1、Project ManagementChapter1The definition of project项目定义A project is a complex, non-routine, one-time effort limited by time, budget, resources, and performance specifications designed to meet customer needs.A project is a temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product or serviceMajor chara
2、cteristics of a project项目的主要特征An established objective/ a well-defined objectivean expected result or product/service. A defined life span with a beginning and an end Complex/usually, the involvement of several departments and professionals/through a series of interdepe
3、ndent tasks Unique/Typically, doing something that has never been done before Resources/Utilizes resources to carry out the tasks Constrained by Scope, Cost, Schedule, Quality A project has a customer项目管理三要素:时间、成本、质量。四要素加范围,五要素加风险项目生命周期包括四个阶段:Definition stage定
4、义阶段Specifications of the project are defined;project objectives are established; teams are formed;major responsibilities are assignedPlanning stage策划阶段The level of effort increases,and plans are developed to determine what the project will entail,when it will be scheduled, whom it will benefit,what
5、quality level should be maintained, and what the budget will beExecution stage实施阶段A major portion of the project work takes placeboth physical and mental. The physical product is produced . Time, cost, and specification measures are used for control.Delivery stage交付阶段 Delivering the project product
6、to the Customer Might include Customer training and transferring documents Redeploying project resourcesEstablish a baseline plan基线计划1. project objective.2. Divide and subdivide the project scope3. Define the specific activities4. a network diagram. sequence and interdependencies of activities to ac
7、hieve the project objective.5. time estimate 6. cost estimate7. Calculate a project schedule and budget AREA COVERED BY P-M(项目管理的知识体系) Scope Management范围管理Covers Processes to Complete Work Required Time Management时间管理Covers Areas Required to Complete a Project Cost Mana
8、gement成本管理Describes What is Required to Bring Project within Budget Quality Management质量管理Ensures that Project Satisfies Needs for which it was Undertaken Human Resource Management人力资源管理Describes Processes to Make Effective Use of People Involved in Project Performance
9、Management 沟通管理Covers Generation, Collection and Storage of Performance Risk Management风险管理Covers Identifying, Analysing and Reporting Risks Subcontractor Management采购管理Covers Activities to Acquire Products/Services Outside of Organisation Integration Management综合管理Cove
10、rs Activities to Ensure Project is Properly Co-ordinatedCapability Maturity Model能力成熟度模型(CMM-PM)Critical Success Factors项目成功要素1. Clearly defined goals and project mission明确目标,任务2. Top management support上层技术支持3. A competent project manager项目经理4. A competent project team项目团队5. Sufficient resources充足的资
11、源6. Client/customer involvement and consultation客户7. Good communications沟通8. Responsiveness to clients9. Proper monitoring and feedback10. Appropriate technology技术CHAPTER2 PROJECT MANAGER如何做一名项目经理 Leadership Ability Ability to develop people Communication Skill
12、; Interpersonal Skills Ability to handle stress Problem-solving Problem Time Management Skills1 有目标,分析能力2 沟通能力3 时间观念4 风险意识5 应变能力6 技术背景7 团队意识、组织能力8 经验9 财务知识10 人际关系11 法律意识Vital Dozen Rules for Project Managers1. Understand the problems, opportunities, and expectations of
