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1、Evacuation of Disabled Guests and Staff残疾客人和员工的疏散Definition 引言This is the standard operating procedure for evacuation of disabled guests and staff.这是疏散残疾客人和员工的实施规程。Standard operating procedure 标准的实施规程An emergency evacuation plan should be developed for all people likely to be in the hotel including

2、disabled people and policies and procedures should be in place to ensure that the plan can be implemented including disabled people and policies and procedures should be in place to ensure that the plan can be implemented.紧急疏散计划应该面向所有可能到酒店的人,包括残疾人,措施和规程应该被执行以确保计划的执行。It should be noted that whilst th

3、e fire brigade may carryout rescues it is the hotels responsibility to ensure the evacuation of all guests and staff in the event of fire and there for this plan should not rely upon the fire brigade to make it work.虽然消防队可以接手救援工作,但在火灾中确保所有客人的安全疏散是酒店的责任,所以这个计划不能单独依赖消防队的工作。Wheelchair users are those m

4、ost commonly thought of as requiring additional facilities and assistance to leave a building however there are others with hidden disabilities such as heart or respiratory conditions or temporary conditions such as broken limbs that will also require assistance.使用轮椅的人员是最需要考虑的对象,因为他需要辅助性的设施和帮助来离开这个建

5、筑物。然而,还有其他的隐藏残疾人,如突发性的心脏病或呼吸系统疾病,如肢体残疾客人,也需帮助。Evacuation of Disabled People残疾人的疏散Risk assessment is at the forefront of planning the evacuation of disabled people. General Managers should ensure that a risk assessment is carried out and suitable arrangements and facilities are in place to evacuate d

6、isabled people. Factors that are likely to influence the risk assessment are:风险评估是最前沿的疏散残疾人规划。总经理应确保风险评估,并进行适当的设施安排,以疏散残疾人。可能影响的风险评估因素是: l Size and physical layout of the hotel and bedrooms 酒店和卧室的大小和布置l Location of the hotel 酒店的位置 l The availability of disabled refuges / evacuation lifts 避难所和逃生梯是否可用

7、 l Guests which includes consideration of disabled guests including the nature / degree of their disability the number of guests and whether or not they are accompanied 宾客的数量,是否有人陪伴(把残疾宾客的残疾性质、残疾程度考虑在内)Evacuation Plans 疏散计划Escape plans for disabled guests visitors and staff should be developed and t

8、hese should take into account as far as is reasonably practical their likely needs. Everyone using the hotel should also take responsibility for their own safety wherever possible and disabled guests and visitors can be expected to identify themselves when they check-in or visit the hotel. They shou

9、ld cooperate by giving any information necessary for their safety whilst in the hotel. Evacuation plans should take into account:应该制定残疾客人,游客和员工的逃生计划,而且他们可能需要的,只要可行,都要考虑在内。入住宾馆的每个人也要对自己的安全负责,残疾客人和游客入住和参观宾馆时可能要进行身份确认,他们要配合,提供所有对他们安全有帮助的信息疏散计划应考虑到: l The disabled persons likely movements in the hotel 宾

10、馆里残疾人的可能举动 l The operational procedures in the hotel 宾馆的运作方式 l The types of escape that are available for example evacuation lifts and / or refuges 逃生的方式,比如说逃生梯或者避难所,是否可行 l Building systems for example the fire alarm 建筑系统,比如说火灾报警 l Existing escape plans 现有的逃生计划Evacuation of Disabled Staff 残疾员工的逃生In

11、addition to the above disabled staff require personal evacuation plans tailored to their individual needs and containing detailed information on:除了以上的那些,残疾员工还需要针对他们个人需求,包含详细信息的个人逃生计划,计划包括: l Their workplace 他们的工作场所 l Assistance available from colleagues 可以从同事那得到的帮助 l Actions in the event of an evacu

12、ation 逃生时的举动Disabled staff should be closely involved in formulating these plans to ensure that they are appropriate to their needs and abilities.残疾员工应亲自制定这些计划,以保证满足他们的需要和能力。Assisting people with disabilities 对残疾人士的帮助The special needs of disabled guests should be determined at the time of booking an

