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1、无线与频宽整合之多媒体通讯技术,周胜邻 博士工研院电通所网络技术组 组长2003.11.26,课程目的,本课程将与您一起探讨通讯产业中三个重要之发展趋势IP 电信(VoIP)逐渐成为未来通讯技术之主流,不仅将对服务产业将发生变化,而且也将为通讯产品产业带来新契机;本课程将提供学员对此一领域做初步之介绍ENUM为一项非常新的技术,它将是推动 IP/PSTN系统与服务整合的最大动力,同时也将对因特网之应用产生革命性之冲击,为人们使用日常生活之所有通讯服务带来莫大之便利;本课程将对此一最新技术及其发展趋势做深入浅出之说明WLAN 之近年来成为无线通讯之热门话题,各企业甚至家庭开始积极建设WLAN,此

2、趋势相信将持续几年.不过建设WLAN作何用途?Public WLAN 服务业者有无生存空间?WLAN 与 3G关系又是如何?互补呢还是竞争?本课程最后一节将与您一起探讨WLAN 与无线通讯系统之竞合关系,了解WLAN应用之发展趋势,课程大纲,IP 电信技术的发展趋势VoIP 的过去现在与未来VoIP 的技术发展-从H.323 到SIPSIP 的应用与发展趋势ENUM-IP/PSTN整合之新趋势何谓ENUM?ENUM 服务机制WLAN 应用服务的发展趋势WLAN 之应用WLAN 与无线通讯系统之整合,通讯产业几个重要发展趋势,VoIP 产业复苏,有蓬勃发展趋势IP-Phone,Wi-Fi SIP

3、 Phone,Residential Gateway,IP-PBX,日本 Yahoo BB,J-Phone,Wireless LAN 蓬勃发展,但服务商业模式尚待开发技术演进迅速,公司企业,家用Public WLAN,Cellular/WLAN 整合?Wireless Data(Mobile Internet)发展不如预期Mobile Data VoiceSMS,MMS,3G 通讯系统前景不明GPRS?3G?Cdma2000-1x vs.WCDMA?,IP 电信技术的发展趋势,Yahoo!BB VoIP Business Model,Over 1M+BB Phone users(Dec 5th

4、,2002 Press Release),VoIP 的过去,Born of VoIP IndustryVoIP Phone-VocalTech 1995H.323 Standard for VoIP IndustryH.323 Was Proposed by ITU-T for Multimedia Communication over LAN in 1996Adopted Quickly and Widely by IndustriesVoIP Gateway,Gatekeeper,Enterprise GW,IADMainly Used in Enterprise,Toll-by-Pass

5、 ApplicationsMarket Slow DownInfrastructure Bottleneck-Limitation of H.323New Technologies DevelopedUsers Hesitate to Buy H.323 ProductsVendors Invest Much in H.323,VoIP 的现在,New Technologies ReadyMGCP,MEGACO/H.248,SCTP/M3UA,SIP/SDP,IETF-like ProtocolsNew Products DevelopedMost Upgraded from H.323 Pr

6、oductsSupport New Technologies as well as H.323VoIP InfrastructureSoftswitch,Trunk GW,SS7 Signaling GW(SS7 over IP)Market Re-Booming,IETF Technologies DominateSIP Telephony Being Widely AcceptedENUM for IP/PSTN Convergence Being DevelopedSoftswitch vs.SIPSoftswitch:Mainly for Class 4/5 Switch Replac

7、ementSIP:Provide Telephony from IPs Point of View,VoIP 的未来,VoIP Infrastructure will Get Ready(How Soon?)ENUM for IP/PSTN ConvergenceProduct and Service Start to BoomIts Technologies Trend,Not Just for Cost SavingDriving Force of NGNMandatory in Future All-IP NetworkSIP Technologies Will DominateSIP

