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1、2,(试用修订版2000)Nine Year Compulsory Education Full-Time Junior Middle School English Syllabus 教学目的 Aim 教学目标与要求 Target&Requirement 教学内容 Content 教学中应该注意的几个问题 A Few Issues 教学评价 Assessment,A Syllabus Teachers Should Know,3,听:Listening说:Speaking读:Reading写:Writing语音:Pronunciation词汇:Vocabulary语法:Grammar,根据九年


3、并且提出了对运用语篇知识获取和处理信息的能力的要求。能正确理解附表里所列语言形式的意义和功能。(附表4)能积极运用所学的语言形式进行口头和书面的表述与交流,在书面表达中力求表述形式的基本正确。能初步运用表示并列、因果、转折等逻辑关系和相关标志词等基本语篇知识获取和处理信息。,二级要求,6,General Planning of Grammar Learning(语法学习之四个“五”),Five Ranks of Grammar(五个语法层次)Five Types of Phrase(五个词组类型)Five Basic Sentence Patterns(五个基本句型)Five Sentence

4、 Elements(五个句子成分),7,Three Major Components of Languages(语言构成之三大要件),Language语言,(词汇语法系统),(语义系统),(语音系统),All languages have a system of:,Sounds,Semantics,Lexicogrammar,8,Lexicogrammar,Grammar is a field of linguistics that covers the principles and rules governing the use of any given natural language.G

5、enerally speaking,grammar is:the structural system or the organized laws of a language,1 Morphology Word Study()2 Syntax Structure Study(),Consisting of two main parts,词法,句法,9,1 Morphology Word Study(词法),MORPHOLOGY the study of the internal organization or structure of words,including:,Inflection(曲折

6、变化)Derivation(派生变化)Compound(合成词的构成),10,2 Syntax Structure Study(句法),SYNTAXabout principles of forming and understanding correct English sentences.The form or structure of a sentence is governed by the rules of syntax.Four Major Types of English Sentences,Simple Sentence(简单句)Compound Sentence(并列句)Com

7、plex Sentence(复杂句)Compound-Complex Sentence(并列复杂句),11,2.Five Ranks of Grammar,English Grammar is organized into 5 ranks or levels.,The lowest rank,From the top to the bottom,each rank is composed of one or more than one grammatical unit of the immediate lower rank.,The highest rank,12,2.1 Morphemes:

8、(词素),A morpheme is a grammatical unit:the lowest rank,the smallest grammatical unit,the smallest meaningful element of a language.Morphemes fall into categories.,1.Free Morphemes:(自由词素),2.Bound Morphemes:(粘附词素),two,13,2.1.1 Free Morphemes:,a single word:(morpheme word),A Free Morpheme:having a compl

9、ete sense,and standing alone by itself as:,a stem:(used to form compounds),e.g.up,boy,develop,desk,early,happy,a root:(used to form derivatives),e.g.unkind,misjudge,postgraduate,development,e.g.outside,bookmark,deadline,world-famous,14,2.1.2 Bound Morphemes,Bound MorphemesMostly affixes,which should

10、 be attached to some other forms.Having incomplete meanings and falling into _ categories:,1 Inflectional Affixes(曲折词缀),2 Derivational Affixes(派生词缀),3 Combining Forms(组合形式),three,15,a.Inflectional Affixes,Inflectional Affixesreferring to those used to form various changes to the words.6 Types of Inf

11、lectional Affixes:,1.Plural Noun Affixes,2.Genitive Affixes,3.3rd-person Singular Affixes,4.Past form Affixes,5.Participle Affixes,6.Comparative Affixes,-s,-es,-ies,-ves(books,buses),-s(Joness or Jones),-s,-es,-ies(works,studies),-ed,-ied(worked,studied),-ed,-ing(worked,studying),-er,-est(nicer,nice

12、st),16,b.Derivational Affixes,Derivational Affixes used to form various derivatives.,(a)Prefixes,No changing in part of speechChanging in word meaning,unfair,nonsmoker,overeat,postgraduate,(b)Suffixes,No changing in word meaningChanging in part of speech,movement,action,happiness,poisonous,e.g.,e.g.

