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1、TECHNION MULTI-CULTURAL TEAM PROJECT,TEAM 58,Jacopo Minelli,Adwoa Essandor,Nathan Grossman,Yang Pan,WHO WE ARE,DOMINANT VALUES,EXPECTATIONS,MANAGERIAL PRACTICES AND BEHAVIOR IN SOUTH AFRICA,DOMINANT VALUESA hierarchical notion of authorityAuthority being ordained on persons by a spiritual force that

2、 is at the epitome of such a hierarchyIndividuality subject to the interests of the group or societyMerit and experience as more relevant than potential for employment purposesCulture as a determinant of identityIdentity that is exclusive and ascriptive,TEAM 58,EXPECTATIONSForeigners have to respect

3、 their culturesThe position into the company has to be clear(present a business card)Fairness and HonestySelf controlTips are expected norms,MANAGERIAL PRACTICESNegotiationwin-win situationFormal authority lines/hierarchyTo speak,first address comments through“the chair”and ask permission before spe

4、aking:the chairperson has the responsibility of opening and closing a subject(Hierarchy is deeply respected)Bypassing a level of hierarchy to get a decision approved is unacceptableAddress senior colleagues by titles eg.Mr.,Dr.,except they invite you to be informalLet people know your status in term

5、s of hierarchy in your company,and in return ensure that you understand the status of the people you are dealing with as well.You can hand over a business card when meeting the first time(this will avoid embarrassment)Decision makingUsually from top to bottom.However,sometimes consensus is sought in

6、 arriving at final decisionManners and time preciseness Appointments must be very necessary and give at least one weeks notice of the meetingLateness is not toleratedNot becoming irritated or doing your own thing;and loudness is not acceptableFor business meetings always dress more conservatively.(W

7、omen dont wear short skirts and open blouses.Men should be fine in a collar and tie)Appointments should be made starting at 9 a.m.CommunicationsDo not rush deals.South Africans are very casual in their business dealingsUse a basic Western handshake.The handshake should be firm and the two people sho

8、uld maintain eye contact during the handshake,TEAM 58,BEHAVIORSLess eye contact as a sign of respectAsk if it is convenient to talk when you make a call on a cell phoneManagement and workers see each other and act towards each other as enemiesEnjoy socializing especially engaging in games,long chats

9、,after workshops,etc.Do not present gifts with the left handUse either both hands or the right hand when giving and presenting gifts;gifts will be opened upon receiptBusiness meetings can be held over lunch or dinner in a good restaurantMeals at the home of a white South African will include a barbe

10、cue by the pool-called a braaivleis(Afrikaans for roasted meat)or braaiSouth Africans of Urban cultures generally wear western dressAfrican women wear a sari,TEAM 58,VALUE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN HOST AND TEAMS MEMBER CULTURE,TEAM 58,South Africa:Individualism,achievement relationships(65)Reinforce trad

11、itional masculine:male achievement,control and power(63)USA:Individualism,achievement relationships(91)Reinforce traditional masculine:male achievement,control and power(62)Finland:Individualism,achievement relationships(63)High tolerance for uncertainty and ambiguity(score 63)Italy:HIghest differen

12、ce in tolerance for uncertainty and ambiguityLowest difference in PDIChina:Confucian,Long-Term Orientation(118)Reinforce equality between people in the countrys society(80),TEAM 58,TEAM 58,DIFFICULTIES IN ADAPTATION,VALIDATION OF THE INFORMATION,THE INTERVIEWEE:Name:Barry TsaiNationality:South Afric

13、anEducation:Primary school in Pretoria and high school in JohannesburgBusiness:Launched his first telecommunication company in Johannesburg in 2004He lived in South Africa for eight years.RESULTS:HE AGREES WITH US ON THE MAJORITY OF INFORMATION BUT:DOMINANT VALUESAbout the spiritual force:Why did we

14、 use“spiritual force”?If we want to show the born determines ones whole life it is true during the apartheid period,but actually,the distance between white and black has been shorten.MANAGERIAL PRACTICESAbout lateness:SA is a multiracial country,generally speaking,people dont like lateness,but,some

