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1、应用文书信类评分标准,书信的分类及复习侧重点,()订购信;求学信;商业书信:索赔信;招聘启事删,不看()感谢信;备忘录/报告;告示;便签边缘信()投诉信 看一下即可。()求职信;邀请信;十一、推荐信 比较重要,细看。,格式,发信人地址 Addressers address日期Date18 August 2004/August 18,2004.收信人地址Addressees address,称谓,“Dear(name)”if you know the persons name“Dear Sir or Madam”if you dont know the persons name“Dear Sir

2、s”if you are writing to an organizationProfessor(Prof.)Doctor(Dr.)General(Gen.),落款,Yours sincerely/Yours faithfully署名Signature,样题分析,You are preparing for an English test and are in need of some reference books.Write a letter to the sales department of a bookstore to ask for:1)detailed information ab

3、out the books you want,2)methods of payment,3)time and way of delivery.You should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET 2.Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter.Use Li Ming instead.You do not need to write the address.,首段表意图,(背景+我是谁)+我要干什么I am writing this letter for the perpose of doing

4、/because/to inform you thatAnd I would be grateful if you would take the following content into consideration/account.,末端客套,I would like to express my sincere gratitude for your attention to my letter.(感谢看信)In addition,let me apologize for any inconveniences I may have caused.(诸多不便打扰了)I shall feel o

5、bliged by a reply at your earliest convenience.(请速回信)Your prompt and favorable reply would be highly appreciated.(请速回信),询问信(inquiry),1.寻求什么样的信息或帮助2.提出所咨询的具体问题,强调这个信息对自己的重要性3.表达获取信息的强烈愿望,并表示感谢,询问信(inquiry)基本表达,Para 1:Identity+IntentionI am _ and want to seek information on _sth_.I would like to inqui

6、re about some information on-,询问信(inquiry)基本表达,Para 2:Ask Questions I am wondering if you could supply information on _sth_.Besides,would you mind telling me _sth_?,询问信(inquiry)基本表达,Para 3:Thanks【必备】1)I would appreciate it very much if you could have details concerning-available.2)I am grateful for

7、any possible information youll provide.,询问信(inquiry)基本表达,Para 4:Request for ReplyI am looking forward to a favorable/satisfactory reply at your earliest convenience.,道歉信(apology),1.首先点名对因何事向收信人致歉2.说明道歉的具体原因,表明自己对待该事的态度,及深刻的歉意。3.最后再次请求收信人的原谅。,道歉信(apology)的基本表达,Para 1:Intention(Apology)I regret to _.I

8、 am awfully sorry for any possible inconvenience I may have caused.I must apologize to you for doing sth.,道歉信(apology)的基本表达,Para 2:Explanation for ApologyIf you should find our activities bothersome,please dont hesitate to let us know.It is due to my negligence,for which Im exceedingly sorry.,道歉信(ap

9、ology)的基本表达,Para 3:Remedy or Solution【补救措施/弥补办法】Id like to make up for my carelessness.If you dont mind,I plan to _.(mail it to you/invite you over for a meal)please accept my sincere apology for-once more.,样题分析,You have just come back from canada and found a music CD in your luggage that you forgot

10、 to return to Bob,your landlord there.Write him a letter to1)make an apology,and2)sugget a solutionYou should write about 100 words on answer sheet2,推荐信(recommendation),我很高兴推荐,并说明推荐人与被推荐人的关系列举推荐原因,写出被推荐人的专长和人格魅力。表明推荐人的态度,并表示感谢和支持。,推荐信(recommendation)基本表达,Para 1:Intention(陈述意图)I will introduce-,a goo

11、d friend of mine who-.it is my pleasure to recommend sb to you,推荐信(recommendation)基本表达,Para 2:做过哪些事情【跟我有关】,褒奖词,bright,clever,capable,gifted,talented,ingenious,outstanding,prominent,diligentindustrious,conscientious,hardworking,humorous,good-humored,cooperative,competent,innovative,ambitious,creative