8、Telephony/CO Signaling/Multimedia Service/3GKey Technologies for IP/PSTN Convergence,Trends of VoIP Technologies,IP/PSTN Convergence,PSTN,SIP Proxy,ENUM Service System,SIP Phone,SIP Phone,Gateway,Softswitch,ApplicationServer,MediaServer,SIPTelephony,H.323,ENUMServers,Operator1,Operator2,SIP,SIP,DNS,

9、IP Network,VoIP Services Applications,PSTNs(Telecomm.s)Point of ViewEquip PSTN with VoIP ServicesOriginal Voice UsersFor Cost Saving,No Service EnhancementClass 4/5 Switch Replacement with SoftswitchNo Extra RevenueISPs(IPs)Point of ViewEnhance Data Network with VoIP CapabilityAdditional Voice Servi

10、ce to Original Data UsersEven Voice/Data Integrated ServicesSIP Telephony+Application/Media Servers,VoIP Technologies-From H.323 to SIP,H.323 for VoIP,Has Been Adopted by Vendors for YearsAlmost Current VoIP Products Support H.323GatewayGatekeeperTerminalMCU,Challenges of H.323,H.323 Was Originally

11、Proposed for LAN EnvironmentLimitation Being Applied for VoIP Infrastructure ApplicationsArchitecture is Too SimpleSingle Gateway to Interact with PSTN/GSMSuitable for Peer to Peer CommunicationProtocol is Too ComplexComplicated Call Set-Up SignalingHard to ExtendSignaling Is Not EnoughOnly DTMF is

12、SpecifiedNo SS7 Signaling CapabilityAdvanced Services are LimitedInteroperability is Still an Issue,Gateway Decomposition,Media Gateway Control,IPDC:IP Device Control ProtocolSGCP:Simple Gateway Control Protocol,MGCP:Media Gateway Control ProtocolMDCP:Media Device Control Protocol,MEGACO:Media GAtew

13、ay Control(IETF Working Group),MGCP/MEGACO/H.248,Client-Server ArchitectureCall Agent(Media Gateway Controller)Call Control ServerMedia GatewayDedicated for Media TransmissionTrunk/Access/Residential GWsSignal GatewaySS7 Interfacing,ISUP/MGCP/SIP Interworking,SS7 over IP,Softswitch System Architectu

14、re,What is A Softswitch?,Software,hardware and applications solutions typically come packaged in a single(proprietary)box.Non-standard solutions are expensive to implement and leave little room for innovation.,Circuit-Switched,Solutions are open standards-based products,and can come from multiple ve

15、ndors.Customers are free to choose best-in-class products to build their network.Open standards enable innovation and in the long run can reduce costs,Soft-Switched,Wireless System-From GSM to GPRS,Always-On Wireless Packet Data Services,IP Multimedia in 3G All-IP System,Applications&Services,SCP,TE

16、,MGW,MT,UTRAN,R,Uu,TE,SGSN,MT,BSS/GERAN,R,Um,MGW,PSTNLegacy/External,GGSN,HSS,Legacy MobileSignaling Network,R-SGW,CSCF,HSS,MGCF,Gb,Iu,Iu,Iu,Iu,A,T-SGW,EIR,MSC Server,GMSC Server,Applications&Services,CSCF,MultimediaIP Networks,MRF,Gn,Gf,Gc,Gr,Gi,Gi,Gi,Mr,Ms,Mg,Mw,Gi,Mm,Mc,Mc,Mc,D,C,CAP,CAP,CAP,Mh,C

17、x,Nc,Nb,Signaling and Data Interface,Signaling Interface,AlternativeAccessNetwork,SIP,SIP Telephony System,SIP Attributes,User AgentsEnd Systems Acting on Behalf of a UserClients(UAC)to initiate a SIP request and servers(UAS)to receive the request and return responsesServersProxy ServerRelay Call Si

18、gnalingRedirect ServerRegistrar Server:User Locations Tracking(Like HLR in GSM)Naming&AddressingSIP URL,e-mail like:userhostExamplessip:sip:Jackie176.7.6.1,SIP Operation in Proxy Mode,SIP Operation in Redirect Mode,Protocol Format,INVITE sip:pgnexample.se SIP/2.0Via:SIP/2.0/UDP From:Fingal To:Patric

