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1、人与健康展厅概念设计参考主题:科技与健康分主题与主要内容:一. 关注健康1. 健康的标准:大型展墙(标志性展品)Celebrating everything that makes you YOU.More than just a body, you are a complex blend of your choices, your personality, and your environment. Who you are depends on how you care for yourself and enjoy your life. YOU! The Experience brings t

2、hese elements together into an interactive exhibit examining and celebrating the experience of life itself. It is one of the first and largest exhibitions to showcase the connection between the human mind, body and spirit in the 21st century. Start exploring the exhibits fun and fascinating opportun

3、ities to explore what it is to be YOU! 2. 人的活力:梦想-100个要做的事,信任与笑容-Laugh Garden,舞蹈Because What Good is an Always Meant To Do List?New languages, exciting travel, personal improvements: plenty of future plans can be made from the things in 100 Things to Do. Select words and phrases floating across scre

4、ens to create your own virtual “to do” list of life goals for friendship, learning, adventure, and more.Quality of life affects both your mind and body, and in the Your Vitality section of YOU! The Experience, the topic is optimizing your health and well-being. Explore ideas of happiness, and just t

5、ry to resist the contagious Laugh Garden.3. 人的一生:展示一生中身体、精神的变化和经历Explore the Your Future section of YOU! The Experience to discover and consider whats in store as you grow, develop and mature. Learn how the body continually renews itself over time, and the way in which your voice, vision and brain w

6、ill change. Its also an opportunity to look back on your life thus far, and look ahead to what you hope to achieve.4. 长寿老人的话展示墙:参考武汉地区的名医(和中医)留言和介绍I Just Always Wanted To Keep Going.Walk along a portrait gallery of centenarians (at least 100 years old) and hear what these vital seniors have to say a

7、bout life. Hear from scientists who study aging and discover what were learning about the aging process and human longevity.5. 康复之路:网络、社区、图书、活动,残疾人的事迹,假肢、助听、导盲产品企业介绍-健康恢复的资源Actively AmazingA double-amputee who rock climbs, a paralyzed surfer, a quadriplegic rugby player and a tennis player with half

8、 his brain removedtheir stories and more are told in Stay Active through photos, videos and artifacts. Be inspired by the spirit of these people, and the ingenious ways theyve found to stay active despite enormous personal challenges. The Retina AG ImplantWhen we “see” something, photoreceptor cells

9、 in the eyes retina are translating light into electrical nerve impulses, which are then sent through the optic nerve to the brain and become images that we perceive. However, in people born with genetic blindness or who lost their sight because of a disease, dead photoreceptor cells do not send the

10、se electrical impulses to the brain.Now, a new microchip implanted next to the retina can essentially do the work of these photoreceptor cells. The chipwhich is only three millimeters wide and 50 microns thickcontains thousands of photocells, which take in light and convert it into electrical energy

11、. The chip uses this energy to stimulate the nerve cells in the retina, which sends the impulse to the brain to create an image. While not restoring sight completely, the implant has helped previously blind people distinguish shapes and shadows, and some regained the ability to navigate rooms and re

12、ad large lettering. Mind and MachineJesse Sullivan lost both arms in an electrical accident while working as a power linesman in 2001. Through the work and technology of the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago, Jesse has a bionic arm he can control with the nerve impulses that are generated by his t

13、houghts. 6. 重要的器官:YOU-心脏、大脑、血管与血液,肝和肾The biological and metaphorical importance of our hearts is woven into the Your Heart section of YOU! The Experience. It features the physical and emotional center of the entire exhibit: our stunning new Giant Heart. Reinterpreted for the 21st century, the iconic

14、 Museum favorite returns as a 13-foot tall, three-dimensional animation showing multiple views of the hearts interior and exterior activity. Interact with the Giant Heart by sending it your pulse, and the heart will beat in time with your own. Whats 13-feet tall and can keep a beat?The Museums new G

15、iant Heart is a vibrant, three-dimensional structureboth virtual and physicalthat modernizes the idea of the Museums old iconic walk-through heart.Standing more than 13-feet high and eight-feet wide, the Giant Heart brings the hearts complex and precise action to brilliant and visible life. Send you

