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1、PROPOSAL WRITING,Proposal Development Proposal Structure,Part AAdministrative and statistical informationA1 General information on proposal(title,abstract,etc)A2 Information on co-ordinator and other partnersA3 Cost breakdown by type of cost categories and partnerOutline budgetStandard formsEligibil

2、ity checkPart BCore(technical)proposal,Proposal Development Core Proposal Structure,“Technical”Components I(Parts B1-B3)B1 Project ObjectivesB2 Relevance to ISTB3 Potential ImpactB4 Project Consortium and ResourcesB5 Project Management StructureB6 Technical Components IIProject Workplan B7 Other Iss

3、ues(Gender/Ethical),ALL PARTNERSNeed to provide monthly man-and overhead rates&cost model,ALL PARTNERSNeed to describe management procedures and agree on co-ordinator,Objectives and scope of projectDeliverables,work needed to achieve them&milestonesWork packages Schedule for developing proposalRoles

4、 and responsibilities:co-ordinator,work package leaders,etcFormal relationship consortium agreement or Memorandum of Understanding,Proposal Development Before Starting,Proposal Development Partner Responsibilities,Registers with EPPSFills in A1 and A3 forms Collates and develops technical proposal i

5、ncorporating partner contributionsUploads technical proposal,Provide A2 infoCost model and if FC,overhead rateMan month rate in Short paragraph on own organisationTwo short CVsDraft Part B components(as asked)Signed any DNA/MoU required,Project Partner,Project Co-ordinator,Proposal DevelopmentPart A

6、 Components,Form A1Find the right activity codes and keywordsProposal abstract(2,000 characters)is also used in Part BForm A2Fill in completely based on instructionsPartner numbering should be the same as in Part BGet a letter of commitment(LOC)from the partners to participate in the proposal and la

7、ter-on in the projectForm A3Fill in at the very end,Proposal DevelopmentB1 Section Structure,Exact structure depends on instrument type,e.g.STREPB1.1 Scientific and technological objectives of the projectB1.2 State of the ArtSSAB1 Objectives of the proposed project,B1 Scientific and Technological Ob

8、jectives and State-of-the-ArtSection Objectives,Should provide clear answers toWhat is the problem to be solved?What is the state-of-the art in the area concerned?What exactly will come out of the work?How will the proposed project enhance the state-of-the-art in its area?Who will be the next user w

9、ho will use the project results?How will the project deliver the results to these users routes of exploitation(publications,licences,spin offs),Recommended Length=3 Pages,B1 Scientific and Technological Objectives and State-of-the-ArtRequired Response(1/2),Proposal objective(s)Should be those achiev

10、able within the project not through subsequent developmentShould be few in number at higher levels if possible,just one and subsequently broken down in more specific aims,goals,etcShould reflect state-of-the-art in the area concerned and align with key European PoliciesBut Community contribution alo

11、ne is not a sufficient driver,B1 Scientific and Technological Objectives and State-of-the-Art Required Response(2/2),GoalsShould be directly relevant to objective(s)Should be stated in a measurable and verifiable formShould be accompanied by delineation of projectApproachMeans Output,e.g.Selection a

12、nd validation of promising technologies;Mitigation of existing problems;Anticipation of future trends,etc,Proposal Development Sections B2&B3,B2 based on scientific,technical,wider societal or policy objectives of the IST Priority in working callB3 Based on information on European policies and initi

13、atives as described,for instance,in Related Work ProgrammeEuropa web site(http:/,Recommended Total Length=5 Pages,Proposal DevelopmentB3 Potential Impact,B3 Must address Any related activities issues(if applicable e.g.EUREKA,national research programmes)StandardisationHow will your wor

14、k impact existing standards?Dissemination and exploitation plansHow will the partners exploit the project results?Be specific and quantify things,Proposal Development Summary of B1-B3,What is the problem to be solved?What is the state-of-the art in the area concerned?What exactly will come out of th

15、e work?How will the proposed project enhance the state-of-the-art in its area?Who will be the next user who will use the project results?How will the project deliver the results to these users routes of exploitation(publications,licences,spin offs),B4 Consortium Budget&Resources,Description of the C

16、onsortiumParticipant nationalities,types of partners,etcSub-contractingOther CountriesDescription of ParticipantsQuality of Participants:involvement of users and SMEsOverall financial planProject Effort Form,B4 Consortium Budget&ResourcesKey Questions,What resources?MoneyPersonnelTravelEquipment,con

17、sumablesPartnersTimeMust justify the resources you plan to use,Recommended Length=5 Pages,Must be split between types of activity as rates can vary.For instanceProject Management 100%up to 7%of total budgetResearch and innovation 50%Demonstration 35%Training costs 100%,B4 Consortium Budget&Resources