19、 Call-ID:Cseq:1 INVITESubject:lunch at La Empenada?Content-Type:applcation/sdpContent-Length:,v=0o=ffl 53655765 2353687637 IN IP4 IP4 m=audio 5004 RTP/AVP 0 3 5a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000,SIPHeader,Payload:MIME type(SDP),SIP in IP Multimedia Architecture,Common Addressing,userdomain(

20、URI&URL)Text-based and Encoding FormatSame Request-Response Model,and Response CodesMIME for Flexible PayloadDNS for Address Mapping,Easy to Do Integrated Servicesby Combining more than OneProtocols,SIP-Based Services,Internet TelephonyWell-Recognized IP Telephony SystemInstant MessagingExchange of

21、Content between Participants in Real-timePresenceSubscription to and notification of changes in the comm.State of a usersClick-to-Call from an Electronic DocumentSIP as tag Contained in DocumentTransport of MIME in SIP SignalingReference to Web/WAP Pages,mail,picturesInteractive Games with SIP Signa

22、ling,Rich Call with SIP,Before the CallDynamic Phone BookClick-to-TalkDuring Call EstablishmentSending a Rich Clip,which Can beA Picture with Call Subject,orSpecial Ringing ToneDuring the CallDocument SharingInformation PushDuring Session Tear-Down(same as Call Establishment)After the CallBe Able to

23、 Send Instant Message,SIP for Instant Messaging,Integration of Messaging,Presence,and Session-oriented CommunicationRFC 3428-SIP Extension for Instant MessagingSIP MESSAGE Method-Pager-mode IMFor small IM ExchangeCarry IM on Signaling Channel-Big OverheadPager-mode vs.Session mode Instant MessagingP

24、ager-mode-Each message is independent of any other messageSession-mode-IMs are associated with a media session established by SIP INVITE methodMessage Session Relay Protocol(MSRP)-IETF DraftSupport Session-mode IM between Endpoints,SIP for IP Convergence,In 3G and NGN,the Focus Shift towards to All-

25、IP ParadigmIP Transport,IP Mobility and VoIP(e.g.SIP)ProtocolSIP Has Been Adopted by 3GPP for Session SignalingSIP Telephony System Has Been Well AcceptedWith SIP,Service Creation is Fast and EasyIP Protocols vs.Telecom Protocol,like INBe able to Integrate Most IP-based ServicesService Mobility and

26、Personal ReachabilityBy SIP and IPv6 Mobility,CCL VoIP Solutions,CCL VoIP Solutions,ProtocolsH.323,SGCP,MGCP/H.248,SIP,RTP/RTCP,SCTP and M3UA,Related VoIP Products Technologies and SystemsCTI/IP-PBXSoftswitch/Media Gateway ControllerSS7 over IP Signaling GatewayTrunk GatewayMedia Server,Application

27、ServerSIP-based Presence/Messaging ServerSIP-based IP TelephonySIP User AgentSIP Proxy ServerSIP-based Application Server,IP-PBX,LAN/WLAN,IP TrunkingRich PBX featuresInternet Call Center,ACD:Automatic Call Distribution,CCL IP-PBX-VONTEL(cont.),Enterprise grade IP-PBXRich Call FeaturesUp to 5,000 dev

28、icesBHCA:60,000(Busy Hour Call Attempt)Multimedia IP Call Center Solution PlatformAdvanced Skill-based Routing ACD SystemRich 3-party Call Control APISupport Voice/E-mail/Fax/and other mediaProvide both proprietary&TAPI 3.0 compatible APIsConverged Switch SystemPSTN Interworking(Megaco Interworking)