16、r pulse to the heart and make it beat in time with your own. You can also switch between the exterior view and a series of interior views of the heart.Its the most amazing view of the heart you can get without rib spreaders. 二. 健康威胁的科学原理1. 心血管系统疾病:高血压、血液循环、动脉粥样硬化、冠心病2. 癌症:细胞与基因治疗(对比手术与放化疗),树状细胞、发展与早

17、期诊断3. 慢性病:脑血管疾病、糖尿病、酒精与肝硬化、血液病、肾病等病理4. 病原体:细菌、病毒、艾滋病与免疫系统缺陷,牛痘实验5. 遗传病:胎儿发育畸形与近亲繁殖、孕期用药、重金属和辐射6. 男性、女性的健康威胁:前列腺、乳腺(私密信息展示系统)三. 医药科技与精神卫生1. 解读化验单、解读医学影像:虚拟X光机、CT模型One of the keys to improving health and longevity is the ever-advancing field of medicine. The Medical Innovations section of YOU! The Exp

18、erience showcases some of the latest breakthroughs, celebrates the innovative thinking that will shape our future care, and sparks some thought-provoking dialogue about the role of medical technology in our lives.An Inside Look at Looking Inside YouLearn about modern imaging technologies, such as MR

19、Is and ultrasounds, as you select from a rich and continually growing database of real medical images. Compare healthy and diseased organs, view injuries and select various body systems to view.2. 青霉素的发明:滥用抗生素与耐药菌、滥用药物和毒品、靶向基因药物与个性化药物(DNA芯片)3. 急救课堂:中风和心脏病的急救,交通事故与外伤救护,发烧与降温He could be the best actor

20、 in YOU! The Experience, but hell never take a bow. Its iStan, the Human Patient Simulator, a computerized mannequin designed to exhibit the realistic symptoms of medical crises. Participants in facilitated sessions can play the roles of medical specialists, measuring his vital signs to diagnose pro

21、blems, administering treatments and analyzing the results. The iStan sessions take place in the YOU! educational programming lab, a flexible and functional space that can host both school and public audiences.Students explore medical careers and cutting-edge medical technologies by training as resid

22、ents in the Emergency Room the the Operating Room. Students diagnose and treat health conditions on iSTAN,our Human Patient Simulator, take their own vital signs, and try suturing with real surgical tools. 4. 大脑实验与精神卫生:注意力实验、创造力实验、呼吸与情绪控制(不开斗气车-虚拟驾驶)、反应时间,发现老年痴呆、保健按摩What Do You Notice?Why do certain

23、 things seem to catch your attention? Attention! shows you short videos and, using an eye-tracking device, it can replay them to show you where you were looking during every moment. Its a fascinating look into what draws your eye . and why.And Now, a Word from Our Sponsor: You.Do you feel loyalty to

24、 particular brands or products? Has an advertisement just worked on you? Ever wonder why? In Create an Ad, youll make a TV commercial for fictional bottled water by choosing from scenes to use in your spot. Afterward, youll learn about the psychological tactics you chose for your commercial, and how

25、 they can subtly convince your audiences. Words from our sponsor may never sound the same again.Keep Your Eye on the (Virtual) BallPlaying a 3-D game of catch or rotating a virtual brain to find its various learning centers are among the activities in Your Brain. Holding cards under a video camera t

26、riggers 3-D images that can be manipulated or changed by moving the card. Its hands-on testing of your brains functions and processes.Express Your Magnetic PersonalityDesigned for our younger guests, the Self-Portrait offers the chance to let loose the brains artistic side. Kids (of all ages) can us

27、e colorful picture magnets to create their image of what they see in themselves.5. 严重缺觉与合理减压:喊出压力、冥想的作用(脑机接口)6. 青春期、更年期知识:激素的作用,植物神经系统功能紊乱、如何补钙四. 科学合理的生活方式1. 健康饮食:食物旅程、体质指数、喝水、垃圾食品等Our food whether its how much, what kind, or from where can seem at times to dominate the news. Take a step back from h

28、ype and hysteria to think objectively about Your Appetite in this section of YOU! The Experience. Youll focus on becoming conscious of what you eat, and learn more about how you make your choices about food. What did you have to eat yesterday?When you answer this question in Food Tally, your food se