13、d procedures put in place including ensuring the correct number of trained staff are available. In almost all cases the disabled person will be best placed to advise how they should be assisted and they should be consulted as soon as possible.在预定和安排房间时,包括核对房号和训练好的工作人员是否到位的过程中,要考虑到残疾客人的特殊需要。大多时候要把他们安

14、排到最好的地方,告诉他们如何尽快地获得帮助和咨询Clear unambiguous warnings and instructions for the evacuation of disabled people should be given as early as possible. Announcements and notices specifying the action to take when alarms are sounded should give clear instructions. There should be well-lit signage at key poin

15、ts and instructions should be given out over public address systems.很明显,应尽早为残疾人提供的明显的逃生标志和说明。公告应给出当警报响起的时候所采取措施的详细说明。在关键时刻要有明显的标志,公共广播系统要给予指示Visually Impaired Guests 视障客人The following guidance should be followed where appropriate when planning the evacuation of guests who are blind or partially sigh

16、ted:在适当情况下,当安排盲人和弱视逃离时,应遵守以下的指南:l Those Guests who feel that they require assistance in an evacuation should be encouraged to make themselves known during check-in and reception should then ensure that the guests details room number disability and dates staying at the hotel are recorded on clipboard

17、 held in reception and in the Duty Managers diary 在登记和接待时要确保把那些在疏散中感觉到需要帮助的游客详细信息(房间号码,残 疾情况以及在宾馆的日期)记录在值日经理的记录本上 l Room guests with visual disabilities as close to the ground floor and as close to an exit as possible 给有视觉障碍的客人尽量安排一层,并且靠近出口 l Many visually impaired guests have some vision and only a

18、 very small number read Braille therefore large print notices should be provided in addition to Braille fire notices 许多视障者有较弱的视力,少数的人能够阅读盲文,除了盲文火灾告示,也应提供大字体的告示 l Advise the guest of the location of emergency exits and arrange for a member of staff to walk the exit routes with the guest to familiariz

19、e the guest with the emergency exit routes 告诉顾客紧急出口的位置,并安排一名职员陪着顾客走一遍,以熟悉到达紧急出口的路线 l Telephone contact should be made with the room as soon as the fire alarm is activated and if the guest is awaiting assistance prior to evacuating kept open until the arrival of a member of staff who should have radi

20、o communications. 当火灾警报响起的时候要立即联系视障顾客,如果他想优先撤离,要与其保持电话一直 到装备有无线电的员工到达 l People with a visual disability may require the assistance of one person and should evacuation become necessary the Duty Manager should send a member of staff to room to help guide guest to assembly point irrespective of whether

21、 the guest has indicated that they will not need assistance 视障顾客在必须紧急撤离时可能需要他人的帮助,不管顾客需不需要,值班经理都应该 派一名职员去他的房间,并把他领到集合地点l After consulting the guest and if they need assistance on stairways the helper should descend first with the persons hand on their shoulder and on level surfaces the guest should

22、take the helpers arm and follow them. 在楼梯上时,询问顾客,如果他需要帮助,帮助者应该弯下腰,把顾客的手放在自己肩 膀上,并保持水平,顾客应抓住帮助者的手臂,跟着他 l Assistance where requested should be provided for assistance of guide dog owners the helper should hold the leash and not the dogs harness 当导盲狗的主人需要帮助时,帮助者应牵着狗的链子而不是狗的项圈 l A normally sited member

23、of staff should remain with the guest until the emergency is over 安排好任务的职员应该和顾客在一块,一直到紧急情况结束 l This guidance reflects the increased evacuation times likely for visually impaired guests their desire to be independent and their possible reluctance to remain in their room in the event of a fire alarm 本

24、指导意见体现了因为视障顾客疏散时间可能被延长,他们的想法是独立的,在火灾警 报响起的时候他们可能不愿待在他们的房间里Deaf and Hard of Hearing Guests 聋人和听觉障碍的顾客The following guidance should be followed where appropriate when planning the evacuation of guests who are deaf or hard of hearing:在适当情况下,当安排聋人和听觉障碍的顾客逃离时,应遵守以下的指南: l Those Guests who feel that they r

25、equire assistance in an evacuation should be encouraged to make themselves known during check-in and reception should then ensure that the guests details room number disability and dates staying at the hotel are recorded on clipboard held in reception and in the Duty Managers diary. 在登记和接待时要确保把那些在疏散

