1、ECC新总账功能(一)早就听说了ECC的新总账,自己在实施的过程中也用到过一些,比如评估范围,凭证分割、平行记账、Coding Block、利润中心考核,SEGMENT等等。这东西有人说和SPL差不多,谁知道呢。也许吧,今天还是先念叨念叨我遇到的一个小问题。新总账的表FAGLFLEXT和旧总账GLT0有很大的区别,因为在ECC后,新总账是自动启用的,想要停住都很难,据SDN报道可以停住(RFAGL_SWAP_IMG_OLD& RFAGL_SWAP_MENU_OLD),但本坛到现在也没成功过,也许这些都是理论上的吧。1.ECC中的几个常用工具1.1T-code:GCAC|分类帐比较工具据说和F.
2、03很像,但是这个工具不但可以跨公司代码,而且还可以实现新总账的表FAGLFLEXT和旧总账GLT0比较。听说新总账里面还提供了一个明细帐和总账比较工具,便于对账。1.2T-CODE:FAGLF03 比较明细帐与总账工具。真是人性化,不知道多少财务顾问感叹。【图】1.3T-CODE:KEIZ|COPA计划到总账1.4T-CODE:FAGLF101|应收应付重分类这个是旧总账是一样的功能,只是为了出具报表所用,记得当时还有人问过我这个问题。2.ECC新总账中的问题2.1问题描述T-code:FS10N查询报错,但在FBL3N行项目中,和FAGLB03中可以查到此笔凭证。2.2解决办法【原文】De
3、ar Friends,when i am posting a gl document in F-02, the document has been created with document no and i can view it in FB03,FBL3N and table BSIS.But when i am trying to see the ledger report FS10N for that GL a/c, the balance is not updating.Note: we are using 6.0, intially i have checked the Biz a
4、rea Fin Statement in OBY6, later unchecked it.is this would be the case?. pls help me out to resolve the same.【回答】Hi,In ECC 6.0 are you working on Classic Ledger or New GL, if you are using classic then you can view the ledger balances from FS10n, because it will fetch the data from GLT0 table. So c
5、heck GLT0 table待添加的隐藏文字内容1Where as if you are in new gl then the t.code is Faglb03 and the table is FAGLFLEXA.check itSo check the tables properly and your configuration settings, what i am doubting is u are missing some ocnfiguration and u are still not deactivated classic ledger check it once again and get back me.Thanks & Regards【方丈语】最后老方也是没看懂这个FRIEND的意思,干脆把旧总账取消自动跳转到新总账,路径为:财务会计(新)-财务会计基本设置(新)-工具-撤销激活典型总账的更新(GLT0)。问题解决。哎