29、SIP InterworkingH.323 InterworkingInter-Switch Call Setup,CCL IP-PBX-VONTEL(cont.),Media ServerVoice Play/RecordFax Send/ReceiveDTMF Generation/DetectionAdvanced Multi-party Conference(up to 8 parties/wiretap/whisper)SoftphoneFull-Feature,Intelligent SoftphonePSTN GatewaySupport Analog FXO Interface

30、Support T1/E1 ISDN Primary Rate InterfaceWeb-based OA&M,SIP Telephony System,CCL SIP Protocol and Achievements,7th SIPIT,March2001 MarchMarch 2001,sponsored by ETSI at Cannes,FranceCCL SIP Protocol Stack and User Agent10th SIPIT,2002 AprilApril 2002,sponsored by ETSI at Cannes,FranceCCL SIP Proxy Se

31、rver13th SIPIT,2003 AugustAugust 20023,sponsored by ETSI in CanadaCCL SIMPLE Server15th SIPIT,2004 AugustITRI will Host 15th SIPIT Sponsored by ETSI in Taiwan in August 2004,CCL SIP User Agent,CCL SIP Protocol StackProvide C language APISupport RFC 2543 headersSupport RFC 2327 SDP ParsingSupport TCP

32、 and UDPSupport multi-platform(Windows,Solaris,Linux)CCL User AgentRFC 2543 and RFC 2543bis compliantRich Call FeatureCall Forwarding,Transfer,Hold,Consultation,Support RFC 2916 ENUM(E.164 number and DNS)Support Windows platform,CCL SIP Proxy Server,CCL SIP Proxy ServerRFC 2543 and RFC 2543bis compl

33、iantSupport RegisterSupport RedirectSupport location serviceSupport stateful and stateless mode operationSupport parallel and sequential searchSupport RFC 2916 ENUM(E.164 number and DNS)Support multi-platform(Windows,Solaris,Linux),SIP Telephony Features,Basic telephony featuresBasic on-net callBasi

34、c off-net call(PSTN interworking)Enhanced featuresCalling number delivery(CND)Call forwarding busy(CFB)Call forwarding dont answer(CFDA)Call waiting(CW)Selective call rejection(SCR)Auto recallApplication/Media server functionsAnnouncementVoice mailConferencing,CCL Softswitch Solution,ENUM-IP/PSTN整合之

35、新趋势,Why ENUM?,How do network elements(gateways,SIP servers etc)find services on the Internet if you only have a telephone(E.164)number?How can subscribers define their preferences for incoming communications?Many Number&Addressing Mechanism UsedWith ENUM?Only One Number,ENUM 101,What is ENUM(RFC 291

36、6)?Make Telephone Number Become a Domain Name in InternetAny Telephone Number can Register As Domain Name in IP WorldImportance of ENUMNew Addressing Mechanism in IP WorldMechanism for IP/PSTN ConvergenceGlobal ENUM ActivitiesIETF,ITU-T,US ENUM Form,Europe,ENUM Trials:More Than 10 CountriesDifferent

37、 Kinds of ENUMPublic(Personalized)ENUM:Future VisionCarrier ENUM:Enhance MMS/SMS ServicesEnterprise ENUM:Enhance Enterprise Telecomm Service,What is ENUM?,ENUMMechanism,E.164 Number,Domain Name System(DNS),URI(ServiceHost),ENUM is a Mechanism to Translatean E.164 Number into A List of URI(ServiceHos

38、t)So that An IP User Can be Accessed by E.164 Number.,Problem:How to Address(or Locate)a User in IP World from IP/PSTN Network?,Basic Operation of ENUM,“Call setup”,Sipsip:,Query1.,Dial+4686859131,DNS-Server,Sip server,Gateway,Responsesip:,Source:IETF,ENUM Domain,Tier-0

39、Top Level Domain(TLD),The Choice of Common Designated Domain fir ENUM Tier-0 is Undecided and is Proving ControversialARPA as ENUM TLD is Controlled by IETF and Operated by RIPE-NCCUS and some other countries,ISOC/IAB/IETF Support IETF ConclusionEuropean Union,France and Germany Proposed ITU-TSB as

