Unit3 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes教学设计.doc

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《Unit3 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes教学设计.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit3 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes教学设计.doc(14页珍藏版)》请在三一办公上搜索。

1、课时安排5课时第一课时:Section A 1a-2c 第二课时:Section A: 3a, 3b, 4第三课时:Section B 1a2c 第四课时:Section B 3a4第五课时:Self check and reading Unit 3 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes 单元目标与要求教学目标:Talk about what you are allowed to do.Learn to talk about “agree” and “disagree”.Talk about the rules arou

2、nd the students.Learn to make rules or change rules reasonably.语言功能:Talk about the rules 语言结构:should + be allowed to语言目标:I think sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to drive.I disagree. I think sixteen is too young. Do you think sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to work at night? No, I dont.重点词汇及短

3、语:license, silly, study, present, member, sleepy, reply, possibly, drop, final, count, owner, sky, catch, interview, noise, wind, neighbor, director, smell, finger, lift, stone get in the way, care about, instead of, stay up, concentrate on, at present, old peoples home, stay up, be strict with, the

4、 other day, learn from, at present, be good for, English-English Dictionary 学习策略与思维技巧:reflecting and transforming information教学重点:Talk about what they are allowed to do教学难点:Talk about what they are allowed to do情感目标:Students should follow the rules to make themselves live better.Unit 3 Teenagers sho

5、uld be allowed to choose their own clothes.The 1st period Section A 1a-2cTeaching aims1. Knowledge aims:1)Ss can use the following words and expressions:pierce, license, silly, earring, instead of, stay up2)Ss can use the following sentence patterns: Teenagers should be allowed to do homework with f

6、riends. Sixteen-year-olds should not be allowed to drive. Do you think sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to choose their own clothes? Yes, I do./ No, I dont.2. Ability aims:Enable the Ss to use the sentence patterns to show their own opinions about rules and give reasons3. Emotional aims:Let the S

7、s think about if their deeds are right or wrong as teenagers and students, let them know some necessary rules.Important and difficult pointsUse “should (not) be allowed to”to talk about rules.Teaching aidsCAI and a tape 教学步骤 建议和说明 Teaching stepsStep1. Warming-up and presentationDaily greetings and f

8、ree talk T: What are you wearing today?T: Do you like school clothes?T: Do you buy clothes with your parents?T: Do your parents let you buy the clothes you really like?If his or her answer is “yes”, T: That means you can choose your own clothes. You can say: I am allowed to choose my own clothes.Pre

9、sent a picture of a girl wearing earrings. T: What is she wearing? Teach the Ss to answer: She is wearing earnings.T: Can you wear earrings? S: No, we are not allowed to wear earrings.T: What did the girl do with her ears?S: She got her ears pierced.T: Can you get your ears pierced?S: No, we are not

10、 allowed to get our ears pierced.Then teach the sentences: We are not allowed to drive a car. We dont have a car license. I am (not) allowed to have a part-time job.T: You are not allowed to drive a car, get your ears pierced and so on. Why?Ss: We are teenagers, sixteen-year-olds and also we are stu

11、dents.T: You have rules at home and school. In the rules, you are allowed toBut you are not allowed to tell me what else you are allowed to do and you are not allowed to do.S: I am (not) allowed toStep 2 PracticeYou have your own opinions, sometimes you dont agree with your parents or teachers.1. Pr

12、esent some pictures and ask the Ss to show their thoughts.Teenagers/Sixteen-year-olds should (not) be allowed to.2. Let the Ss make their own sentences. (Have a competition)Step 3 ListeningYou and your parents or teachers have different opinions. Anna and her mother also disagree about many things.L

13、et the Ss listen and work on 1bAsk two questions about it:1. What does Anna want to do?2. What are her mothers opinions and the reasons?T: Whats your opinion?Teach the Ss to say: I (dont) thinkThen ask another one: Do you agree? Why? List the reasons the Ss answer and add moreStep 4 Pair work Presen

14、t some pictures and ask the Ss to do pair workA: I think Teenagers/Sixteen-year-olds should (not) be allowed to.B: I agree/disagree. They are not serious enough./ They are tooStep 5 Listening1. Present the picture of Kathy and Molly, ask: What are they doing?What does Larry look like? What is he doi

15、ng? What does Kathy think about him? Let the Ss read the sentences in the chart.2. Work on 2a3. Work on 2b4. Let Ss practice the dialogue in pairsStep 6.DiscussionMake a list of things teenagers should and should not be allowed to do. Then let the Ss discuss the list with their partners.A: Do you th