29、lections are represented on a virtual plate and compared to those of all previous Museum guests. Discover how your diet stacks up against a healthy, recommended selection of foods.2. 锻炼与运动医学:减肥、新骨骼运动、体能测试,虚拟足球、乒乓、大滚轮Its wheel fun.Get inside the human-sized Hamster Wheel and start moving! Perhaps you

30、 wont get anywhere, but youll get real-time feedback on your bodys response to the physical activity. An adjacent video shows you some of the healthy physical changes to your body when you are active over time.3. 适应社会:健康是你的义务-你不仅属于自己(参考黄石展项),文明社会的智慧(如何买保险),群体健康与个体健康4. 生活习惯:定期检查身体,模拟洗牙、模拟根管治疗、牙周病与正确刷

31、牙;二手烟的危害:生命与呼吸-纹影相机、肺部模型-烟雾肺部沉积;预防近视:眼球模型,视觉测试,隐形眼镜与近视手术,眼保健操、少看电视,Enjoy a little couch-potato time as you watch funny videos on the importance of sleep.5. 生活情趣:交流,爱的旅行-春运(家谱与天伦之乐),摆脱抑郁(虚拟自然之旅),音乐之声Do You Have Something To Share?Talk to Me is a storytelling booth where you can share a story about yo

32、urself and your life with someone who acts as your interviewer. The booth provides you with a topic list, anything from “the most important decision youve ever made” to “the funniest thing youve ever seen. If you choose to save your recording online, you can access it later to listen and share with

33、others.6. 生活环境:尘螨显微观察,开窗通风,家装材料五. 健康生活实验与表演1. 食物实验表演食物色素的色谱分析菠菜食物中的铁食物中的气体显微镜检测乳与乳制品中的三聚氰胺阴性阳性2. 洗手与细菌观察3. 思想实验思想实验:破除迷信的心理学原理知识点:习惯性思维方式科学逻辑实验介绍:假设这四张卡片的正面字母和背面数字之间有这样一个规律:正面有字母E的卡片,其背面一定是个偶数。请你验证这个规律的真伪,但最多只许翻动两张牌,那么你会翻哪两张?实验结果:进行实验并记录过程和结果(单位:人)过程:第一张( ),第二张( )结果:第一张( ),第二张( )统计实验结果:第一张E( ),第二张8(

34、 )第一张8( ),第二张E( )以上两项共计( )第一张E( ),第二张7( )第一张8( ),第二张7( )以上两项共计( )结果分析: 实验中,很多人选择先翻第一张E。如果另一面是偶数则假设得到支持,若是奇数假设就被推翻。(E背面是6,假设成立)但下一步该翻哪一张呢?肯定会有人选择第三张8,但这种选择从逻辑上是没有价值的。因为其另一面如果是E,只能支持假设而无法验证真伪(第四张7的正面可能是E);即使第三张8的另一面不是E,也不能推翻假设,结果是无论什么情况,都得不到任何结论。有价值的是翻第四张7,如果另一面是E,那就把假设推翻了。(确实是E)很多人没想到这一点。从心理上看,人们往往喜欢


36、破除迷信:懂得了这一点,我们就可以明白有些迷信说法是怎么流行的了,比如“右眼跳灾”的说法。按照这个说法做四张牌,如图:如果让相信“右眼跳灾”的人翻,他就会去翻第一牌和第三张牌,而不会去翻第四张牌。打破习惯性思维方式:准备一张A4纸和一支笔,要求不使用其他作图工具,在纸上画出一个正三角形。先把纸折成正方形,然后问题1:问题2:材料:A4纸两副牌两副牌的设计4. 心肺功能测试生命科学小实验(8-12岁)运动与心跳测量知识点:心血管系统运动能量和新陈代谢知识简介:当做运动的时候,你注意到需要大喘气了么?你的心跳也加快了是吧?这两个变化不是偶然的,是你的心血管系统对运动做出的自然反应,它们对你来说都是

