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1、目录Contents一、前言General 2二、编制依据Reference 2三、主要施工工序Main Construction Sequence 3四、主要工序施工方法Method Statement 31 施工准备Preparation 32 混凝土的运输Transportation of Concrete 43 泵车布料Placing material by Pump Truck 44 混凝土浇捣Pouring and Vibrating of Concrete45 混凝土收平(压光)Leveling of Concrete 56 混凝土养护Curing of Concrete 5五、

2、质量保证措施Quality Control Methods 61)从管理机构方面控制Control of Management Organization 62)从原材料方面控制Control of Raw Material 73)从混凝土浇捣方面控制Control of Vibrating Concrete 8六、安全措施Safety Methods8夏季混凝土施工方案Method Statement of Concrete Construction in Summer一、 前言General南京扬巴二期扩建工程中,C147/C223/C623区域的施工工期从2010-3-12011-3-1,

3、因此这三个工号都必须经历夏季施工。南京地区的气候根据历年气象统计资料,凡连续平均气温在22以上的日期即为夏期,就该地区而言,每年的6、7、8月为夏期,夏期降雨较多,也是雨期,同时又是高温季节,所以特针对夏季施工活动中的混凝土施工编制实施方案。Because the construction of C147/C223/C623 will be started from March 1st, 2010 to March 1st, 2011, the construction in summer should be paid much attention to, especially in June

4、, July and August. Meanwhile, the rainy season is also coming together with the above time. Thus, this method statement is prepared for the concrete construction in the season.二、 编制依据Reference 扬子搅拌站夏季混凝土拌制技术措施;Concrete Mixing Method in Summer of Yangzi Mixing Station. 南京地区天气预报;Local Weather Forecast

5、 Report of Nanjing. 混凝土结构工程施工质量验收规范(GB50204-2002替代GB5020492) Construction Quality Acceptance Specification for Concrete Structure Work GB50204-2002.三、 主要施工工序 Main Construction Sequence施工准备Construction Preparation混凝土运输至现场Transport Concrete to Site混凝土浇捣Vibrating Concrete泵车布料Placing Material by Pump Tr

6、uck混凝土养护Concrete Curing混凝土收平(压光)Leveling Concrete措施材料/养护材料准备Material Maintenance and Preparation施工机具安全检查Equip. Safety Inspection技术(安全)交底Technical Clarification四、 主要工序施工方法Main Construction Methods1 施工准备Preparation1.1 措施材料/养护材料准备 Material Maintenance and Preparation 根据混凝土的浇筑面积准备足够的塑料薄膜;Based on the po

7、uring area, the sufficient plastic membrane will be prepared. 为了降低混凝土的入模温度(入模温度应控制在35以下、5以上),应根据当天气温的高低,施工单位准备适量的冰块并送至搅拌站,以便搅拌站在拌制混凝土时适量加入。 In order to decrease the temperature of concrete entering mould (535), the appropriate ice blocks will be transported to mixing station according to the weather

8、, to add during concrete mixing.1.2 技术(安全)交底Technology (Safety) Clarification根据现场的实际情况和当天的天气情况,组织足够的浇筑人员(放料、打棒、收平及倒车指挥等),并进行浇筑顺序、砼面处理、施工注意事项、安全注意事项等的交底。As per site situation and weather, sufficient manpower will be mobilized to pour, treat concrete surface, clarify construction and safety instructio

9、ns.2 混凝土的运输 Concrete Transportation 混凝土运送至浇筑地点,不能出现离析或分层现象;Delivered to pouring site without segregation and delamination 混凝土运至浇筑地点时,应检测其温度和塌落度;As arrival of pouring site, the temperature and slump of concrete will be checked. 混凝土运至浇筑地点时的温度,最高不宜超过35,最低不宜低于5。The temperature at the arrival of pouring

10、site cannot be over than 35 and less than 5.3 泵车布料Placing Material by Pump Truck根据浇筑地点(或浇筑高度)选择适当型号的泵车,减少人工运料/布料,以减少浇筑时间。As per pouring site or height, the appropriate pump truck will be applied, and the transportation by hand should be avoided to reduce pouring time.4 混凝土浇捣 Vibrating Concrete 夏季高温季

11、节施工,必须做好防暑降温工作,合理安排作息时间,尽量避开中午高温时段;The prevention of heat stroke for work in summer should be carried out, and reasonable time of work and rest should be arranged to avoid high temperature at noon. 根据混凝土的浇筑方量,组织足够的棒手和收平(压光)人员,尽量缩短混凝土浇筑时间,采取快浇快捣连续施工,中途不宜停歇,以免造成接槎不良;According to pouring quantity, the

12、enough manpower should be mobilized for vibrating and leveling to shorten pouring time. Immediately pouring and vibrating, continuously and without interval to avoid defective quality. 块体混凝土采取分层浇筑,分层厚度300500mm ;Block concrete shall be poured in layers with 300500mm thickness each layer. 模板、钢筋、埋件和基层(

13、包括土、石、砼等)在浇筑砼前应洒水冷却以防止混凝土升温失水;Before concrete pouring, spray water on form, rebar, embedded pieces and base course (soil, stone, concrete, etc.) to avoid concrete raising temperature and losing water. 为避免高温引起的假凝和早凝,混凝土施工应尽量安排在早、晚气温较低时进行;To avoid false set and early set due to high temperature, concr