26、中感觉到需要帮助的游客详细信息(房间号码, 残疾情况以及在宾馆的日期)记录在接待记录剪贴簿和值日经理的记录本上l Many disabled guests may have multiple disabilities therefore large print and Braille fire instruction notices should be available 许多顾客有多种的残疾,因此,大字体和盲文的告示是必要的 l Guests with a hearing disability will require some means of being warned of an ala

27、rm and there are a number of ways that this can be done for example vibrating pillows and beacons that activate when the fire alarm is activated. 在警报响起的时候,在听觉上有障 碍的顾客需要被警告,这种警告有很多种,比如,震动的枕头,当警报响起时亮起的警报灯 l Audible alarms should be linked to visible vibrating alarms to alert deaf people with impaired

28、hearing 声音警报要和明显的震动警报联系起来,以提醒在听觉上有障碍的顾客 l The vibrating pillow will alert a hard of hearing guest when asleep however unless the alarm circuit is monitored the vibrating pillow may be disconnected without the hotels knowledge. In addition if the guest moves around in their sleep they may not be in c

29、ontact with the pillow. In view of this a member of staff equipped with radio communications should be sent to the room to alert the guest 当听觉有障碍的顾客在睡觉时,震动枕头会有效地提醒他们,但是,除非警报电路被监控,震动枕头和宾馆是没有联系的,宾馆不会知道的。并且客人可能到处走走,这样震 动枕头就起不了作用了。鉴于这些情况,需要一个带有无线电的职员去房间提醒客人Wheelchair Users and People with Reduced Mobili

30、ty 坐轮椅和行动不便的人The following guidance should be followed where appropriate when planning the evacuation of people who are wheelchair users or who have reduced mobility.在适当情况下,当安排坐轮椅和行动不便的人逃离时,应遵守以下的指南:l This can cover a wide range of abilities including people who have a permanent disability and use w

31、heelchairs to those who have broken limbs or who are in an advanced state of pregnancy and would require assistance for stair descent. There are also those people who have hidden disabilities. It is important that staff that have hidden or temporary disabilities inform their line manager immediately

32、 in order that suitable arrangements can be put in place.这类人范围很广,其中包括有四肢永久残疾使用轮椅的人,怀孕的孕妇,上下楼需要搀扶的人,还有具有残疾隐患的人。有残疾隐患和暂时残疾的职员要立即通知管理人员,这样才能做出合适的安排l There has been a commonly and incorrectly held view that it is only necessary for management to ensure disabled people are taken to a refuge and that furt

33、her evacuation will be done by the fire brigade. In general the fire brigade position is that the hotel is required to have procedures in place to evacuate all people from the hotel independent of their assistance.有一种很普遍但是是错误的想法认为,确保把残疾顾客送到避难的地方只是管理者该做的,进一步的疏散工作由消防队完成。通常来说,消防队的观点是,在没有他们的帮助时,宾馆应该具有把群

34、众疏散出宾馆的规程 l Those Guests who feel that they require assistance in an evacuation should be encouraged to make themselves known during check-in and reception should then ensure that the guests details room number disability and dates staying at the hotel are recorded on clipboard held in reception and

35、 in the Duty Managers diary. 在登记和接待时要确保把那些在疏散中感觉到需要帮助的宾客详细信息(房间号码,残 疾情况以及在宾馆的日期)记录在接待记录剪贴簿和值日经理的记录本上 l Many disabled guests may have multiple disabilities therefore large print and Braille fire instruction notices should be available 许多顾客有多种的残疾,因此,大字体和盲文的告示是必要的 l Check the guest into an “accessible

36、room” 给客人安排“残疾人专用房间”l Room guests with disabilities as close to the ground floor and as close to an exit as possible 给有残疾的客人尽量安排一层,并且靠近出口 l Advise the guest of the location of emergency exits and arrange for a member of staff towalk the exit routes with the guest to familiarize the guest with the em

37、ergency exit routes告诉顾客紧急出口的位置,并安排一名职员陪着顾客走一遍,以熟悉到达紧急出口的路线 l Telephone contact should be made with the room as soon as the fire alarm is activated and if the guest is awaiting assistance prior to evacuating kept open until the arrival of a member of staff who should have radio communications 当火灾警报响起

