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1、国际民调与舆论塑造,海南大学 毕研韬,引 言,数字看上去富有说服力,“用数字说话”就成了某些新闻人的专业信条。其实不然。有些新闻恰恰毁于数据。数据有很多种,新闻人需要特别提防民调。对某些组织和个人而言,民调只是操纵舆论的一件较为复杂的工具而已。,引 言,有人会说,那些不科学的民调是“伪民调”(pseudo-polls);不能把民调和“伪民调”混为一谈。可现实是,有多少人能分辨得出民调之真伪?又有多少“伪民调”曾经堂而皇之地进入媒体报道?,Do Polls Form Public Opinion?,An attempt can be made to use polls to influence

2、rather than to reflect public opinion.Polls can be manipulated to give a false picture of public opinion.,民调之真伪,影响民调科学性的因素很多,其中的关键是采用“随机抽样”(以确保调查对象总体中每个部分都有同等被抽中的可能)。因此,由参加者自己决定是否参与意见的自选择(self-selecting)调查,如一般网上调查、街头调查,都不是科学的调查,由此得出的结论不能推及总体。,民调之真伪,美国全国民意调查评议会(NCPP)建议,新闻媒体在报道民意调查前先要回答20个问题,诸如谁做的调查?谁


4、。,Polls designed to report,The modern polls are designed to reportthey do not usually pretend to solve problems.They try to record,not to form opinion or solve highly technical problems.They may exercise the same indirect power on policymakers and the rank and file that any published studies exert.,





9、调,新闻媒体在报道民调时,除了借鉴上述西方经验外,还要仔细研究相关民调的数据和解读。调查机构可能忽略了某些数据的意义,新闻机构或许有必要深入探究。负责任的新闻媒体应该同时介绍不同的解读或不同的民调。,What influence have they?,But the major polling organizations argue that the polls exert an influence on the public in much the same manner that any book,any set of facts,or discussion of public affai

10、rs does.Opinion surveys can,doubtless,help the public by stimulating discussion of current problems.,What influence have they?,The public itselfif we are to judge by a poll on the subjecthas a lot of confidence in opinion sampling.Asked if they think the polls“are a good thing or bad thing in our co

11、untry,”73 percent said,“a good thing,”while 21 percent admitted they didnt know.,What influence have they?,In 1945 the Gallup Poll released results of a survey which showed that a majority of voters favored a“work or fight”bill rather than attempts to get people into war jobs by voluntary methods.Th

12、e division of opinion was reported as follows:Favor keeping voluntary methods 39%Favor drafting people 53%Uncertain 8%,What influence have they?,This subject was being widely discussed and debated at the time and the results of the poll intensified the discussion.,What influence have they?,Was it go

13、od or bad that this evidence was made public?Could the figures influence public opinion?,What influence have they?,If so,was it a bad influence?Should influences on public opinion be restricted to radio talks,newspaper and not include the results of public opinion surveys?Can you support the argumen

14、t that it is against public interest to know what a cross section of the population says it-believes about an urgent public question?,Do they help load the andwagon?,Whether the public is actually swayed by the results of opinion polls is hard to say.,Do they help load the bandwagon?,One test is pro

15、vided by the election polls.If opinion surveys exert an important influence on the public,then the division of opinion during an election campaign should be in the same direction as the polling results.Can we find any evidence that there is such a trend?,What do studies reveal?,Studies in local area

16、s have indicated,however,that the bandwagon appeal actually does operate during a political campaign,although a real effect on the outcome of elections has not been proved.,What do studies reveal?,Is it dangerous for the public to follow the polls as a measure of public opinion?No such danger has be

17、en proved.On the contrary,disinterested opinion leaders have not hesitated to study data resulting from opinion surveys and to use them freely in public discussions.,What do studies reveal?,Results of opinion surveys are included in studies such as the Foreign Policy Reports,not as conclusive eviden

18、ce,but as contributions to an understanding of public attitudes.,Important Questions,To what extent should policymakers rely on polling results to guide them in voting on legislation?Is it in the public interest to follow confidently the peoples view of the issues?Is it important to correct the prevailing opinion on popular questions?,Important Questions,In what manner,in view of polling results,can leaders best exert leadership?Is the public always right?Is the minority important?Have polls a place in government?,请参阅:毕研韬.国外对民调的一般要求及争议.青年记者,2010年1月上,第27页,


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