14、eting shall be arranged on the morning and in the afternoon when temperature is lower as far as possible. C147/C223不存在大体积混凝土,但有大方量(大面积)的混凝土的施工,所以在高温天气下应组织足够的人力进行混凝土的收平(压光);There is no mass concrete for C147 and C223, but large area. So the sufficient manpower should be organized to level concrete in

15、 summer. 混凝土露天作业时应根据当天的天气情况来决定是否应搭设防雨棚,以防止雨水落入; According to current weather, the rainy shed will be applied for outdoors concrete construction. 夏季施工时,混凝土运输、浇筑及间歇的全部时间不得超过2.5小时。In summer, the transportation, pouring and interval of concrete cannot be over than 2.5h.5 混凝土收平(压光)Leveling Concrete 混凝土浇注

16、前,先在模板测量标高并明显标记; Before concrete placing, elevation mark on the form is required. 混凝土浇注成型后,立即用木抹子进行23次混凝土表面收平,要求混凝土表面平整。待混凝土初凝前,再采用铁抹子进行不少于3次混凝土表面压光,压光时,要求混凝土表面无抹痕。强调一点:对于施工缝位置或还有找平层的楼地板,只收平不得压光。After concrete molding, the leveling by wood float should be immediately commenced for twice or three tim

17、es. Before initial condensing, the iron float will be used to surface finishing for three times at least, without trail. Note: For construction joint or floor slab with leveling layer, only leveling will be carried out.6 混凝土养护 Concrete Curing 混凝土浇注完毕后,必须在12小时内进行混凝土的养护工作;After pouring, the concrete c

18、uring should be commenced within 12h. 混凝土养护时,首先浇水,然后用塑料薄膜覆盖,混凝土养护不少于7天。 For concrete curing, the watering will be prior to covering with plastic membrane, and curing should not be less than 7days. 混凝土养护将安排专人养护,养护时必须保证混凝土表面在养护期间处于润湿状态。 The specific person will be assigned for curing, and the concrete

19、 should be kept wet during curing.五、 质量保证措施 Quality Control Methods1) 从管理机构方面控制 Control of Management Organization为了控制好混凝土的浇注质量,在混凝土浇注时设置质量管理机构和施工管理机构;To control the quality of the mass concrete placing in well, the special group for management of quality and construction shall be established.l 质量管理

20、机构由项目部质量及实验室组成。主要负责和完成混凝土浇注过程 中混凝土的质量控制,包括商品混凝土的质量和混凝土的浇筑质量;The quality management group has been established by QC/QC section and laboratory, which shall mainly responsible for concrete placing quality.质量经理 QC Manager质量检查员1人 QC Inspector: 1试验人员1人 QC Tester: 12个普工 Common Worker: 1质量管理组织机构Quality Con

21、trol Organization Chartl 施工管理机构由施工部、安全部以及施工队组成,主要负责混凝土浇筑及其浇筑过程中的组织协调工作;The construction management group shall be established by construction engineering section, safety section and construction working team, which shall main responsible for coordination work while the concrete placing work.施工主管Cons

22、truction Superintendent安全工程师Safety Engineer模板工长Formwork Foreman钢筋工长Rebar Foreman混凝土工长Concrete Foreman车辆调度Truck Shift混凝土工Concrete Worker抹灰工Plastering Worker普工Common Worker木工Carpenter钢筋工Rebar Worker电工Electrician焊工Welder车辆指挥员Vehicle Director施工管理组织机构Construction Management Organization Chart2) 从原材料方面控制

23、Control of Raw Material 气温过高时,应对骨料洒 水降温;When the temperature is too high, spray water on aggregate; 雨后骨料含水率变化较大,应及时测定,并对配合比进行适当调整;After raining, the moisture content in aggregate is changed largely. Thus, the moisture content shall be tested immediately, and the mixing ratio shall be adjusted proper

24、ly; 采用低温水搅拌混凝土。当气温过高时,可在水中加冰;Low temperature water shall be used to mix concrete. When the temperature is too high, ice can be added in the water. 3) 从混凝土浇捣方面控制 Control of Vibrating Concrete严格按照本方案的混凝土浇捣要求进行作业。Strictly commence construction as per this method statement.六、 安全措施 Safety Methods1. 在操作之前

25、必须检查操作环境是否符合安全要求,安全设施和防护用品是否齐全,经检查符合要求后方可施工;Before operation, the safety of circumstance shall be checked, including the completion of safety facility and PPE. After inspection, the construction can be started.2. 高空作业时,要保证操作区域有合适的操作平台和安全带挂点;During working at height, the appropriate operation platfor

26、m and hanging point for safety harness should be prepared.3. 在砼的浇注过程中应派责任心强、技术过硬的木工对模板及支撑系统进行全程跟踪检查,以便发现问题及时处理;The skilled carpenter with strong responsibility consciousness shall be mobilized to inspect the supporting system in order to solve the problems in time.4. 安排专人指挥罐车进出及倒车;Assign specific person to direct vehicle.5. 现场配备饮水点和防暑药品箱,以保证施工人员在施工过程中能及时的进行防暑降温;Sufficient drinking points and heat stroke medicine should be available at site.6. 安全及危险性分析见附件。Hazard and Risk Analysis refer to attachment.


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