18、Budget Breakdown,Kick-off and other meetings,B4 Consortium Budget&ResourcesResource Effort Form,B5 Description of Project ManagementB5 Section Structure,Project Co-ordinator&Project ManagerManagement StructureWork Monitoring and Crisis ManagementQuality ProceduresCommunication and ReportingConsortiu

19、m AgreementIPR and Knowledge ManagementEvaluation and Assessment Mid Term and Final Project Review,Recommended Length=3 Pages,B5 Description of Project ManagementResource Roles,Proposal DevelopmentB6 Work Plan,Overview of Work Plan should include rationale for technical approachResearch and Technolo

20、gical Aspects Potential Risks and Fall Backs/Contingency PlanPhasing and Check Points/MilestonesGraphical presentation of the project componentsGannt and Pert chartsWorkpackage listDeliverables listWorkpackage description,B6 Work Plan Workpackage Design,Each Objective becomes a single Work PackageFo

21、r each Work PackageWhat is the end point?end point becomes the milestoneWhat steps are needed to get there?steps become the tasks,B6 Work PlanWorkpackage List,B6 Work PlanList of Deliverables,B6 Work PlanGannt Charts,T2.1:Investigation of,PA Services,T2.2:Determination,of Service Criteria,T2.3:Selec

22、tion and,Analysis of Suitable,Service for OntoGov,T3.1:User,Requirements,T3.2:Platform,Specifications,T4.2:Development,of Ontology,Management System,T4.1:Development,of Ontology Editor,T5.1:Development,of the Service,Configuration System,M2:Availability of,the Ontology,Editor,M3:Finalisation of,Soft

23、ware,Components,T6.1:Integration,M4:Availability of,Integrated,Platform,T6.2:Deployment,T7.2:Execution&,Evaluation of Trials,T7.1:Development,of Trial&Evaluation,Plan,T1.1:,State-of-the-art,Analysis,M5:Executed and,Evaluated User,Trials,M1:Availability of,OntoGov Platform,Specifications,T1.2:E-Gov,L

24、ifecycle,Specification,B6 Work PlanPert Charts,B6 Work PlanDetailed Workpackage Descriptions,Proposal DevelopmentB7 Ethical and Gender Issues,Any ethical or gender issues associated with proposal must be addressedResearch must contribute to promoting gender equality participation of women must be en

25、couraged at all levelsIndications of relevant gender issues and suggestions on how gender dimension can be integrated into projects are available No max length,B7 Ethical and Gender IssuesEthical Issues Form,Proposal DevelopmentCompleting,Check for other costs per p

26、artner per WP(e.g.dissemination cost printing,booths,)Iterate costs to fit via spread sheetUpdate all tables with man months,deliverablesAdd financial plan rationale to B4Update A3 with costsFine tuning,proofing,spell checkFinal agreement of partners Before uploadingDo a final dummy evaluation using

27、 manual have a non-expert read the proposalInitial submittal via EPSS,Proposal Submission The EPSS Submission Tool,The basic templates are given by EPSSEPSS=internet-based application providing a secure work space for proposal preparation and submissionhttps:/

28、allows you to submit updated versionsThere is some freedom to add own subheadings and own templates for tables,etc,Proposal DevelopmentFinalising,Double-check with Evaluation CriteriaRelevance(Threshold 3/5)Potential Impact(Threshold 3/5)S&T Excellence/Quality of the Co-ordination Action/Quality of

29、Integration(Threshold 4/5)!Quality of the Support Action(Threshold 3/5)Quality of the Consortium/Excellence of Participants(Threshold 3/5)Quality of the Management(Threshold 3/5)Mobilisation of Resources(Threshold 3/5)Overall Remarks,FinalisingEvaluation Criteria A Thing to Remember,The proposal wil

30、l ONLY progress if all individual thresholds PLUS the overall threshold are reached,Following are main links you will require-http:/ https:/ http:/,3 Proposal DevelopmentKey Steps(1/2),Develop abstract and pro

31、posal template,1st draftRegister with EPSS(Electronic Proposal Submission System)(Pre-consortium meeting)Provide partners with appropriate informationPreceded by MOU or NDA,if deemed necessarySet dates for all partner contributions for Part B at coordinatorDate for first complete draftDate for critical reviewDate for A2 forms,3 Proposal DevelopmentKey Steps(1/2),Date for final draft and first submission(1 week before deadline)Date for final critical reviewFill-in EPSS A1+A2 formsWork on technical proposalFinal submission(1 day before deadline),


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