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1、联想中国helpdesk电话支持项目英文话述(30句)语言环境规范应答语言服务禁语(不规范用语)接听开头语1、 您好,号工程师为您服务,请问有什么可以帮到您!Hello! This is the Helpdesk of Lenovo China , what can I do for you ?(s1)喂!您好,您说?接听结束语1、 请问您还有其它需要吗?Do you have any other questions?(s2)2、 稍后我们会发送一封满意度调查,麻烦您参与并回复一下。While, the helpdesk system will send a message to you ab

2、out our service, please write it back. Thank you very much!(s3)3、 感谢致电,再见!Thanks for your calling , good bye!(s4)啊,好,就这样吧。,。回拨开头语您好,我是桌面支持工程师!Hello, This is technical support engineer of helpdesk.(s5)1、喂!哎!2、你好!回拨结束语1、请问您还有其它需要吗?Do you have any other questions ?(s6)2、 欢迎致电,再见!Welcome to your calling

3、 , good bye!(s7)在客户放下电话之前收线过程语言询问客户姓名1、请问您贵姓?2、请问您怎么称呼?May I have your name?(s8)什么名字?询问客户基础资料1、请问您的ITcode是什么? Could you tell me whats your itcode ?(s9)2、请问您的联系电话多少?Could you tell me your telephone number?(s10)3、请问电话需要转分机吗?Does it need to transfer?(s11)4、 请问您邮箱是什么?Could you tell me your email address

4、 ?(s12) 你的ITcode?电话多少?邮箱?询问客户需求信息1、请问您电脑现在什么问题?Whats wrong with your computer now ?(s13)2、请问您现在需要什么帮助?What can I do for you now ?(s14)3、 通过NETMEETING连接一下好吗,让我帮您看看。I will connect your computer by netmeeting which is a tools of OS( operating system) in order to detect your machine.(s15)你什么问题?什么故障?报修需上

5、门您的故障需要现场处理,安排工程师给您提供上门服务(台式机),好吗?The trouble of your computer need a door to door service, The engineer will go to your office to help you . (s16)您的故障无法进行远程处理,请您将您的笔记本送修至大厦西侧四层(北研为F座层),我们的现场工程师给您提供服务,好吗?The trouble of your computer need to a face to face service, please bring your computer to room

6、412 of lenovo edifice. Then the engineer will service you there.(s17)这个我没办法处理,我给你升级一下吧咨询上门时间1、工程师会在分钟内与您联系确定上门时间的,好吗?The engineer will connect with you in twenty minutes ,how do you think ?(s18)4、 您的心情我能理解,我再帮你联系一下,好吧?Im sorry, and I will ask the engineer to connect with you as soon as possible.(s19

7、)(注:需要告知客户预约上门的时间)不是我上门,我不清楚上门时间。客户打错电话Im sorry that you have dialed the wrong number ,this is Lenovo Corporation, please check your number.(s20)不对,打错了客户责怪电话应答慢对不起,线路较忙,感谢您的耐心等待,请问您现在需要什么帮助?1、没办法,又不是给您一个人用的。2、没办法,这是电话高峰期。对方环境嘈杂无法听清或信号差对不起,您电话的信号不是很好,请换一部电话再打过来,好吗? Im sorry that I cant hear you clear

8、ly, please call back again. Good-bye!(s21)1、喂,你大点声音我听不清楚。2、听不清你讲话客户表示感谢(肯定)不客气,这是我们应该做的。1、嗯、是啊2、不做回应客户提出建议好的,非常感谢您提出的宝贵建议,我们会将此情况向相关部门反馈落实的。Thanks for your kindly suggestions ,we will submit it to an authority department.(s22)好的、嗯、知道了 应答后,对方没有声音1、您好,这里是桌面支持中心,您的电话已经接通,您请讲。Hello! This is Helpdesk of

9、Lenovo China, your line has been connected, May I help you?(s23)2、对不起,您的电话无应答,请稍后再拨,再见!Im sorry that I cant hear you clearly, please call back again. Good-bye!(s24)喂,喂讲话,然后径自挂断电话需电话呼叫保持时您好,您的问题我需要查询,稍后您会听到音乐,请不要挂线(机),好吗 ?Sorry sir ,I will research your problem, please hold on the line.(s25)1、未回应客户,直

10、接呼叫保持2、等一下 3、稍候取消呼叫保持时1、对不起,让您久等了Im sorry for your long time waiting.(s26)2、非常感谢您的耐心等候1、与客户争辩2、没有回应客户,直接讲话需要呼叫转接时对不起,您的问题我们有专门的工程师处理,我现在帮您转接,您看好吗?请稍候Im sorry about the trouble of your computer, we have the specially engineer to help you, I will transfer you to him. Hold on for a moment! (s27)1、没有回应客

11、户,直接转接2、等一下客户询问工程师姓名您好,我是XX号工程师,我的名字叫XXX。Hello! This is the technical support engineer ,you can call me XXX.(s28)我是XX号,没必要知道我叫什么。骚扰电话1、对不起,我们不提供此项服务,感谢致电,再见!Im sorry that we cant support you the service what you want. Thanks for your calling too ,good-bye!(s29)2、对不起,这已超出我们的服务范围,感谢致电,再见!Im sorry that its out of our service, Thank for your calling ,too. Good-bye!(s30)与客户争论


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