13、a PM.2. Recognize that project teams will have conflicts, but this is a natural part of group development.3. Understand who the stakeholders are and their agendas.4. Realize that organizations are very political and use politics to your advantage5. Realize that P-M is “leader intensive” but that you
14、 must be flexible6. Understand that project success is defined by fourcomponents: budget, schedule, satisfaction, performance criteria, and customer7. Realize that you must build a cohesive team by being amotivator, coach, cheerleader, peacemaker, and conflictresolve.8. Notice that your team will de
15、velop attitudes based onthe emotions you exhibit- both positive and negative.9. Always ask “what-if questions and avoid becomingcomfortable with the status of the project.10. Dont get bogged down in minutiae and lose sight of the purpose of the project.11. Manage your time efficiently.有效管理时间12. Abov
16、e all, Plan, Plan and Plan!Chapter 3 Organization and Project TeamTypes of organization structures组织结构种类1Functional-Type Organization职能式组织 职能式组织的优缺点:优点:(1)人员灵活(2)专家充分利用(3)有利于交流(4)项目具有延续性(5)晋升途径缺点:(1)客户为非中心(2)面向本部门(3)责任不明确(4)未突出项目(5)难于协调2Project-Type Organization项目式组织优点:(1)全体负责(2)沟通容易(3)保留专
17、家(4)目标单一(5)容易协调缺点:(1)重复配置(2)资源储备(3)与部门矛盾(4)与公司管理矛盾(5)缺少归属感3Matrix-Type Organization矩阵式组织分类:弱矩阵,强矩阵,平衡矩阵优点:(1)项目为中心(2)减少人员冗余(3)具有归属感(4)容易响应客户(5)易管理及资源优化缺点:(1)权力均衡(2)资源冲突(3)多个领导What is Organizational Culture?什么是组织文化Organizational culture refers to a system of shared norms, beliefs, values, and assumpt
18、ions which bind people together, thereby creating shared meanings.Defining the Project Scope(项目范围) Consists of: Project objectives. 项目目标 Deliverables. 交付物 Milestones. 里程碑 Technical requirements. 技术要求 Limits and exclusions. 边界 Revi
19、ews with customer. 交流确认范围定义Scope is Concerned with Defining What is, and What isnt to be Included in the Project范围包括: Product Scope : the Features and Functions that are to be Included in a Product or Service 工作范围:为了实现项目目标所完成的工作 Project Scope : the Tasks that Need to be Done to D
20、eliver the Product or Service 产品范围:对产品功能、性能的目标项目范围包括1. Project objectives项目目标The first step of project scope definition is to define the major objectives to meet your customers needs.Project objectives answer the questions of what, when, and how much.项目目标的特点:前期注重质量、成本,后期注重时间。 多目标性: 时间、成本、技
21、术性能 优先性: 不同时间,有不同的目标追求 层次性:目标由抽象到具体,具有一定的层次性 战略性目标(Mission) 策略性目标(Goal),具体目标 项目的具体计划项目目标遵循的原则 项目目标遵循的原则:SMART Specific 明确的 Measurable 可度量的 Achievable 可达到的 Result driven 结果驱动的 Timing 时间性2. De
22、liverables. 交付物:包括最终的产品,也包括工作产品(软件既包括代码也包括文档)The next step is to define major deliverablesthe expected outputs over the life of the project.3. Milestones. 里程碑:时间、标志性的重大事件 A milestone is a significant event in a project that occurs at a point in time. The milestone schedule shows only major segments
23、of work The milestone schedule is built using the deliverables as a platform. For example:Testing complete and finished by July 1 of the same year. Milestones should be natural, Important control points in the project. Milestones should be easy for all project participants to recognize.4. Technical
24、requirements.More frequently than not a product or service will have technical requirements to ensure proper performance.5. Limits and exclusions.The limits of scope should be defined. Failure to do so can lead to false expectations and to expending resources and time on the wrong problem.Exclusions
