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1、Unit 5 The Villain in the Atmosphere,Introduction,Language Points,Assignment,The text structure,Global Warming,Introduction,Air conditionerscovering the outside of the building,81,81 years ago in Patagonia on the tip of South America.,Time brings great change to the world.沧海桑田,It gets much warmer on

2、 the earth;the temperature is increasing year by year.The climate change is under way.,史上最热的10年,Global warming threatens the survival of man and other organisms on earth.全球暖化正威胁人类及其他生物的存亡。,The major consequences of global warming,Melting of Ice Sheets and Glaciers 冰层及冰川融化,2.Rise in Sea Levels-Floodi

3、ng of Low-Lying Areas 海水的水位上升,淹没低洼地区,3.More Extreme Climates 更多极端的天气,4.Extensive Desertification 土地沙漠化,5.Extinction of Animal and Plant Species 很多动物及植物,可能濒临絶种,6.Proliferation of Infectious Diseases 传染病更易广泛蔓延,Warmer temperatures increase the energy of the climatic system and lead to more intense rain

4、fall or snow storm at some times and in some areas.,the devastating heavy snow and sleet in South China,2008,partly resulted from global warming,Extreme Climates极端天气,The increase in global temperatures is expected to disrupt ecosystems and result in loss of species diversity,as species that cannot a

5、dapt fast enough will die off.,濒临灭绝的物种,Some terrible diseases are easier to spread because of warmer weather.SARS 非典Avian Flu 禽流感,Warmer weather will foster the growth of bacteria and virus.,Global warmingThe Average Global Temperature is Increasing QuicklyToday,the increase in the Earths temperatur

6、e is increasing with unprecedented speed.To understand just how quickly global warming is accelerating,consider this:A.During the entire 20th century,the average global temperature increased by about 1.9 degrees Celsius(摄氏度).B.Using computer climate models,scientists estimate that by the year 2100 t

7、he average global temperature will increase by 2.4 degrees to 5.8 degrees Celsius.,1.9,2.4 to 5.8,1900-2000,2000-2100,Dangerous or not?,The atmosphere becomes thicker,Experiment on a Frog,The atmosphere becomes thicker,Experiment on a Frog,But the point is that Our collective nervous system is like

8、that frogs nervous system.It takes a sudden jolt sometimes before we become aware of a danger.If it seems gradual,even if it really is happening quickly,were capable of just sitting there and not responding and not reacting.It is dangerous.,不过重点是人类的集体意识和那只青蛙很像。有时候要受到极大的刺激才会知道危险。地球的改变看似缓慢其实很快,我们可以坐以待

9、毙,什么都不做,没有任何反应。这是很危险的。,1.The global understanding,The Understanding of Text,2.The detailed Understanding,Global Understanding,1.Carbon dioxide is very poisonous,although it is present in the atmosphere in a small quantity,it does us harm.,(F),Carbon dioxide is not very poisonous and it is present in

10、 the atmosphere in so small a quantity only 0.034 percent that it does us no harm.,2.Carbon dioxide is one of the essential gases to life in the atmosphere.,(T),3.The sea level is rising very slowly from year to year,mainly because of too much rain in these areas.,It is because of carbon dioxide.,Pl

11、ease do the following T or F exercise,(F),4.Among the gases in the atmosphere,only the concentration of carbon dioxide may result in preventing heat around the Earth from escaping.,(T),5.The concentration of carbon dioxide increased steadily and it will be twice what is now by 2020.,(T),6.Burning co

12、al,oil and natural gas are ways to reduce carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.,(F),Coal,then oil and natural gas,have been burned for energy.The carbon contained in these fuels,which has been safely buried underground for many millions of years,is now being burned to carbon dioxide and poured into the

13、atmosphere at a rate of many tons per day.,7.People are the real villains actually.,(T),8.In order to save ourselves,we must have new sources of fuel that do not involve the production of carbon dioxide.,(T),Part Division of the Text,It introduces an essential gas to life carbon dioxide and its infl

