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1、,中国传统宗教Chinese traditional religion,Chinese traditional religion 中国传统宗教,大家所熟知的中国传统宗教有:佛教(Buddhist)道教(Taoism)儒家(the Confucianist),Religious overview宗教的起源,Religion is a cultural phenomenon of human society developed into certain historical stage,belongs to the social ideology.For the main characterist

2、ics,believe the real world there is a supernatural power or entity,the mysterious governs all things and have absolute authority,to dominate the natural evolution,decided the world destiny,so as to make the person produces reverence and worship of the mysterious,and thus leads belief cognition and r

3、itual activities宗教是人类社会发展到一定历史阶段出现的一种文化现象,属于社会意识形态。主要特点为,相信现实世界之外存在着超自然的神秘力量或实体,该神秘统摄万物而拥有绝对权威、主宰自然进化、决定人世命运,从而使人对该一神秘产生敬畏及崇拜,并从而引申出信仰认知及仪式活动。,Buddhism佛教,Buddhism is the worlds three largest religion,the oldest.佛教是世界三大宗教之中,历史最悠久的。,Buddhism originated in about 2553 years ago in ancient India.The foun

4、der of Buddhism is the Buddha Shakya Muni,this name is India Sanskrit transliterations,Sakyamuni is kind of meaning,Muni is still mean,still also is pure meaning,Buddha is awareness.Shakya Muni Buddha is the north Indians,is now in Nepal,it is in the north of India,south of Tibet.佛教发源于距今约2553年前的古印度。

5、佛教的创始人是释迦牟尼佛,这个名号是印度梵语音译过来的,释迦是仁慈的意思,牟尼是寂默的意思,寂默也就是清净的意思,佛是觉悟的意思。释迦牟尼佛是北印度人,就是现在的尼泊尔,它在印度的北方,西藏的南部。,Since the Eastern Han Dynasty Buddhism spread to China,thousands of years has been one of the main beliefs of the Chinese people,through generations of eminent monks to advocate,many emperors and mini

6、sters,a widely-read have also joined the ranks,finally make Buddhism into all sectors of society.,佛教自东汉传入中国以后,千余年来一直是中国人民的主要信仰之一,其间经历代高僧大德的弘扬提倡,许多帝王卿相、饱学之士也都加入这个行列,终于使佛教深入社会各个阶层。,佛教传承Buddhist heritage回鹘佛教汉传佛教藏传佛教南传佛教,忏悔歌歌词Let us repent,away from the world and non.We repent now,put down the trouble a

7、nd hatred being angry.Let us repent,may Amitabha wipe my tears.We sincerely repent,may Amitabha cleanse my heart.The past to do evil crime,because the six primary afflictions are tired,I will confess,unwilling to violate,Amitabha no resentment selfless teachings.No matter how tired body and mind,Pur

8、eland may not refund.Im all this confession,the Buddha is not afraid of tired.Broken worries,Amitabha forever我们一起来忏悔,远离那世间是与非。我们现在来忏悔,放下烦恼与怨恨嗔恚。我们用心来忏悔,愿弥陀擦掉我的泪。我们真诚来忏悔,愿弥陀洗涤我心扉。往昔所做诸恶罪,皆因贪嗔痴所累,我今皆忏悔,不愿再违背,弥陀无怨无私的教诲。不管身心有多疲备,求生净土愿不退。我今皆忏悔,念佛不怕累。断烦恼,弥陀永相随,Taoism 道教,Taoism,native to China,has a histor

9、y of over 1700 years.Existing Taoist temples in China more than 900 seats,dry road,more than 5 nuns道教发源于中国,已有1700多年历史。中国现有道教宫900余座,乾道、坤道5万余人,Chhuan Chen Tao全真道,Taoist sect.Founded in China the beginning.Founder Wang Zhe(1112 1170),Shaanxi,Xianyang Road,Chung Yeung.A local club,once the military shou

10、ld,as beadle,resigned after the return home.Zhenglong four years(1159),claimed in the Gan River town meeting,the authorized Jindan formula.Hence Zhongnanshan seclusion,order of three years.Dading years related to the missionary work in Shandong.道教教派。始创于中国金代初年。创始人王喆(1112 1170),道号重阳子,陕西咸阳人。出身地方豪门,早年曾应

11、金朝武举,为小吏,后辞职还家。正隆四年(1159),自称在甘河镇遇仙,得授金丹口诀。遂隐居终南山,修道三年。大定年间出关去山东传教。,Taoist thought of Taoist Sanqing hills,is to save the universe beings,the use of natural gas in writing of the sages of Scripture.There is hidden in the Qibao Xuan Taiwan,immortal through mediums Xianjiang pen the Scriptures teach hi

12、gh Baume,then they spread to the world people.The Taoist classic books are numerous.,including the doctrine,religious education,practice the spell,ring of Taoist rituals and preaching Hongdao etc.道教认为,道经是三清天尊为拯救宇宙众生,使用自然妙气书写的先哲圣典。道经藏于“七宝玄台”,神仙通过乩仙降笔等方式将经书传授给高道名士,再由他们传播布道于世间民众。道教经典卷帙浩繁,包罗教理教义、教规教戒、修炼

13、法术、斋醮科仪和传道弘道等各方面。,The gods of Taoism道教的神仙,The Confucianist儒家,The Confucian school,Confucianism,or Confucianism,ancient China was the most influential school.As a manifestation of the Chinese inherent value system of Confucianism,is not the usual sense of academic or school,it is the legal basis of t

14、he legal system of China,as well as the Oriental civilization has made great influence and continued to the present ideology,Confucianism is the basic cultural beliefs in East asia.儒家又称儒学、儒家学说,或称为儒教,是中国古代最有影响的学派。做为华夏固有价值系统的一种表现的儒家,并非通常意义上的学术或学派,它是中华法系的法理基础,对中国以及东方文明发生过重大影响并持续至今的意识形态,儒家思想是东亚地区的基本文化信仰

15、。,The rise of Confucianism儒学的兴起,Chinese culture is colorful and Chinese traditional religion is only a part of chinese culture.If you want to know more about Chinese culture,you should come to China and travel all over the China.You would be surprised to things you saw.中国文化多姿多彩,中国传统宗教仅仅是中国文化 的一部分,如果你想知道更多关于中国文化,你应 该来到中国并且游历全国各地,你将惊讶于所见。,summary 总结,谢谢观赏,


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