13、,17,2.2 Words(词),A word is a grammatical unit that is higher than a morphemecomposed of one or more than one morpheme.The word“unladylike”consists of _ morphemes.,In terms of word-formation In terms of grammatical function,un-:lady:-like:,Words can be classified in ways:,not,()female adult human,hav

14、ing the characteristics of,3,(lacking the behavior or manner or style considered proper for a lady),well-behaved,2,18,In Terms of Word-formation,1)Simple word:(Morpheme Word):at,hand,smile,hot,call,watch,slow,prefixes:un-,mis-,anti-,over-,dis unfair,misunderstand,antiwar,overcurious,disloyal,2)Deriv

15、ative:“prefix+root+suffix”,handbook,world-famous,sightsee,moreover,anybody,whenever,throughout,suffixes:-ation,-ment,-ify,-ness,-ous exploration,arrangement,beautify,poisonous,3)Compound word:simple word+simple word,In terms of word-formation,words can be classified into the following three types:,1

16、9,In terms of grammatical function,In terms of grammatical function,words can be classified into the following two main types:Practical Words:(实词类)Form Words:(虚词类),20,Practical Words:(实词类),1 Noun(名词)2 Main Verb(主动词)3 Adjective(形容词)4 Adverb(副词),A word class that accepts the addition of new items,thro

17、ugh such processes as compounding,derivation,coining,borrowing,etc.The items are indefinitely extendable,including the following 4 parts of speech.,In addition,numerals and interjections are those between the two categories.,21,Form Words:(虚词),Closed-class words refer to those wordswhose items are“c

18、losed”or relatively few,whose forms are uninflected,serving grammatical functions but having little identifiable meanings,including the following 5 parts of speech.,1 Preposition(介词)2 Pronoun(代词)3 Determiner(限定词)4 Conjunction(连词)5 Auxiliary Verb(助动词),22,A grammatical unit higher than a word.Generall

19、y,a group of words organized in a specific way with a key word as its head,which determines the class of the phrase.Phrases fall into _categories:,2.3 Phrases:(词组),5 Prepositional Phrase(Prep.P)介词词组,1 Noun Phrase(NP)名词词组,2 Verb Phrase(VP)动词词组,3 Adjective Phrase(Adj.P)形容词词组,4 Adverb Phrase(Adv.P)副词词组

20、,five,23,【1】Noun Phrase(NP),(determiner+)(pre-modifier+)N(+post-modifier),a/an/the/zero this/that/these whose/which what/which all/some/many two/first/20%.a lot of,AdjNoun stone bridgeFew Adv.downstairs hall home journeyV-ingV-ed2,PhraseClauseFew adverbs,-(all the)(college)students-(his)(new)book(on

21、 mathematics)-(the)(tall)boy(sitting in the corner)-(this authors)(new)novel(that will soon come out)-()He lived in(the 17th)century.,A group of words with a noun as its head.a typical pattern:,24,Nonfinite VP:(非限定动词词组),Finite VP:(限定动词词组),【2】Verb Phrase(VP),A Verb Phrase:a group of words with a main

22、 verb as its head.functioning in providing information about the subject of the sentence.Verb phrases fall into _ main types:,two,25,2.1 Finite Verb Phrase:,A finite verb phrase is onethat is inflected for persons and for tenses according to the rules,that can form an independent clause.Finite verb

23、phrases fall into _ categories.,two,Complex VP:(复杂动词词组),Simple VP:(简单动词词组),26,1.Simple Verb Phrase,(modifier+)main verb,She looks fine.They(fully)appreciate our problems.We(utterly)detested him.Tom(seldom)comes late for class.,For examples:,Basic Pattern:,A simple verb phrase consists of only one ma

24、in verb with or without a modifier:,27,2.Complex Verb Phrase,auxiliary+(modifier+)main verb,1 Primary Auxiliaries(3)be,do,have 2 Model Auxiliaries(13)can,may,must3 Semi-auxiliaries(26)be to,have to.,It is getting dark.She ought to have told him about it.He never fails to write to his mother every we