14、uence.,It analyzes what carbon dioxide does to the temperature of the Earth and the factors that cause the concentration of it.,It gives us some suggestions to deal with the problems.,Part 1,Part 2,Part 3,1-24,25-66,67-77,PLease scan PART ONE,and then answer the following questions.,1.Who is the“vil

15、lain”in the atmosphere?,Carbon dioxide CO2.,2.How much in quantity is carbon dioxide present in the atmosphere?,0.034%.,3.What does carbon dioxide do to plants and animal life on Earth?,Plants absorb carbon dioxide and convert it into their own tissue,which,in turn,serve as the basic food for all of

16、 animal life,including human beings.,4.Whats the function of oxygen?,It is necessary for all animal life.,5.What is happening to the sea level?What will the rising sea level do to our life?,The sea level is rising very slowly from year to year and it will continue to rise and do so at an even greate

17、r rate.The low-lying areas on Earth might be drowned in the hundred years to come,Please scan PART TWO to find,2.The cause of high concentration(浓度)of CO2 in the air.,1.The cause of global warming,1.The cause of the global warming,Im a villain,Im CO2!,Question:Who is the villain in the atmosphere?,2

18、.the cause of high concentration(浓度)of CO2 in the air,Two factors,too much CO2 emissions,A.too much burning coal,natural gas and oil,B.deforestation(滥伐森林),2.the cause of high concentration of CO2 in the air,Burning natural gas,coal and oil including gasoline for automobile enginesraises the level of

19、 carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.,fact,2.the cause of high concentration of CO2 in the air,Many factories produce long-lasting industrial gases that do not occur naturally,yet contribute significantly to the enhanced greenhouse effect and“global warming”that is currently under way.,fact,2.the cause

20、 of high concentration of CO2 in the air,Deforestation also contributes to global warming.Trees use carbon dioxide and give off oxygen in its place,which helps to create the optimal balance of gases in the atmosphere.As more forests are logged for timber or cut down to make way for farming,however,t

21、here are fewer trees to perform this critical function.,fact,3.final analysis of the cause,Question:In the final analysis,who are the villains and who are the victims?,It is people who are both villains and victims.,4.solutions,Question:what should be done to reduce global warming?,4.solutions,A.Sav

22、e the forest,B.Try to find new sources of energy,4.solutions,Simple Things to Do:1)Reduce,reuse,recycle2)Use less heat and air conditioning3)Drive less 4)Buy energy-efficient products(节能产品)5)Use less hot water,5.save our only home,Human already possesses the fundamental scientific,technical,and indu

23、strial know-how to solve the carbon and climate problems.-Stephen Pacala and Robert Socolow,Directions:Read aloud Part Three and fill in the blanks without looking back your text.,is one of new sources of _ that do not involve the production of _ Because it is dangerous,there are some other alternat

24、ives such as energy of waves,_ and Earths _.Most of all,there is the direct use of_.,Newclear power,fuel,carbon dioxide,tides,interior heat,solar energy,e about4.distinct5.make up6.consume7.alternative compete objectas in sentences,An Overview of Language Points,essential(line 5,para.3)1)adj.necessa

25、ry;needed Exercise,fresh air and good food _ _(是保持健康必不可少的)2)n.a basic thing that you cannot live without(usu.pl)We only have time to pack a few _.(生活必需品)Bear in mind:A.be essential to/for sth.对是必需的/必不可少的 B.It is essential that(should)do 有必要,are essential to the,preservation of health.,essentials of

26、life,essential(line 5,para.3)note:对是必不可少的至关重要的 A.be essential to/for B.be necessary to/for C.be vital to/for e.g.The role of the police is essential/necessary/vital to/for the society.,2.convert v.(line 6,para.4)1)change from one form,use,etc.into another pattern:convert sth.into/to sth.Water _(就会变成

