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1、Translation for Foreign-related Notarization Certificates,Directed by Prof.Xu MingwuPresented by Mr.Deng JuntaoE-mail:Mobile Phone:13871256861,Non-Literary Translation Course Series,April 4,2012,Notarization Certificates,公证书是指公证机构对当事人申请公证的事项经过审查核实、按照法定程序制作的具有特殊法律效力的司法证明文书。“公证书”通常翻译为notarial certific

2、ate,notary public certificate,notarial deed。“*公证(书)”可以翻译为notarization of*。请汉译下列术语:notary,notary office,notary service,notary organs,Uses of“Foreign-related Notarization Certificates”,用于办理出入境手续,证明出入境所要求的相关事项。例如,去美国自费留学需办理申请人的“notarization of graduation certificate”和“notarization of academic transcrip

3、t”,以及美国接受院校发布的留学生签证资格证书,即“certificate of eligibility for admission”,方能获得美方签证。,用于跨国间的民事交往。例如,去国外留学、谋职、参加国外的某种资格证书考试等,一般需要办理申请人的“educational qualification”、“employment experiences”、“professional title/title of a technical post”或“qualification/skills&abilities”;又如,去日本、德国等国探亲或定居,一般需要办理“notarization of f

4、amily relationship”。,用于涉外经济活动。例如,与外商洽谈贸易、签订涉外经济合同,一般需要办理“power of attorney”、“certificate of registered capital”、“balance sheet”等;在国外设立办事机构,一般需要办理“articles of association/corporation constitution”、“business license”、“list of directors of board”等。,用于办理与财产、人身有关的民事法律事务,如亲属关系公证书、死亡公证书(notarization for de

5、ath)、委托律师的委托书公证书(notarization of power of attorney)、结婚公证书等。用于涉外诉讼。,Translation principles and techniques,笃信逼真翻译的普遍原则中所说的“信”就是要求译者忠实原文。涉外公证的任何失真或含糊其辞,都可能造成严重的法律后果。涉外公证文本本身在写作上的特殊性决定了其在翻译上的严肃性。现以涉外公证证书证件的标题和正文为例进行分析。,标题英译,结婚公证书Notarial Certificate of Marriage或Notarization of Marriage湖北省义务教育初中毕业证书Hubei

6、 Provincial Compulsory Education Graduation Certificate of Junior High School,正文英译,我国公证书多以“兹证明”开头,其对应的英文翻译应该是This is to certify that,不得按照英文习惯在开头增加To whom it may concern等表达,一面画蛇添足。,原文:兹证明前面的复印件与北京理工大学与二零零五年七月一日发给于昆的编号为100071200505002211的毕业证书的原件相符。原件上北京理工大学的钢印、印章和校长匡镜明的签章均属实。译文:This is to certify that

7、 the photocopy attached hereto conforms to the original of the Graduation Certificate allocated the certificate No.100071200505002211 and issued to Yu Kun by Beijing Institute of Technology on July 1st,2005,and both the official seals of Beijing Institute of Technology and the signature of President

8、 Kuang Jingming on the original are found to be genuine and authentic.,由于文化、制度差异,我国许多术语所涉及的概念、原理或规范等,在英美国家中是很难找到对应词或词组的。在这种情况下,如确需“生造”的,则只能使用汉语拼音再加上括号解释说明。这不仅是内容上“笃信”的需要,而且也是形式上“逼真”的要求。原文:公司占地200亩。译文:The company takes up an area of land 200 mu(133,340 square meters).(Mu is a Chinese measurement equa

9、l to 666.7 square meters.),原文:高等教育学历分专科、本科、硕士研究生和博士研究生四个层次。译文:There are four levels of higher educational/education qualifications:zhuanke(short-cycle study of two or three years duration),benke(long-cycle study of four or five years duration),graduate study at masters level(two or three years),and

10、graduate study at doctoral level(four or five years and entrants must have a masters degree).,“不折腾”英译讨论,只要我们不动摇、不懈怠、不折腾,坚定不移地推进改革开放,坚定不移地走中国特色社会主义道路,就一定能够胜利实现这一宏伟蓝图和奋斗目标。,“不折腾”英译,1、dont flip-flop2、dont get sidetracked3、dont sway back and forth4、no dithering5、no major changes6、avoid futile actions7、s

11、top making trouble and wasting time8、no self-consuming political movements9、Dont do much ado about nothing.10、Avoid self-inflicted setbacks.11、buzheteng,参考译文A,So long as we do not waver,do not slow down our endeavor,do not get involved in any political tomfoolery of digression from our unswerving co

12、urse,and so longas we resolutely carry forward the reform-and-open policy and resolutely stick to socialism with Chinese characteristics,we will for sure turn the magnificent blueprint into reality,and meet the goal we have set for ourselves.,参考译文B,As long as we do not vacillate,do not slacken our e

13、fforts,do not play the political fool breaking away from what we are aiming at,and as long as we firmly propel the reform-and-open policy and firmly adhere to socialism with Chinese characteristics,we will surely succeed in translating the grand blueprint into reality,and reach the goal already set