25、ek.He may really have injured innocent people.,A complex verb phrase is composed of various combinations of the main verb and any auxiliary verbs.,Basic Pattern:,28,A phrase initiated by a nonfinite verb as its head.3 types of such phrases:,2.2 Nonfinite Verb Phrase:,a)Infinitive Phrase to v(Functio

26、ning as a noun,an adjective and an adverb.),b)Participle Phrase v-ing,v-ed(Functioning as an adjective,progressive,perfective and passive.),29,a)Infinitive Phrase,An infinitive phrase can functionas a noun,as an adjective,and as an adverb.Identify the function of the following infinitive phrase:,To

27、succeed takes courage,foresight and luck.()I dont have time to waste.()Carol was invited to speak at the meeting.()Do not stop to chat.(),subject,modifier of time,object,as an adverbial modifying stop,30,b)Participle Phrase,A participle phrase can function as an adjective,as a noun,as progressive,as

28、 perfective and passive.,The talking children angered the teacher.Gazing at the painting,she recalled the house where she was born.Annoyed,Rita ate dinner by herself in the bedroom.Having finished the task,he went on holidays abroad.,Indicate the function of the following participles:,31,3.Adjective

29、 Phrase(Adj.P),A phrase with an adjective as its head.An adjective phrase may occur:as a post modifier to a noun,or as a complement to a verb.,Basic Pattern:,(modifier+)adj.(+post modifier/complementation),The weather is fine.You are not careful enough.I find the course pretty difficult for that chi

30、ld.The weather is too hot to be enjoyable.You are the right person suitable to the job.,Find out the adjective phrase:,fine,careful enough,pretty difficult for that child,too hot to be enjoyable,suitable to the job,32,They speak English fairly frequently.Be a man.Dont act so lowly.He spoke very clea

31、rly indeed.He lives farthest from the station.Very frankly,Im tired of it.,4.Adverb Phrase(Adv.P),A phrase with an adverb as its head.An adverbial phrase can modify:a verb phrase,an adjectival phrase,or an entire clause.,Basic pattern:,(modifier+)adv.(+post modifier/complementation),Find out the adv

32、erb phrases in the following sentences:,fairly frequently,so lowly,very clearly indeed,farthest from the station,Very frankly,33,A phrase with a preposition as its head followed by a complementation called“object of the preposition”with or without a modifier.,5.Prepositional Phrase(Prep.P),Basic Pat

33、tern:,(modifier+)preposition+complementation,directlyjustrightsince mainly,abovebehindinbeforedue to in return forfor the benefit of,my headhimthe eye the war gamblinghis kindnesssome orphans,34,Task:Sentence Segmentation,Segment the sentence at the bottom into its smallest constituents.,These,under

34、-graduate-s,are,rapid-ly,improv-ing,in,their,writ-ing,Det,N,Aux,Adv,Main V,Prep,Det,N,NP,VP,Prep P,Clause,Sentence,These undergraduates are rapidly improving in their writing.,35,Results of the Segmentation,These undergraduates are rapidly improving in their writing.(simple sentence),These undergrad

35、uates are rapidly improving in their writing.(Independent clause),these undergraduates,are rapidly improving,in their writing,these,undergraduates,are,rapidly,improving,in,their,writing,these,under-,graduate,-s,are,rapid,-ly,improv,-ing,in,their,writ,-ing,36,Phrases as Clause Elements,The constituen

36、ts which function as elements of clause structure are either phrases or subordinate clauses.The five formal categories of phrase we have mentioned are:,(Subject)(Verb)(Object)(Complement)(Adverbial),Noun Phrase,Verb Phrase,Adjective Phrase,Adverb Phrase,Prepositional Phrase,(1),(2),(3),(4),(5),(1),(

