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《Marketing Communications Challenges.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Marketing Communications Challenges.ppt(29页珍藏版)》请在三一办公上搜索。

1、 2010 South-Western,a part of Cengage LearningAll rights reserved.,Marketing Communications Challenges:Enhancing Brand Equity,Influencing Behavior,and Being Accountable,INTEGRATED MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS IN ADVERTISING AND PROMOTION,Explain the concept of brand equity from both the companys and the

2、 customers perspectives.Describe the positive outcomes that result from enhancing brand equity.Appreciate a model of brand equity from the customers perspective.Understand how marcom efforts must influence behavior and achieve financial accountability.,Chapter ObjectivesAfter reading this chapter yo

3、u should be able to:,2010 South-Western,a part of Cengage Learning.All rights reserved.,22,2010 South-Western,a part of Cengage Learning.All rights reserved.,23,Introduction:Framework for Marcom Process,Fundamental Decisions,DesiredOutcomes,ImplementationDecisions,Evaluation and Corrective Action,20

4、10 South-Western,a part of Cengage Learning.All rights reserved.,24,Basic IMC Issues,2010 South-Western,a part of Cengage Learning.All rights reserved.,25,Basic IMC Issues,What can marketing communicators do to enhance the equity of their brands?How can marketing communicators affect the behavior of

5、 their present and prospective customers?How can marketing communicators justify their investments in advertising,sales promotions,and other marcom elements?How can marketing communications demonstrate financial accountability?,2010 South-Western,a part of Cengage Learning.All rights reserved.,26,Br

6、and,BrandIs a name,term,sign,symbol,or design.Identifies and differentiates goods and services of one seller or group of sellers from those of the competition.Communicates a particular set of values.Brand EquityCan be considered either from the perspective of the organization that owns it or from th

7、e vantage point of the customer.Is valuable when consumers believe the brand can deliver on its promises.,2010 South-Western,a part of Cengage Learning.All rights reserved.,27,A Firm-Based Perspective on Brand Equity,2010 South-Western,a part of Cengage Learning.All rights reserved.,28,Childrens Tas

8、te Preferences(In percents),Table 2.1,2010 South-Western,a part of Cengage Learning.All rights reserved.,29,Brand Equity Increases,Revenue PremiumThe revenue differential between a branded item and a corresponding private labeled item.Revenue premium for a branded item(b)compared to a private label(

9、pl)=(volumeb)(priceb)(volumepl)(pricepl),2010 South-Western,a part of Cengage Learning.All rights reserved.,210,A Customer-Based Brand Equity Framework,Figure 2.1,Source:Adapted from Kevin Lane Keller,“Conceptualizing,Measuring,and Managing Customer-Based Brand Equity,”Journal of Marketing 57(Januar

10、y 1993),7.,2010 South-Western,a part of Cengage Learning.All rights reserved.,211,Forms of Brand Knowledge,Brand AwarenessWhether a brand name comes to mind when consumers think about a particular product categoryThe ease with which the name is evokedBrand ImageThe types of associations that come to

11、 the consumers mind when contemplating a particular brandTop-of-Mind Awareness(TOMA)Occurs when a brand is the first brand that consumers recall when thinking about brands in a particular product category.,2010 South-Western,a part of Cengage Learning.All rights reserved.,212,The Brand Awareness Pyr

12、amid,Figure 2.2,Source:David A.Aaker,Managing Brand Equity(New York:Free Press,1991),62.,2010 South-Western,a part of Cengage Learning.All rights reserved.,213,Brand Associations,2010 South-Western,a part of Cengage Learning.All rights reserved.,214,Dimensions of Brand Personalities,2010 South-Weste

13、rn,a part of Cengage Learning.All rights reserved.,215,Ways of Enhancing Brand Equity,2010 South-Western,a part of Cengage Learning.All rights reserved.,216,Leveraging Brand Meaning from Various Sources,Figure 2.3,Source:Kevin Lane Keller,“Brand Synthesis:The Multidimensionality of Brand Knowledge,”

14、Journal of Consumer Research 29(March 2003),598.By permission of the University of Chicago Press.,2010 South-Western,a part of Cengage Learning.All rights reserved.,217,Types of Branding for Leveraging,Co-BrandingA partnership between two brandsIngredient BrandingInclusion of one brand within the ot

15、her,2010 South-Western,a part of Cengage Learning.All rights reserved.,218,What Benefits Result from Enhancing Brand Equity?,Increased consumer loyaltyLong-term growth and profitability for the brandMaintain brand differentiation from competitive offeringsInsulate brand from price competition,2010 S

16、outh-Western,a part of Cengage Learning.All rights reserved.,219,Measuring World-Class Brands,2010 South-Western,a part of Cengage Learning.All rights reserved.,220,Characteristics of a World-Class Brand,Delivers benefits consumers wantStays relevantPrice equals valueGood positioningConsistencyFits

17、into brand portfolio,Brand helps build brand equityBrands managers understand what the brand means to consumersSupport over long runMonitoring of the sources of brand equity,2010 South-Western,a part of Cengage Learning.All rights reserved.,221,Top Ten World-Class Brands Overall(Among 1,030 totalbra

18、nds included in EquiTrends Spring 2006 survey),Table 2.2,Source:Spring 2006 EquiTrend brand study by Harris Interactive,http:/(accessed July 26,2007).,2010 South-Western,a part of Cengage Learning.All rights reserved.,222,Interbrands Top 20 Global Brands,2007,Table 2.3,Source:Interbrand Report,“Best

19、 Global Brands 2007,”http:/,2010 South-Western,a part of Cengage Learning.All rights reserved.,223,Affecting Behavior and Achieving Marcom Accountability,The Importance of Brand AwarenessCreating brand awareness and boosting brand image serve little positive effect unless individuals make purchases

20、or engage in desired behaviorsMarcoms objective is ultimately to affect sales volume and revenue,2010 South-Western,a part of Cengage Learning.All rights reserved.,224,Measuring Marketing Investment Performance,Return on Marketing Investment(ROMI)Measures the effect of marcom,or of its specific elem

21、ents such as advertising,in terms of whether it generates a reasonable revenue return on the marcom investmentWhy Measure Marcom Effectiveness?Demands for greater accountability on the marketing functionTo become better at marcom activities,2010 South-Western,a part of Cengage Learning.All rights re

22、served.,225,Measuring Marketing Investment Performance,Difficulties in Measuring Marcom EffectivenessChoosing an appropriate metricGaining agreement on measures Collecting accurate data for marcom assessmentDetermining effects of specific marcom elements,2010 South-Western,a part of Cengage Learning

23、.All rights reserved.,226,Difficulties in Measuring Marcom Effectiveness:Choosing a Metric,2010 South-Western,a part of Cengage Learning.All rights reserved.,227,Difficulties in Measuring Marcom Effectiveness:Gaining Agreement,Finance Departments Measures of Success:Discounted cash flows Net present

24、 values of investment decisions,Marketing Departments Measures of Success:Measures of brand awareness,image,and equity,2010 South-Western,a part of Cengage Learning.All rights reserved.,228,Difficulties in Measuring Marcom Effectiveness:Collecting Accurate Data and Calibrating Special Effects,What e

25、xact sales figures should be used to calculate sales?How much relative effect does each program element have on sales volume compared to the effect of other elements?,2010 South-Western,a part of Cengage Learning.All rights reserved.,229,Measuring Marcom Effectiveness,Marketing-Mix ModelingEmploying econometric statistical techniques to estimate the effects that elements of the marcom mix have in driving sales volume.Example:,


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