16、ink teenagers shouldB: Yes/No, Homework:Use the sentence pattern “should (not) be allowed to” to write five sentences to show what you want most to be allowed to do.The Bb designUnit 3 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.be allowed toI am (not) allowed to choose my own clothes.We

17、 are (not) allowed to wear earrings/get our ears pierced.Teenagers/sixteen-year-olds should (not) be allowed totoo wild/ young /silly not old/ serious/ calm enough 以warming-up 带学生进入英语学习的氛围,呈现新的词汇并为下面要讲的内容做好铺垫。以can/cant 唤起学生对以前学过的规则的回忆,为新句型的使用做好铺垫,起到以旧带新的作用以造句的形式使学生对新句型的使用有一个初步的概念。采用竞赛形式可激发学生说的欲望。通过两

18、两操练提高学生对所学知识的运用能力。通过列单的形式让学生总结本节课所学内容并根据原有的生活经验扩展思维。Unit 3 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.(The 2nd period Section A 3a, 3b, 4)Teaching aims:1. Knowledge aims: 1) Review what you are allowed to do as a teenager.2) Review how to talk about “agree” and “disagree”.3) Talk about

19、the rules around the students.2. Ability aims: 1) Learn to talk about the rules they have to obey.2) Learn to make rules or change rules reasonably.3. Emotion aims: Enable the students to understand some strict rules they have to follow.Key points: Learn to talk about the rules they have to obey usi

20、ng “Dont” and “You can”Difficult points: Make rules or change rules reasonably.Teaching tools: CAI, a taperecorder. 教学步骤 建议和说明 Teaching steps:Step1. Revision1. T: Are you happy today? What did you do last night? Did you go out with your friends? What do your parents let you do at home? S1: My parent

21、s let me go shopping on Sundays. T: What is he/she allowed to do? S2: He /She is allowed to go shopping on Sundays. Ask more Ss T: What do your parents let you do at home? / What do your teachers let you do at school? S1: My parents / teachers let me T: What is he /she allowed to do? S2: He / She is

22、 allowed to 2. T: We have different rules in different places. Do you agree with all these rules? Why? Whatre the rules in the classroom? S: We cant run in the classroom. T: Do you agree? S: Yes, I agree. I think classroom is a place to study and it is not safe to run in the classroom. (Ask more Ss

23、about the rules at school and then ask their opinions of them.) A: We can / cant at school. B: I agree. / I disagree. ( Give the reasons)Step2: Reading1. T: Some rules are reasonable, some rules are unreasonable. Now, please read the dialogue between Sun Fei and Wu Yu. They are talking about the rul

24、es at their home. After reading the dialogue, answer me some questions: 1) Can Sun Fei go out on school nights? 2) Can Sun Fei study at a friends house? 3) Who is allowed to go to the movies with friends on Friday? 4) Does Sun Fei have to be at home by 10:00 p.m.? 5) What isnt Wu Yu allowed to do?2.

25、 Write their rules in the chart using “Dont” and “You can”. (3a) Sun FeiWu YuDont go out on school nights.Dont go out on school nights.You can study at a friends house.Step 3. Practice Role play(3b) Cover the conversation in 3a and practice. Use the information in the chart.A: What rules do you have

26、 at home?B: Well, Im not allowed to go out on school nights. How about you?A: Im not allowed to go out on school nights, either. But I can study at a friends house.Step4. Discussion Do you agree with the rules at their home? Why? Discuss in groups and then make a report. Report: At Sun Feis / Wu Yus

27、 home, she can / cant I agree / disagree. I thinkStep5. Group work1. Do you like the rules at your home? What rules do you have at your home? (Ask some Ss to talk about their rules at home)The rules in the chart below are my friends rules at home. Talk to other students in the class and find three p

28、eople who have to follow these rules in the chart. Find someone whoNameNameNamehas to stay at home on school nightsis allowed to stay up until 11:00 pmhas to get up early on weekendsis allowed to watch TV every nighthas to clean up his or her room every morning2. Do you like the rules in the chart?

