals,Additives 追加性连接词,Items such as also,and,furthermore,in addition and for instance etc.belong to this type.e.g.Love can teach them what responsibility is.If two people fall in love with each other and they will become responsible to themselves.,and is no

49、t used to elaborate or affirm the meaning of the former part.,it should be removed without affecting its meaning or replaced by“then.In this way,the sentence is more concise.,Adversatives 逆转性连接词,In English,there is a great variety of words belonging to this type,like but,yet,however and so on.e.g.Bu

50、t I disagree with the opinion above.Though we dont establish relationship,we can build good relationship with many friends.We can have lots of friends to share our happiness and sorrows.,The use of the adversative item makes the meaning of the sentence somewhat vague.,If the underlined word is repla


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