12、,original,imaginative,persistent,persevering,kind-hearted,generous,honest,helpful,cheerful,considerate,devoted,dedicated,committed,promising,far beyond the average person,1)Scholastic aptitude学习方面的才能,A.Nativeintellectualability(天赋)B.Capacityforanalyticalthinking(分析思考能力)C.Intellectualcuriosity;spirit

13、ofinquiry(好奇心)D.Ability to work independently(独立学习工作的能力)E.Capability for abstract reasoning(抽象推理的能力)F.Abilitytoexpresshisideasorallyandinwriting(口头或文字的表达能力)G.Potentialasaresearcher(研究的潜力)H.Capacity,desireanddeterminationforgoodqualitygraduate work(获得学业成功的能力、愿望与决心),2Academic performance学业上的表现,aBreadt

14、hofgeneralknowledge(知识丰富)bKnowledgeofliteratureinhisfield(本专业领域知识)cGradeorachievement(成绩或成就)dIndustry,diligence(勤勉)eParticipationindiscussion(讨论积极),(3)Languages(语言能力),aAbilitytospeak,understand,readandwritetheEnglishlanguage(听、说、读、写英文的能力)bAbilitytoreadsignificantliteratureinotherlanguagesthan Englis

15、h(英语以外的语言阅读能力),His performance in the school years was outstanding.XX had been the major speaker for my class discussions and he showed great talents in solving real problems and organizing his thoughts.He was clearly born with a keen mind for the science of psychology and was always coming up with

16、original ideas.He can also express himself effectively in both spoken and written English.In addition,XX has a very pleasant personality.He has developed a strong sense of humor that attracts people around him,and working with him is always pretty much fun.but he is absolutely hard-working,often bei

17、ng the core of a group.besides,he has all the qualities of being a group leader.,Para 3:现在打算做哪些事情【跟你有关】I have no doubt that XX will be an ideal candidate for _,推荐信(recommendation)基本表达,推荐信(recommendation)基本表达,Para 4:Thanks【参考Inquiry】I would greatly appreciate it if you would give _sb_ assistance and

18、guidance.I hope that you can provide any possible help to him which I will always be grateful for you.please do not hesitate to ask me if you need any further information about him.,试题分析,Directions:You are asked to write a recommendation of your student for a position of marketing clerk about 100 wo

19、rds please express your reason clearly.You do not need to write the address.,邀请信(invitation),开头先表明要召开的会议,发出邀请介绍会议日程安排,地点、日期、时间、会议主题、组织者等表达应邀的愉快心情,并希望尽快得到回复。,邀请信(invitation)的基本表达,Para 1:Activity Information(时 间 状 语),we are planning to _(在何时何地将要发生什么事情,举行什么活动,无固定句型)and want to invite you to be(or as)th

20、e guest of honor on this occasion.Its my honor on behalf of the organizing committee to invite you as the guest of honor on this occasion.Its my great honor and pleasure to invite you to be the distinguished guest on this occasion.,Para 2:Reasons for Invitation(Praise and Assignment)You have disting

21、uished yourself in the field of _.(例:management)Therefore,you are requested to(布置任务).,Para 3:Request for Confirmation【请求确认】We shall all be delighted as well as honored if you can find time to spend on day with us.I will send further details as soon as I hear from you.I hope that you will accept this

22、 invitation.I eagerly hope you can come.I would appreciate a confirmation reply.,Dear sir,On behalf of the National Committee on US&China Relations,I am pleased to invite you to participate in our Citizen Involvement in Environmental Protection Delegation which will visit the United States from Apri

23、l 30 to May 15,1997.The delegation will focus on the major topic:the development and implementation of public education tools in the promotion of environmental protection among American citizens.Again,we are delighted to be able to invite you to join the delegation and hope that you will be able to

24、participate.We ask you to complete the attached form and return it to us NO LATER THAN February 15,1997 to confirm your participation.I look forward to meeting you in New York.Sincerely,David M.Lampton,试题分析,Directions:Write an invitation to Mr John Sze,inviting him to be the calligraphy competition

25、judge.The number of the words is no less than 100 words and you dont need to write the address.,Dear Mr Sze,The 20th Taiwan Chinese Calligraphy Competition,organized by the Good Hope Association and Modern Trade Ltd.,will accept entries from 3 March to 15 April 2004 As a renowned expert in Chinese c