27、蒸汽)if it is boiled.I want to _ _ _(把一些美 元兑换成英镑)change to(into)turn to(into),is converted into steam,convert,some dollars into,pounds.,2.convert v.(line 6,para.4),2)change ones beliefs,esp ones religion(宗教)pattern:convert sb.to sth.The explanation converted him to our point of view.经说明他转而支持我们的观点。,He

28、has been converted to Catholicism.,他已皈依天主教,e about(line 25,para.8),Words or phrases with the same meaning(发生):,happen;occur;take place;come into existence(开始出现,发生),e.g.China has happened(occurred,taken place)great changes.,Great changes have happened(occurred,taken place)in China.,These words or phr

29、ases can t be followed by object(宾语).,e about(line 25,para.8),A review of the phrases with“come”:,come across,偶遇;偶然发现,come to,苏醒;总数为,come out,出现;出版,come up with,提出;提供,come through,经历;脱险,come up to,达到;符合,come up to ones expectations,不辜负期望,4.distinct adj.(line 35,para.10)1)different in kind Mr.Yangs v

30、ision of love _ Mr.Weis.(杨先生和韦先生的爱情观截然不同),is quite distinct from,be distinct from,be distinct infrom,与不同的,在某方面与不同,4.distinct adj.(line 35,para.10),There is a distinct possibility that she wont pass CET-4 this time due to lack of vocabulary.,2)easily heard,seen,felt or understood;definite There was _

31、(一种明显的局促不安的感觉)in the air.,a distinct sense of embarrassment,由于词汇量太小,这次的四级考试,她肯定过不了。,5.make up(line 39,para.11)1)invent sth,esp.in order to deceive sb.e.g.The whole story is made up.make up an excuse 2)form,compose or constitute sth.e.g.Animal bodies _(由细胞构成),are made up of cells,Chinese characters a

32、re made up of radicals.(偏旁部首),5.make up(line 39,para.11)3)compensate for sth.补偿、弥补、抵消某事物 e.g.Hard work can _ a lack of intelligence.勤能补拙。4)put cosmetics on the face to make it more attractive e.g.She _(花了一个小时来化妆)before the party.,make up for,spent an hour making up,5.make up(line 39,para.11),make-up

33、 n.彩妆,skincare 护肤品,5.make up(line 39,para.11),She puts a lot of make-up on her face.,She just puts some skincare on her face.,6.consume vt.(line 60,para.17)1)use up e.g.这辆汽车很耗油。The car consumes a lot of gas/gasoline/fuel.He _ _(消耗了他生命中 的大好年华)in prison.,consumed the best years,of his life,6.consume v

34、t.(line 60,para.17)2)eat or drink He consumed 15 eggs in five minutes.3)spend money wastefully She soon _ _ in the hotel.(就把财产挥霍殆尽)consume money 浪费金钱,consumed,her fortune,7.alternative(line71,para.21)1)n.choice of two or more possibilities The judge _(别无选择)but to sentence him to hang.,had/has no alt

35、ernative,You have the alternative of marrying or remaining a bachelor.,你可以结婚,也可以仍做单身汉,任你选择。,note:have no alternative is used to say you feel you must do sth.,have no alternative but,除外别无选择,7.alternative(line71,para.21)2)adj.(usu.of two things)available in place of sth.else;othera)Have you got _?(其他建

36、议)b)_(可供选择观看的另一部电影)for my children is“Golden Compass”.黄金罗盘,The alternative movie to watch,an alternative suggestion,note:when this meaning,it is used only before noun as attributive(定语).,pete vi.(line75,para.22)pattern:compete(against/with sb.)(in/for sth.)e.g.Several companies _ _(为争取合同而互相竞争)for th

