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1、Project Name:Mufunta Game Management Area (GMA) participatory natural resource managementProject Location:Mufunta Game Management adjacent to the Kafue National Park, ZambiaProject Number:ZM0040Project Budget:2007: NOK 4,713,517 requested from Norad, incl. 8% adm. grant to WWF-Norway Local Partner(s

2、):WWF Southern Africa Regional Programme Office (SARPO) Contact Person(s):Harrison Kojwang, Russell Taylor (WW-SARPO), (WWF-Norway)Start Date:2007-JanuaryExpected End Date:2011-DecemberPriority Issues Indicate overall percentage of project relating to each of the six key issues.%Contributes to which

3、 milestone(s)?ForestsForests for Life Target Driven Programme (TDP) 1.4: Improving management of existing protected areasFreshwater EcosystemsLiving Waters TDP 2.1: Contributing to sustainable water managementOceans and CoastsSpeciesSpecies TDP 1.1: ElephantToxicsClimate changeOtherCBNRM cross cutti

4、ng SARPO capacity building targetTotal100Global 200 Ecoregion(s) Indicate the ecoregion(s) in which the project has a conservation impact.Part of an ecoregion action programme?YesNoXEXECUTIVE SUMMARY This is a project proposal for the Conservation and Livelihoods in Mufunta Game Management Area Proj

5、ect. Mufunta Game Management Area is adjacent to the Kafue National Park west of Lusaka, Zambias capital city. The first phase of the project is anticipated to last 3 years, starting in January 2007 and ending in December 2011. The long term goal of the project is to contribute to the reduction of p

6、overty and biodiversity conservation through sustainable natural resource management and the improvement of livelihoods in the Mufunta Game Management Area adjacent to the Kafue National Park. The purpose of the project is to establish efficient, equitable, and sustainable participatory natural reso

7、urce management systems in Mufunta Game Management Area by 2015. The total project budget for the 3 years is NOK 15,042,423.Background and JustificationMufunta Game Management Area falls within the Zambezian biome and is located on the western side of Kafue National Park (IUCN Category II; area of 2

8、2,400 km2; 150 12S 250 38E) between longitudes 24 50 to 25 35 East and latitudes 14 36 to 15 58 South covering about 6,555 km2 in extent. The nearest administrative settlement is Kaoma, a district which is about 410 Km west of Lusaka in the western province. Mufunta is sparsely populated with an est

9、imated population of close to 30,000 and estimated population growth rate of 3.4% and density of 7 persons per square kilometer.The western border of the Kafue National Park, Zambias largest national park, has no buffer zone which is locally termed a “game management area”. The fact that a game mana

10、gement area has not been legally established has led to unsustainable and illegal harvesting of natural resources. Unsustainable and illegal activities include illegal (a). Fishing methods such as the use of mosquito nets, application of poisons in rivers, streams and dambos to kill fish, catching o

11、f juvenile fish and fishing during the fish breeding seasons;(b). Harvesting of forest products such as timber of Guibourtia coleospermum for commercial sale in Lusaka;(c). Off-take of various species of wildlife;(d). Agricultural activities and application of agrochemicals in ecologically sensitive

12、 environments such dambos, plains and pans.Natural resources of Mufunta can be sustainably managed by enhancing capacities in the at local community level, Zambia Wildlife Authority, other natural resource management institutions and local level structures that will complement the establishment of t

13、he game management area. The diminishing natural resource base is partially a result of inadequate local level natural resource management capacity, other livelihood options and environmental awareness at local level.Previous Experiences The Mufunta Preparatory Phase Project (ZM00400) had the sole p

14、urpose of developing a project proposal. The activities of the preparatory phase were designed to collect baseline information on the culture, socio-economic, vegetation and wildlife ecology, and potential natural resource based enterprises. The baseline information was used to develop the present p

15、roject proposal. Notable positive side-effects of the preparatory phase have been the formation of an environmental conservation club for school children at Nkeyema High School. The traditional leader of Mufunta, Chief Kahare has so far written to the Zambia Wildlife Authority to request for the for

16、mation of a Community Resource Board.Goal and PurposeThe goal and purpose of the Conservation and Livelihoods in Mufunta Game Management Area Project areGoal:Conservation and sustainable use of natural resources by communities in the Mufunta Game Management Area (GMA) secures maintenance of biodiver