26、alligraphy,you are invited to present as a member of our judges.We would also like to invite you to give away the prizes at the prize presentation ceremony,and to deliver a speech to the audience.I would appreciate it if you would give me a reply at your earliest convenience so that the necessary ar

27、rangements can be made soon without delay.In case of queries,please do not hesitate to contact me at 24088507 during office hours.Thank you.Yours sincerely.,建议信或投诉信(suggestion),先表明要建议或投诉的事件讲问题清晰的描述,并说明建议或投诉的原因,并提出可供采纳的建议表达最终圆满解决问题的期望,并做到言语得体,建议信(suggestions)的基本表达,Para 1:Identity+Intention【Given】I am

28、 _ and I would like to make a few tentative proposals concerning _.(例:the public policy/our library/),建议信(suggestions)的基本表达,Para 2:Suggestions(自己编)It would be better if our library could be open 24 hours.ORMay I suggest to you that _.(婉转的建议,最后用句号)ORMay I have your attention to _?(提请你关注)To improve th

29、e situation,it is advisable to take the following measures.For one thing,-for another,-I do hope that the problems will be solved as soon as possible.,建议信(suggestions)的基本表达,Para3:Thanks【感谢别人花时间关注你的建议】I appreciate very much any time and trouble you would take in considering my suggestions,投诉信(complai

30、nts)的基本表达,Para 1:Identity+Intention I am _sb_ _sth happened_,so I have to write to you for complaint.,投诉信(complaints)的基本表达,Para 2:Loss Description The accident has caused some losses to my life.I am suffering physically and mentally from this accident.To begin with,_.Whats more,_.,投诉信(complaints)的基本

31、表达,Para 3:Requirements(提要求不要客气)I demand that you compensate for my losses.I would like to be informed whether you can refund me the money,投诉信(complaints)的基本表达,Para 4:Request for Reply(口气严厉)I hope a favorable answer can be supplied within two weeks.,试题分析,Directions:You bought a camera from a reputabl

32、e electrical shop the other week but found that there were some problems with the camera.Write a letter to the director of the sales department in the shop to tell:(1)what the problems with the camera are;(2)the trouble it caused with you;(3)what you would like them to do about it.You should write a

33、bout 100 words.Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter.Use“Li Ming”instead.You dont need to write the address.,Dear Sir or Madam,I am afraid I must complain about the bad performance of the camera I bought from your electrical shop.Two weeks ago,I bought a camera from you for your good re

34、putation,and last Friday I visited the French art exhibition with it to take some precious photos,but I found all the photos were dim when I saw them.The clerk of the photo studio told me it was caused by the camera.I feel regret very much because the art exhibition has already been over,that means

35、I will have no opportunity to take these photos again.I cant imagine that such a famous electrical shop like yours provides such kind of bad camera.Now I just want to return the camera,and your manager must make an apology to me.Yours sincerely,Li Ming,辞职信(quit ones job),自我介绍,提出辞呈 理由表达感谢,提供一个工作机会表示歉

36、意,辞职信(quit ones job)的基本表达,Para 1:Self-introduction and ResignationI am _ and I am writing this letter to quit my position.,辞职信(quit ones job)的基本表达,Para 2:Reasons,Para 3:Apology【因辞职会给对方带来不便】I regret to make this decision which,I hope,will not cause much inconvenience to your work.I regret that I may

37、have caused any inconvenience to your work due to my resignation now,Para 4:Thanks【感谢对方给予的机会】I am grateful for the opportunity I could be working with all of you.Im grateful for the opportunity you have offered me of being able to work here.,求职信(application),1.先简单说明消息来源,包含于工作有关的恰当信息,并提出申请2.自我介绍3.请求面

38、试机会,请求答复。,求职信(application)的基本表达,Para 1:Intention(陈述意图)1.I have read your advertisement in(刊物、地点名称)of-(时间),and should be grateful if you consider me as a candidate for the position.2.I am responding to your advertisement in China Daily on January 10th,2003,which invites applications for interpreters.

