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1、To: DuncanFrom: LilySubject: Final business report for Business WritingDate: January 5, 2011Introduction:The purpose of the report is to collect about euthanasias information from a large amount of credible news sources, published literature and classical articles. These materials and arguments will

2、 be divided into seven aspects to show to you. Citations: From Oxford Dictionary, euthanasia means painless killing of a patient suffering from an incurable and painful disease. Euthanasia application conditions: first, the patients disease cannot be healed by current medical science. Second, the di

3、sease causes the patient physical and mental pain. Both of them are indispensable. Death must is the end of life and it waiting for every one. Nobody can avoid it. So the right of subsistence belongs to ourselves, we reserve the right to handle our life, including choosing the manner to end our life

4、, like euthanasia. As the medical science developing, there will no be incurable diseases and it is not good at encouraging the development of breakthrough incurable research. Euthanasia is against the law in the UK where it is illegal to help anyone kill themselves. Voluntary euthanasia or assisted

5、 suicide can lead to imprisonment of up to 14 years. Legislating about euthanasia must to combine with death education and Hospice. Society pays more and more attention to euthanasia. Not only reflects the consciousness of human rights has been improved, but also show that our social civilization le

6、vel is rising. It is meaningful. Summary: I The definitions of euthanasia in many dictionaries and lawsII Execution standards of taking euthanasiaIII The positive attitudes towards euthanasiaIV The negative attitudes towards euthanasiaV Euthanasia policy in each countryVI Many issue need to solveRep

7、ort Body:(Key words: definitions, dictionary)The word of euthanasia comes from Greek word eu and thanatos,it is composed of tow words beauty and death. Voluntary euthanasia for older people found approval in certain ancient societies but became morally unacceptable with the rise of organised religio

8、n Judaism, Christianity and Islam condemn euthanasia and Buddhism and Hinduism generally frown on the practice. The old meaning of the word is died quietly and peacefully without disease pain. At present, when we look it up in dictionary we can find that euthanasia means painless killing of a patien

9、t suffering from an incurable and painful disease from Oxford Dictionary. Euthanasia is a termination of a very sick persons life in order to relieve their suffering. A person who undergoes euthanasia usually has an incurable condition. But there are other instances where some people want their life

10、 to be ended.(Key words: Execution, Standards) Euthanasia application conditions: first, the patients disease cannot be healed by current medical science. Second, the disease causes the patient physical and mental pain. Both of them are indispensable. Li Anhua, doctor, Shenzhen Red Cross Hospital Eu

11、thanasia means the termination of life by a doctor at the expressed wish of a patient. The request to the doctor must be voluntary, explicit and carefully considered and it must have been made repeatedly.(Key words: Positive, Attitudes) Death must is the end of life and it waiting for every one. Nob

12、ody can avoid it and we must have a meeting with it. So the right of subsistence belongs to ourselves, we reserve the right to handle our life, including choosing the manner to end our life, choosing a way decently comfortable form of death to ending. This shouldnt violate the law and morality. Appr

13、oximately 4,000 patients a year die through active euthanasia in the form of a lethal injection that kills in minutes. Over half of Dutch doctors have performed mercy killings with the required consent and consultation and at least 90% of the population support euthanasia. The BMJ study found that i

14、n 1995 almost two thirds of cases of euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide went unreported. Most people think unbearable pain is the main reason people seek euthanasia, but some surveys in the USA and the Netherlands showed that less than a third of requests for euthanasia were because of severe

15、 pain. Terminally ill people can have their quality of life severely damaged by physical conditions such as incontinence, nausea and vomiting, breathlessness, paralysis and difficulty in swallowing. Psychological factors that cause people to think of euthanasia include depression, fearing loss of co

16、ntrol or dignity, feeling a burden, or dislike of being dependent.(Key words: Negative, Attitudes)As the medical science developing, there will no be incurable diseases and it is not good at encouraging the development of breakthrough incurable research.On the other hand, I would worry about psychol