17、sity and livelihood security for present and future generations.Purpose:Sustainable participatory natural resource management systems in Mufunta Game Management Area established, including provision of alternative livelihoods.OutputsFive main outputs will be pursued in order to achieve the project p

18、urpose and contribute to the project goal:Output 1:Local level institutional structures for natural resources management developed and/or strengthened.Output 2:Participatory natural resource use management plan developed and implementation facilitated.Output 3:Range of ecologically sustainable agro-

19、 and natural resource based livelihood options identified, developed and adopted.Output 4:Environmental awareness on natural resource management issues raised in local population of the Mufunta GMA.Output 5:System for project management and monitoring established and operational.Project Implementati

20、on ArrangementsThe project aims to help create a foundation for sustainable resource use focusing on the local communities in rural areas of Mufunta Game Management Area. It will apply a combined strategy of enterprise development, capacity building in sustainable resource utilization, environmental

21、 awareness raising, gender and participation and mainstreaming of HIV/AIDS into project by working through Community Based Organisations and other relevant institutions in local villages. The enterprise and capacity building model aims at integrating natural resource based enterprises into the natur

22、al resources management structure of the Village Action Group (VAG) and other grass root level structures to ensure access to benefits in natural resources management for all households at community level and also to widen the range of resources from which communities can benefit. This model will en

23、sure that Village Action Groups, the Community Resource Board and other Community Based Organisations as well as traditional leaders have sufficient skills for enterprise management, budgeting and natural resources management.In order to implement this model, the project will At local level, work th

24、rough the Village Action Groups and other Community Based Organisations At district level, work through the District Natural Resources Committee, NGOs and other district level structures At national level, work through relevant government bodies and other partner institutions/organisations.This arra

25、ngement will be facilitated by a project management team comprising a Project Manager, Natural Resources Management Officer and Project Assistant who will be based in Lusaka. Actual field implementation will be carried out by two Field Coordinators and a Project Assistant. Part-time Community Animat

26、ors will be used to communicate directly with local community and carry out some community level activities.BudgetThe table below shows the proposed total project budget for 2006-2008, detailing WWF-Norways matching funds (10 per cent of project budget), Norads direct project contribution (90 or 100

27、 per cent of project funds) and Norads administration grant (8 per cent of 90 or 100 per cent of project budget). All figures are in NOK.YearWWF-Norway matching fundsNorad direct project fundingNorad adm. grant (8 per cent)Total budget2006A72,100648,90051,912772,9122007B04,397,701315,8164,713,517200

28、8C03,500,586280,0473,780,633SUMD72,1008,547,187647,7759,267,062A - Amounts for 2006 are the approved budgets; B - Amounts for 2007 are proposed budgets; C - Amounts for 2008 are indicative budgets; D - Estimate onlyTABLE OF CONTENTSEXECUTIVE SUMMARY2Background and Justification2Previous Experiences2

29、Goal and Purpose3Outputs3Project Implementation Arrangements3Budget41INTRODUCTION AND PROJECT BACKGROUND111.1Mufunta Game Management Area111.2Location and Physiography111.3Environmental Issues141.4Socio-economic Issues191.5Cultural Issues201.5.1Tribes and Languages201.5.2History and Culture of the N

30、koya231.5.3History of the Luvale241.5.4History of the Lozi251.5.5Important Historical Events within Mufunta261.6Institutional and Legal Issues271.6.1Existing Legal and Policy Framework271.6.2Natural resource policy and legal reforms281.7Political Issues281.8Threats, Problems and Opportunities291.9St

31、akeholders322JUSTIFICATION392.1Natural Resources and the Poor392.2Contribution to Implementation of Multilateral Environmental Agreements422.3Contribution to the Implementation of National Plans432.3.1Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP)432.3.2Fifth National Development Plan432.3.3National Enviro

32、nmental Action Plan (NEAP) and other environmental plans and strategies452.3.4(Other national, sectoral, regional and local development plans)452.4Other Global and Regional Initiatives462.4.1World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD)462.4.2Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)462.4.3New Partnershi

33、p for Africas Development (NEPAD)462.5Objectives of Norwegian Development Cooperation472.6WWFs experience472.6.1Geographical Area472.6.2Thematic Area472.7Contribution to WWFs Global and Regional Priorities482.7.1Global Priorities482.7.2Regional Priorities483PROJECT ACHIEVEMENTS, LESSONS AND DEVIATIO