37、e contract.John wanted to _(争得一个 职位)at the firm,but didnt get pete in a race 参加赛跑,are competing against/with,compete for a position,one another,9.Object(line76,para.22),v.be against;feel dislike;disagree,e.g.A.你反对吸烟吗?,Do you object to smoking?,B.I objected to being spoken like that.,Bear in mind:obj

38、ect to doing sth.object to sth.,9.Object(line76,para.22),Words or phrases with the same meaning(反对):,against;disagree;oppose;be opposed to;disapprove,against prep.(be against sth.),disagree v.(disagree with sb.on/about/over sth.),oppose vt.(oppose sth.),be opposed to sth./doing sth.,disapprove v.(di

39、sapprove sth.disapprove of doing sth.),10.about as,1)as will much of the British Isles(line19,para.6)2)As the food supply drops(line23,para.7)3)The atmosphere is not as transparent to infrared radiation as it is to visible light.(line 31,para.10)4)As the forests disappear(line62,para.17),What are th

40、e functions of as in the following sentences?,10.about as,Florida will disappear beneath the waves,as will much of the British Isles(line19,para.6),“as”作为连接词引导了方式状语从句,意为“按照样子、方式、方法”。为了保持句子平衡,使用倒装句。Florida will disappear beneath the waves,and much of the British Isles will too.,10.about as,2)As the f

41、ood supply drops,starvation will be widespread and(line23,para.7),“as”作为连接词引导了原因状语从句,意为“由于;因为”。相当于because.Because the food supply drops,starvation will be widespread.,10.about as,3)The atmosphere is not as transparent to infrared radiation as it is to visible light.(line 31,para.10),“as”作为连接词引导了比较状语

42、从句,意为“和一样”。The atmosphere is clearer to visible light than that to infrared radiation.大气层对红外线来说并不像它对可见光那样透明。,10.about as,4)As the forests disappear,less carbon dioxide is being removed(line62,para.17),“as”作为连接词引导了时间状语从句,意为“正当时候;随着”,Useful Expressions,温室效应 对某人造成损害起作用 极有可能以的速度社会结构 在压力下以形式,greenhouse e

43、ffect,do sb.harm/do harm to sb.,serve as,in all likelihood,at a rate of/at the speed of,structure of society,under the pressure,in the form of,Useful Expressions,9.据估计 10.给某人一个新视角11.反对,不喜欢 12.用B代替A13.用A代替B14.在进行中,it is estimated that,give sb.a new perspective,object to doing sth.,replace A with B,su

44、bstitute A for B,in the process(of),in the course(of),Useful Expressions,15.被加入16.从清除17.发生18.排放19.盛产粮食的地区20.新的燃料源,Useful Expressions,be added to,be removed from,come about,pour into,productive farming areas,new source of fuel,Proverbs and Quotations,1.Ill air slays sooner than the sword.,污浊的空气杀人比刀还要

45、快。,2.Exercise,temperance,fresh air,and needful rest are the best of all physicians.,锻炼、节制、新鲜空气和必要的休息是最好的医生。,3.Fire and water are good servants,but bad masters.,水火是忠仆,造灾成元凶。,4 Little drops of water,little grains of sand,make the mighty ocean and the pleasant land.,滴滴小水珠,颗颗小沙粒,会形成浩瀚的海洋和宜人的土地。,5 Every

46、particular in nature,a leaf,a drop,a moment of time is related to the whole,and partakes of the perfection of the whole.Each particle is a microcosm,and faithfully renders the likeness of the world.,自然界中每一微小细节,一片树叶,一滴雨水,一个瞬间,都是和整个大自然相连,共同组成它的完美。每一个微粒都是一个微观世界,忠实地反映着它和整个世界的相似。,Assignment,You are required to write a composition of at least 120 words about environmental protection entitled“SAVE OUR ONLY HOME”.,How to write a composition of this kind(essay)?,1.Form a structure in your mind2.Pay attention to the expressions serving as linkups among sentences,Thank you!,QQQ,


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