25、 further define the boundary of the project by stating what is not included.6. Reviews with customer.Completion of the scope checklist ends with a review with your customer-internal or external. The main concern here is the Understanding and agreement of expectations.Is the customer getting what he
26、or she desires in Deliverables? Does the project definition identify key accomplishments, budgets, timing, and performance requirements? Are questions of limits and exclusions covered?Clear communication in all these issues is imperative to avoid claims or misunderstanding.Project Scope Management项目
27、范围管理 Consists of: Selection & Initiation Scope Planning Scope Definition Scope Verification Scope Change ControlResponsibility Matrix (RM)项目责任矩阵是以表格形式来表述完成工作分解结构(WBS)的工作中每项工作任务或工作活动的个人责任的一种明细表示法。Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)工作分解结构:项目进度管理活动
28、定义的基本依据:工作分解结构的实质就是把较大的工作任务根据各自不同的工作性质划分成不同的组成部分。如下分解步骤:1.总项目2.子项目和主体工作任务3.主要工作任务4.次要工作任务5.小工作任务或工作元素分解到一般明确的责任人(一个人)(时间一般超过七天)chap6项目进度计划进度计划通过进度计划说明,何时完成哪些工作。Planning determines what needs to be done, who will do it, how long it will take, and how much it will cost. Taking the time to develop a we
29、ll-thought-out plan is critical to the successful accomplishment of the project objective. Many projects have overrun their budgets, missed their completion dates, or only partially met their technical specifications because no viable plan was created before the project was started. To avoid this, y
30、ou must plan the work, then work the plan.项目进度计划方法:1. 关键日期法2. 甘特图3. 网络计划技术:关键路径法,计划评审技术五种时间日期:Early 最早日期Late 最迟日期Baseline 基线日期Scheduled 计划日期Actual 实际日期网络计划技术三个主要阶段:1 计划阶段-构造网络图2 进度安排阶段-重点安排关键任务进度3 控制阶段-调控以及改进te(1)=0te(2)=te(1)+t(1,2)=0+2=2te(3)=te(2)+t(2,3)=2+1=3te(4)=te(3)+t(3,4)=3+5=8te(5)=max(te(
31、3)+t(3,5),te(4)+t(4,5)=max(11,8)=11te(6)=max(te(5)+t(5,6),te(2)+t(2,6)=max(14,11)=14te(7)=15练习1活动代码待添加的隐藏文字内容3活动描述历时(分钟)前置任务A菜单定制30B采购原料60AC餐具准备45AD甜点准备55BE原料清洗60BF烹饪30D,EG桌椅布置15CH宴会开始0F,G结构特点关键活动:ABEFH练习2:第七章 项目估算与资源管理21项目估算方法:时间估算1 经验类比估算法:是指以前类似活动的实际历时为基本依据估算未来的活动2 利用历史数据法3 专家意见:利用专家判定评估活动排序正确与否4
32、 德菲尔法:(平均法)利用一个群体的知识来获得一种估计5 三点法:预先估计出活动完成的三种可能时间然后应用概率的方法计算出各项活动作业时间的平均值和方差。成本估算法1 类比估算法:是指利用以前类似项目的实际成本作为估算当前项目成本的基本依据。2 参数模型法:3 自下向上的估算:22估算过程:size范围 effort工作量 cost成本 schedule HR人 risk 风险23项目资源计划是项目经理要获得哪些资源,从哪里获得以及如何使用他们的过程,主要是分析权衡。24工期约束下的资源平衡:再不延长整个项目工期的情况下,做到使资源要求的变化最小化,最大限度做到资源的均衡使用,其中最有效最常用
33、的方法是对时差进行调整。第8章 项目的质量管理25软件质量是指软件项目/产品满足规定和隐含的与需求能力有关的全部特征和特性。26软件度量模型:要素准则度量27软件质量要素(三类共11个要素):产品运行性 产品修正性 产品转移性定义于ISO中质量特性为:功能性:包括产品提供的用来满足用户需求的功能。可靠性:与软件维护其性能等级的能力有关可用性:与使用软件所需花费的工作量有关 有效性:与软件所占用的物理资源有关可维护性:可移植性:28项目管理的目标开发正确的项目-与项目定义有关的声明正确的开发软件项目-与过程有关的声明29质量管理过程质量策划 QP 质量保证 QA(例如建立ISO等)质量控制 QC
34、(例如测试、控制等)SEPG制定(Software Engineer Process Group) SQG监督(Software Qualify Group)CMM、PM执行30项目中常用的质量活动质量保证的主要活动:过程评审,产品审计,技术评审质量控制的主要活动:单元测试,代码速查,集成测试,系统测试,缺陷追踪31评审和审查:。专家评审。会议。走查。专门的质量小组审查应注意:计划要事先准备重要的质量点要严格把关32软件测试:是为了发现错误而执行程序的过程对象:程序、需求规格说明、源程序目标:以最少的时间和人力找出软件中潜在的错误和缺陷注:测试只能说明程序存在错误,无法说明程序不存在错误第九章 项目分包与合同管理。项目分包(采购)的概念及原则。项目分包启动及分包计划。项目招投标。分包项目控制。分包项目评估。项目合同管理。软件分包项目小结33项目分包(采购)的概念及原则项目分包(采购):从组织外部获取所需要的产品(服务)项目分包的实质:转移和化解风险34。招投标过程可通过以下几种招投标过程确定订约人:1. 公开招标:工作量太大2. 选择性招标(常用)3. 系列招标4. 经谈判确定的投标者合同的类型:揽子合同(揽子交易),交钥匙合同,续签合同,系列合同,流水合同,服务合同35 项目分包控制及验收。定期沟通。阶段审核。专人/专门负责。及早控制化解风险