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《UNIT 10 IS HE A FARMER.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《UNIT 10 IS HE A FARMER.doc(4页珍藏版)》请在三一办公上搜索。

1、湘少版三年级下册Unit 10 Is he a farmer ? 课时 The First Period教学内容Parts B and C课型 Word-sentence Teaching教学目标1. Grasp the new words: teacher, doctor, nurse, postman, driver ,farmer. 2. Be able to understand and use the sentence patterns :-Is he/she a ?-Yes, he/she is. No, he/she isnt. 3. Get to know the differ

2、ences between “he”and “she”.重点难点1. The new words and sentence structures. 2. Be able to use the knowledge about the prrofession and sentences correctly.教具学具Ts: profession word cards and some school things(ppt 12 slides)Ss: some school things 教学过程步骤、内容、时间教师活动学生活动设计意图I. Warming up(3 mins) 1.Chant 2. A

3、ssessment way (评价方式)IIPresentation and drill(20 mins)1. the new words: teacher. 2.Sentences: Is he/she a ?Yes, he/she is. No, he/she isnt. 3. the new words: doctor,nurse,postman, teacher ,farmer.IV. Practice(10 mins)句型练习 V. Consolidation (7 mins)Homework1.GreetingT: Morning, boys and girls.Im Miss X

4、u.Would you like to make friends with me?(相互问好)2.T:Ok,Lets chant.3.Introduce the assessment way: 1.T:(出示爸爸的照片)Look,Thiss my father.He is a driver. (学习driver,升降调读、拼读、带动作读)请学生上台表演司机。并伺机问:Is she a teacher?(板书并学习句型:Is he/she a ?Yes, he/she is. No, he/she isnt. )2.T:(出示与爷爷的合照及农民图片)This is my grandfather.

5、 He is a farmer.(学习farmer,升降调读、拼读、分小组读)3.T: Let me introduce myself. This is my photo.(播放一张生活照,一张上课的照片)And Im a teacher.(学习teacher,升降调读、拼读、小老师带读)4. T:Look.(播放戴眼镜的医生图,第一次只出示头部,其余部分用阴影遮住)Is he a teacher? (学习doctor,升降调读、拼读、开火车读)5.T:(出示护士图片,出示白大褂,先让学生猜,再一步步呈现整个图)Is he a doctor? (学习nurse,升降调读、拼读、男女生读)6.T

6、:(出示邮递员图片,只展现服装,最后出示邮递员手上的信封)Is he a soldier? (学习postman,升降调读、拼读、开火车读)7.Game:Quick response.(准备两叠卡片,分别请两个学生上台,课件播放图片及单词,台下学生快速反应并读出单词,台上学生先举起卡片并读出者获胜。)1.explain the game rules. T shows Ss 6 cards . Next get a Ss to act and others guess “Is he/she a ?” (一生上台抽一张卡片进行表演,让台下学生猜) 、Assign their homework :1

7、)Copy the words and senences. 2) Preview A and D.1. Greeting with the new teacher.2.Do the chant with the actions together.3. Listen and get ready for the new learning tasks. 1. Learn the new words teacher,doctor, nurse, postman, driver ,farmer, by looking, listening, thinking and saying. 2. Pay att

8、ention to what T says.3. Learn the new sentences by imitating and trying to use. 1. Play the game by1)watching and listening and guessing 2) showing the word cards and saying out the English words quickly.Try to repeatIs he/she a ?Yes, he/she is. No, he/she isnt. many times by playing. Copy and reme

9、mber their homework. 赛课的师生是第一次见面,师生互相问好可加强师生间的互动。Chant的节奏感很强,可以操练到旧知he和she,能更快的营造快乐的气氛,又给了师生认识和互动的时间。从教师的生活出发,从真实情景出发,打破教材的设计,与学生平等交流。在第一个单词呈现完之后马上学习句型可以争取更多的时间来操练句型,做到词不离句,句不离词。只出示头部的戴眼镜的医生图能让学生联想到男老师,以这样的方法将teacher过渡到doctor显得更流畅,更自然。这样的猜图也给学生以神秘感,能更好地激发学生学习本课的兴趣。 本课单词学习任务重,单词的记忆相对比较困难,在单词的操练环节加以大规模的练习,能促进学生更好地巩固和记忆单词。藏卡游戏容易操作且练习面比较广,能操练到每一个单词。本节课单词相对独立,抄写单词和句子是利于巩固所学知识的必要措施。预习能引导学生养成好的学习习惯。为第二节课的活动开展做好铺垫。板书设计teacherdoctorfarmer Unit 10 Is he a ? Yes, he/she is.No, he/she isnt.postmannursedriver教学反思:


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