17、ogical pressures to opt for euthanasia. I have read that, for example, when the State of Oregon refuses to pay for an expensive new drug for an elderly patient, it automatically sends out a reminder that the State assisted suicide programme is available at affordable rates.(Key words: policy, each c

18、ountry)Euthanasia is against the law in the UK where it is illegal to help anyone kill themselves. Voluntary euthanasia or assisted suicide can lead to imprisonment of up to 14 years. Euthanasia has been commonplace in Holland for 25 years, and legal challenge has been rare. It has not been a crimin

19、al offence in Holland since 1984, when courts and the Royal Dutch Medical Association drew up strict guidelines for doctors. Euthanasia has been debated in America and Europe since the 19th century but only recently received legal sanction in a few countries. In 1993 the Netherlands decriminalized p

20、hysician-assisted suicide and further relaxed restrictions in 2002. Euthanasia is legally allowed there so long as: the patients suffering is unendurable; the condition unimprovable; the patient persistently and voluntarily requests euthanasia; is at least 12 years old; and is fully aware of his or

21、her condition. Belgium also approved physician-assisted suicide in 2002. In 1994 the State of Oregon, US, enacted the Death with Dignity Act allowing doctors to assist patients with six months or less to live to end their lives. In 2008 Washington became the second US State to legalize physician-ass

22、isted suicide. (Key words: Issue, Solve)The proposed changes in Dutch law have the broad support of politicians. Willie Swiden, of the Dutch All-Party Justice Committee, said: We want to change the penal code so that euthanasia will stay a crime offence, but when the doctor handles it properly, meet

23、s all the criteria and reports properly there will be no possibility of prosecution. But there are fears that the system is already being abused. Anecdotal evidence suggests that some elderly people carry cards saying they do not want euthanasia. It is said they fear what will happen if they are sud

24、denly hospitalized. Opponents of euthanasia warn that the liberal attitude to euthanasia is fraught with dangers. They say euthanasia has been offered to people suffering from depression, or even as a convenience. Dr Ben Zylicz, of the Dutch League of Doctors, said: I have heard about a patient wher

25、e the family came from Canada because of planned euthanasia. The patient said, no, not today I dont want it anymore and everybody pressed him saying look your family came from Canada, they cannot do it again. Euthanasia raises a number of agonising moral dilemmas:is it ever right to end the life of

26、a terminally ill patient who is undergoing severe pain and suffering?under what circumstances can euthanasia be justifiable, if at all?is there a moral difference between killing someone and letting them die?At the heart of these arguments are the different ideas that people have about the meaning a

27、nd value of human existence.Conclusion: From all report body, we must to think deeply about the question. Society pays more and more attention to euthanasia. Not only reflects the consciousness of human rights has been improved, but also show that our social civilization level is rising. We start to

28、 think about the value of death, we know ,the person alive is meaningful and valuable, when the man died, also have special meaning, he or she obtain the free of life and dignity. In other word, our death also needs to be dignity. Euthanasia is a complex problem involves medicine, laws, sociology, p

29、olitical science and ethics, moral, customs and so on. We must regard this issue as important segment of human civilization development,it must be listed in agenda .Citation Source List: printed by China Renmin University Press in 2004, fifth edition, page783 chapter 4written byFengxiuyun, Gongpeihu

30、a in 1998 Aprilchapter,written by Han Ximin Monday23 ,April 2001 chapter1written by Libaozhen in 1998 JanuaryThe BBC News Tuesday, 28 November, 2000, 16:26 GMT written by Zhangtao,prited by Shaanxi Normal University Press, 2000, page247Hugh Anderson, the Montreal Gazette, Monday, 15 February, 2010printed by Wuhan University Press,chapter10written by Nizhengmao, Lushengqin,2005 May,journal title,chapter,written by William Reville, Friday,16 April,2010http:/


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