37、非常重要的。上至大脑下到手指和脚趾,你的身体需要大量的氧气才能活动。氧气是靠血液的流动送到身体各处的,血液是靠心脏泵到你的全身,并且在流过肺的时候得到氧气的。心脏送出血液的机理:正如大家所知,心脏是将血液送至身体各处的“泵”。只要活着,心脏就会一直跳动,是非常了不起的器官。心脏运转的机理见上图这里所说的干净的血液,是指含有大量由肺吸收的氧气的血液。而使用过的血液,是指经过体内循环后含有大量二氧化碳的血液。在身体里流动的血液是身体里的搬运工血液被心脏送出,并流向身体各处。无论身体的什么地方受了伤,都会流血。血液在流动过程中发挥着什么样的作用呢?血液的功能1 运送营养把身体所必需的营养成分运送到身

38、体各处。2 运送废物把废物运送到肾脏等器官。废物会溶解在尿液里,排出体外。3 运送氧气接受从肺部吸入的氧气,通过血管,运送至全身。而且,还会把身体里没用的二氧化碳运送到肺部,以便呼出体外。4.搬运工以外的工作杀灭进入体内的细菌。修复受损的血管。下面看看你在剧烈运动时,心脏如何自动换到高速档运转的吧,但首先需要测量和计算你安静时的心率。背景知识:当你运动的时候,你的肌肉比休息时需要额外的氧气,大约是安静时的三倍。需要这么多的氧气意味着你的心脏开始用更快的速度泵取血液,这使得心跳加速。同时,你的肺部也在吸取更多的空气,因此你要大喘气并感到呼吸困难。运动中的大喘气标志着你的肌肉正在紧张的工作。你锻炼


40、活动对脉搏进行观察由心脏送出的大量血液在血管里流动着。把指尖按在手腕上,就能感觉到突突的跳动。下面是用眼睛对脉搏进行观察的实验。做法: 寻找能清晰感觉到脉搏的地方。先把橡皮筋(细)戴在手腕上也可以。 把吸管座夹在橡皮筋和手腕之间。如果不好弄,可以请老师帮忙。在胳膊肘内侧也可以进行类似的实验。伴随脉搏,吸管会出现轻微的活动。把手放在桌子上,静静地对吸管的活动观察片刻。如果觉得活动不够明显,可以再次寻找脉搏感觉比较清晰的地方。大人在做这个实验的时候,请使用较大的橡皮筋。除了胳膊肘内侧,在脚面中心附近也可以找到脉搏,同样可以进行实验。现在,准备动起来!确保你有足够的空间跳跃。做20个以上的原地跳跃。


42、人体所需要的唯一物质。我们还需要粮食做为燃料。我们吃的食物在体内分解、转化成能量(这些能量单位称为“卡路里”)。更多的食物并不总是意味着更多的能量。这取决于食物类型和你的身体如何消耗食物。例如,人体可以快速消耗糖和其他经过处理的碳水化合物(如白面包),但维持身体的能量主要来自于更难被消耗掉的食物,如瘦肉的蛋白质和粗粮。虽然依靠不同的速率呼吸,有助于控制身体使用的氧气量,但控制身体使用的能量则非常不同。如果身体从食物中获取的能量(热量)比你能燃烧掉的更多,热量通常会做为脂肪存储下来。想想每天有哪些方式可以让你和你的朋友、家人得到更多的体力活动?5. 心理实验与测试:人的触觉神经科学小实验(12岁

43、以上)我们的触觉内容:包括做一个“课堂实验”和一个“自己的实验”预测和测量人皮肤不同部位分辨一或两点触碰的能力记录数据和绘制图表讨论皮肤不同区域有不同敏感性的影响或意义描述“感知”,是如何在大脑中处理并理解感官信息的设计和完成实验,拓展对触觉的研究,例如:测试两个点的分辨力,同时刺激其他感官进行干扰测试两个点的分辨力,同时阻隔皮肤受体部分能否只使用触摸完成一个通常是用视觉完成的任务靠指尖的分辨能力测试砂纸等级教师指南实验:分辨两个点,触觉的屏蔽,触摸取代视觉和感官干扰等内容的预习* 45分钟介绍和讨论活动* 45分钟“实验”* 45分钟探索的时间和“自己的实验“设置实验室材料“课堂实验”部分牙






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