14、for ourselves.,严谨得当,用词准确-汉语的同一个词汇,在英语中可能有不同的译法。例如:下列报价的有效期为一周。The following offer is valid for one week only.这些票子的使用期为一个月。These tickets are available for one month only.,如是食品货物的“有效期”,一般译为best before或expired on。有时也译为shelf-life或shelf-time。如果指商品的“使用寿命”、“可用年限”时的“有效期”,则常翻译为useful life。在翻译身份证时,“有效期限”常译为pe

15、riod/term of validity,valid period,validity period,duration of validity等。另外,关于“有效期至”,也可翻译为it expires till,it is valid until等。,涉外公证书具有域外法律效力,因而翻译时有法律用语的,应当使用法律用语,而不使用一般用语。例如:原被告系夫妻关系,他们与儿子同村居住。译文:The plaintiff and the defendant are spouses.The spouses and their son reside in the same village.(“夫妻关系”和

16、“居住”均使用了法律术语spouses和reside),兹证明邯郸光通路桥工程有限公司已于2009年11月25日在河北省工商行政管理局变更登记为河北光通路桥工程有限公司。译文:This is to certify that Handan Guangtong Road-and-Bridge Engineering Co.,Ltd.has been renamed as Hebei Guangtong Road-and-Bridge Engineering Co.,Ltd.with the alteration to the registration in Hebei Provincial Bur

17、eau for Industry and Commerce since November 25,2009.,语言精练,本合同有中、英文两种文字,具有同等法律效力。This contract is drawn up separately in Chinese and English.The two languages are of the same effect.或Both versions are equally authentic.英文版本与中文版本不一致时,以中文版本为准。If the interpretation of the English version is different f

18、rom that of Chinese version,the Chinese one will be taken as the standard.或In case of any discrepancy between the English and Chinese versions,the latter prevails.,结构严谨,依照中华人民共和国执业医师法及有关规定,经审核合格,取得执业医师资格,特发此证。This is to certify that the physician is hereby awarded the title of practicing physician a

19、nd that the Physician Qualification Certificate is issued to the physician with the results of satisfactory verification in conformity with the provisions of the Law of the Peoples Republic of China on Medical Practitioners and relevant regulations.,板式规范,证书证件的翻译不应只是单一的内容转换,而且还应该包括一定的板式处理,这样不但可以使译文在内

20、容上具有涉外公证书的内部特征,而且还可以增强涉外公证书的郑重庄严之感,使译文在形式和内容上真正达到和谐、完美、统一、规范。,成绩单公证书证词,兹证明前面的复印件与*学校于*年*月*日发给*的成绩单原件相符。原件上“*学校”的印章及“*学校学籍管理专用章”均属实。This is to certify that the photocopy attached hereto is in conformity with the original of Official Transcripts issued to*by*school on*(date),and that the official seal

21、s of“*school”and“Special Seal for Students Status of*School”affixed to the original are found to be genuine and authentic.,在读证明,兹证明*,女,于2008年9月进入我校学习,现是我校商学院会计学专业在读大四学生,如一切顺利,将于2012年7月毕业并取得管理学学士学位证书。*大学(公章)2011年9月22日 Credential*,female,has been enrolled into our university in September 2008.Now she

22、is a senior student of the Accounting Department,Business School in our university.If everything goes smoothly,she will obtain a graduate certificate and a Bachelor of Management Degree in July 2012.*University(seal)September 22,2011,College English Test Band 6 TranscriptName:School:Department:Candi

23、date No./Admission Card for Examination No.:ID No.:Test Time:Aggregate Score:Report Card Serial No.:Higher Educational Department of the Ministry of EducationEntrusted Organization for Certificate-Issuing:College English Test Band 4 and Band 6 Board of Examination(Official stamp)Website:,留学责任担保书,北京*

24、教育中心:我们是赴韩国留学生*(身份证号:*)的父母,并是该生在韩国留学的经济担保人。我们的家庭有良好的经济基础,能从经济上保证*在韩国完成全部学业。Letter of GuardianTo Beijing*Education Center,This is a letter of intention to indicate that we are willing and are financially capable of being the guardians of*,who is our son/daughter(ID Card No.:*).We have enough money,an

25、d hereby guarantee to be responsible for and to cover all of his/her financial needs and requirements for the periods of his/her study in the Republic of Korea.,如果该生到达韩国后,不到校报到(即非正常离校),或者报到后不去学校上学而私自离校去打黑工挣钱,或者签证到期后不及时回到中国(即非法滞留),在韩国有关单位提供相关证明后,我们愿意承担一切后果,并按照北京*科技中心的要求,赔偿北京*教育中心贰拾万人民币的罚款。Should any

26、of the following incidences occur and are authenticated by the relevant authorities in South Korea,we will be in duty bound to accept our responsibility as guarantors,and we will compensate Beijing*Education Center for the loss of 200,000 Chinese Renminbi Yuan:if*does not register by the date appoin

27、ted following his/her arrival in Korea(dropout/non-normal school-leavers without prior approval);if*leaves school to work illicitly for financial or other gain following registration(illegal labour);if*fails to return to China prior to the date of his/her visa(overstay).,特此担保,决不食言。担保人(签字):*,*2011年9月22日We hereby offer our guarantee.Guarantor(signatures):*,*September 22,2011,参考文献:,1张凤魁涉外公证文书英译大全M北京:人民教育出版社,2010,Thanks for your time!,Non-Literary Translation Course Series,


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