34、NS493.1Describe the extent to which the Project has been carried out as planned493.2Describe the extent to which the expected results have been achieved during the last years503.3Describe internal or external factors that have particularly affected project performance or the planning503.3.1Internal

35、factors503.3.2External factors504PROJECT GOAL AND PURPOSE504.1Project Goal504.2Project Purpose505PROJECT OUTPUTS515.1Output 1515.2Output 2515.3Output 3515.4Output 4525.5Output 5526PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION526.1Overall Approach / Implementation Strategy526.2Activities556.3Implementation Arrangement576.3

36、.1Project Organisation576.3.2Relationship with Other Relevant Initiatives586.3.3Added Value by WWF Involvement606.4Main Beneficiaries and Target Groups616.5Sustainability and Exit Strategy616.5.1Sustainability criteria616.5.2Exit strategy617INPUTS627.1Personnel627.2Materials, Equipment and Infrastru

37、cture627.3Budget628ASSUMPTIONS AND RISKS628.1Assumptions628.2Risks639REPORTING AND MONITORING639.1Reporting Schedule639.2Monitoring and Indicators649.3Evaluations69REFERENCES70LIST OF TABLESTable 1. Common uses of plant species found in Mufunta GMA25Table 2. Projected HIV/AIDS statistics for Kaoma d

38、istrict28Table 3. Relative abundance (RA) of tribes within Mufunta Game Management Area29Table 4. Presence of tribes (heads of households and spouses) expressed as percentages for Njonjolo, Nkeyema and Shimano30Table 5. Relative frequency (RF) of languages spoken within Mufunta31Table 6. Aspects of

39、early Nkoya culture at around the time they came to settle within Mufunta.32Table 7. Important historical and natural events in the history of Mufunta35Table 8. Threat and problem analysis39Table 9. Stakeholder Analysis Matrix42Table 10. Natural resources found within Mufunta and their relative impo

40、rtance (RI) scored in terms of an average family within Mufunta maintaining an average standard of living49Table 11. Relative importance (RI) of forest resources within Mufunta50Table 12. Past (from 1969) and predicted future (t0 2006) changes in the relative availability of natural resources within

41、 Mufunta51Table 13. Perceived priorities (scores) for natural resource management interventions within Mufunta and suggested focal areas for such interventions.52Table 14. Objectives and strategies for the natural resources sector under the Fifth National Development Plan55Table 15. Properties of po

42、tential natural resource based enterprises in Mufunta68Table 16. Key stakeholder institutions and areas of collaboration77Table 17. Monitoring Matrix86List of FiguresFigure 1. Map of Zambia showing the location of Mufunta game management area17Figure 2. Generalised vegetation map of the Mufunta game

43、 management area.19Figure 3. Problem Tree41LIST OF APPENDICESAppendix 1Detailed budget (as separate document)Appendix 2Logical Framework Analysis (as separate document)Appendix 3Project Organisation Chart (as separate document)Appendix 3Map showing the project location/areaAppendix 5Activity Schedul

44、eAppendix 6Job descriptions for key positions Appendix 7aPlant species composition in vegetation types in Mufunta GMAAppendix 7bHabitat Fauna Associations in Mufunta GMAAppendix 7cZambian birds known to occur within Mufunta GMAABBREVIATIONSADCArea Development CommitteeCBDConvention on Biological Div

45、ersity CBOCommunity Based OrganisationCBNRMCommunity Based Natural Resources ManagementCCDConvention to Combat DesertificationCITESConvention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Flora and Fauna CRACumulative Relative AbundanceCRBCommunity Resource BoardCRFCumulative Relative Frequen

46、cyCRUATCommunity Resource Use Assessment TeamCSOCentral Statistical OfficeDRCDemocratic Republic of CongoDR CONGODemocratic Republic of CongoESPEnvironmental Support ProgrammeFNDPFifth National Development PlanGMAGame Management AreaIUCNWorld Conservation UnionIZCInter-zonal CommitteeJMCJoint Manage

47、ment CommittteeKmKilometreKNPKafue National ParkMDGsMillennium Development GoalsMOLGMinistry of Local GovernmentMOMSManagement Oriented Monitoring SystemNAPANational Adaptation Program of ActionNEAPNational Environmental Action PlanNEPNational Environment PolicyNEPADNew Partnership for Africas DevelopmentNGONon-governmental OrganisationNOKNorwegi


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