15、care,some dont,it is a little too extreme to say“tolerated”Appointments should be made starting at 9 a.m.:not absolutelyBEHAVIORSManagement and workers see each other and act towards each other as enemies:He cant agree with this statementAfrican women wear a sari:He said it is better to describe whi

16、ch peoples wears sari,it is the Indian community wears sari more often in general.About the difference between white and black managers:White and black managers are actually different in many aspects such as organizational management,personnel arrangement and so on,TEAM 58,FINLANDA Finnish expatriat

17、e in South Africa is likely to experience conflicts with relationships as masulinity is valued in south Africa.following rules and procedures would somewhat be easier due the fact that both cultures are rather high in Uncertainty avoidance.There is most likely to be cooperation between the expatriat

18、e and colleagues due to the low power distance found in both cultures.It is therefore critical that the expatriate becomes conscious of gender issues and pay attention to these variables in order to ensure a successful working period.The Finnish expatriate should see less eye contact from employees

19、or colleagues as a sign of respect rather than arrogance so that communication would be enhanced.CHINAIf the expatriates from China want to adapt to South African,the main difficulty they face are time preciseness in management and they have to be more punctual.Then according to the culture,the expa

20、triates should tend to make everyone equally treated and give the same opportunity to everyone.Make sure the leader and the subordinates are equal.USAAn expatriate from the United States going to South Africa should not find too much difficulty adapting to the business culture as well as South Afric

21、an culture as a whole.One main detail in the business culture that should be noted is that a chairperson will be present at all meetings and the conversation must go through him/her.The direct communication that is a norm in the United States is no not as common in South Africa.Coming from the unite

22、d states an expatriate would have an easier time adapting to a white manager as they are seen to be more individualistic.ITALYEven if apparently the strongest barrier,an Italian expatriate in South Africa,could experience is that one related to the uncertainty,if we have a deeper inspection of the i

23、ssue we could solve the problem understanding that Italian managers in general have a lower risk adversity.Besides,as individualism is quite high in Italy,there might occur some problems with black managers who are less individualistic than white ones.In addition,the fact that the two country presen

24、t a masculinity score similar there could be some problems related to the machismo.Eventually,the issue related to the win-win situation would be difficult to work out.In fact,Italians prefer win-lose situation.To fix the problem they would have to make concessions to South African people.,TEAM 58,S

25、UMMARY OF THE TRAINING GUIDE,Team Process,Task accomplishment:We followed project instructions completing one task before the next.We did not have a written time-table.Tasks for the next meeting were decided on at a previous meeting.Tasks were divided among all team members with responsibility for c

26、ompilation on 1 or 2 members Team members were very co-operative even though we had our own disagreements sometimesDisagreements,however,were not hindrances to accomplishing our tasks;they were resolved amicably.Points of difficulty:The time of the meetings;because of the time differences finding me

27、eting times was difficult at first.To resolve this we came up with a standard time for our discussion which was 21:00 GMT.We were thus able to meet 6-7 times.(Thanks again to Yang for waking up so early!)Not everyone showing up for every meeting;this was not a large issue but was resolved by the tea

28、m leader forwarding the days chat as well as some tasks to the person not present.,TEAM 58,TEAM 58,Team Processes Contd,Communication issues:Starting the communication;communication started through e-mail where we each agreed MSN messenger would be a good place to carry our chats.Language issues;not

29、 many language barriers came up as everyone spoke English pretty well.Team members were not hesitant to seek clarifications or provide answers where needed.Some differences in“online lingo”used,but these were picked up quickly*Overview of our process:Our method was one of dividing up tasks and then

30、re-convening to discuss and make changes on each step.Our meetings would last anywhere from half an hour to one that lasted five hours in which we would discuss the work done from our last meeting and then when those slides were finalized we would move ahead to the next steps.This process worked well for us and we would recommend it to teams in the future.,TEAM 58,TEAM 58,Jacopo Minelli,Adwoa Essandor,Nathan Grossman,Yang Pan,谢谢,THANK YOU,GRAZIE,MEDA ASE,


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