39、Enclosed with this letter is my resume which details my background.,求职信(application)的基本表达,Para 2:做过哪些事情【跟我有关】I shall be pleased to furnish you with any further information concerning my education and work experience.,求职信(application)的基本表达,Para 3:现在打算做哪些事情【跟你有关】,求职信(application)的基本表达,Para 4:Thanks【参考

40、Inquiry】I should be very happy if you would arrange an interview with me.I shall be much obliged if you will afford me an opportunity for an interview,and I appreciate a response from at your earliest convenience.,例题分析,You have got your MA degree and apply for the job advertised in the local newspap

41、er.Write a letter to the director of the personnel department including:(1)a brief introduction of yourself and educational qualification;(2)the reasons why you want to get this job;(3)an enquiry into what is required to take up this position.You should write about 100 words.Do not sign your own nam

42、e at the end of the letter.Use“Li Ming”instead.You dont need to write the address.,Dear Sir or Madam,I am responding to your advertisement in the December 10 issued in China Daily inviting applications for the post of sales manager.This July,I have got my MA degree from Beijing University with excel

43、lent performance in both my academic and my after school work as the Chairman of the Students Union.I am fluent in not only English but French,and skilled in computer operation.Last year,I was working as an international manager for the sales department of the Beijing office of GE(China)as part of m

44、y fieldwork required by the degree.I started to develop my skills in the real situation.Also I saw a great improvement in my skills in coordinating,leading and keeping calm in times of urgency.The experience reinforced my understanding of the importance and magic of nurturing an esprit de corps in t

45、he department.It would be appreciated if you could tell me what else is required to take up this position.Thank you for your consideration!Sincerely yours,Li Ming,致谢信模版(thanks),向对方表示诚挚的谢意。简要说明感谢的原因。再次表明感谢之情I am thankful to you for your unselfish assistance duringMy appreciation to you for your gener

46、ous help is beyond my words.I wish I could repay someday.,摘 要,汉语1500字,English 100 words,DifferentInvisible,exact,correct English,谓语,选择谓语要注意时态、人称和数的变化,过去的五十年并不是发明创新的黄金时期。The past fifty years was not really a golden age for inventions and creations.说明:在这个例子中,原文虽然有明显的时间词提示我们,所选择的谓语需要用过去时态,但是,大多数人忽略了谓语动

47、词需要用单数的问题,所以必须加以注意。,英文的时态,实行改革开放以来改变了过去封闭半封闭状态,提高了我国经济水平。Since China started to implement the policy of opening up to the outside,its total or semi-closure has been changed and the level of its economy and technology has been raised.说明:在这个例子中,有“以来”这个汉语词提示我们,在译文中要用跟过去相关的时态。同时汉语原文的谓语“改变了”和“提高了”中的“了”也给

48、我们提示,译文需要用完成时态。,英文的时态,中国的饮食方式正在发生许多变化。Many changes are taking place in Chinas diet style.,被动语态,此外,对于那些刚刚脱贫的人们,他们目前的生活状况必须改善。Furthermore,the present living conditions must be improved for those who have just freed themselves from poverty.说明:这个例子中,汉语原文虽然没有明显的被动句的标志词,但是,我们知道“生活状况必须改善”这个主干结构中,逻辑上应该是“生活状

49、况必须被改善”。所以,我们需要选择“改善”这个词来翻译为英语的被动结构。,练习:被动语态,美国的经济体制主要是围绕着私人企业和以市场为导向而建立起来的。The economic system of U.S.A.is mainly set up centering on the private enterprises and market 他们的生产和生活状况没有从根本上被改变。Their production and living conditions have not been changed fundamentally.,被动语态,各国的人权问题主要由各国政府和人民自己来解决,世界的人权问

50、题要由世界各国政府和人民共同参与来解决。Each countrys human rights problem should be solved mainly by its own government and people,while that of the world by governments and people from all over the world together.,英文的系表结构,投资规模偏大。The investment scale is too large很多道路太窄。Many of the roads are too narrow.,定主语,一,确定汉语原文的主语


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