37、2),(3),(4),(5),(5 Basic Sentence Patterns),37,()()(),A grammatical unit higher than a phrase.Composed of one or more than one phrase.An independent clause is just a sentence.2 main properties of a complete clause:,2.4 Clause(分句),NP VP NP,(Predicate Verb),Independent Clause(Sentence),(Predicate),(Sub

38、ject),(Object),Structurally:Logically:,a sequence of phrasesa construction of“subject+predicate”,The producers are able to supply a small part of our needs.,38,Classification of Clauses,According to their different functions of syntax,clauses fall into 5 categories.,Main and Subordinate 主句与从句,Simple

39、 and Complex 简单与复杂分句,Verb-less 无动词分句,Finite and Nonfinite 限定与非限定分句,Independent and Dependent 独立与从属分句,39,1 Independent and Dependent Clauses,In terms of grammatical function,a clause can be independent or dependent.,(a)Independent Clause,A clause standing by itself and express a complete sense,He kno

40、ws everything about it.That hat does not fit;you may try another.,(b)Dependent Clause,A clause that forms only part of another or of a phrase.,I dont think that he knows everything about it.If that hat does not fit,try another.His new book that will soon come out is on grammar.,40,2 Simple and Compl

41、ex Clause,In terms of the complexity of the structure,a clause can be simple or complex.,(a)Simple Clause,A clause that consists of only one construction of“SV”.,He knows everything about it.It is not true.,(b)Complex Clause,A clause that comprises another clause or clauses as its element or element

42、s.,I dont think that he knows everything about it.He said that it was not true.He complained that what you said was not true.,41,3 Main and Subordinate Clauses,In terms of the different relationship,a clause can be either main or subordinate.,(a)Main Clause,A clause that takes another clause as its

43、element.,(b)Subordinate Clause,A subordinate clause forms part of the main clause.,He complained that what you said was not true.,Sub Clause,Main Clause,Sub Clause,Main Clause,42,4 Finite and Nonfinite Clauses,We have known that verbs are either FINITE or NONFINITE.So clauses can be either finite or

44、 nonfinite.,(a)Finite Clause,A clause with a finite verb and it carries tenses.,She writes home every day.(present tense verb)She wrote home yesterday.(past tense verb),(b)Nonfinite Clause,Nonfinite verb phrases do not carry tenses.Their main verb is either a to-infinitive,a bare infinitive,an-ed fo

45、rm,or an-ing form,e.g.;,David loves to play the piano.We made David play the piano.Deprived of oxygen,plants will quickly die.Leaving home can be very traumatic.,43,5 Verbless Clauses,A verbless clause is an elliptical SVC clause structure without a verb.It tends to function either as an adverbial o

46、r as a modifier of a noun phrase,e.g.;,When in Rome,do asthe Romans.cf.,Whatever their faults,they are not hypocrites.cf.,He drove on,wary and shaken.cf.,Hungry and exhausted,the climber returned.cf.,His hands,numb from the cold,could not find the key.cf.,When you are in Rome,do as the Romans.,Whate

47、ver their faults may be,they are not hypocrites.,He drove on and he was wary and shaken.,Since they were hungry and exhausted,the climber returned.,His hand,which was numb from cold,could not find the key.,44,A sentence is:a grammatical unit that is higher than a clause,composed of one or more than

48、one clause,the highest rank of grammar.,2.5 Sentences(句子),Standing alone by itself.Performing a function in social communication.Expressing an independent statement,question,request,command,etc.Characterized by the presence of a finite verb.,Features of sentences,45,Classification of Sentences,Sente

49、nces can be classified from two angles:,1 By structureBy the numbers and types of finite clauses involved in a sentence.,2 By purposeBy the communicative functions that the sentences can perform.,46,1 By Structure:,1.1Simple Sentence 简单句,1.2Compound Sentence 并列句,1.3Complex Sentence 复杂句,1.4Compound-c

50、omplex Sentence 并列复杂句,One way for classifying English sentences is by the numbers and types of finite clauses.In this way sentences can be classified into four types.,47,1.1Simple Sentence,A sentence that consists of a single independent clause with no dependent clauses.,The students have made bette


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