40、the Operator for ENUMChina,France,Germany,Syria and Spain Objected to ARPA as TLD for political reason?to reinforce the infrastructure of Internet governanceE.A-ENUM Recommendation“Principle and procedures for the administration of E.164 Country codes for registration into the Domain Name System”TLD

41、 is openITU-TSB is the ENUM Tier-0 Administrator,ENUM DNS Hierarchy,;;, RRs(ldap URL),LDAPDB,.,Tier 1,Tier 2(Designated bythe end user),;ns2.t2.biz,Tier 3(Depending onthe applicatio

42、n),6.8.8.e164.arpa-,Tier 0(RIPE),.,;ns2.t2.org,ns1.t2.biz/ns2.t2.biz,ldap URL,Source:James Yum,Neustar,.,ENUM Scenario,IP Network,Softswitch,SIP Proxy,IAD,ENUMServer,E-MailServer,1,5,Dial:03-5915616,2,SIPPhone,3,3,0910961527,4,User Dial Tel.NoENUM Query,get

43、3 URIsMake SIP Call,No AnswerMake Mobile Call,FailConnect to E-Mail,DNS,$ORIGIN NAPTR 100 10“u”“sip+E2U”“!.*$!sip:slchouitri-sip-proxy.org.tw!”IN NAPTR 102 10“u”“tel+E2U”“!.*$!tel:+886910961527!”IN NAPTR 102 10“u”“mailto+E2U”“!.*$!mailto:slchouitri.org.tw!”,MediaGa

44、teway,SignalGateway,Enum Record,ENUM Scenario(cont.),User Make Call to E.164 Number:03-5915616Softswitch Translates the E.164 Number to Query Input to ENUM Server: and gets a list of URIs returnedThe Softswitch Processes the 1st URI Record,Query DNS to get the IP Addre

45、ss of Host:itri-sip-proxy.org.twMake SIP Call to SIP Phone of slchou through SIP ProxySIP Phone Does not AnswerThe Softswitch Processes the 2nd URI Record,Make PSTN Call Through Gateway to 09109615270910961527 Does not AnswerThe Softswitch Processes the 3rd URI Record,Query DNS to get the IP Address

46、 of Host:itri.org.twConnect the Caller E-Mail Server SMTP ProtocolCaller Leave the E-Mail Message,ENUM Administration Issue,Registry vs.Registrar,RegistryRuns the DNS server for a specific domain nameone domain-one registryRegistrarProvide ENUM Registration to ENUM UsersSo that Users Need Not to Con

47、tact RegistryRegistrar verify customer data,do billing,and send data to registry when delegation is to be done,changed or cancelled,ITU-T ENUM Activities,ITU-T Study Group 2Interim Procedures for Use of the ARPA DomainApproved in May,2002Interim procedures for delegation of E.164 country codes into

48、ARPA domain before Approval of E.A-NUMRIPE-NCC is Authorized by ITU-TSB to Perform such Delegation at this Stagehttp:/,IETF ENUM Activities,Telephone Number Mapping(ENUM)WGRFC 2916,“E.164 number and DNS”RFC 2915,“The naming authority pointer(NAPTR)DNS resource record”,August,2000RIPE-NCCRelated ENUM

49、 Activities after RFC 2916Update RFC to reference the DDDSRFC2916bis,”The E.164 to URI DDDS Application”ENUM Administrative and Operational ProceduresRegistration and Provisioning,Validation and AuthenticationOperational Privacy,Security Issues and ProcedureIETF Liaison with ITU-T SG2New Issues Bein

50、g Considered:Extent Same URI in RFC 2916 for Different Servicee.g.,2 SIP URIs but one for voice and one is instant messaging,IETF ENUM Activities(cont.),Related ENUM Activities after RFC 2916(Cont.)SIP vs.ENUM Services,e.g.,distinction the location provided by SIP and ENUMAdding Presence as an ENUM


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