38、的时候要立即联系顾客,如果他想优先撤离,要与其保持电话一直到装 备有无线电的员工到达 l The main underlying principle of evacuation for wheelchair users and people with reduced mobility is the provision of temporary places of refuge. In the event of an emergency staff assigned to a disabled person should start to evacuate them immediately to

39、 a refuge. It will be necessary to wait until the majority of people have cleared the stairs before descent commences to avoid congestion and possible accidents 在疏散坐轮椅和行动不便的人时的一个主要原则是,提供临时的避难所。当紧急情况发 生时,有必要等人群下完楼梯后再行动,以避免拥挤和可能发生的事故 l Where there is no refuge available staff assigned to assist a disa

40、bled person shouldevacuate the guest directly to the assembly point 当没有合适的避难的地方时,负责残疾顾客的员工应该直接把客人领到集合地点 l Wheelchair users can be carried in their own chair however this can only be done if hotel staff receive specific manual handling training they are physically equipped to undertake the task and t

41、hey are available in sufficient numbers. Battery powered wheelchairs should not be carried down stairs. Some wheelchair users may be reluctant to be carried downstairs and. Therefore this should be discussed with them on check-in and when they informed about the hotels evacuation plan.在抬轮椅使用者时,可以让他们

42、坐在轮椅里,但是,只有当酒店员工接受过特殊的训练,他们得足够强壮,而且人数充足时才能这样做。不能抬动电动轮椅下楼。有些轮椅使用者可能不愿被抬着下楼,所以当他们入住和通知疏散计划时要和他们协商好l Stairs and lobbies may be equipped with combination stretcher/chairs and these will be useful for people with temporary disabilities and hidden disabilities. General Manager should consider the training

43、 and availability of staff before these chair can be used. If the disabled person is too heavy to be carried, either in their own chair or a stretcher/chair should consider making special arrangement for the safety of the individual. 楼梯和大堂可配备组合担架和椅子,这将对有暂时残疾和有残疾隐患的人有帮助。在配备这些椅子时要考虑员工的训练和可用性。如果残疾顾客太沉,

44、抬不动的话,是让他待在自己的轮椅上还是换到组合的担架或椅子上,管理者得为他们的安全做特殊的考虑后再做决定l The evacuation plan should make provision for the disabled person once they have left the building, particularly if their wheelchair has not been used to evacuate them一旦残疾人离开酒店,撤离计划应该为他们制定条款,特别是在撤离过程中没使用轮椅l This guidance reflects the increased ev

45、acuation times likely for wheelchair users and guests with reduced mobility, their desire to be independent and their possible reluctance to remain in their room in the event of a fire alarm.本指导意见体现了因为使用轮椅和行动不便的顾客疏散时间可能被延长,他们的想法是独立的,在火灾警报响起的时候他们可能不愿待在他们的房间里l In an emergency, companions may carry whe

46、elchair users to safety. Abandoned wheelchair could block evacuation for other guests. General Manager should ensure that staff directing an evacuation are warned of this and that they take steps to see that wheelchairs are left in escape routes are quicjly removed. 在紧急情况发生时,轮椅使用者的同伴可能会把他带到安全的地方。被抛弃

47、的轮椅会妨碍其他顾客的疏散。总经理应该确保指挥疏散的员工注意到这些,当看到紧急通道上有轮椅时要迅速采取措施将它挪开。Disable Guests in Meeting Rooms 会议室中的残疾人Efforts should be made to determine the special needs of guests at the time of booking and procedures put in place beforehand including ensuring the correct number of trained are available. These proced

48、ures might involve the assistance of conference organizers but should remain under the control of hotel management whoa are familiar with the hotels procedures. 当顾客预订房间和规程实施之前要尽可能满足他们的特殊需要,包括核对受过训练员工的工号是否正确。这些过程可能需要回忆组织者的帮助,但是应该始终在熟悉酒店规程的管理者的控制之中。Those Guests who feel they require assistance in an e

49、vacuation should be encouraged to make themselves known when arriving at the hotel for the meeting and reception should then ensure that the guests details(location, disability) are recorded on clipboard held in reception, meeting room reception and in the Duty Managers diary. 要确保在来酒店开会的人到达时把那些在疏散中感觉到需要帮助的客人详细信息(位置,残疾情况)记录在接待记录剪贴簿,会议室接待记录剪贴簿和值班经理记录本上。Night Ev


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