29、Do you want to make the rules by yourself? Work in groups and make rules that you like. You should give your reasons when you make the rules. You canDontAfter discussing, let some of them show their rules. Ask the reasons.Step5. Homework1. If you are the headmaster of the school or the chairman of t

30、he students union, make the rules. 2. Write a report of your rules. In my school, / In my union, students can Because I thinkBb designUnit3 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothesHe / She is allowed toI thinkI agree / disagree. 由平常的问候自然引入到本单元的话题,进而进行上节课句型以及新词的复习。第一部分重点复习“be allowed t

31、o”句型第二部分重点复习“agree”与“disagree”句型。让学生就教室、学校等地方的规则发表自己的看法,并同时提供理由,培养自觉遵守规章制度的习惯。先提供几个问题,再朗读对话,让学生带着问题去朗读,从而使朗读更有目的性。就对话中所提到的家庭规则进行讨论,利用所学的句型发表自己的看法,从而再次操练与巩固了句型。给学生一次做主人的特权,让他们自己制订一次家规,发挥小组效应,制定既符合现代学生的需求又不违反常理的家规。Unit 3 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.( The 3rd period Section

32、B 1a2c )Teaching Aims and Demands1. Knowledge objects:(1) Key vocabularybe strict with, take a rest, pass a test, fail a test (2) Target LanguageI think Peter should be allowed to take the test later.I dont agree.I think the school has to have rules.2. Ability objects(1) Train students listening ski

33、ll(2) Train students ability to talk about agreement and disagreement3. Moral object Its a good manner to be on time Teaching key points and difficult pointsTalk about agreement and disagreementTeaching AidsA tape recorder and CAI 教学步骤 建议和说明 Teaching steps:Step1 Revision: This step is to revise the

34、target language. Competition: Write“are allowed to”and“arent allowed to”on the blackboard. Divide the class into 2 groups. One group give the sentences with“are allowed to”,the other group give the sentences with “arent allowed to”. See which group can think of the most items for the category. T wri

35、tes down the phrases Ss gave on the blackboard.Step2 Presentation 1a According to the sentences the students gave in the competition.T: Do you ever get to class late? How often do you get to class late? Help Ss to use the adverbs of frequency: always, usually, never, sometimesStep 3 Practice 1b Ss a

36、sk and answer in pairs with the phrases written on the black board in Step 1 A: Do you ever get to class late?B: Yes. I sometimes get to class lateStep4 Listening 2a 2b2a Point out the four items in Activity 1a.T: What does peter ever do? Youll 1isten to a conversation and circle the things on the l

37、ist that you hear. Play the recorder for the first time students only listen. Play the recorder a second time. This time students listen and circle the things that they hear. Check the answers.2b T: Ill play the same recorder again. You are to match the sentence parts as you hear on the tape. Play t

38、he recorder for students to do the activity. Check the answer.Step 5 TaskThis step is to provide oral practice using the target language. T: Whats wrong with peter? What do you think of the school rules? Do you agree?Discuss the matter. Lead Ss to give the 3 statements. 1. Peter should be allowed to

39、 take the test later 2. Students need strict rules 3. parents should not be too strict with teenagersDivide the class into groups of four. Say, Now discuss the statements with your group. Then report your opinions.Step6 exerciseStep7 HomeworkCopy the news and do the exercise.Blackboard DesignUnit 3

40、Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.A: I think peter should be allowed to take the test later.B: I dont agree.C: I think the school has to have rules.用学生感兴趣的方式复习,也为下文辅垫。利用生成资源,过渡一气呵成.在情景中理解目标语言宾并使用。Unit 3 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.( The 4th period Se

41、ction B 3a4 )Teaching Aims and Demands1. Knowledge objects(1) Key vocabulary: The other day, concentrate, learn from, at present, volunteer. (2) Target language What school rules do you think should be changed? Well, I think we should be allowed to wear our own clothes. Members are allowed to use En

42、glish-English dictionaries.2. Ability objects(1) Improve students ability of reading comprehension(2) Improve students ability of writingTeaching key points and difficult points Practice reading and writing using the target languageTeaching AidsA recorder and CAI 教学步骤 建议和说明 Teaching stepsStep1 Pre-r

43、eadingT: Tom, please dont talk. You have to listen to me carefully. Because we are having a class now. We have rules in our school, dont we?What rules do we have in our school?What should be allowed to do?What should not be allowed to do?Step2 Reading(1) Let them read the passage quickly and answer:

44、 How many things are mentioned in the passage?(2) Let them read the passage carefully and answer the question below then check the answers together(3) Language focus of the passageStep3 Task1T: Do you like all the school rules? Why?Why not give the new headmaster some advice on the rules?What school rules do you think should be changed?Whats the reason?Use the information in3a to role play a conversation. Then report the opinions of your group and give the reasons.Step4 Task 2T: You know there is an English co


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